Online Books


Birzeit University Library offers full text Books (88328 Titles) by subscription from ebrary 70000, Springer 13440, FA Davis 140, Manhal(Arabic) 4200, CAB bOOKS 588)
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Alphabetical List

  SourceTitle AutherSubjectYearURL
1ebraryTwelfth Night Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2010Go to website
2ebraryTrinidad and Tobago Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
3ebraryTogo Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
4ebraryThailand Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
5ebraryTurkmenistan Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
6ebraryTajikistan Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
7ebraryTanzania Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
8ebraryTaiwan Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
9ebraryTunisia Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
10ebraryTurkey Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
11ebraryTwo Dragon Heads : Contrasting Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai Yusuf, ShahidBusiness2010Go to website
12ebraryToughing It Out in Afghanistan O'Hanlon, Michael E.History&Political Sciences2010Go to website
13ebraryTwo Dragon Heads : Contrasting Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai Yusuf, ShahidHistory&Political Sciences2010Go to website
14ebraryTwelfth Night Shakespeare, WilliamHumanities2010Go to website
15FA-DavisTranscultural Caring Dynamics in Nursing and Health Care Marilyn A. RayNursing2010Go to website
16ebraryTheban Plays : Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone SophoclesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
17ebraryText Editing, Print and the Digital World Deegan, MarilynLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
18ebraryTrustus Plays : The Hammerstone, Drift, and Holy Ghost Tuttle, JonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
19ebraryTrends in Linguistics : Studies and Monographs : On Inflection Steinkrüger, Patrick O.Language, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
20ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : The Reign of Truth and Faith : Epistemic Expressions in 16th and 17th Century English Bromhead, HelenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
21ebraryThinking with Borges : William Egginton and David E. Johnson, Editors Egginton, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
22ebraryTrends in Linguistics : Studies and Monographs : New Challenges in Typology : Transcending the Borders and Refining the Distinctions Epps, PatienceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
23ebraryTwenty-First Century Color Lines : Multiracial Change in Contemporary America Grant-Thomas, AndrewInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
24ebraryTerror in the Heart of Freedom : Citizenship, Sexual Violence, and the Meaning of Race in the Postemancipation South Rosen, HannahInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
25ebraryTroubling Violence : A Performance Project Carver, M. HeatherInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
26ebraryTrickster Comes West : Pan-African Influence in Early Black Diasporan Narratives M'Baye, BabacarInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
27ebraryTheory and Practice of Statutory Interpretation Cross, FrankLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
28ebraryTug of War : A Judge's Verdict on Separation, Custody Battles, and the Bitter Realities of Family Court Brownstone, HarveyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
29ebraryTwenty-First Century Color Lines : Multiracial Change in Contemporary America Grant-Thomas, AndrewSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
30ebraryTerror in the Heart of Freedom : Citizenship, Sexual Violence, and the Meaning of Race in the Postemancipation South Rosen, HannahSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
31ebraryTroubling Violence : A Performance Project Carver, M. HeatherSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
32ebraryTrickster Comes West : Pan-African Influence in Early Black Diasporan Narratives M'Baye, BabacarSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
33ebraryThird Culture Kids : The Experience of Growing up among Worlds (Revised Edition) David C. PolluckSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
34ebraryThinking Your Way to Freedom : A Guide to Owning Your Own Practical Reasoning Gardner, Susan T.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
35ebraryTechnology, Trust, and Religion : Roles of Religions in Controversies Over Ecology and the Modification of Life Drees, Willem B.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
36ebraryTherapeutic Relationships with Offenders : An Introduction to the Psychodynamics of Forensic Mental Health Nursing Aiyegbusi, AnnePsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
37ebraryTroubling Violence : A Performance Project Carver, M. HeatherPsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
38ebraryThird Culture Kids : The Experience of Growing up among Worlds (Revised Edition) David C. PolluckPsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
39ebraryToward a Sustainable and Secure Water Future : A Leadership Role for the U.S. Geological Survey Committee on Water Resources ActivitiesPhysical Sciences2009Go to website
40ebraryThermal Quantum Field Theory : Algebraic Aspects and Applications Khanna, Faqir C.Physical Sciences2009Go to website
41ebraryTime of Our Lives : A Critical History of Temporality Hoy, David CouzensPhysical Sciences2009Go to website
42ebraryToward Health Equity and Patient-Centeredness : Integrating Health Literacy, Disparities Reduction, and Quality Improvement : Workshop Summary Chao, SamanthaNursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
43ebraryTherapeutic Relationships with Offenders : An Introduction to the Psychodynamics of Forensic Mental Health Nursing Aiyegbusi, AnneNursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
44ebraryTransformational Trends in Governance and Democracy : Expanding Access to Health Care : A Management Approach Buss, Terry F.Nursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
45ebraryTextbook of Family Medicine (3rd Edition) McWhinney, Ian R.Nursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
46ebraryTu, a Dieta : Manual de instrucciones para reducir tu Cintura Oz, Mehmet C.Nursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
47ebraryTextbook of Family Medicine (3rd Edition) McWhinney, Ian R.Medicine2009Go to website
48ebraryTactical Transparency : How Leaders Can Leverage Social Media to Maximize Value and Build their Brand Holtz, ShelBusiness2009Go to website
49ebraryTransport Prices and Costs in Africa : A Review of the Main International Corridors World BankBusiness2009Go to website
50ebraryTunisia's Global Integration : A Second Generation of Reforms to Boost Growth and Employment Diop, NdiameBusiness2009Go to website
51ebraryThinking Big Lardner, JamesBusiness2009Go to website
52ebraryTransnational Leadership Development : Preparing the Next Generation for the Borderless Business World Fisher-Yoshida, BethBusiness2009Go to website
53ebraryThere's More to Life Than the Corner Office Smith, LamarBusiness2009Go to website
54ebraryTrade Preference Erosion : Measurement and Policy Response Hoekman, Bernard M.Business2009Go to website
55ebraryTrade, Globalization, and Sustainability Impact Assessment : A Critical Look at Methods and Outcomes Ekins, PaulBusiness2009Go to website
56ebraryTourism Strategies and Local Responses in Southern Africa Hottola, PetriBusiness2009Go to website
57ebraryTiger Economies Under Threat : A Comparative Analysis of Malaysia's Industrial Prospects and Policy Options Yusuf | ShahidBusiness2009Go to website
58ebraryTrouble with Markets : Saving Capitalism from Itself Bootle, RogerBusiness2009Go to website
59ebraryTrade and Thy Neighbor's War Qureshi, Mahvash SaeedBusiness2009Go to website
60ebraryTransit Oriented Development Curtis, CareyEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
61ebraryTechnology, Trust, and Religion : Roles of Religions in Controversies Over Ecology and the Modification of Life Drees, Willem B.Engineering_Technology2009Go to website
62ebraryTank Linings for Chemical Process Industries Chandrasekaran, V. C.Engineering_Technology2009Go to website
63ebraryToward a Universal Radio Frequency System for Special Operations Forces Committee on Universal Radio Frequency System for Special Operations ForcesEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
64ebraryTransfer of Nuclear Technology under International Law : Case Study of Iraq, Iran and Israel Negm, NamiraEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
65ebraryThomas Jefferson : In His Own Words Baron, Robert C.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
66ebraryTransit Oriented Development Curtis, CareyHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
67ebraryTanzania Country Brief World BankHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
68ebraryTrickster Comes West : Pan-African Influence in Early Black Diasporan Narratives M'Baye, BabacarHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
69ebraryTradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons Paul, T. V.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
70ebraryThinking Your Way to Freedom : A Guide to Owning Your Own Practical Reasoning Gardner, Susan T.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
71ebraryThwarting Enemies at Home and Abroad : How to Be a Counterintelligence Officer William R. JohnsonHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
72ebraryTalking Hawai`i's Story : Oral Histories of an Island People Kodama-Nishimoto, MichiHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
73ebraryTonga : A New Bibliography Daly, MartinHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
74ebraryThree Lectures on Post-Industrial Society Cohen, DanielHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
75ebraryTransfer of Nuclear Technology under International Law : Case Study of Iraq, Iran and Israel Negm, NamiraHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
76ebraryTo Be, or Not ... to Bop Gillespie, DizzyHumanities2009Go to website
77ebraryTerritory of Desire : Representing the Valley of Kashmir Kabir, Ananya JahanaraHumanities2009Go to website
78ebraryTheban Plays : Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone SophoclesHumanities2009Go to website
79ebraryTeaching Hope : Stories from the Freedom Writers Teachers Gruwell, ErinEducation2009Go to website
80ebraryToolkit for Creative Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education Eastwood, LindaEducation2009Go to website
81ebraryTransforming Agricultural Education for a Changing World Committee on a Leadership Summit to Effect Change in Teaching and LearningEducation2009Go to website
82ebraryTurnaround : Leading Stressed Colleges and Universities to Excellence Martin, JamesEducation2009Go to website
83ebraryTowards the Future Internet : A European Research Perspective Tselentis, G.Computer_IT2009Go to website
84ebraryTechnological Turf Wars : A Case Study of the Computer Antivirus Industry Johnston, Jessica R.Computer_IT2009Go to website
85ebraryTransforming Infoglut! A Pragmatic Strategy for Oracle Enterprise Content Management MacMillan, AndyComputer_IT2009Go to website
86ebraryTeach Yourself VISUALLY Photoshop CS4 Wooldridge, MikeComputer_IT2009Go to website
87ebraryTechnology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S. Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities Owens, William A.Computer_IT2009Go to website
88ebraryTeach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Kent, LynetteComputer_IT2009Go to website
89FA-DavisThe Professional Medical Assistant An Integrative, Teamwork-Based Approach      Sharon Eagle, Cindi Brassington, Candace Dailey, Cheri Goretti Nursing2009Go to website
90FA-DavisThe New Leadership Challenge Creating the Future of Nursing Sheila C. Grossman, Theresa M. ValigaNursing2009Go to website
91ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Language Diversity Endangered Brenzinger, MatthiasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
92ebraryTrends in Classics : Supplementary Volumes : On Coming After : Studies in Post-Classical Greek Literature and its Reception Hunter, RichardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
93ebraryTim and Tom : An American Comedy in Black and White Reid, TimLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
94ebraryTheoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect Rothstein, SusanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
95ebraryTelevision and Criticism Davin, SolangeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
96ebraryTeatro Chicana : A Collective Memoir and Selected Plays Gutierrez, Sandra M.Language, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
97ebraryTruth in Nonfiction : Essays Lazar, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
98ebraryTertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos : A Rhetorical Analysis Dunn, Geoffrey D.Language, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
99ebraryTransformative Power of Metaphor in Therapy Loue, SanaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
100ebraryThree Gay Tales from Grimm Gag, WandaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
101ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : The Noun Phrase in Functional Discourse Grammar Garc?a Velasco, DanielLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
102ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Variation, Selection, Development : Probing the Evolutionary Model of Language Change Eckardt, RegineLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
103ebraryTrends in Medieval Philology : Schrift und Liebe in der Kultur des Mittelalters Schnyder, MireilleLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
104ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : Constructional Approaches to English Grammar Trousdale, GraemeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
105ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : Grammars, Grammarians and Grammar-Writing in Eighteenth-Century England Tieken-Boon van Ostade, IngridLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
106ebraryTeaching the Brain to Read : Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension Willis, JudyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
107ebraryTheology Without Words : Theology in the Deaf Community Morris, WayneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
108ebraryTransformations : Identity Construction in Contemporary Culture McCracken, Grant DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
109ebraryTruro Bear and Other Adventures : Poems and Essays Oliver, MaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
110ebraryText Resources and Lexical Knowledge : Selected Papers from the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008 Storrer, AngelikaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
111ebraryThemes in Biblical Narrative : The Significance of Sinai : Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity Brooke, George J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
112ebraryTrafficking in Humans : Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions Newman, EdwardInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
113ebraryTwenty-First Century Gateways : Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America Singer, AudreyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
114ebraryToleration and Its Limits Williams, Melissa S.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
115ebraryThat's Revolting! : Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation Sycamore, Mattilda BernsteinInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
116ebraryTime's River : Archaeological Syntheses from the Lower Mississippi River Valley Rafferty, JanetInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
117ebraryTime of Our Own : In Celebration of Women over Sixty Greenberg, Elinor MillerInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
118ebraryTheorizing Discrimination in an Era of Contested Prejudice : Discrimination in the United States Lucas, SamuelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
119ebraryTolerance through Law : Self Governance and Group Rights in South Tyrol Woelk, JensLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
120ebraryTime As Punishment Messuti, AnnaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
121ebraryTrafficking in Humans : Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions Newman, EdwardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
122ebraryTechnology of Policing : Crime Mapping, Information Technology, and the Rationality of Crime Control Manning, Peter K.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
123ebraryTaxing Ourselves : A Citizen's Guide to the Debate over Taxes (4th Edition) Slemrod, JoelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
124ebraryTo See Ourselves As Others See Us : How Publics Abroad View the United States After 9/11 Holsti, OleLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
125ebraryTrends in American Gun Ownership Legault, Richard L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
126ebraryTort Liability for Civil Rights Abuses Fletcher, George P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
127ebraryTruth or Economics : On the Definition, Prediction, and Relevance of Economic Efficiency Markovits, Richard SLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
128ebraryTowards a Public Law of Tort Cornford, TomLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
129ebraryTomorrow's Criminals : The Development of Child Delinquency and Effective Interventions Loeber, RolfLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
130ebraryTrans-Appalachian Frontier : People, Societies, and Institutions, 1775-1850 Rohrbough, Malcolm J.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
131ebraryTar Sands : Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent Nikiforuk, AndrewSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
132ebraryTrafficking in Humans : Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions Newman, EdwardSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
133ebraryTwenty-First Century Gateways : Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America Singer, AudreySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
134ebraryToleration and Its Limits Williams, Melissa S.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
135ebraryTracing Mobilities : Contributions from the Cosmobilities Network Canzler, WeertSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
136ebraryTime in Archaeology : Time Perspectivism Revisited Holdaway, SimonSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
137ebraryTaste of Place : A Cultural Journey into Terroir Trubek, Amy B.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
138ebraryThat's Revolting! : Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation Sycamore, Mattilda BernsteinSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
139ebraryTo See Ourselves As Others See Us : How Publics Abroad View the United States After 9/11 Holsti, OleSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
140ebraryTrends in American Gun Ownership Legault, Richard L.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
141ebraryTime's River : Archaeological Syntheses from the Lower Mississippi River Valley Rafferty, JanetSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
142ebraryTaxi-Dance Hall : A Sociological Study in Commercialized Recreation and City Life Cressey, Paul GoalbySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
143ebraryTackling Domestic Violence : Theories, Policies and Practice Radford, JilllSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
144ebraryTransfigurations : Violence, Death and Masculinity in American Cinema Gr?nstad, Asbj?rnSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
145ebraryTime of Our Own : In Celebration of Women over Sixty Greenberg, Elinor MillerSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
146ebraryTheorizing Discrimination in an Era of Contested Prejudice : Discrimination in the United States Lucas, SamuelSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
147ebraryTaste for Gardening : Classed and Gendered Practices Taylor, LisaSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
148ebraryThere Is No Such Thing As a Social Science : In Defence of Peter Winch Hutchinson, PhilSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
149ebraryTransformations : Identity Construction in Contemporary Culture McCracken, Grant DavidSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
150ebraryTrouble with Therapy : Sociology and Psychotherapy Morrall, PeterSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
151ebraryTraveling Light : On the Road with America's Poor Weston, KathSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
152ebraryTransformations and Crises : The Left and the Nation in Denmark and Sweden, 1956-1980 J?rgensen, Thomas EkmanSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
153ebraryTheodor W. Adorno : One Last Genius Claussen, DetlevReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
154ebraryThey Shall Purify Themselves : Essays on Purity in Early Judaism Haber, SusanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
155ebraryThemes in Biblical Narrative : The Significance of Sinai : Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity Brooke, George J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
156ebraryText of the Gospels in Clement of Alexandria Cosaert, Carl P.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
157ebraryTangled up in Text : Tefillin and the Ancient World Cohn, YehudahReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
158ebraryTransformationen der Antike : Vom Selbst-Verst?ndnis in Antike und Neuzeit / Notions of the Self in Antiquity and Beyond Arweiler, AlexanderReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
159ebraryTime As Punishment Messuti, AnnaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
160ebraryTo Know God and the Soul : Essays on the Thought of Saint Augustine Teske, Roland J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
161ebraryToleration and Its Limits Williams, Melissa S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
162ebraryTheology and Science in the Thought of Francis Bacon Matthews, StevenReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
163ebraryTheological Origins of Modernity Gillespie, Michael AllenReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
164ebraryTai Chi Chuan : The Code of Life Revealing the Deeper Mysteries of China's Ancient Art for Health Horwood, GrahamReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
165ebraryTertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos : A Rhetorical Analysis Dunn, Geoffrey D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
166ebraryTheological Aesthetics After von Balthasar Bychkov, Oleg V.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
167ebraryTackling Domestic Violence : Theories, Policies and Practice Radford, JilllReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
168ebraryTheology Without Words : Theology in the Deaf Community Morris, WayneReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
169ebraryThere Is No Such Thing As a Social Science : In Defence of Peter Winch Hutchinson, PhilReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
170ebraryThomas Kuhn's 'Linguistic Turn' and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism : Incommensurability, Rationality and the Search for Truth Gattei, StefanoReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
171ebraryTreatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder : An Assessment of the Evidence Committee on Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress DisorderPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
172ebraryTobacco Control Policy Analysis in China : Economics and Health Hu, Teh-weiPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
173ebraryTriumphs in Early Autism Treatment : The Stories of Seven 'Best Outcome' Cases Cipani, EnnioPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
174ebraryTransformative Power of Metaphor in Therapy Loue, SanaPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
175ebraryTeaching the Brain to Read : Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension Willis, JudyPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
176ebraryTheaters of Madness : Insane Asylums and Nineteenth-Century American Culture Reiss, BenjaminPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
177ebraryTransformations : Identity Construction in Contemporary Culture McCracken, Grant DavidPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
178ebraryTrouble with Therapy : Sociology and Psychotherapy Morrall, PeterPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
179ebraryThermodynamics of Surface Phenomena Dadashev, R.Kh.Physical Sciences2008Go to website
180ebraryTheoretical Fundamentals of Atmospheric Optics Timofeev, Yu M.Physical Sciences2008Go to website
181ebraryTime, Space, Stars and Man : The Story of the Big Bang Woolfson, Michael M.Physical Sciences2008Go to website
182ebraryTopological Methods for Set-Valued Non-Linear Analysis Tarafdar, Enayet U.Physical Sciences2008Go to website
183ebraryTerrestrial Neutron-Induced Soft Error in Advanced Memory Devices Nakamura, TakashiPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
184ebraryTides of History : Ocean Science and Her Majesty's Navy Reidy, Michael S.Physical Sciences2008Go to website
185ebraryThermochromic Phenomena in Polymers Seeboth, ArnoPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
186ebraryTheory of Uniform Approximation of Functions by Polynomials Dzyadyk, Vladislav K.Physical Sciences2008Go to website
187ebraryTeaching and Learning Early Number Thompson, IanPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
188ebraryThomas Kuhn's 'Linguistic Turn' and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism : Incommensurability, Rationality and the Search for Truth Gattei, StefanoPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
189ebraryType 1 Diabetes : Answers at Your Fingertips Fox, CharlesNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
190ebraryTaking Charge of Breast Cancer Ericksen, Julia A.Nursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
191ebraryTaboco Use : Health and Behaviour Jiloha, R.C.Nursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
192ebraryTuberculosis and Air Travel : Guidelines for Prevention and Control (3rd Edition) WHONursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
193ebraryThird Ten Years of the World Health Organization : 1968-1978 World Health OrganizationNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
194ebraryTherapeutic Microbiology : Probiotics and Related Strategies Versalovic, JamesNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
195ebraryTechnical Report Series, Number 948 : WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations : Forty-Second Report World Health OrganizationNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
196ebraryTales from Kentucky Doctors Montell, William LynwoodNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
197ebraryToyota Way to Healthcare Excellence : Increase Efficiency and Improve Quality with Lean Black, John R.Nursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
198ebraryTai Chi Chuan : The Code of Life Revealing the Deeper Mysteries of China's Ancient Art for Health Horwood, GrahamNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
199ebraryTrust Matters in Health Care Calnan, JamesNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
200ebraryTriLog Houts, TimNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
201ebraryTo Test or Not to Test : A Guide to Genetic Screening and Risk Teichler-Zallen, DorisNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
202ebraryTheology Psychology and the Plural Self Turner, LéonNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
203ebraryTranslational Multimodality Optical Imaging Azar, Fred S.Medicine2008Go to website
204ebraryType 1 Diabetes : Answers at Your Fingertips Fox, CharlesMedicine2008Go to website
205ebraryTaking Charge of Breast Cancer Ericksen, Julia A.Medicine2008Go to website
206ebraryTechnical Report Series, Number 948 : WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations : Forty-Second Report World Health OrganizationMedicine2008Go to website
207ebraryTales from Kentucky Doctors Montell, William LynwoodMedicine2008Go to website
208ebraryTranslational Medicine Series 7 : Pharmacogenetics of Breast Cancer : Towards the Individualization of Therapy Leyland-Jones, BrianMedicine2008Go to website
209ebraryTrends in Innate Immunity Egesten, A.Medicine2008Go to website
210ebraryTrust Matters in Health Care Calnan, JamesMedicine2008Go to website
211ebraryTo Test or Not to Test : A Guide to Genetic Screening and Risk Teichler-Zallen, DorisMedicine2008Go to website
212ebraryTransitioning to Sustainability Through Research and Development on Ecosystem Services and Biofuels : Workshop Summary Koshel, PatriciaLife Sciences2008Go to website
213ebraryTrees and Woodlands of South India : Archaeological Perspectives Asouti, EleniLife Sciences2008Go to website
214ebraryTrees, Truffles, and Beasts : How Forests Function Maser, ChrisLife Sciences2008Go to website
215ebraryTexas Coral Reefs Cancelmo, JesseLife Sciences2008Go to website
216ebraryTactical Biopolitics : Art, Activism, and Technoscience da Costa, BeatrizLife Sciences2008Go to website
217ebraryTaste for Gardening : Classed and Gendered Practices Taylor, LisaLife Sciences2008Go to website
218ebraryTragic Sense of Life : Ernst Haeckel and the Struggle Over Evolutionary Thought Richards, Robert J.Life Sciences2008Go to website
219ebraryTrader Vic on Commodities : What's Unknown, Misunderstood, and Too Good to Be True Sperandeo, VictorBusiness2008Go to website
220ebraryTelephone Sales For Dummies Zeller, DirkBusiness2008Go to website
221ebraryTuned In : Uncover the Extraordinary Opportunities That Lead to Business Breakthroughs Stull, CraigBusiness2008Go to website
222ebraryTrading Futures For Dummies Duarte, Joe, MDBusiness2008Go to website
223ebraryTaking Brand Initiative : How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Identity Through Corporate Branding Hatch, Mary JoBusiness2008Go to website
224ebraryTransitioning to Sustainability Through Research and Development on Ecosystem Services and Biofuels : Workshop Summary Koshel, PatriciaBusiness2008Go to website
225ebraryTrend Trading for a Living : Learn the Skills and Gain the Confidence to Trade for a Living Carr, Thomas K.Business2008Go to website
226ebraryTwo Trillion Dollar Meltdown : Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash Morris, Charles R.Business2008Go to website
227ebraryTeam Leadership in the Game Industry Spaulding, SethBusiness2008Go to website
228ebraryTechnology, Innovation, and Southern Industrialization : From the Antebellum Era to the Computer Age Delfino, SusannaBusiness2008Go to website
229ebraryTurning Losing Forex Trades into Winners : Proven Techniques to Reverse Your Losses Greene, Gerald E.Business2008Go to website
230ebraryTransparency : How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor Bennis, WarrenBusiness2008Go to website
231ebraryThe European Social Model and Transitional Labour Markets Rogowski, RalfBusiness2008Go to website
232ebraryTax Rate Cuts and Tax Compliance : The Laffer Curve Revisited Tak?ts, El?dBusiness2008Go to website
233ebraryTechniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce Branki, C.Business2008Go to website
234ebraryThink Smart - Act Smart : Avoiding the Business Mistakes That Even Intelligent People Make Nightingale, J.Business2008Go to website
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243ebraryToyota Way to Healthcare Excellence : Increase Efficiency and Improve Quality with Lean Black, John R.Business2008Go to website
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249ebraryTruth or Economics : On the Definition, Prediction, and Relevance of Economic Efficiency Markovits, Richard SBusiness2008Go to website
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251ebraryTopics in Market Microstructure Zovko, Ilija I.Business2008Go to website
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253springerThe Night Sky Companion Tammy Plotner.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
254springerThe Signature of an Engineering System and its Applications to Structural and Stochastic Reliability Theory Francisco J. Samaniego.Engineering2008Go to website
255springerTomato yellow leaf curl virus disease Henryk Czosnek.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
256springerTiming and Temporality in Islamic Philosophy and Phenomenology of Life Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
257springerThe Metabolic Syndrome in Clinical Practice Satish Mittal.Medicine2008Go to website
258springerThe Ecology of Browsing and Grazing Iain J. Gordon, Herbert H. T. Prins.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
259springerThe Teacher's Role in Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Classroom Robyn M. Gillies, Adrian F. Ashman, Jan Terwel.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
260springerThe Psychoanalysis of Symptoms Henry Kellerman.Behavioral Science2008Go to website
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262springerThe Frailty Model Luc Duchateau, Paul Janssen.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
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264springerThe Codes of Life Marcello Barbieri, Jesper Hoffmeyer.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
265springerThe Paraoxonases: Their Role in Disease Development and Xenobiotic Metabolism Bharti Mackness, Mike Mackness, Michael Aviram, Gy?rgy Paragh.Medicine2008Go to website
266springerTurbopumps S. Ahmad Nourbakhsh, Baron Andre Jaumotte, Charles Hirsch, Hamideh B. Parizi.Engineering2008Go to website
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278springerTransboundary Water Resources: A Foundation for Regional Stability in Central Asia John E. Moerlins, Mikhail K. Khankhasayev, Steven F. Leitman, Ernazar J. Makhmudov.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
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283springerTelomeres and Telomerase in Ageing, Disease, and Cancer K. Lenhard Rudolph.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
284springerTransmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials Brent Fultz, James M. Howe.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
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287springerThe Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea Meltem Deniz Güner-?zbek.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
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292springerThe Linearization Of Affixes: Evidence From Nuu-Chah-Nulth Rachel Wojdak.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
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298springerToll-Like Receptors (TLRs) and Innate Immunity Stefan Bauer, Gunther Hartmann.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
299springerTelesurgery Sajeesh Kumar, Jacques Marescaux.Medicine2008Go to website
300springerTherapeutic Antibodies Yuti Chernajovsky, Ahuva Nissim.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
301springerThe Heliosphere through the Solar Activity Cycle André Balogh, Louis J. Lanzerotti, Steven T. Suess.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
302springerTurning Hydropower Social Anders Hjort-af-Ornas.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
303springerTransport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows Jeffrey B. Weiss, Antonello Provenzale.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
304springerType-2 Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin.Engineering2008Go to website
305springerThe Immune Synapse as a Novel Target for Therapy Luis Graca.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
306springerTumor Induced Immune Suppression Dmitry I. Gabrilovich, Arthur A. Hurwitz.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
307springerThe Language of Mathematics Bill Barton.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
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310springerTransplantation of Composite Tissue Allografts Charles W. Hewitt, W. P. Andrew Lee, Chad R. Gordon.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
311springerThe Bonobos Takeshi Furuichi, Jo Thompson.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
312springerTheoretical Kaleidoscope I. B. Khriplovich.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
313springerThe Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods Susanne C. Brenner, L. Ridgway Scott.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
314springerToward Agroforestry Design Shibu Jose, Andrew M. Gordon.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
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316springerThe Active Female Jacalyn J. Robert-McComb, Reid Norman, Mimi Zumwalt.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
317springerToward Artificial Sapience Rene V. Mayorga, Leonid I. Perlovsky.Computer Science2008Go to website
318springerThe Human Central Nervous System Rudolf Nieuwenhuys, Jan Voogd, Christiaan Huijzen.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
319springerTransparent Conductive Zinc Oxide Klaus Ellmer, Andreas Klein, Bernd Rech.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
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321springerThe University Department of Psychiatry in Munich Hanns Hippius, Hans-Jürgen M?ller, Norbert Müller, Gabriele Neund?rfer-Kohl.Medicine2008Go to website
322springerThe Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, 1927?1945 Hans-Walter Schmuhl.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
323springerThe Inorganic Radiochemistry of Heavy Elements Ivo Zv?ra.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
324springerThe Achilles of Rationalist Psychology Thomas M. Lennon, Robert J. Stainton.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
325springerThe Psychology of Violence and Serial Crime Richard N. Kocsis.Medicine2008Go to website
326springerTsunami Edward Bryant.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
327springerTheory and Mathematical Methods for Bioformatics Shiyi Shen, Jack A. Tuszynski.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
328springerThe Economics of Education and Training Christian Dustmann, Bernd Fitzenberger, Stephen Machin.Business and Economics2008Go to website
329springerTreatment of elbow lesions Andrea Celli, Luigi Celli, Bernard F. Morrey.Medicine2008Go to website
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332springerTelecommunications Modeling, Policy, and Technology S. Raghavan, Bruce Golden, Edward Wasil.Computer Science2008Go to website
333springerTemperate Fruit Crop Breeding James F. Hancock.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
334springerThe Glutamate Receptors Robert W. Gereau, Geoffrey T. Swanson.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
335springerThe Handbook of Nanomedicine Kewal K. Jain.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
336springerThermal Stress Resistance of Materials Anatoly Lanin, Ivan Fedik.Engineering2008Go to website
337springerThe 1-2-3 of Modular Forms Kristian Ranestad.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
338springerTransport Equations and Multi-D Hyperbolic Conservation Laws Luigi Ambrosio, Gianluca Crippa, Camillo Lellis, Felix Otto, Michael Westdickenberg.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
339springerTowards Affordance-Based Robot Control Erich Rome, Joachim Hertzberg, Georg Dorffner.Computer Science2008Go to website
340springerTheory of Cryptography Ran Canetti.Computer Science2008Go to website
341springerThe Right Imaging Study Ronald L. Eisenberg, Alexander R. Margulis.Medicine2008Go to website
342springerThe Practice of Surgical Pathology Diana Weedman Molavi.Medicine2008Go to website
343springerTime Series Analysis Jonathan D. Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
344springerThe Everglades Experiments Curtis J. Richardson.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
345springerThe J-matrix Method: Recent Developments and Selected Applications Abdulaziz D. Alhaidari, Hashim A. Yamani, Eric J. Heller, Mohamed S. Abdelmonem.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
346springerTheories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy Simo Knuuttila, Pekka K?rkk?inen.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
347springerTechnical Aspects and Principles of PCR Amplification Elizabeth Pelt-Verkuil, Alex Belkum, John P. Hays.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
348springerThe Genesis of Fluid Mechanics, 1640-1780 Juli?n Sim?n Calero.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
349springerTurbulence in Fluids Marcel Lesieur.Engineering2008Go to website
350springerTaking Your iPhone to the Max Erica Sadun.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
351springerTargeted Cancer Therapy Razelle Kurzrock, Maurie Markman.Medicine2008Go to website
352springerThe WTO and the Doha Round. At the Brink of Failure? Stefan Griller.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
353springerTemporal Logic and State Systems Fred Kr?ger, Stephan Merz.Computer Science2008Go to website
354springerThe Physics of Organic Superconductors and Conductors Andrei Lebed.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
355springerTax and Corporate Governance Wolfgang Sch?n.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
356springerThe Evolution of Monetary Policy and Banking in the US Donald D. Hester.Business and Economics2008Go to website
357springerTrends and Issues in Global Tourism 2008 Roland Conrady, Martin Buck.Business and Economics2008Go to website
358springerTrustworthy Global Computing Gilles Barthe, Cédric Fournet.Computer Science2008Go to website
359springerThe Internet of Things Christian Floerkemeier, Marc Langheinrich, Elgar Fleisch, Friedemann Mattern, Sanjay E. Sarma.Computer Science2008Go to website
360springerThe Resolution of Inflammation Adriano G. Rossi, Deborah A. Sawatzky.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
361springerThe Role of Management Accounting Systems in Strategic Sensemaking Marcus Heidmann.Business and Economics2008Go to website
362springerTourists in Space Erik Seedhouse.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
363springerThe Handbook of South American Archaeology Helaine Silverman, William H. Isbell.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
364springerTrends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering Oscar Castillo, Li Xu, Sio-Iong Ao.Engineering2008Go to website
365springerThe Economics of Forest Disturbances Thomas P. Holmes, Jeffrey P. Prestemon, Karen L. Abt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
366springerThe Variational Approach to Fracture Blaise Bourdin, Gilles A. Francfort, Jean-Jacques Marigo.Engineering2008Go to website
367springerThe Contingent Nature of Life Marcus Düwell, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Dietmar Mieth.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
368springerThe Metaphysics of Memory Sven Bernecker.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
369springerType 2 Diabetes Mellitus Mark N. Feinglos, M. Angelyn Bethel.Medicine2008Go to website
370springerTaking Your iPod touch to the Max Erica Sadun.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
371springerTutorials in Mathematical Biosciences IV Avner Friedman.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
372springerThe Econometrics of Panel Data L?szl? M?ty?s, Patrick Sevestre.Business and Economics2008Go to website
373springerThe Sound of Silence Burkhard Vogel.Engineering2008Go to website
374springerThe Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval S?ndor Dominich.Computer Science2008Go to website
375springerTools and Criteria for Sustainable Coastal Ecosystem Management Lars H?kanson, Andreas C. Bryhn.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
376springerThe Euro, Inflation and Consumer's Perceptions Paolo Giovane, Roberto Sabbatini.Business and Economics2008Go to website
377springerThe Buzz about Bees Jürgen Tautz.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
378springerTools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems C.R. Ramakrishnan, Jakob RehofComputer Science2008Go to website
379springerThe European Information Society Lars Bernard, Anders Friis-Christensen, Hardy Pundt.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
380springerTests and Proofs Bernhard Beckert, Reiner H?hnle.Computer Science2008Go to website
381springerTheory and Applications of Models of Computation Manindra Agrawal, Dingzhu Du, Zhenhua Duan, Angsheng Li.Computer Science2008Go to website
382springerThe Making of Information Systems Karl E. Kurbel.Business and Economics2008Go to website
383springerTopics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2008 Tal Malkin.Computer Science2008Go to website
384springerThe Grammar of Technology Development Hiroe Tsubaki, Shu Yamada, Ken Nishina.Engineering2008Go to website
385springerTrust Management II Yücel Karabulut, John Mitchell, Peter Herrmann, Christian Damsgaard Jensen.Computer Science2008Go to website
386springerThyroid Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided FNA H. Jack Baskin, Daniel S. Duick, Robert A. Levine.Medicine2008Go to website
387springerThe Forest and the City Cecil C. Konijnendijk.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
388springerThe State, the Activists and the Islanders Robert J. Blackwood.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
389springerThe Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume I: Presenting Futures Erik Fisher, Cynthia Selin, Jameson M. Wetmore.Business and Economics2008Go to website
390springerThe Medical Basis of Psychiatry S. Hossein Fatemi, Paula J. Clayton.Medicine2008Go to website
391springerThe Delft Systems Approach Hans P.M. Veeke, Gabriël Lodewijks, Jaap A. Ottjes.Engineering2008Go to website
392springerThe Genetics and Molecular Biology of Neural Tumors Avery A. Sandberg, John F. Stone.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
393springerTypes for Proofs and Programs Marino Miculan, Ivan Scagnetto, Furio Honsell.Computer Science2008Go to website
394springerThe Semantic Web: Research and Applications Sean Bechhofer, Manfred Hauswirth, J?rg Hoffmann, Manolis Koubarakis.Computer Science2008Go to website
395springerTransactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security III Yun Q. Shi.Computer Science2008Go to website
396springerThe 2007 ESO Instrument Calibration Workshop Andreas Kaufer, Florian Kerber.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
397springerThe Role of Wnt Signalling in the Development of Somites and Neural Crest Corina Schmidt, Imelda McGonnell, Steve Allen, Ketan Patel.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
398springerThe Earth's Atmosphere Kshudiram Saha.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
399springerTestGoal Derk-Jan De Grood.Computer Science2008Go to website
400springerTransdisciplinary Digital Art. Sound, Vision and the New Screen Randy Adams, Steve Gibson, Stefan Müller Arisona.Computer Science2008Go to website
401springerTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2008 Hans Kleine Büning, Xishun Zhao.Computer Science2008Go to website
402springerThe Influence of National Competition Policy on the International Competitiveness of Nations Andreas Mitschke.Business and Economics2008Go to website
403springerThe Essence of Dielectric Waveguides C. Yeh, F. I. Shimabukuro.Engineering2008Go to website
404springerTerrorism Informatics Hsinchun Chen, Edna Reid, Joshua Sinai, Andrew Silke, Boaz Ganor.Business and Economics2008Go to website
405springerThe Continental-Scale Greenhouse Gas Balance of Europe A. Johannes Dolman, Riccardo Valentini, Annette Freibauer.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
406springerThe SAGES Manual of Strategic Decision Making Carol E. H. Scott-Conner.Medicine2008Go to website
407springerThe Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data Nicole A. LazarMathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
408springerThe Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Data Compression, Suffix Arrays, and Pattern Matching Donald Adjeroh, Tim Bell, Amar Mukherjee.Computer Science2008Go to website
409springerThe Future of Identity in the Information Society Simone Fischer Hübner, Penny Duquenoy, Albin Zuccato et al.Computer Science2008Go to website
410springerTeaching: Professionalization, Development and Leadership David Johnson, Rupert Maclean.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
411springerThe Education of Diverse Student Populations Guofang Wan.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
412springerThe Ciliated Protozoa Denis H. Lynn.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
413springerThe Ecophysiology of Plant-Phosphorus Interactions Philip J. White, John P. Hammond.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
414springerThe Lucky Few Elwood Carlson.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
415springerTopological Degree Approach to Bifurcation Problems Michal Fe?kan.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
416springerTumeurs endocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques ?ric Baudin, Michel Ducreux.Medicine2008Go to website
417springerTort Law of the European Community Helmut Koziol, Reiner Schulze.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
418springerTesting of Software and Communicating Systems Kenji Suzuki, Teruo HigComputer Science2008Go to website
419springerTools for High Performance Computing Michael Resch, Rainer Keller, Valentin Himmler, BettComputer Science2008Go to website
420springerTechnologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment Zhigeng Pan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Abdennour Rhalibi, Woontack Woo, YiComputer Science2008Go to website
421springerTransactions on Edutainment I Zhigeng Pan, Adrian David Cheok, Wolfgang Müller, Abdennour Rhalibi.Computer Science2008Go to website
422springerThe Method of Intrinsic Scaling José Miguel Urbano.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
423springerTransactions on Computational Science I Marina L. Gavrilova, C. J. Kenneth Tan.Computer Science2008Go to website
424springerThe Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf Suzette V. Suarez.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
425springerThe Mathematics of Minkowski Space-Time Francesco Catoni, Dino Boccaletti, Roberto Cannata, Vincenzo Catoni, Enrico Nichelatti, Paolo Zampetti.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
426springerTerrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume II Nemesio M. Pérez, Sergio Gurrieri, Chi-Yu King, Yuri Taran.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
427springerThe STEREO Mission C. T. Russell.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
428springerThe Allegheny Woodrat John D. Peles, Janet Wright.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
429springerThe Scioto Hopewell and Their Neighbors Michael Jochim, Roy S. Dickens.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
430springerThe Vehicle Routing Problem: Latest Advances and New Challenges Ramesh Sharda, Stefan Vo?, Bruce Golden, S. Raghavan, Edward Wasil.Business and Economics2008Go to website
431springerThe Developer's Guide to Debugging Thorsten Gr?tker, Ulrich Holtmann, Holger Keding, Markus Wloka.Computer Science2008Go to website
432springerTime and Modality Jacqueline Guéron, Jacqueline Lecarme.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
433springerThe Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
434springerThe Socio-Economic Causes and Consequences of Desertification in Central Asia Roy Behnke.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
435springerThe Welfare of Sheep Clive Phillips.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
436springerThe Selfish Cell Matteo Conti.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
437springerThe Waste Market E. Dijkgraaf, R.H.J.M. Gradus.Business and Economics2008Go to website
438springerThe World Market for Natural Gas Andrea Gilardoni.Business and Economics2008Go to website
439springerTechnical English for Geosciences Brigitte Markner-J?ger.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
440springerTheory and Practice of Model Transformations Antonio Vallecillo, Jeff Gray, Alfonso Pierantonio.Computer Science2008Go to website
441springerTopics in Applied Macrodynamic Theory Peter Flaschel, Gangolf Groh, Christian Proa?o, Willi Semmler.Business and Economics2008Go to website
442springerThermal Transport for Applications in Micro/Nanomachining Hiroyuki Fujita, Dorian Liepmann.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
443springerThe Origin of Clay Minerals in Soils and Weathered Rocks Bruce Velde, Alain Meunier.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
444springerTheoretical Femtosecond Physics Frank Grossmann.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
445springerTheory and Simulation of Hard-Sphere Fluids and Related Systems ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
446springerTeleradiology Sajeesh Kumar, Elizabeth A. Krupinski.Medicine2008Go to website
447springerThe Subthalamic Nucleus Part I: Development, Cytology, Topography and Connections F. Beck, F. Clasc?, M. Frotscher, D. E. Haines, N. Hirokawa, Z. Kmiec, H. -W. Korf, E. Marani, R. Putz, Y. Sano, T. H. Schiebler, J. -P. Timmermans.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
448springerThe Subthalamic Nucleus Part II: Modelling and Simulation of Activity F. Beck, F. Clasc?, M. Frotscher, D. E. Haines, N. Hirokawa, Z. Kmiec, H. -W. Korf, E. Marani, R. Putz, Y. Sano, T. H. Schiebler, J. -P. Timmermans.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
449springerTrends in Business and Economic Ethics Peter Koslowski.Business and Economics2008Go to website
450springerThe EU and the Economies of the Eastern European Enlargement Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Marco Fortis.Business and Economics2008Go to website
451springerThe Evolution of Entrepreneurs - Fund-Raising Intentions Marc Grünhagen.Business and Economics2008Go to website
452springerThe Future of Logistics Heiko A. Gracht.Business and Economics2008Go to website
453springerTraffic Grooming for Optical Networks Biswanath Mukherjee, Rudra Dutta, Ahmed E. Kamal, George N. Rouskas.Engineering2008Go to website
454springerTransgenesis and the Management of Vector-Borne Disease Nathan Back, Irun R. Cohen, Abel Lajtha, John D. Lambris, Rodolfo Paoletti, Serap Aksoy.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
455springerTowards Sustainable Society on Ubiquitous Networks Makoto Oya, Ryuya Uda, Chizuko Yasunobu.Computer Science2008Go to website
456springerThe NeuroProcessor Yevgeny Perelman, Ran Ginosar.Engineering2008Go to website
457springerThe Visual Transduction Cascade Joyce Tombran-Tink, Colin J. Barnstable, Joyce Tombran-Tink, Colin J. Barnstable.Medicine2008Go to website
458springerTroubleshooting Oracle Performance Christian Antognini.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
459springerThe Essential Guide to Flex 3 Charles E. Brown.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
460springerThe Definitive Guide to Terracotta Terracotta, Inc.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
461springerTheory and Design of CNC Systems Suk-Hwan Suh, Seong Kyoon Kang, Dae-Hyuk Chung, Ian Stroud.Engineering2008Go to website
462springerThe Engineering of Sport 7 Margaret Estivalet, Pierre Brisson.Engineering2008Go to website
463springerTraité d'andrologie à l'usage des cliniciens Wolf-Bernhard Schill, Frank Comhaire, Timothy B. Hargreave.Medicine2008Go to website
464springerThe IT Measurement Compendium Manfred Bundschuh, Carol Dekkers.Computer Science2008Go to website
465springerTurbulence and Diffusion H. Haken, Péter ?rdi, Karl Friston, Hermann Haken, Janusz Kacprzyk, Scott Kelso, Jürgen Kurths, Linda Reichl, Peter Schuster, Frank Schweitzer, Didier Sornette.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
466springerTrusted Computing - Challenges and Applications ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
467springerThe RFID Roadmap: The Next Steps for Europe Gerd Wolfram, Birgit Gampl, Peter Gabriel.Engineering2008Go to website
468springerThermodynamics and Fluctuations far from Equilibrium A. W. Castleman, J. P. Toennies, K. Yamanouchi, W. Zinth.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
469springerThe Testing Network Pierre Henry.Computer Science2008Go to website
470springerThe Sense of Touch and its Rendering Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib, Frans Groen, Antonio Bicchi, Martin Buss, Marc O. Ernst, Angelika Peer.Engineering2008Go to website
471springerTransactions on Rough Sets VIII ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
472springerThe Common Component Modeling Example ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
473springerTrust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
474springerTheoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2008 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
475springerThe Bartle-Dunford-Schwartz Integral Przemys?aw Wojtaszczyk, Jean Bourgain, Tadeusz Iwaniec, Tom K?rner, Krystyna Kuperberg, Tomasz ?uczak, Ludomir Newelski, Gilles Pisier, Piotr Pragacz, Grzegorz ?wi?tek, Jerzy Zabczyk.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
476springerThe Nature of Supply Chain Management Research Julia Wolf.Business and Economics2008Go to website
477springerThe Alignment Performance Link in Purchasing and Supply Management Christian Baier.Business and Economics2008Go to website
478springerThe Origins of Language Nobuo Masataka.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
479springerThe Cancer Degradome Dylan Edwards, Gunilla H?yer-Hansen, Francesco Blasi, Bonnie F. Sloane.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
480springerThe Search for Life Continued Barrie W. Jones.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
481springerThe International Space Station John E. Catchpole.Engineering2008Go to website
482springerThe English Galileo Robert S. Cohen, Jürgen Renn, Kostas Gavroglu.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
483springerThe Cambridge N-Body Lectures ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
484springerThe Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel, Ofer Bar-Yosef.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
485springerTargeted Radionuclide Tumor Therapy Torgny Stigbrand, J?rgen Carlsson, Gregory P. Adams.Medicine2008Go to website
486springerThe Ethics of Intensification Michiel Korthals, Paul B. Thompson, Paul B. Thompson.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
487springerThe Power of Technology for Learning Piet Bossche, Noah P. Barsky, Mike Clements, Jakob Ravn, Kelly Smith.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
488springerThe Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development Chris Allen, Wade Arnold, Aral Balkan, Nicolas Cannasse, John Grden, Moses Gunesch, Marc Hughes, R. Jon MacDonald, Andy Zupko.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
489springerThe boundary element method with programming Gernot Beer, Ian M. Smith, Christian Duenser.Engineering2008Go to website
490springerTime Domain Methods in Electrodynamics Peter Russer, Uwe Siart.Engineering2008Go to website
491springerTime-Dependent Scheduling Wilfried Brauer, Juraj Hromkovi?, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa.Computer Science2008Go to website
492springerThe Silver Market Phenomenon Florian Kohlbacher, Cornelius Herstatt.Business and Economics2008Go to website
493springerThe Semantic Web M. J. Carey, S. Ceri, P. Bernstein, U. Dayal, C. Faloutsos, J. C. Freytag, G. Gardarin, W. Jonker, V. Krishnamurthy, M.-A. Neimat, P. Valduriez, G. Weikum, K.-Y. Whang, J. Widom.Computer Science2008Go to website
494springerThe Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design Janusz Kacprzyk, Christa Sommerer, Lakhmi C. Jain, Laurent Mignonneau.Engineering2008Go to website
495springerText, Speech and Dialogue Jaime G. Carbonell, J?rg Siekmann, Petr Sojka, Ale? Hor?k, Ivan Kope?ek, Karel Pala.Computer Science2008Go to website
496springerTransactions on Computational Science II ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
497springerTimes of Convergence. Technologies Across Learning Contexts ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
498springerThe Challenge of Anticipation Jaime G. Carbonell, J?rg Siekmann, Giovanni Pezzulo, Martin V. Butz, Cristiano Castelfranchi, Rino Falcone.Computer Science2008Go to website
499springerThe Open Knowlege Society. A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto Miltiadis D. Lytras, John M. Carroll, Ernesto Damiani, Robert D. Tennyson, David Avison, Gottfried Vossen, Patricia Ordonez De Pablos.Computer Science2008Go to website
500springerTreatment of Psoriasis Michael J. Parnham, J. Bruinvels, Jeffrey M. Weinberg.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
501springerTeaching Entrepreneurship Peter Sijde, Annemarie Ridder, Gerben Blaauw, Christoph Diensberg.Business and Economics2008Go to website
502springerThe Boundaries of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alexander Brem.Business and Economics2008Go to website
503springerThe Coronin Family of Proteins J. Robin Harris, B. B. Biswas, P. Quinn, Christoph S. Clemen, Ludwig Eichinger, Vasily Rybakin.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
504springerThe Handbook of Bioentrepreneurship Zoltan J. Acs, David B. Audretsch, Holger Patzelt, Thomas Brenner.Business and Economics2008Go to website
505springerThe Purple Phototrophic Bacteria Govindjee, C. Neil Hunter, Fevzi Daldal, Marion C. Thurnauer, J. Thomas Beatty.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
506springerTurbulence, Dynamos, Accretion Disks, Pulsars and Collective Plasma Processes W. B. Burton, Lars Lindberg Christensen, S. S. Hasan, R. T. Gangadhara, V. Krishan.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
507springerThe Relational Database Dictionary C. J. Date.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
508springerThe Definitive Guide to SOA Jeff Davies, David Schorow, Samrat Ray, David Rieber.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
509springerThérapeutiques antiangiogéniques en cancérologie Sandrine Faivre, ?ric Raymond.Medicine2008Go to website
510springerTheorem Proving in Higher Order Logics ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
511springerThe Universe Before the Big Bang Maurizio Gasperini.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
512springerThe Music of the Big Bang Amedeo Balbi.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
513springerThe Puzzle of Granular Computing Bruno Apolloni, Witold Pedrycz, Simone Bassis, Dario Malchiodi ; edited by Janusz Kacprzyk.Engineering2008Go to website
514springerThe Semantic Web - ISWC 2008 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
515springerThe Legacies of Richard Popkin Jeremy D. Popkin, Jeremy D. Popkin.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
516springerThe Painlevé Handbook Robert Conte, Micheline Musette.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
517springerThinking about Life Paul S. Agutter, Denys N. Wheatley.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
518springerThe Definitive Guide to Apache MyFaces and Ajax Zubin Wadia, Martin Marinschek, Hazem Saleh, Dennis Byrne.Professional and Applied Computing2008Go to website
519springerThe Lisbon Treaty Stefan Griller, Jacques Ziller.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
520springerTrade, Integration and Economic Development Gabriele Tondl.Business and Economics2008Go to website
521springerThe Cooked Kitchen EOOSArchitecture and Design2008Go to website
522springerTrapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Interactions K. Blaum, F. HerfurthPhysics and Astronomy2008Go to website
523springerTransactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
524springerTheory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
525springerThe Semantic Web ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
526springerThe Network Collective Klaus Eichmann.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
527springerTerrestrial Fluids, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: The Hiroshi Wakita Volume III Nemesio M. Pérez, Sergio Gurrieri, Chi-Yu King, Yuri Taran.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
528springerThe Moon that Wasn't ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
529springerTaxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies Robert W. McGeeBusiness and Economics2008Go to website
530springerTransmission Electron Microscopy Helmut Kohl, Ludwig Reimer.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
531springerThe VC-1 and H.264 Video Compression Standards for Broadband Video Services Jae-Beom Lee, Hari KalvaEngineering2008Go to website
532springerTopics in Elementary Geometry O. Bottema.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
533springerThe Map of My Life Goro Shimura.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
534springerThe Theory of the Top. Volume 1 Felix Klein, Arnold SommerfeldMathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
535springerThe Sun Claudio Vita-Finzi.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
536springerTransactions on Rough Sets IX ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
537springerTowards a Service-Based Internet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
538springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology X ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
539springerTrust in Agent Societies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
540springerTrees in Patagonia Bernardo Gut.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
541springerTeoria delle Equazioni e Teoria di Galois Stefania Gabelli.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
542springerThe Salton Sea Centennial Symposium Stuart H. Hurlbert.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
543springerThe Downy Mildews - Genetics, Molecular Biology and Control Ale? Lebeda, Peter T. N. Spencer-Phillips, B. M. Cooke.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
544springerThe Internationalization of Law and Legal Education Mortimer Sellers, Jan Klabbers, Mortimer Sellers.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
545springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology IX Sorin Istrail, Pavel Pevzner, Michael S. Waterman, Corrado Priami.Computer Science2008Go to website
546springerThe Heat Kernel and Theta Inversion on SL2(C) Jay Jorgenson, Serge Lang.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
547springerTe Puna - A New Zealand Mission Station Angela Middleton.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
548springerThe Golgi Apparatus Alexander A. Mironov, Margit Pavelka.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
549springerThe Double Dynamic Martin Screw (DMS) Karl-Klaus Dittel, Matthias Rapp.Medicine2008Go to website
550springerThe Algorithm Design Manual Steven S. Skiena.Computer Science2008Go to website
551springerThe Engineering of Sport 7 Margaret Estivalet, Pierre BrissonEngineering2008Go to website
552springerThe Engineering of Sport 7 Margaret Estivalet, Pierre BrissonEngineering2008Go to website
553springerThymus Gland Pathology Corrado Lavini, Cesar A. Moran, Uliano Morandi et al.Medicine2008Go to website
554springerThe Engineering of Sport 7 Margaret Estivalet, Pierre Brisson.Engineering2008Go to website
555springerThermodynamics in Earth and Planetary Sciences Jibamitra Ganguly.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
556springerThe Territorial Future of the City Giovanni Maciocco.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
557springerThe Sarcomere and Skeletal Muscle Disease Nigel G. Laing.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
558springerTropomyosin Peter Gunning.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
559springerTeaching Africa George J. Sefa Dei.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
560springerThe Long View of Crime: A Synthesis of Longitudinal Research Akiva M. Liberman.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
561springerTransforming Growth Factor-Beta in Cancer Therapy Sonia B. Jakowlew.Medicine2008Go to website
562springerTransforming Growth Factor-Beta in Cancer Therapy Sonia B. Jakowlew.Medicine2008Go to website
563springerThe China Information Technology Handbook Computer Science2008Go to website
564springerThe Natural Laws of the Universe by Jean-Philippe Uzan, Bénédicte Leclercq.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
565springerThyroid Disorders with Cutaneous Manifestations edited by Warren R. Heymann.Medicine2008Go to website
566springerTopics in Stochastic Analysis and Nonparametric Estimation Pao-Liu Chow, George Yin, Boris MordukhovichMathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
567ebraryTeacher's Guide to Classroom Research Hopkins, DavidEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
568ebraryThermochromic Phenomena in Polymers Seeboth, ArnoEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
569ebraryTerrestrial Neutron-Induced Soft Error in Advanced Memory Devices Nakamura, TakashiEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
570ebraryTo a Distant Day : The Rocket Pioneers Gainor, ChrisEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
571ebraryTrends in Welding Research : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Stan A. DavidEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
572ebraryTar Sands : Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent Nikiforuk, AndrewEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
573ebraryTechnologies and Systems for Access and Transport Networks Audestad, Jan A.Engineering_Technology2008Go to website
574ebraryTundish Technology for Clean Steel Production Sahai, YogeshwarEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
575ebraryTransitions to Alternative Transportation Technologies : A Focus on Hydrogen Committee on Assessment of Resource Needs for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen TechnologiesEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
576ebraryTeaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Scales, PeterEngineering_Technology2008Go to website
577ebraryTomorrow's Criminals : The Development of Child Delinquency and Effective Interventions Loeber, RolfHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
578ebraryTenderfoot in Colorado Townshend, Richard BaxterHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
579ebraryTheodore Roosevelt : Preacher of Righteousness Hawley, JoshuaHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
580ebraryTransformations and Crises : The Left and the Nation in Denmark and Sweden, 1956-1980 J?rgensen, Thomas EkmanHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
581ebraryTransforming Damascus : Space and Modernity in an Islamic City Hudson, LeilaHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
582ebraryTort Liability for Civil Rights Abuses Fletcher, George P.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
583ebraryTraditional Authorities in Africa : Resurgence in an Era of Democratisation Ubink, JanineHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
584ebraryTransparent Cabal : The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel Sniegoski, Stephen J.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
585ebraryTampa Bay and Florida's West Coast Adventure Guide (4th Edition) Koster Walton, ChelleHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
586ebraryTime's River : Archaeological Syntheses from the Lower Mississippi River Valley Rafferty, JanetHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
587ebraryTides of History : Ocean Science and Her Majesty's Navy Reidy, Michael S.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
588ebraryTrends in American Gun Ownership Legault, Richard L.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
589ebraryTo See Ourselves As Others See Us : How Publics Abroad View the United States After 9/11 Holsti, OleHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
590ebraryToyota Way to Healthcare Excellence : Increase Efficiency and Improve Quality with Lean Black, John R.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
591ebraryTactical Biopolitics : Art, Activism, and Technoscience da Costa, BeatrizHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
592ebraryTime in Archaeology : Time Perspectivism Revisited Holdaway, SimonHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
593ebraryTragedy in South Lebanon : The Israeli-Hezbollah War Of 2006 Sultan, CathyHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
594ebraryTwilight of the Machines Zerzan, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
595ebraryTaxing Ourselves : A Citizen's Guide to the Debate over Taxes (4th Edition) Slemrod, JoelHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
596ebraryTwentieth-Century Texas : A Social and Cultural History Storey, John W.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
597ebraryTruman and MacArthur : Policy, Politics, and the Hunger for Honor and Renown Pearlman, Michael D.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
598ebraryTwenty-First Century Gateways : Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America Singer, AudreyHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
599ebraryTo a Distant Day : The Rocket Pioneers Gainor, ChrisHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
600ebraryTaliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan Crews, Robert D.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
601ebraryThe European Social Model and Transitional Labour Markets Rogowski, RalfHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
602ebraryTerrorism Ahead : Confronting Transnational Violence in the Twenty-First Century Smith, Paul J.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
603ebraryTransitioning to Sustainability Through Research and Development on Ecosystem Services and Biofuels : Workshop Summary Koshel, PatriciaHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
604ebraryTurkey As a U.S. Security Partner Larrabee, F. StephenHistory&Political Sciences2008Go to website
605ebraryThemes in Biblical Narrative : The Significance of Sinai : Traditions about Sinai and Divine Revelation in Judaism and Christianity Brooke, George J.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
606ebraryTrans-Appalachian Frontier : People, Societies, and Institutions, 1775-1850 Rohrbough, Malcolm J.History&Political Sciences2008Go to website
607ebraryTragedy of Mr No Balance Musinga, Kwo Victor ElameHumanities2008Go to website
608ebraryTheatre History Studies 2008, Volume 28 Justice-Malloy, RhonaHumanities2008Go to website
609ebraryTransfigurations : Violence, Death and Masculinity in American Cinema Gr?nstad, Asbj?rnHumanities2008Go to website
610ebraryTeatro Chicana : A Collective Memoir and Selected Plays Gutierrez, Sandra M.Humanities2008Go to website
611ebraryTelevision and Criticism Davin, SolangeHumanities2008Go to website
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613ebraryTeaching the Brain to Read : Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension Willis, JudyEducation2008Go to website
614ebraryToward a Better Future : Education and Training for Economic Development in Singapore Since 1965 Lee, Sing KongEducation2008Go to website
615ebraryTeachers for Rural Schools : Experiences in Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda Mulkeen, AidanEducation2008Go to website
616ebraryToward a K-20 Student Record Data System for California Vernez, GeorgesEducation2008Go to website
617ebraryThink Smart - Act Smart : Avoiding the Business Mistakes That Even Intelligent People Make Nightingale, J.Education2008Go to website
618ebraryTeaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector Scales, PeterEducation2008Go to website
619ebraryText Resources and Lexical Knowledge : Selected Papers from the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing KONVENS 2008 Storrer, AngelikaComputer_IT2008Go to website
620ebraryTenth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Holst, A.Computer_IT2008Go to website
621ebraryTechnology of Policing : Crime Mapping, Information Technology, and the Rationality of Crime Control Manning, Peter K.Computer_IT2008Go to website
622ebraryTransforming Government and Empowering Communities : The Sri Lankan Experience with e-Development Hanna, Nagy K.Computer_IT2008Go to website
623ebraryTrust and Security in Collaborative Computing Dai, Yuan-ShunComputer_IT2008Go to website
624ebraryTechniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce Branki, C.Computer_IT2008Go to website
625ebraryTeam Leadership in the Game Industry Spaulding, SethComputer_IT2008Go to website
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627ebraryTeach Yourself VISUALLY Laptops Muir, NancyComputer_IT2008Go to website
628ebraryTcl and Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner Wall, KurtComputer_IT2008Go to website
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630FA-DavisTranscultural Health Care:A Culturally Competent Approach,3rd Edition Larry D. Purnell, Betty J. PaulankaNursing2008Go to website
631FA-DavisTest Success:Test-Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students,5th Edition  Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. VitaleNursing2008Go to website
632ebraryThird or Additional Language Acquistion De Angelis, GessicaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
633ebraryTricks of the Light : New and Selected Poems Hearne, VickiLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
634ebraryTales of Seduction : The Figure of Don Juan in Spanish Culture Wright, SarahLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
635ebraryTraditions of Controversy Dascal, MarceloLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
636ebraryTalking about Motion : A Crosslinguistic Investigation of Lexicalization Patterns Filipovic, LunaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
637ebraryTalking about Race : Community Dialogues and the Politics of Difference Katherine Cramer WalshInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
638ebraryThis Side of Heaven : Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith Priest, Robert J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
639ebraryTransitions in Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : Equity and Efficiency Issues World BankInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
640ebraryTextbooks and School Library Provision in Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa World BankInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
641ebraryTransformation of Sexuality : Gender and Identity in Contemporary Youth Culture Johansson, ThomasInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
642ebraryTeaching Other Voices : Women and Religion in Early Modern Europe King, Margaret L.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
643ebraryThe Cross' and Other Jewish Stories Shapiro, LamedInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
644ebraryTransformation of Violent Intercommunal Conflict Ryan, StephenInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
645ebraryThird Wave Feminism and Television : Jane Puts It in a Box Johnson, Merri LisaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
646ebraryThis Ability : An International Legal Perspective of Disability Discrimination Cotter, Anne-Marie MooneyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
647ebraryToward a Global Idea of Race Silva, Denise Ferreira daInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
648ebraryTowards Liturgies that Reconcile : Race and Ritual among African American and European American Protestants Haldeman, ScottInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
649ebraryTeller Tales : Histories Carson, JoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
650ebraryTime Frames : Japanese Cinema and the Unfolding of History Nygren, ScottInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
651ebraryTrade Unions and Workplace Democracy in Africa Kester, GérardInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
652ebraryThis Land was Mexican Once : Histories of Resistance from Northern California Heidenreich, LindaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
653ebraryTourism, Development and Terrorism in Bali Hitchcock, MichaelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
654ebraryTuning Priorities in Nuclear Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Nikitin, A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
655ebraryTowards a Reorganisation System for Sovereign Debt : An International Law Perspective Schier, HogerLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
656ebraryTerrorism Financing and State Responses : A Comparative Perspective Giraldo, Jeanne K.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
657ebraryTerror in the Balance : Security, Liberty, and the Courts Posner, Eric A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
658ebraryTerrorism As Crime : From Oklahoma City to Al-Qaeda and Beyond Hamm, Mark S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
659ebraryTestaments of Toluca Pizzigoni, CaterinaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
660ebraryTrade, Aid and Security : An Agenda for Peace and Development Brown, OliLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
661ebraryThis Ability : An International Legal Perspective of Disability Discrimination Cotter, Anne-Marie MooneyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
662ebraryTools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Policy Reform : A Sourcebook for Development Practitioners Holland, JeremyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
663ebraryTopologies : The Urban Utopia in France, 1960-1970 Busbea, LarryLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
664ebraryTheories, Issues, and Movements : Critical Issues in Crime and Society Capeheart, LorettaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
665ebraryToo Poor For Peace? : Global Poverty, Conflict, and Security in the 21st Century Brainard, LaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
666ebraryTechnical Report Series, Number 944 : WHO Expert Committee on Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption (Russian) World Health OrganizationSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
667ebraryTalking about Race : Community Dialogues and the Politics of Difference Katherine Cramer WalshSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
668ebraryTerror : How Israel Has Coped and What America Can Learn Cole, Leonard A.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
669ebraryTrilingual Glossary of Demographic Terminology : English-Japanese-German, Japanese-English-German, German-Japanese-English Koch, MatthiasSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
670ebraryTranslating Mount Fuji : Modern Japanese Fiction and the Ethics of Identity Washburn, DennisSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
671ebraryTyranny of the Market : Why You Can't Always Get What You Want Waldfogel, JoelSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
672ebraryTransformation of Sexuality : Gender and Identity in Contemporary Youth Culture Johansson, ThomasSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
673ebraryTerrorism As Crime : From Oklahoma City to Al-Qaeda and Beyond Hamm, Mark S.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
674ebraryTo the Break of Dawn : A Freestyle on the Hip-Hop Aesthetic Cobb, William JelaniSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
675ebraryTeaching Other Voices : Women and Religion in Early Modern Europe King, Margaret L.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
676ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : Phraseology and Culture in English Skandera, PaulSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
677ebraryTransformation of Violent Intercommunal Conflict Ryan, StephenSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
678ebraryTrinidad Carnival : The Cultural Politics of a Transnational Festival Green, Garth L.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
679ebraryThis Ability : An International Legal Perspective of Disability Discrimination Cotter, Anne-Marie MooneySociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
680ebraryToward a Global Idea of Race Silva, Denise Ferreira daSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
681ebraryTools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Policy Reform : A Sourcebook for Development Practitioners Holland, JeremySociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
682ebraryTheorizing Digital Cultural Heritage : A Critical Discourse Cameron, FionaSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
683ebraryTearing Down the Gates : Confronting the Class Divide in American Education Sacks, PeterSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
684ebraryThorstein Veblen and the Enrichment of Evolutionary Naturalism Tilman, RickSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
685ebraryTreatments : Language, Politics, and the Culture of Illness Diedrich, LisaSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
686ebraryTheories, Issues, and Movements : Critical Issues in Crime and Society Capeheart, LorettaSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
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792springerThe Welfare of Cats Irene Rochlitz.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
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794springerThe Prokaryotes Martin Dworkin, Stanley Falkow, Eugene Rosenberg, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, Erko Stackebrandt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
795springerThe Prokaryotes Martin Dworkin, Stanley Falkow, Eugene Rosenberg, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, Erko Stackebrandt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
796springerThe Prokaryotes Martin Dworkin, Stanley Falkow, Eugene Rosenberg, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, Erko Stackebrandt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
797springerThe Prokaryotes Martin Dworkin, Stanley Falkow, Eugene Rosenberg, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, Erko Stackebrandt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
798springerThe Prokaryotes Martin Dworkin, Stanley Falkow, Eugene Rosenberg, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, Erko Stackebrandt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
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807springerTheory of Defects in Semiconductors David A. Drabold, Stefan Estreicher.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
808springerToxicants in Aqueous Ecosystems T. R. Crompton.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
809springerTrends in Neural Computation Ke Chen, Lipo Wang.Engineering2007Go to website
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818springerTransducers and Arrays for Underwater Sound Charles H. Sherman, John L. Butler.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
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825springerThermo-Dynamics of Plates and Shells Jan Awrejcewicz, Anton V. Krysko, Vadim A. Krysko.Engineering2007Go to website
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827springerTrauma - An Engineering Analysis M. Y. H. Bangash, F. N. Bangash, Y. F. Al-Obaid, T. Bangash.Engineering2007Go to website
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830springerThe Health of Sexual Minorities Ilan H. Meyer, Mary E. Northridge.Medicine2007Go to website
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832springerTrends in EU Health Care Systems Win Gooijer.Medicine2007Go to website
833springerThe Psychological Impact of Acute and Chronic Illness Tamara McClintock Greenberg.Medicine2007Go to website
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837springerThermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption Halime ? Paksoy.Engineering2007Go to website
838springerThe Theory of the Moiré Phenomenon Isaac Amidror.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
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852springerTraffic and Granular Flow ' 05 Andreas Schadschneider, Thorsten P?schel, Reinhart Kühne, Michael Schreckenberg, Dietrich E. Wolf.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
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855springerThe Method of Approximate Inverse: Theory and Applications Thomas Schuster.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
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857springerTumors of the Brain and Spine Franco DeMonte, Mark R. Gilbert, Anita Mahajan, Ian E. McCutcheon.Medicine2007Go to website
858springerThe Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist Jim Longuski.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
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862springerThroughput Optimization in Robotic Cells Milind W. Dawande, H. Neil Geismar, Suresh P. Sethi, Chelliah Sriskandarajah.Engineering2007Go to website
863springerTime-Varying Network Optimization Xiaoqiang Cai, Dan Sha, C. K. Wong.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
864springerThe Bayesian Choice Christian P. Robert.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
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872springerThe Impact of Environmental Variability on Ecological Systems D. A. Vasseur, K. S. McCann.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
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878springerTopologie générale N. Bourbaki.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
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884springerTissue-Specific Estrogen Action K.S. Korach, Tim Wintermantel.Medicine2007Go to website
885springerT Cell Activation by CD1 and Lipid Antigens D. Branch Moody.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
886springerTheoretical and Numerical Unsaturated Soil Mechanics T. Schanz.Engineering2007Go to website
887springerTopology-based in Methods in Visualization Helwig Hauser, Hans Hagen, Holger Theisel.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
888springerTheory of Cryptography Salil P. Vadhan.Computer Science2007Go to website
889springerTerrestrial Trunked Radio - Tetra Peter Stavroulakis.Engineering2007Go to website
890springerTransactions on Rough Sets VI James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Ivo Düntsch, Jerzy Grzyma?a-Busse, Ewa Or?owska, Lech Polkowski.Computer Science2007Go to website
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905springerThe Genesis of General Relativity Jürgen Renn, Jürgen Renn, Matthias Schemmel, Christopher Smeenk, Christopher Martin, Lindy Divarci.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
906springerTransdisciplinary Challenges in Landscape Ecology and Restoration Ecology - An Anthology Zev Naveh.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
907springerThe Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: An Evidence-Based Perspective Raymond P. Perry, John C. Smart.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
908springerThe Sun and Space Weather ARNOLD HANSLMEIER.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
909springerThe Challenges of Educating People to Lead in a Challenging World Michael K. McCuddy, Herman van den Bosch, Wm. Benjamin Martz, Alexei V. Matveev, Kenneth O. Morse.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
910springerThe Apoplast of higher plants: Compartment of Storage, Transport and Reactions Burkhard Sattelmacher, Walter J. Horst.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
911springerTherapeutic Angiogenesis ? Quo vadis Elisabeth Deindl, Christian Kupatt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
912springerTensions in Teaching about Teaching Amanda Berry.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
913springerThe Handbook of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Andrea C. Gore.Medicine2007Go to website
914springerThe Maintenance Management Framework Adolfo Crespo M?rquez.Engineering2007Go to website
915springerTropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change Mark B. Bush, John R. Flenley.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
916springerTrace Elements in the Food Chain Alina Kabata-Pendias, Arun B. Mukherjee.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
917springerThe Thymus Gland and its Surgery Kyriakos Anastasiadis, Chandi Ratnatunga.Medicine2007Go to website
918springerThe Economics of Casino Gambling Douglas M. Walker.Business and Economics2007Go to website
919springerTargeted Therapies in Cancer Manfred Dietel.Medicine2007Go to website
920springerThe Relationship Between Transport Growth and Economic Growth ifmo, Institut für Mobilit?tsforschungEarth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
921springerThe Middle Parana River Mart?n H. Iriondo, Juan César Paggi, Mar?a Julieta Parma.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
922springerThe Augmented Spherical Wave Method Volker Eyert.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
923springerTsunami and Nonlinear Waves Anjan Kundu.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
924springerThe Many Faces of Maxwell, Dirac and Einstein Equations Waldyr A. Jr Rodrigues, Edmundo C. de Oliveira.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
925springerTransactions on Rough Sets VII James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Victor W. Marek, Ewa Or?owska, Roman S?owi?ski, Wojciech Ziarko.Computer Science2007Go to website
926springerThe Semantic Web: Research and Applications Enrico Franconi, Michael Kifer, Wolfgang May.Computer Science2007Go to website
927springerTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2007 Joao Marques-Silva, Karem A. Sakallah.Computer Science2007Go to website
928springerTransactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security II Yun Q. Shi.Computer Science2007Go to website
929springerTool and Object Ralf Kr?mer.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
930springerThe Extended Field of Operator Theory Michael A. Dritschel.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
931springerTime and Space in Economics Toichiro Asada, Toshiharu Ishikawa.Business and Economics2007Go to website
932springerThe LaTeX Book George Gr?tzer.Computer Science2007Go to website
933springerThe New Worlds Fabienne Casoli, Thérèse Encrenaz.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
934springerThe Herschel Objects, and How to Observe Them James Mullaney.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
935springerThe Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Ricardo Azziz.Medicine2007Go to website
936springerThe Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Events Richard J. Cook, Jerald F. Lawless.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
937springerThe Descent of Human Sex Ratio at Birth ?ric Brian, Marie Jaisson.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
938springerTrends in Supply Chain Design and Management Hosang Jung, F. Frank Chen, Bongju Jeong.Engineering2007Go to website
939springerTurbulent Particle-Laden Gas Flows A.Y. Varaksin.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
940springerTopics and Methods in Condensed Matter Theory Michele Cini.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
941springerTools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems Orna Grumberg, Michael HuthComputer Science2007Go to website
942springerTransactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers I Per Stenstr?m.Computer Science2007Go to website
943springerTopics in Strangeness Nuclear Physics P. Bydzovsky, A. Gal, J. Mares.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
944springerTheory and Applications of Models of Computation Jin-Yi Cai, S. Barry Cooper, Hong Zhu.Computer Science2007Go to website
945springerThe Disappearing Computer Norbert Streitz, Achilles Kameas, Irene Mavrommati.Computer Science2007Go to website
946springerTechnologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment Kin-chuen Hui, Zhigeng Pan, Ronald Chi-kit Chung etal.Computer Science2007Go to website
947springerTyped Lambda Calculi and Applications Simona Ronchi Rocca.Computer Science2007Go to website
948springerThree-Phase Diode Rectifiers with Low Harmonics Predrag Pejovic.Engineering2007Go to website
949springerThe Story of Manned Space Stations Philip Baker.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
950springerThinking, Feeling and Speaking in Two Languages Rafael Art. Javier.Behavioral Science2007Go to website
951springerThe Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin in Health and Disease Bharat B. Aggarwal, Young-Joon Surh, Shishir Shishodia.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
952springerThe Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians RICHARD J. CHACON, David H. Dye.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
953springerThe Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna in Radio Astronomy and Communication Jacob W.M. Baars.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
954springerTotal Solar Eclipses and How to Observe Them Martin Mobberley.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
955springerThe Genus Yersinia Robert D. Perry, Jacqueline D. Fetherston.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
956springerThermal Decomposition of Solids and Melts Boris V. L'vov.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
957springerThe Muskellunge Symposium: a Memorial Tribute to E.J. Crossman James S. Diana, Terry L. Margenau.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
958springerThe Post-Socialist City Kiril Stanilov.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
959springerTheory of Probability and Random Processes Leonid B. Koralov, Yakov G. Sinai.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
960springerTransgenic Crops V Eng-Chong Pua, Michael R. Davey.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
961springerThe Physical Basis of The Direction of Time H. Dieter Zeh.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
962springerThrustbelts and Foreland Basins Olivier Lacombe, François Roure, Jérôme Lavé, Jaume Vergés.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
963springerThe Employment Effects of Technological Change Jens Rubart.Business and Economics2007Go to website
964springerTask Models and Diagrams for Users Interface Design Karin Coninx, Kris Luyten, Kevin A. Schneider.Computer Science2007Go to website
965springerThe Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy Lefteris Papantonopoulos.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
966springerTop Quark Physics at Hadron Colliders Arnulf Quadt.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
967springerTowards a Cleaner Planet Jaime Klapp, Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota, José Federico Ch?vez Alcal?.Engineering2007Go to website
968springerTitanium Gerd Lütjering, James C. Williams.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
969springerThe Fuzzification of Systems Rudolf Seising.Engineering2007Go to website
970springerThe Road to Galaxy Formation William C. Keel.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
971springerTesting of Software and Communicating Systems Alexandre PetrenkoComputer Science2007Go to website
972springerTowards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants Manuel Kauers, Manfred Kerber, Robert Miner, WComputer Science2007Go to website
973springerTerm Rewriting and Applications Franz Baader.Computer Science2007Go to website
974springerTests and Proofs Yuri Gurevich, Bertrand Meyer.Computer Science2007Go to website
975springerTrust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business Costas Lambrinoudakis, Günther Pernul, A Min Tjoa.Computer Science2007Go to website
976springerTheorem Proving in Higher Order Logics Klaus Schneider, Jens Brandt.Computer Science2007Go to website
977springerText, Speech and Dialogue V?clav Matou?ek, Pavel Mautner.Computer Science2007Go to website
978springerThe Analysis Situs Vincenzo Risi.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
979springerThe Agent Modeling Language - AML Radovan Cervenka, Ivan Trencansky.Computer Science2007Go to website
980springerThe Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers Thomas Hockey, Virginia Trimble, Thomas R. Williams, Katherine Bracher, Richard A. Jarrell, Jordan D. Marché, F. Jamil Ragep, JoAnn Palmeri, Marvin Bolt.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
981springerThe Papillomaviruses Robert L. Garcea, Daniel DiMaio.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
982springerThe CDIO Approach to Engineering Education Edward F. Crawley, Johan Malmqvist, S?ren ?stlund, Doris R. Brodeur.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
983springerTemporal Dimensions of Landscape Ecology John A. Bissonette, Ilse Storch.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
984springerThe Health of Aging Hispanics Jacqueline L. Angel, Keith E. Whitfield.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
985springerThe Observer's Sky Atlas E. Karkoschka.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
986springerThe Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Authoritarianism Milan Zafirovski.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
987springerThe Sociology of Loyalty James Connor.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
988springerTropical Cyclones James P. Terry.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
989springerTowards Next Generation Grids Thierry Priol, Marco Vanneschi.Computer Science2007Go to website
990springerThe Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data Stephen E. Fienberg.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
991springerThe Math Problems Notebook Valentin Boju, Louis Funar.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
992springerThe Spatial Distribution of Microbes in the Environment Rima B. Franklin, Aaron L. Mills.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
993springerThe Fish Oocyte: from basic studies to biotechnological applications Patrick J. Babin, Joan Cerdà, Esther Lubzens.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
994springerTurbo-like Codes Aliazam Abbasfar.Engineering2007Go to website
995springerTerahertz Frequency Detection and Identification of Materials and Objects Robert E. Miles, Xi-Cheng Zhang, Heribert Eisele, Arunas Krotkus.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
996springerThe Death of Fashion Harald Gruendl.Architecture and Design2007Go to website
997springerThe Physics of Polymers Gert Strobl.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
998springerThe Business Plan Gerald Schwetje, Sam Vaseghi.Business and Economics2007Go to website
999springerTradition and Change in Administrative Law Martina Künnecke.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1000springerThe Principle of Indemnity in Marine Insurance Contracts Kyriaki Noussia.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1001springerTheory of Periodic Conjugate Heat Transfer Yuri B. Zudin.Engineering2007Go to website
1002springerThe Market for Corporate Control in Japan Enrico Colcera.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1003springerTransgenic Crops VI Eng-Chong Pua, Michael R. Davey.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1004springerThe Soils of Israel Arieh Singer.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
1005springerThinking in Complexity Klaus Mainzer.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1006springerTest and Analysis of Web Services Luciano Baresi, Elisabetta Di Nitto.Computer Science2007Go to website
1007springerTheory of Concentrated Vortices S.V. Alekseenko, P.A. Kuibin, V.L. Okulov.Engineering2007Go to website
1008springerThe Calculus of Computation Aaron R. Bradley, Zohar Manna.Computer Science2007Go to website
1009springerTypes for Proofs and Programs Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride.Computer Science2007Go to website
1010springerTheoretical Aspects of Computing ? ICTAC 2007 Cliff B. Jones, Zhiming Liu, Jim Woodcock.Computer Science2007Go to website
1011springerThe Design of the Eurosystem?s Monetary Policy Instruments Ulrike Neyer.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1012springerThe First Men on the Moon David M. Harland.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1013springerTensors: The Mathematics of Relativity Theory and Continuum Mechanics Anadijiban Das.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1014springerTreating Trichotillomania Martin E. Franklin, David F. Tolin.Behavioral Science2007Go to website
1015springerThe Illusion of Linearity Dirk De Bock, Wim Van Dooren, Dirk Janssens, Lieven Verschaffel.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1016springerThe Sky is Your Laboratory Robert K. Buchheim.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1017springerThe Composition of Matter Rudolf Steiger, George Gloeckler, Glenn M. Mason.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1018springerThe History of Allelopathy R. J. Willis.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1019springerThe Machines of Leonardo Da Vinci and Franz Reuleaux Francis C. Moon.Engineering2007Go to website
1020springerTheory of Legal Principles Humberto ?vila.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1021springerTreatment of the Obese Patient Robert F. Kushner, Daniel H. Bessesen.Medicine2007Go to website
1022springerThe Leydig Cell in Health and Disease Anita H. Payne, Matthew P. Hardy.Medicine2007Go to website
1023springerTherapeutic Uses of Botox Grant Cooper.Medicine2007Go to website
1024springerThe Definitive Guide to SOA: BEA AquaLogic® Service Bus Jeff Davies, Ashish Krishna, David Schorow.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1025springerThe Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP David Power.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1026springerThe Definitive Guide to JasperReports? Teodor Danciu, Lucian Chirita.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1027springerTherapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain J. Haslam, J. Laycock.Medicine2007Go to website
1028springerTraité de nutrition artificielle de l'adulte Noël Cano, Didier Barnoud, Stéphane M. Schneider, Marie-Paule Vasson, Michel Hasselmann, Xavier Leverve.Medicine2007Go to website
1029springerThin Films of Soft Matter Serafim Kalliadasis, Uwe Thiele.Engineering2007Go to website
1030springerThe Nonlinear Universe Alwyn C. Scott.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1031springerThe High Energy Solar Corona: Waves, Eruptions, Particles Karl-Ludwig Klein, Alexander L. MacKinnon.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1032springerType Synthesis of Parallel Mechanisms Xianwen Kong, Clément Gosselin.Engineering2007Go to website
1033springerTheoretical Advances and Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, Oscar Montiel Ross, Roberto Sep?lveda Cruz, Witold Pedrycz, Janusz Kacprzyk.Engineering2007Go to website
1034springerTrends in Enterprise Application Architecture Dirk Draheim, Gerald Weber.Computer Science2007Go to website
1035springerThe Semantic Web Karl Aberer, Key-Sun Choi et al.Computer Science2007Go to website
1036springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology VIII Corrado Priami.Computer Science2007Go to website
1037springerTopological and Bivariant K-theory Joachim Cuntz, Ralf Meyer, Jonathan M. Rosenberg.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1038springerThe role of physical exercise in disease prevention and quality of life improvement Vilberto Stocchi, Pierpaolo Feo, David A. Hood.Medicine2007Go to website
1039springerTigri e Teoremi Maria Rosa Menzio.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1040springerTime-Resolved Spectroscopy in Complex Liquids Renato Torre.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1041springerThe Moon David G. Schrunk, Burton L. Sharpe, Bonnie L. Cooper, Madhu Thangavelu.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1042springerThe Organized Crime Community Frank Bovenkerk, Michael Levi.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1043springerThe Rebirth of the Russian Space Program Brian Harvey.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1044springerThe Riemann Hypothesis Peter Borwein, Stephen Choi, Brendan Rooney, Andrea Weirathmueller.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1045springerThe Information Society: Innovation, Legitimacy, Ethics and Democracy Philippe Goujon, Sylvain Lavelle, Penny Duquenoy et al.Computer Science2007Go to website
1046springerTrust Management Sandro Etalle, Stephen Marsh.Computer Science2007Go to website
1047springerTrends in Computer Aided Innovation Noel Le?n-Rovira.Computer Science2007Go to website
1048springerThe Arché Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction Roy T. Cook.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1049springerThe Influence of Genetics on Contemporary Thinking Anne Fagot-Largeault, Shahid Rahman, Juan Manuel Torres.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1050springerThe Chemokine Receptors Jeffrey K. Harrison, Nicholas W. Lukacs.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1051springerThe Art and Science of Cardiac Physical Examination Narasimhan Ranganathan, Vahe Sivaciyan, Franklin B. Saksena.Medicine2007Go to website
1052springerThe GABA Receptors S. J. Enna, Hanns M?hler.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1053springerThe Genetics of Male Infertility Douglas T. Carrell.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1054springerThe Achilles Tendon Nicola Maffulli, Louis C. Almekinders.Medicine2007Go to website
1055springerTechniques virales avancées ?ric Filiol.Computer Science2007Go to website
1056springerTrans-Neptunian Objects and Comets David Jewitt, Alessandro Morbidelli, Heike Rauer.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1057springerTransactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development III Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit.Computer Science2007Go to website
1058springerTrustworthy Global Computing Ugo Montanari, Donald Sannella, Roberto Bruni.Computer Science2007Go to website
1059springerTransactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development IV Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit.Computer Science2007Go to website
1060springerTask Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design Marco Winckler, Hilary Johnson, Philippe Palanque.Computer Science2007Go to website
1061springerTeamwork for Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa Hannah Titilayo Seriki.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1062springerThe Formation Process of SME Networks Marita Haas, Rudolf Vetschera.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1063springerTNF Receptor Associated Factors Hao Wu.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1064springerThe Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic Elena Anne Marchisotto, James T. Smith.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1065springerTransport Phenomena and Kinetic Theory Carlo Cercignani, Ester Gabetta.Engineering2007Go to website
1066springerThe Berkeley DB Book Himanshu Yadava.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1067springerThe Definitive Guide to MythTV Stewart Smith, Michael Still.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1068springerThe Strength of Nonstandard Analysis Imme Berg, V?tor Neves.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1069springerThe Archaeometallurgy of Copper Andreas Hauptmann.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
1070springerTopics in Gravitational Dynamics Daniel Benest, Claude Froeschle, Elena Lega.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1071springerTime in Quantum Mechanics J.G. Muga, R. Sala Mayato, ?.L. Egusquiza.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1072springerTsunami and Its Hazards in the Indian and Pacific Oceans Kenji Satake, Emile A. Okal, José C. Borrero.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
1073springerThe Successful Use of Information in Multinational Companies Sebastian-Dominik Jais.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1074springerThe Effect of Team Composition on Strategic Sensemaking Tanja Prinzessin Waldeck.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1075springerThe Usage of System Dynamics in Organizational Interventions Birgitte Snabe.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1076springerThe Social Side of Mergers and Acquisitions Florian Frensch.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1077springerTrust within Organizations of the New Economy Marco Tulio Zanini.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1078springerThe Long-Term Fertilization Trials in Halle (Saale), Germany Wolfgang Merbach, Annette Deubel.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1079springerTutti i numeri sono uguali a cinque S. Sandrelli, D. Gouthier, R. Ghattas.Engineering2007Go to website
1080springerTissue Engineering John P. Fisher.Engineering2007Go to website
1081springerTissue Mechanics Stephen C. Cowin, Stephen B. Doty.Engineering2007Go to website
1082springerThe Nature of Statistical Evidence Bill Thompson.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1083springerThermal Processing of Packaged Foods Donald Holdsworth, Ricardo Simpson.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
1084springerThe MESSENGER Mission to Mercury D.L. Domingue, C.T. Russell.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1085springerTherapeutic Lipidology Michael H. Davidson, Peter P. Toth, Kevin C. Maki, Antonio M. Gotto.Medicine2007Go to website
1086springerTextpattern Solutions: PHP-Based Content Management Made Easy Kevin Potts, Robert Sable, Nathan Smith, Mary Fredborg, Cody Lindley.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1087springerThe Maximum Principle Patrizia Pucci, James Serrin.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1088springerThe Morality of Business Tibor R. Machan.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1089springerTropical Algebraic Geometry Ilia Itenberg, Grigory Mikhalkin, Eugenii Shustin.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1090springerThermophilic Acidophilic Bacilli: Alicyclobacillus Akira Yokota, Tateo Fujii, Keiichi Goto.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1091springerTraité des infections et pathologies génitales à papillomavirus Joseph Monsonego.Medicine2007Go to website
1092springerTort and Regulatory Law Willem H. Boom, Meinhard Lukas, Christa Kissling.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1093springerThe Baobabs: Pachycauls of Africa, Madagascar and Australia Gerald E. Wickens.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1094springerThe Changing Governance of the Sciences Richard Whitley, Jochen Gl?ser.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1095springerThe Essential Guide to CSS and HTML Web Design Craig Grannell.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1096springerThe Safety of Systems Felix Redmill, Tom Anderson.Computer Science2007Go to website
1097springerThe Ethics of Embryo Adoption and the Catholic Tradition Sarah-Vaughan Brakman, Darlene Fozard Weaver.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1098springerTopic and Focus Chungmin Lee, Matthew Gordon, Daniel Büring.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1099springerThe Definitive Guide to the Microsoft Enterprise Library Keenan Newton.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1100springerTransport at the Air Sea Interface Christoph S. Garbe, Robert A. Handler, Bernd J?hne.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
1101springerThe Definitive Guide to iReport Giulio Toffoli.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
1102springerThe Geometry of an Art J. Z. Buchwald, Jesper Lützen, J. Hogendijk.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1103springerThe IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics Antonio Dobado Gonzalez, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Vicente Vento.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1104springerTransgenic Microalgae as Green Cell Factories Nathan Back, Irun R. Cohen, Abel Lajtha, John D. Lambris, Rodolfo Paoletti, Rosa Le?n, Aurora Galv?n, Emilio Fern?ndez.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1105springerThe Geospatial Web Lakhmi Jain, Xindong Wu, Arno Scharl, Klaus Tochtermann.Computer Science2007Go to website
1106springerThe Improvement of Technology Transfer Franz Hofer.Business and Economics2007Go to website
1107springerTerritorial Cohesion Dietmar Scholich.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
1108springerThe Welfare of Laboratory Animals Eila Kaliste.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1109springerThe Grothendieck Festschrift Volume III Pierre Cartier, Luc Illusie, Nicholas M. Katz.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1110springerThe Welfare of Horses Natalie Waran.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
1111springerThe Adolescent Athlete edited by Lyle J. Micheli, Laura Purcell.Medicine2007Go to website
1112springerThe Astrophysics of Emission Line Stars by Tomokazu Kogure, Kam-Ching Leung.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
1113springerThe Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems by Joseph H. Silverman.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1114springerThe Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III Lars H?rmanderMathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
1115springerThe Liability of Classification Societies Nicolai LagoniHumanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
1116ebraryTransatlantic Spiritualism and Nineteenth-Century American Literature Bennett, BridgetLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1117ebraryText Corpora and Multilingual Lexicography Teubert, WolfgangLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1118ebraryTranslation As a Profession Gouadec, DanielLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1119ebraryTheban Plays of Sophocles SophoclesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1120ebraryTwelfth Night : Or, What You Will Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1121ebraryThou and You in Early Modern English Dialogues : Trials, Depositions, and Drama Comedy Walker, TerryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1122ebraryTreatments : Language, Politics, and the Culture of Illness Diedrich, LisaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1123ebraryTeaching Poetry Writing : A Five-Canon Approach Hunley, Tom C.Language, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1124ebraryTeach Terrific Grammar, Grades 4-5 Muschla, Gary RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1125ebraryTree of Tales : Tolkien, Literature and Theology Hart, TrevorLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1126ebraryTeach the Free Man : Stories Malae, Peter NathanielLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1127ebraryTeller Tales : Histories Carson, JoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1128ebraryTheatricality of Greek Tragedy : Playing Space and Chorus Ley, GrahamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1129ebraryTeaching Secondary English with ICT Adams, AnthonyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1130ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : Phraseology and Culture in English Skandera, PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1131ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Ontolinguistics : How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts Schalley, Andrea C.Language, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1132ebraryTennyson and Victorian Periodicals : Commodities in Context Ledbetter, KathrynLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1133ebraryThinking in Circles : An Essay on Ring Composition Douglas, MaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1134ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : Methods in Historical Pragmatics Fitzmaurice, Susan M.Language, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1135ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : The Habitat of Australia's Aboriginal Languages : Past, Present and Future Leitner, GerhardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1136ebraryTranslating Mount Fuji : Modern Japanese Fiction and the Ethics of Identity Washburn, DennisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1137ebraryThinking Logically : A Historical Critique of Trends in Contemporary Philosophy of Logic in the Analytical Tradition Larrey, PhilipLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1138ebraryTales of Moonlight and Rain Ueda, AkinariLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1139ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : The Germanic Strong Verbs : Foundations and Development of a New System Mailhammer, RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1140ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Non-Native Prosody : Phonetic Description and Teaching Practice Trouvain, JürgenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1141ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Definiteness in Bulgarian : Modelling the Processes of Language Change Mladenova, Olga M.Language, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1142ebraryTexts and Studies on the Quran, Volume 3 : Foreign Vocabulary of the Qur'an Jeffery, ArthurLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1143ebraryTexts and Traditions : Religion in Shakespeare 1592-1604 Groves, BeatriceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1144ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : On Interpreting Construction Schemas : From Action and Motion to Transitivity and Causality Delbecque, NicoleLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1145ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : The Semantic Field of Modal Certainty : A Corpus-Based Study of English Adverbs Aijmer, KarinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1146ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Recent Advances in the Syntax and Semantics of Tense, Aspect and Modality Saussure, Louis deLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1147ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Focus Strategies in African Languages : The Interaction of Focus and Grammar in Niger-Congo and Afro-Asiatic Aboh, Enoch OladéLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1148ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : New Challenges in Typology : Broadening the Horizons and Redefining the Foundations W?lchli, BernhardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1149ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Valency : Theoretical, Descriptive and Cognitive Issues Herbst, ThomasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1150ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Annual Review of South Asian Languages and Linguistics : 2007 Singh, RajendraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1151ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Visible Variation : Comparative Studies on Sign Language Structure Perniss, PamelaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1152ebraryThat the World May Know : Bearing Witness to Atrocity Dawes, JamesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
1153ebraryTelevision Will Be Revolutionized Lotz, AmandaEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
1154ebraryTABE, Test of Adult Basic Education : Level A Math Workbook Ku, RichardEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
1155ebraryTroubleshooting and Repair of Diesel Engines Dempsey, Paul K.Engineering_Technology2007Go to website
1156ebraryTechnology Transfer for the Ozone Layer : Lessons for Climate Change Andersen, Stephen O.Engineering_Technology2007Go to website
1157ebraryToxic Burn : The Grassroots Struggle Against the WTI Incinerator Shevory, ThomasEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
1158ebraryThermal Plasma Torches : Design, Characteristics, Application Zhukov, M. F.Engineering_Technology2007Go to website
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1183ebraryToxic Burn : The Grassroots Struggle Against the WTI Incinerator Shevory, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
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1217ebraryThis Time, This Place : My Life in War, the White House, and Hollywood Valenti, JackHumanities2007Go to website
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1247ebraryTo Recruit and Advance : Women Students and Faculty in U.S. Science and Engineering Committee on the Guide to Recruiting and Advancing Women Scientists and Engineers in AcademiaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1248ebraryTalking Book : African Americans and the Bible Callahan, Allen DwightInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1249ebraryTo Subsidise My Income : Urban Farming in an East-African Town Foeken, DickInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1250ebraryThunder of Angels : The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the People Who Broke the Back of Jim Crow Williams, DonnieInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1251ebraryTelling the Little Secrets : American Jewish Writing Since the 1980s Burstein, Janet HandlerInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
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1260ebraryTrouble Between Us : An Uneasy History of White and Black Women in the Feminist Movement Breines, WinifredInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1261ebraryTake Up the Black Man's Burden : Kansas City's African American Communities, 1865-1939 Coulter, Charles E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1262ebraryTraveling Women : Narrative Visions of Early America Imbarrato, Susan ClairInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1263ebraryTwilight People : One Man's Journey to Find His Roots Houze, DavidInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1264ebraryTeaching the Holocaust in School History : Teachers or Preachers? Russell, LucyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1265ebraryTenants of East Harlem Sharman, Russell LeighInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
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1267ebraryTheir Other Side : Six American Women and the Lure of Italy Barolini, HelenInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1268ebraryTaijiquan and the Search for the Little Old Chinese Man : Understanding Identity through Martial Arts Frank, AdamInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1269ebraryTen Observations About the Past, Present and Future of Political Communication Vreese, Claes H. deLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1270ebraryTroubled Peace : U. S. Policy and the Two Koreas Lee, Chae-JinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1271ebraryTake Up the Black Man's Burden : Kansas City's African American Communities, 1865-1939 Coulter, Charles E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1272ebraryTax Policy and Labor Market Performance Agell, JonasLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1273ebraryTax Policy and the Economy, Volume 20 Poterba, James M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1274ebraryTruth About Health Care : Why Reform Is Not Working in America Mechanic, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1275ebraryTerrorism and Global Disorder Guelke, AdrianLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1276ebraryTrade and Investment Rule-Making Woolcock, StephenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1277ebraryThomas Reid's Ethics : Moral Epistemology on Legal Foundations Davis, William C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1278ebraryTerrorist Identity : Explaining the Terrorist Threat Arena, Michael P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1279ebraryToward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History Kant, ImmanuelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1280ebraryTangled Roots : Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism Victoroff, J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1281ebraryThe LawGrowth Nexus : The Rule of Law and Economic Development Dam, Kenneth W.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1282ebraryTo Subsidise My Income : Urban Farming in an East-African Town Foeken, DickSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1283ebraryTextbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R.S.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1284ebraryTaking Wrongs Seriously : Apologies and Reconciliation Barkan, ElazarSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1285ebraryThousand Barrels a Second : The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenes Facing an Energy Dependent World Tertzakian, PeterSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1286ebraryThinking about Dementia : Culture, Loss, and the Anthropology of Senility Leibing, AnnetteSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1287ebraryTomb Raiders and Space Invaders : Videogame Forms and Contexts King, GeoffSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1288ebraryTrouble Between Us : An Uneasy History of White and Black Women in the Feminist Movement Breines, WinifredSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1289ebraryTargeting in Social Programs : Avoiding Bad Bets, Removing Bad Apples Schuck, Peter H.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1290ebraryTransforming Microfinance Institutions : Providing Full Financial Services to the Poor Ledgerwood, JoannaSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1291ebraryTerrorism and Global Disorder Guelke, AdrianSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1292ebraryTechnoscience and Everyday Life Michael, MikeSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1293ebraryTailgating, Sacks and Salary Caps : How the NFL Became the Most Successful Sports League in History Yost, MarkSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1294ebraryTwentieth-Century Mass Society in Britain and the Netherlands Moore, BobSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1295ebraryTranscendent Mystery in Man : A Global Approach to Ecumenism Woznicki, AndrewSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1296ebraryTheory of General Ethics : Human Relationships, Nature, and the Built Environment Fox, WarwickSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1297ebraryTerrorist Identity : Explaining the Terrorist Threat Arena, Michael P.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1298ebraryTaijiquan and the Search for the Little Old Chinese Man : Understanding Identity through Martial Arts Frank, AdamSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1299ebraryTiger in the Attic : Memories of the Kindertransport and Growing up English Milton, EdithSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1300ebraryTalking Book : African Americans and the Bible Callahan, Allen DwightReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1301ebraryTransformation of the Laity in Bergamo, 1265-c. 1400 Cossar, RoisinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1302ebraryTheodoret of Cyrus : Commentary on Daniel Hill, Robert C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1303ebraryTheological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages : The Thirteenth Century Schabel, ChristopherReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1304ebraryThomas Hobbes and the Politics of Natural Philosophy Finn, Stephen J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1305ebraryText, Translation, and Tradition : Studies on the Peshitta and its Use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday Van Peursen, Wido Th.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1306ebraryTextbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R.S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1307ebraryTaken from the Lips : Gender and Eros in Mesoamerican Religions Marcos, S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1308ebraryTruth about Leo Strauss : Political Philosophy and American Democracy Catherine ZuckertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1309ebraryThird Crusade 1191 : Richard the Lionheart, Saladin and the Struggle for Jerusalem Nicolle, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1310ebraryTheologische Bibliothek T?pelmann : Jesus Christ Today : Studies of Christology in Various Contexts. Proceedings of the Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses, Oxford 25–29 August 2006 and Princeton 25–30 August 2007 Hall, Stuart GeorgeReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1311ebraryTeleological Ethics of Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi Shihadeh, AymanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1312ebraryTime for Change : Report on the Future of the Study of Islam and Muslims in Universities and Colleges in Multicultural Britain El-Awaisi, Abd al-FattahReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1313ebraryTime for Change, Executive Summary : Report on the Future of the Study of Islam and Muslims in Universities and Colleges in Multicultural Britain El-Awaisi, Abd al-FattahReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
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1315ebraryThrough a Glass Darkly Bernard and Lonergan and Richard Rorty on Knowing without a God's-Eye-View Snell, R. J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1316ebraryTom Merton : A Personal Biography McDonald, Joan C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1317ebraryTwo Hippocratic Treatises : On Sight and On Anatomy Craik, Elizabeth M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1318ebraryTantric Body : The Secret Tradition of Hindu Religion Flood, GavinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1319ebraryTransformations : Thinking after Heidegger Stenstad, GailReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1320ebraryTalking About Spirituality in Health Care Practice : A Resource for the Multi-Professional Health Care Team White, GillianReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1321ebraryTelling the Little Secrets : American Jewish Writing Since the 1980s Burstein, Janet HandlerReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1322ebraryThinking : From Solitude to Dialogue and Contemplation Peperzak, Adriaan T.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1323ebraryTime and Eternity in Mid-Thirteenth-Century Thought Fox, RoryReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1324ebraryTopologies of the Flesh : A Multidimensional Exploration of the Lifeworld Rosen, Steven M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1325ebraryTracking the Meaning of Life : A Philosophical Journey Lurie, YuvalReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1326ebraryThought's Footing : A Theme in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations Travis, CharlesReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1327ebraryTransitus Mariae : Beitr?ge zur koptischen ?berlieferung. Mit einer Edition von P.Vindob. K. 7589, Cambridge Add 1876 8 und Paris BN Copte 129 17 ff. 28 und 29 (Neutestamentliche Apokryphen II) F?rster, HansReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1328ebraryTextbook of Christian Ethics (3rd Edition) Gill, RobinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1329ebraryTaking Ourselves Seriously and Getting It Right Frankfurt, Harry G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1330ebraryThomas Reid's Ethics : Moral Epistemology on Legal Foundations Davis, William C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1331ebraryTruth About Conservative Christians : What They Think and What They Believe Greeley, Andrew M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1332ebraryTranscendent Mystery in Man : A Global Approach to Ecumenism Woznicki, AndrewReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1333ebraryTeaching the Reformation : Ministers and Their Message in Basel, 1529-1629 Burnett, Amy NelsonReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1334ebraryTheory of Virtue : Excellence in Being for the Good Adams, Robert MerrihewReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1335ebraryTherese of Lisieux : God's Gentle Warrior Nevin, Thomas R.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1336ebraryTheological Reflection and Education for Ministry : The Search for Integration in Theology Paver, John E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1337ebraryTheory of General Ethics : Human Relationships, Nature, and the Built Environment Fox, WarwickReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1338ebraryToward a Theology of Eros : Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline Burrus, VirginiaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1339ebraryThe Jumbled Jigsaw : An Insider's Approach to the Treatment of Autistic Spectrum 'Fruit Salads' Williams, DonnaPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
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1342ebraryThe Spirit of the Child (Revised Edition) Hay, DavidPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1343ebraryTreating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice : Doing What Works Washton, Arnold M.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1344ebraryTalking About Spirituality in Health Care Practice : A Resource for the Multi-Professional Health Care Team White, GillianPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1345ebraryTreatment of Childhood Disorders Mash, Eric J.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1346ebraryTruth is Longer Than a Lie : Children's Experiences of Abuse and Professional Interventions Mudaly, NeeroshPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1347ebraryThe Madness of Our Lives : Experiences of Mental Breakdown and Recovery Gray, PennyPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1348ebraryTouch and Go Joe : An Adolescent's Experience of OCD Wells, JoelPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1349ebraryThe Overweight Patient : A Psychological Approach to Understanding and Working with Obesity Leach, KathyPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1350ebraryTreating Survivors of Childhood Abuse : Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life Cloitre, MarylenePsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1351ebraryTreating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents : A Clinician's Guide Cohen, Judith A.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1352ebraryThat's Life with Autism : Tales and Tips for Families with Autism Ross, Donna SatterleePsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1353ebraryTargeting in Social Programs : Avoiding Bad Bets, Removing Bad Apples Schuck, Peter H.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1354ebraryTherapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology : Working with Patients, Families, and Physicians to Optimize Care Patterson, JoEllenPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1355ebraryTell Your Life Story : Creating Dialogue among Jews and Germans, Israelis and Palestinians Bar-On, DanPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1356ebraryTalking with Children and Young People about Death and Dying (2nd Edition) Turner, MaryPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1357ebraryTragedy Offstage : Suffering and Sympathy in Ancient Athens Sternberg, Rachel HallPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1358ebraryTaijiquan and the Search for the Little Old Chinese Man : Understanding Identity through Martial Arts Frank, AdamPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1359ebraryTo Recruit and Advance : Women Students and Faculty in U.S. Science and Engineering Committee on the Guide to Recruiting and Advancing Women Scientists and Engineers in AcademiaPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1360ebraryTopics On Mathematics For Smart Systems - Proceedings of the European Conference Miara, BernadettePhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1361ebraryTheoretical Nuclear Physics In Italy : Proceedings of the 11th Conference On Problems In Theoretical Nuclear Physics Covello, APhysical Sciences2006Go to website
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1363ebraryTracking Reason : Proof, Consequence, and Truth Azzouni, JodyPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1364ebraryToward a New Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) Committee to Assess the National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service InitiativePhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1365ebraryTensors and their Applications Islam, NazrulPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1366ebraryTime and Matter : Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Science of Time Bigi, Ikaros I.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1367ebraryTransport in Multilayered Nanostructures : The Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Approach Freericks, James K.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1368ebraryTopics in Mathematical Physics, General Relativity and Cosmology in Honor of Jerzy Plebanski : Proceedings of 2002 International Conference Compe?n, Hugo Garc?aPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1369ebraryTechnical Math Demystified Gibilisco, StanPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1370ebraryTime Restored : The Harrison Timekeepers and R. T. Gould, the Man Who Knew (Almost) Everything Betts, JonathanPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1371ebraryThreading Homology Through Algebra : Selected Patterns Boffi , GiandomenicoPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1372ebraryTensoranalysis Schade, HeinzPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1373ebraryThinking with Objects : The Transformation of Mechanics in the Seventeenth Century Bertoloni Meli, DomenicoPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1374ebraryType 2 Diabetes Sourcebook Drum, David E.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1375ebraryTeeth and Their Environment Duckworth, Ralph M.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1376ebraryTuberculosis and Air Travel : Guidelines for Prevention and Control (2nd Edition) Wook, Kwon JunNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1377ebraryTechnical Report Series, Number 940 : Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants : Sixty-seventh Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives World Health OrganizationNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1378ebraryTreating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice : Doing What Works Washton, Arnold M.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1379ebraryTalking About Spirituality in Health Care Practice : A Resource for the Multi-Professional Health Care Team White, GillianNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1380ebraryThinking about Dementia : Culture, Loss, and the Anthropology of Senility Leibing, AnnetteNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1381ebraryTreatment of Childhood Disorders Mash, Eric J.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1382ebraryThe Social Play Record : A Toolkit for Assessing and Developing Social Play from Infancy to Adolescence White, ChrisNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1383ebraryThe Overweight Patient : A Psychological Approach to Understanding and Working with Obesity Leach, KathyNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1384ebraryTreating Survivors of Childhood Abuse : Psychotherapy for the Interrupted Life Cloitre, MaryleneNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
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1430ebraryTourism Area Life Cycle, Volume 2 : Conceptual and Theoretical Issues Butler, Richard W.Business2006Go to website
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1466ebraryTax Policy and the Economy, Volume 20 Poterba, James M.Business2006Go to website
1467ebraryTourism in the New Europe : The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement Hall, Derek R.Business2006Go to website
1468ebraryTourism, Consumption and Representation : Narratives of Place and Self Meethan, K.Business2006Go to website
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1473ebraryTourism, Culture, and Regeneration Smith, Melanie K.Business2006Go to website
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1476springerThe SAGES Manual Carol E.H. Scott-Conner.Medicine2006Go to website
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1479springerThe Supercontinuum Laser Source Robert R. Alfano.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
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1486springerThe Bifurcation of the Self Robert W. Rieber.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1487springerThe Local Cardiac Renin Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Edward D. Frohlich, Richard N. Re.Medicine2006Go to website
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1506springerThe Evolution of Competitive Strategies in Global Forestry Industries Juha-Antti Lamberg, Juha N?si, Jari Ojala, Pasi Sajasalo.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1507springerTheory and Approach of Information Retrievals from Electromagnetic Scattering and Remote Sensing Ya-Qiu Jin.Engineering2006Go to website
1508springerThe Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean Alexander Soloviev, Roger Lukas.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1509springerThe Structure and Function of Plastids Robert R. Wise, J. Kenneth Hoober.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1510springerThe Many Faces of Health, Competence and Well-Being in Old Age Hans-Werner Wahl, Hermann Brenner, Heidrun Mollenkopf, Dietrich Rothenbacher, Christoph Rott.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
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1512springerTransformations in Medieval and Early-Modern Rights Discourse Virpi M?kinen, Petter Korkman.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1513springerThe Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards Nicholas Pinter, Grenerczy Gyula, John Weber, Seth Stein, Damir Medak.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1514springerTrust in Technology: A Socio-Technical Perspective Karen Clarke, Gillian Hardstone, Mark Rouncefield, Ian Sommerville.Computer Science2006Go to website
1515springerThe Limits of Logical Empiricism ALFONS KEUPINK, SANFORD SHIEH.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1516springerThe Acquisition of Verbs and their Grammar: The Effect of Particular Languages Natalia Gagarnia, Insa Gülzow.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1517springerThe Many Scales in the Universe J.C. Iniesta, E.J. Alfaro, J.G. Gorgas, E. Salvador-Solé, H. Butcher.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1518springerTransforming Unjust Structures Séverine Deneulin, Mathias Nebel, Nicholas Sagovsky.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1519springerTheatre as a Medium for Children and Young People: Images and Observations Shifra Schonmann.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1520springerThe Practical Critical Educator Karyn Cooper, Robert White.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1521springerThe Ecology of Transportation: Managing Mobility for the Environment John Davenport, Julia L. Davenport.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1522springerThe Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics Mary C. Rawlinson, Shannon Lundeen.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1523springerThe Taste for Ethics Christian CoffHumanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1524springerTransistor Level Modeling for Analog WLADYSLAW GRABINSKI, BART NAUWELAERS, DOMINIQUE SCHREURS.Engineering2006Go to website
1525springerThe Epidemiology of Plant Diseases B.M. COOKE, D. GARETH JONES, BERNARD KAYE.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1526springerThe Fernow Watershed Acidification Study Mary Beth Adams, David R. DeWalle, John L. Hom.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1527springerThe Death of Metaphysics; The Death of Culture Mark J. Cherry.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1528springerTechnical Translation JODY BYRNE.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1529springerTopological Fixed Point Theory of Multivalued Mappings Lech G?rniewicz.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1530springerThe Context of Constitution Dimitri Ginev.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1531springerTheory of Quantum Transport in Metallic and Hybrid Nanostructures Andreas Glatz, Veniamin I. Kozub, Valerii M. Vinokur.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1532springerTransboundary Floods: Reducing Risks Through Flood Management Jiri Marsalek, Gheorghe Stancalie, Gabor Balint.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1533springerTheoretical Introduction to Programming Bruce Mills.Computer Science2006Go to website
1534springerThe Amateur Astronomer Patrick Moore.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1535springerThe Human Foot Leslie Klenerman, Bernard Wood.Medicine2006Go to website
1536springerTNM-Atlas Ch. Wittekind, F. L. Greene, R. V. P. Hutter, M. Klimpfinger, L. H. Sobin.Medicine2006Go to website
1537springerTechnique d'équilibrage Hatto Schneider.Engineering2006Go to website
1538springerThe Hamilton-Type Principle in Fluid Dynamics Angel Fierros Palacios.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
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1540springerThe Mathematics of Arbitrage Freddy Delbaen, Walter Schachermayer.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1541springerTopology in Condensed Matter Michail Ilych Monastyrsky.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1542springerThe Thermodynamic Machinery of Life Michal Kurzynski.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1543springerThe Myc R. N. Eisenman.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1544springerThe Coupled Theory of Mixtures in Geomechanics with Applications George Z. Voyiadjis, Chung R. Song.Engineering2006Go to website
1545springerThree-Dimensional Cephalometry Gwen R.J. Swennen, Filip Schutyser, Jarg-Erich Hausamen.Medicine2006Go to website
1546springerTopics in Hyposonic Flow Theory R.K. Zeytounian.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1547springerTheoretical Atomic Physics Harald Friedrich.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1548springerTopics in Dynamic Model Analysis Mario Faliva, Maria Grazia Zoia.Business and Economics2006Go to website
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1551springerThe Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics David Nualart.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1552springerTerm Structure Modeling and Estimation in a State Space Framework Wolfgang Lemke, Deutsche Bundesbank.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1553springerThe Logistic Map and the Route to Chaos Marcel Ausloos, Michel Dirickx.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1554springerThe Complex Networks of Economic Interactions Akira Namatame, Taisei Kaizouji, Yuuji Aruka.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1555springerThe Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing V?clav ?m?dl, Anthony Quinn.Engineering2006Go to website
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1558springerTutorials in Mathematical Biosciences III Avner Friedman.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
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1561springerTheory of Bridge Aerodynamics Einar N. Str?mmen.Engineering2006Go to website
1562springerThe Theory of Coherent Radiation by Intense Electron Beams Vyacheslav A. Buts, Andrey N. Lebedev, V.I. Kurilko.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
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1566springerThe Pollen Tube Rui Malh?.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
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1574springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology IV Luca Cardelli, Stephen Emmott.Computer Science2006Go to website
1575springerTechnologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment Zhigeng PanRuth Aylett, Holger Diener, Xiaogang Jin etComputer Science2006Go to website
1576springerTheory and Applications of Models of Computation Jin-Yi Cai, S. Barry Cooper, Angsheng Li.Computer Science2006Go to website
1577springerTesting of Communicating Systems (vol. # 3964) M. ?mit Uyar, Ali Y. Duale, Mariusz A. Fecko.Computer Science2006Go to website
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1579springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology V Tony Hu, Yi Pan, Tsau Young Lin.Computer Science2006Go to website
1580springerTerm Rewriting and Applications (vol. # 4098) Frank Pfenning.Computer Science2006Go to website
1581springerTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2006 Armin Biere, Carla P. Gomes.Computer Science2006Go to website
1582springerTransendoscopic Ultrasound for Neurosurgery Klaus Dieter Maria Resch.Medicine2006Go to website
1583springerTwo Cultures Kim WilliamsMathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1584springerThe Hereditary Basis of Rheumatic Diseases Rikard Holmdahl.Medicine2006Go to website
1585springerTNF-alpha Inhibitors Jeffrey M. Weinberg, Robin Buchholz.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1586springerThe State Space Method Daniel Alpay, Israel Gohberg.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1587springerThe Algebra of Secondary Cohomology Operations Hans-Joachim Baues.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1588springerThe Fourfold Way in Real Analysis André Unterberger.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
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1590springerThe European Labour Market Floro Ernesto Caroleo, Sergio Destefanis.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1591springerThe Art of Semiparametrics Stefan Sperlich, Wolfgang H?rdle, G?khan Aydinli.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1592springerThe Economics of Online Markets and ICT Networks Russel Cooper, Gary Madden, Ashley Lloyd, Michael Schipp.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1593springerTheory of Mind and Language in Developmental Contexts Alessandro Antonietti, Olga Liverta-Sempio, Antonella Marchetti.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1594springerThe Sky at Einstein's Feet William C. Keel.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1595springerThermal Processes Using Attosecond Laser Pulses Miroslaw Kozlowski, Janina Marciak-Kozlowska.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1596springerThe Core Test Wrapper Handbook Francisco Silva, Teresa McLaurin, Tom Waayers.Engineering2006Go to website
1597springerTelling Stories in Book Clubs Mary Kooy.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1598springerThe Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resilience Brian Donnellan, Tor J. Larsen, Linda Levine, Janice I. DeGross.Computer Science2006Go to website
1599springerThe Future of Sustainability Marco Keiner.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1600springerTropical Homegardens B. M. Kumar, P. K. R. Nair.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1601springerTheory of Computation Dexter C. Kozen.Computer Science2006Go to website
1602springerThe Emerging Physics of Consciousness Jack A. Tuszynski.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1603springerTeleophthalmology Kanagasingam Yogesan, Sajeesh Kumar, Leonard Goldschmidt, Jorge Cuadros.Medicine2006Go to website
1604springerThird Generation Photovoltaics M. A. Green.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1605springerThe Earth's Magnetism Roberto Lanza, Antonio Meloni.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1606springerTransport Coefficients of Fluids Byung Chan Eu.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1607springerThirty Years of Photosynthesis Grahame J. Kelly, Erwin Latzko.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1608springerThe Wulff Crystal in Ising and Percolation Models Jean Picard.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1609springerThéorie élémentaire et pratique de la commande par les régimes glissants Pierre Lopez, Ahmed Saïd Nouri.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1610springerThe Lace Expansion and its Applications Jean Picard.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
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1612springerTree Transgenesis Matthias Fladung, Dietrich Ewald.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1613springerThe Plant Endoplasmic Reticulum David G. Robinson.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1614springerTobacco BY-2 Cells: From Cellular Dynamics to Omics Toshiyuki Nagata, Ken Matsuoka, Dirk Inzé.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1615springerThe Random-Cluster Model Geoffrey R. Grimmett.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1616springerThe Basel II Risk Parameters Bernd Engelmann, Robert Rauhmeier.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1617springerTopics in Acoustic Echo and Noise Control Eberhard H?nsler, Gerhard Schmidt.Engineering2006Go to website
1618springerTriangulations and Applications ?yvind Hjelle, Morten D?hlen.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1619springerToxicants in Terrestrial Ecosystems T. R. Crompton.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1620springerThe Euroschool Lectures on Physics With Exotic Beams, Vol. II Jim Al-Khalili, Ernst Roeckl.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
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1622springerThe Emerging Digital Economy B?rje Johansson, Charlie Karlsson, Roger Stough.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1623springerTime-Dependent Density Functional Theory Miguel A.L. Marques, Carsten A. Ullrich, Fernando Nogueira, Angel Rubio, Kieron Burke, Eberhard K. U. Gross.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1624springerTrust and Privacy in Digital Business Simone Fischer-Hübner, Steven Furnell, Costas Lambrinoudakis.Computer Science2006Go to website
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1626springerText, Speech and Dialogue (vol. # 4188) Petr Sojka, Ivan Kopecek, Karel Pala.Computer Science2006Go to website
1627springerThe Asian Monsoon Bin Wang.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1628springerThe Agulhas Current Johann R. E. Lutjeharms.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1629springerThe Antarctic Subglacial Lake Vostok Igor A. Zotikov.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1630springerThe Monodromy Group Henryk Zoladek.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1631springerTheory of Function Spaces III Hans Triebel.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1632springerThe Functional Calculus for Sectorial Operators Michael Reissig, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, Matthias Langer, Annemarie Luger, Harald Woracek.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1633springerTrade Specialization in the Enlarged European Union Dora Borbély.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1634springerThe Politics of Exchange Rates in Developing Countries Ralph Setzer.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1635springerThe Market Approach to Comparable Company Valuation Matthias Meitner.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1636springerThe Prokaryotes Martin Dworkin, Stanley Falkow, Eugene Rosenberg, Karl-Heinz Schleifer, Erko Stackebrandt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1637springerThermo-fluid Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow Mamoru Ishii, Takashi Hibiki.Engineering2006Go to website
1638springerThermodynamic Equilibria and Extrema Alexander N. Gorban, Sergey P. Filippov, Boris M. Kaganovich, Alexandre V. Keiko, Vitaly A. Shamansky, Igor A. Shirkalin.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1639springerTime Series Analysis and Its Applications Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1640springerTaurine 6 Simo S. Oja, Pirjo Saransaari.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1641springerThe Mathematica GuideBook for Numerics Michael Trott.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1642springerTheoretical and Quantum Mechanics Stefan Ivanov.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1643springerTraining for Work in the Informal Micro-Enterprise Sector Hans Christiaan Haan.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1644springerThe Passionate Society Lisa Hill.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1645springerThe Future of Life and the Future of our Civilization Vladimir Burdyuzha.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1646springerThe Age of Alternative Logics Johan Benthem, Gerhard Heinzmann, Manuel Rebuschi, Henk Visser.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1647springerTechnical Basis of Radiation Therapy Seymour H. Levitt, James A. Purdy.Medicine2006Go to website
1648springerThoracic Aortic Diseases Hervé Rousseau, Jean-Philippe Verhoye, Jean-François Heautot.Medicine2006Go to website
1649springerTumors of the Chest Konstantinos N. Syrigos, Christopher M. Nutting, Charis Roussos.Medicine2006Go to website
1650springerTissue Engineering I Kyongbum Lee, David Kaplan.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1651springerThe Art of Random Walks Andr?s Telcs.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1652springerThe Spirit of Entrepreneurship Sharda S. Nandram, Karel J. Samsom.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1653springerThe Vascular Endothelium II Salvador Moncada, Annie Higgs.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1654springerTransactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security I Yun Q. Shi.Computer Science2006Go to website
1655springerThe Impact of FDI on Economic Growth Marco Neuhaus.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1656springerThe Economics and Regulation of Financial Privacy Nicola Jentzsch.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1657springerThe Lacrimal System: Diagnosis, Management & Surgery Adam J. Cohen, Michael Mercandetti, Brian G. Brazzo.Medicine2006Go to website
1658springerTaylor's Musculoskeletal Problems and Injuries Robert B. Taylor, Alan K. David, Scott A. Fields, D. Melessa Phillips, Joseph E. Scherger.Medicine2006Go to website
1659springerThe Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Shibu Jose, Eric J. Jokela, Deborah L. Miller.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1660springerThe Cycle of Deviant Behavior Howard B. Kaplan, Glen C. Tolle Jr.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1661springerThe Heart of Cohomology Goro Kato.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1662springerThe Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots Scott Preston.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1663springerThe Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite Rich Bowen.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1664springerThe Definitive Guide to ImageMagick Michael Still.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1665springerThe Career Programmer Christopher Duncan.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1666springerThe Definitive Guide to db4o Jim Paterson, Stefan Edlich, Henrik H?rning, Reidar H?rning.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1667springerThe Pathophysiologic Basis of Nuclear Medicine Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar.Medicine2006Go to website
1668springerThe Andes Onno Oncken, Guillermo Chong, Gerhard Franz, Peter Giese, Hans-Jürgen G?tze, Victor A. Ramos, Manfred R. Strecker, Peter Wigger.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1669springerThe Physics of Semiconductors Marius Grundmann.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1670springerThe Information Society in an Enlarged Europe Soumitra Dutta, Arnoud Meyer, Amit Jain, Gérard Richter.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1671springerTheory of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment Kirill Melnikov, Arkady Vainshtein.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1672springerThe Flow Equation Approach to Many-Particle Systems Stefan Kehrein.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1673springerTransseries and Real Differential Algebra Joris Hoeven.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1674springerTopics on Concentration Phenomena and Problems with Multiple Scales Andrea Braides, Valeria Chiad? Piat.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1675springerTransactions on Rough Sets V James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron.Computer Science2006Go to website
1676springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology VI Gordon Plotkin.Computer Science2006Go to website
1677springerTheoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2006 Kamel Barkaoui, Ana Cavalcanti, Antonio Cerone.Computer Science2006Go to website
1678springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology VII Anna Ingolfsdottir, Bud Mishra, Hanne Riis Nielson.Computer Science2006Go to website
1679springerTransactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development II Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit.Computer Science2006Go to website
1680springerThe Semantic Web - ISWC 2006 Isabel CruzStefan Decker, Dean Allemang, Chris Preist et al.Computer Science2006Go to website
1681springerTechnologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks II Kenjiro Cho, Philippe Jacquet.Computer Science2006Go to website
1682springerTechnologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment Stefan G?bel, Rainer Malkewitz, Ido Iurgel.Computer Science2006Go to website
1683springerThe Past and Future of Information Systems: 1976 -2006 and Beyond David Avison, Steve Elliot, John Krogstie, Jan Pries-Heje.Computer Science2006Go to website
1684springerThe Definitive Guide to SQLite Michael Owens.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1685springerThe Definitive Guide to Stellent Content Server Development Brian ?Bex? Huff.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1686springerThe Urban Astronomer's Guide Rod Mollise.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1687springerTrue Visions Emile Aarts, José Encarnaç?o.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1688springerThe Vascular Endothelium I Salvador Moncada, Annie Higgs.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1689springerThe Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe Sasha Tsenkova, Zorica Nedovic-Budic.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1690springerTransitions Before the Transition Erella Hovers, Steven L. Kuhn.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1691springerThe Structure of Physics Weizs?cker, Thomas G?rnitz, Holger Lyre.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1692springerThe Game Maker's Apprentice Jacob Habgood, Mark Overmars.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1693springerTransformations and Projections in Computer Graphics David Salomon.Computer Science2006Go to website
1694springerTsunamis and Hurricanes Ferdinand Cap.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1695springerThe Histone Code and Beyond S. L. Berger, O. Nakanishi, B. Haendler.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1696springerToward Category-Level Object Recognition Jean Ponce, Martial Hebert, Cordelia Schmid, Andrew Zisserman.Computer Science2006Go to website
1697springerTheory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther SchmiComputer Science2006Go to website
1698springerThe Air Spora Maureen E. Lacey, Jonathan S. West.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1699springerTic Disorders, Trichotillomania, and Other Repetitive Behavior Disorders Douglas W. Woods, Raymond G. Miltenberger.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1700springerTight Junctions Lorenza Gonzalez-Mariscal.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1701springerTissue Repair, Contraction and the Myofibroblast Christine Chaponnier, Alexis Desmoulière, Giulio Gabbiani.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1702springerTechnology Portfolio Planning and Management Oliver S. Yu.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1703springerTowards a Unified Modeling and Knowledge-Representation based on Lattice Theory Vassilis G. Kaburlasos.Engineering2006Go to website
1704springerTopics in Cryptology ? CT-RSA 2007 Masayuki Abe.Computer Science2006Go to website
1705springerTrattamento del distacco retinico primario Ingrid Kreissig.Medicine2006Go to website
1706springerThe Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS® Erdogan Madenci, Ibrahim Guven.Engineering2006Go to website
1707springerThe Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics Michael Trott.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1708springerThe School of God Raymond A. Blacketer.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1709springerThe Beginnings of Piezoelectricity SHAUL KATZIR.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1710springerThe Interactions Between Sediments and Water Brian Kronvang, Jadran Faganeli, Nives Ogrinc.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1711springerTreating Chronic Depression with Disciplined Personal Involvement James P. McCullough.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1712springerThe Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data Jianguo Sun.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1713springerThe Congruences of a Finite Lattice George Gr?tzer.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1714springerThe Evolution of Biotechnology: Martina Newell-McGloughlin, Edward Re.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1715springerThrown Rope Peter Hutchinson.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1716springerTransmaterial Blaine Brownell.Architecture and Design2006Go to website
1717springerTopics in Discrete Mathematics Martin Klazar, Jan Kratochv?l, Martin Loebl, Ji?? Matou?ek, Pavel Valtr, Robin Thomas.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1718springerThéorie des ensembles N. Bourbaki.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1719springerThe Scientific Legacy of Beppo Occhialini Pietro Redondi, Giorgio Sironi, Pasquale Tucci, Guido Vegni.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1720springerThe Nidoviruses Stanley Perlman, Kathryn V. Holmes.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1721springerTechniques of Constructive Analysis Douglas S. Bridges, Lumini?a Simona Vî??.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1722springerThe Role of Moral Reasoning on Socioscientific Issues and Discourse in Science Education Dana L. Zeidler.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1723springerThe Nuclear Imperative Jeff W. Eerkens.Engineering2006Go to website
1724springerThe Semantic Web ? ISWC 2002 Ian Horrocks, James Hendler.Computer Science2006Go to website
1725springerThe Unity of Mathematics Pavel Etingof, Vladimir Retakh, I. M. Singer.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1726springerThe Moral, Social, and Commercial Imperatives of Genetic Testing and Screening Michela Betta.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1727springerTrophic and Guild Interactions in Biological Control Jacques Brodeur, Guy Boivin.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1728springerTrends in Antarctic Terrestrial and Limnetic Ecosystems D. M. Bergstrom, P. Convey, A. H. L. Huiskes.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1729springerThe Theory of Quark and Gluon Interactions Francisco J. Yndur?in.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1730springerThe Advisory Function of the International Court of Justice 1946 - 2005 Mahasen M. Aljaghoub.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1731springerTooling Benjamin Aranda, Chris Lasch.Architecture and Design2006Go to website
1732springerThe Structure of Paintings Michael Leyton.Engineering2006Go to website
1733springerThe Physics of Phase Transitions Pierre Papon, Jacques Leblond, Paul H.E. Meijer.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1734springerTechnologies for E-Services Alejandro Buchmann, Ludger Fiege, Fabio Casati, Mei-Chun Hsu, Ming-Chien Shan.Computer Science2006Go to website
1735springerText, Speech and Dialogue Petr Sojka, Ivan Kope?ek, Karel Pala.Computer Science2006Go to website
1736springerThe Proteasome in Neurodegeneration Leonidas Stefanis, Jeffrey N. Keller.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1737springerThe History of Approximation Theory George A. Anastassiou.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1738springerTough on Criminal Wealth Barbara Vettori.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1739springerThe Making of a European Constitution Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Wolfgang Wessels.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1740springerTopics in the Theory of Algebraic Function Fields Gabriel Daniel Villa Salvador.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1741springerThe Welfare of Dogs Kevin Stafford.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1742springerThe Bacteria: Their Origin, Structure, Function and Antibiosis Arthur L. Koch.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1743springerThyroid Cancer Leonard Wartofsky, Douglas Nostrand.Medicine2006Go to website
1744springerThe European Mayor Henry B?ck, Hubert Heinelt, Annick Magnier.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1745springerThe Bionic Human Frank E. Johnson, Katherine S. Virgo, Terry C. Lairmore, Riccardo A. Audisio.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1746springerTransgenic and Knockout Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Gene S. Fisch, Jonathan Flint.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1747springerThe Handbook of Contraception Donna Shoupe, Siri L. Kjos.Medicine2006Go to website
1748springerThe Diabetic Foot Aristidis Veves, John M. Giurini, Frank W. Logerfo.Medicine2006Go to website
1749springerThe Diabetic Kidney Pedro Cortes, Carl Erik Mogensen.Medicine2006Go to website
1750springerTwenty-Seventh Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals James D. McMillan, William S. Adney, Jonathan R. Mielenz, K. Thomas Klasson.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1751springerThe Economics of Demutualization Felix Treptow.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1752springerTask, Firm Size, and Organizational Structure in Management Consulting Michael Graubner.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1753springerTransforming Higher Education Maurice Kogan, Mary Henkel, Marianne Bauer, Ivar Bleiklie.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1754springerTissue Surgery Maria Z. Siemionow.Medicine2006Go to website
1755springerThe Foundations of Europe Thomas H?rber.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1756springerThe Use of Hybrid Securities Benjamin Kleidt.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1757springerThe Impact of Automatic Store Replenishment on Retail Alfred Angerer.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1758springerThe Network(ed) Economy Roman Beck.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1759springerThe Automotive Development Process Daniel S?rensen.Engineering2006Go to website
1760springerThe ABCs of Gene Cloning Dominic W. S. Wong.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1761springerThe Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements Lester R. Morss, Norman M. Edelstein, Jean Fuger, Joseph J. Katz.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1762springerThe 2nd International Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Zsolt Fül?p, Gy?rgy Gyürky, Endre Somorjai.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1763springerThe Transformation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Baltic States - Survey of Reforms and Developments Frank Bünning.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1764springerThe Cell Cycle in the Central Nervous System Damir Janigro.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1765springerThe Chinese Capital Market Annette Kleinbrod.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1766springerThe Microstructure of European Bond Markets Volker Fl?gel.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1767springerTeacher Learning and Development Peter Aubusson, Sandy Schuck.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1768springerThe Serotonin Receptors Kim A. Neve, Bryan L. Roth.Medicine2006Go to website
1769springerThe Cycle of Deviant Behavior Howard B. Kaplan, Glen C. Tolle.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1770springerTrue Visions E. H. L. Aarts, J. L. Encarnaç?o.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1771springerThe ecological status of European rivers: evaluation and intercalibration of assessment methods Mike T. Furse, Daniel Hering, Karel Brabec, Andrea Buffagni, Leonard Sandin, Piet F. M. Verdonschot.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1772springerThe Economics of Persistent Innovation: An Evolutionary View Cristiano Antonelli, Bo Carlsson, Steven Klepper, Richard Langlois, J. S. Metcalfe, David Mowery, Pascal Petit, Luc Soete, William R. Latham, Christian Bas.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1773springerThe Unity of the European Constitution edited by Philipp Dann, Micha? Rynkowski.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1774springerThe Kitchen edited by Klaus Spechtenhauser.Architecture and Design2006Go to website
1775springerTumor Neurosurgery Medicine2006Go to website
1776springerThe Consistent Preferences Approach to Deductive Reasoning in Games Geir B. AsheimBusiness and Economics2006Go to website
1777springerTransplantation of Neural Tissue into the Spinal Cord Antal N?gr?diBiomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1778springerThe Adrenergic Receptors Dianne M. PerezBiomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1779springerThe Forensic Laboratory Handbook Ashraf Mozayani, Carla NozigliaMedicine2006Go to website
1780ebraryTerence: the Comedies Brown, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1781ebraryTragedy Walks the Streets : The French Revolution in the Making of Modern Drama Buckley, Matthew S.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1782ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Catching Language : The Standing Challenge of Grammar Writing Dench, AlanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1783ebraryTheir Other Side : Six American Women and the Lure of Italy Barolini, HelenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1784ebraryTheatrum Scientiarum : Spektakul?re Experimente : Praktiken der Evidenzproduktion im 17. Jahrhundert Schramm, HelmarLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1785ebraryT. S. Eliot Raine, CraigLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1786ebraryT. E. Hulme and the Question of Modernism Comentale, Edward P.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1787ebraryThings Beyond Resemblance : Collected Essays on Theodor W. Adorno Hullot-Kentor, RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1788ebraryTranslation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines Duarte, Joao FerreiraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1789ebraryTradition and Modernity in Spanish-American Literature : From Dar?o to Carpentier Sharman, AdamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1790ebraryTheatre under Louis XIV : Cross-Casting and the Performance of Gender in Drama, Ballet, and Opera Prest, JuliaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1791ebraryTypological Change in Chinese Syntax Xu, DanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1792ebraryTeleosemantics Macdonald, GrahamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1793ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Marquesan : A Grammar of Space Cablitz, Gabriele H.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1794ebraryTranslation : Theory and Practice : A Historical Reader Weissbort, DanielLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1795ebraryTopics in English Linguistics : The Grammar of the English Tense System : A Comprehensive Analysis Declerck, RenaatLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1796ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Lesser-Known Languages of South Asia : Status and Policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology Saxena, AnjuLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1797ebraryTales of the Heike Watson, BurtonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1798ebraryTurns of Translation Studies : New Paradigms or Shifting Viewpoints? Snell-Hornby, MaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1799ebraryTypes of Variation : Diachronic, Dialectal and Typological Interfaces Nevalainen, TerttuLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1800ebraryThree-Participant Constructions in English : A Functional-Cognitive Approach to Caused Relations Laffut, AnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1801ebraryTrick of Sunlight : Poems Davis, DickLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1802ebraryTeach Terrific Writing, Grades 4-5 Muschla, Gary RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1803ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Morphosyntactic Persistence in Spoken English : A Corpus Study at the Intersection of Variationist Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Discourse Analysis Szmrecsanyi, BenediktLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1804ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics : Corpus-Based Approaches to Syntax and Lexis Gries, Stefan ThomasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1805ebraryTranslating Milan Kundera Woods, MichelleLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1806ebraryTheology and Literature : Rethinking Reader Responsibility Ortiz, Gaye WilliamsLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1807ebraryTraveling Women : Narrative Visions of Early America Imbarrato, Susan ClairLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1808ebraryTwo-Dimensional Semantics Garcia-Carpintero , ManuelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1809ebraryThe Yellow Wall-Paper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman : A Dual-Text Critical Edition St. Jean, ShawnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1810ebraryToward the Winter Solstice : New Poems Steele, TimothyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1811ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Situated Communication Rickheit, GertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1812ebraryTextual Patterns : Key Words and Corpus Analysis in Language Education Scott, MikeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1813ebraryT.S. Eliot : Selected Poems Eliot, T.S.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1814ebraryTelling the Little Secrets : American Jewish Writing Since the 1980s Burstein, Janet HandlerLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1815ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Corpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymy Stefanowitsch, AnatolLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1816ebraryTooth of Crime : Second Dance Shepard, SamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1817ebraryTeacher Education in CALL Hubbard, PhilipLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1818ebraryThornton Wilder and the Puritan Narrative Tradition Konkle, LincolnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1819ebraryTo Be Suddenly White : Literary Realism and Racial Passing Belluscio, Steven J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1820ebraryTen Plays by Euripides Hadas, MosesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1821ebraryTempest Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1822ebraryThree Is a Crowd? : Acquiring Portuguese in a Trilingual Environment Cruz-Ferreira, MadalenaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1823ebraryTeacher's Guide for Discovering the World Through Debate : A Practical Guide to Educational Debate for Debaters, Coaches and Judges (3rd Edition) Claxton, NancyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1824ebraryTechnoscience and Everyday Life Michael, MikeEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1825ebraryTERENA Conference 2006 Melve, IngridEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1826ebraryTime Restored : The Harrison Timekeepers and R. T. Gould, the Man Who Knew (Almost) Everything Betts, JonathanEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1827ebraryTransforming the Twentieth Century : Technical Innovations and Their Consequences Smil, VaclavEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1828ebraryTeach Yourself Electricity and Electronics (4th Edition) Gibilisco, StanEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1829ebraryTotal Colour Management Xin, J.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1830ebraryTechnology Matters : Questions to Live With Nye, David E.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1831ebraryTensors and their Applications Islam, NazrulEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1832ebraryToward a New Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) Committee to Assess the National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service InitiativeEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1833ebraryTowards a Sustainable Information Society : Deconstructing WSIS Servaes, JanEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1834ebraryTotal Productive Maintenance Borris, SteveEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1835ebraryTextbook on Professional Ethics and Human Values Naagarazan, R.S.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1836ebraryTopics On Mathematics For Smart Systems - Proceedings of the European Conference Miara, BernadetteEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1837ebraryTransportation Experience : Policy, Planning, and Deployment Garrison, William LouisEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1838ebraryToyota Way Fieldbook : A Practical Guide for Implementing Toyota's 4Ps Liker, Jeffrey K.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1839ebraryTo Recruit and Advance : Women Students and Faculty in U.S. Science and Engineering Committee on the Guide to Recruiting and Advancing Women Scientists and Engineers in AcademiaEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1840ebraryTransition and Turbulence Control Gad-el-Hak, MohamedEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1841ebraryTelecommunications Challenge : Changing Technologies and Evolving Policies - Report of a Symposium Wessner, Charles W.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1842ebraryTech Tally : Approaches to Assessing Technological Literacy Gamire, ElsaEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1843ebraryTangled Roots : Social and Psychological Factors in the Genesis of Terrorism Victoroff, J.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1844ebraryToward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History Kant, ImmanuelHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1845ebraryTerrorist Identity : Explaining the Terrorist Threat Arena, Michael P.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1846ebraryTragedy Offstage : Suffering and Sympathy in Ancient Athens Sternberg, Rachel HallHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1847ebraryThomas Jefferson on Wine Hailman, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1848ebraryTruth About Conservative Christians : What They Think and What They Believe Greeley, Andrew M.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1849ebraryTurkey Beyond Nationalism : Towards Post-Nationalist Identities Kieser, Hans-LukasHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1850ebraryThinking with Objects : The Transformation of Mechanics in the Seventeenth Century Bertoloni Meli, DomenicoHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1851ebraryTwentieth-Century Mass Society in Britain and the Netherlands Moore, BobHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1852ebraryTerror Conspiracy : Deception, 9/11, and the Loss of Liberty Marrs, JimHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1853ebraryTerrorism and Global Disorder Guelke, AdrianHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1854ebraryTruth About Health Care : Why Reform Is Not Working in America Mechanic, DavidHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1855ebraryTaiwanese Identity and Democracy Bedford, OlwenHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1856ebraryTenants of East Harlem Sharman, Russell LeighHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1857ebraryTourism and Borders : Contemporary Issues Policies and International Research Wachowiak, HelmutHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1858ebraryTransformation or Urban Liberalism : Party Politics and Urban Governance in Late Nineteenth Century England Moore, James R.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1859ebraryTeaching the Holocaust in School History : Teachers or Preachers? Russell, LucyHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1860ebraryTerrorism : The Present Threat in Context Sloan, StephenHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1861ebraryTroubled Hero Mills, Randy K.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1862ebraryTales of the Heike Watson, BurtonHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1863ebraryThird Force Politics : Liberal Democrats at the Grassroots Whiteley, PaulHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
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1943ebraryTranscending Boundaries : Zhejiangcan : The Story of a Migrant Village in Beijing Xiang, BiaoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1944ebraryTibetan Songs of Realization : Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo Sujata, VictoriaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
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1957ebraryTongnaab : The History of a West African God Allman, JeanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
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1959ebraryToo-Good Wife : Alcohol, Codependency, and the Politics of Nurturance in Postwar Japan Borovoy, AmyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
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1961ebraryTruth about the Music Business : A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide Moore, SteveLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1962ebraryThat City is Mine! : Urban Ideal Images in Public Debates and City Plans, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 1945 - 1995 Rooijendijk, CordulaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
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1969ebraryTransforming Globalization : Challenges and Opportunities in the Post 9/11 Era Podobnik, BruceLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1970ebraryToxic Diversity : Race, Gender, and Law Talk in America Subotnik, DanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
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1972ebraryTackling Tomorrow Today Shostak, Arthur B.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
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1974ebraryTibetan Songs of Realization : Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo Sujata, VictoriaSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1975ebraryTransformation of Cities in Central and Eastern Europe : Towards Globalization Hamilton, F. E. IanSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1976ebraryTransnational Business Cultures : Life and Work in a Multinational Corporation Moore, FionaSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1977ebraryTheology in America : Christian Thought from the Age of the Puritans to the Civil War Holifield, E. BrooksSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1978ebraryThinking with Animals : New Perspectives on Anthropomorphism Daston, LorraineSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1979ebraryTo Make Our World Anew, Volume 1 : A History of African Americans Kelley, Robin D.G.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1980ebraryTo Alcatraz, Death Row, and Back : Memories of an East LA Outlaw L?pez, ErnieSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1981ebraryTolerance and the Ethical Life Fiala, Andrew G.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1982ebraryThinking Like a Policy Analyst : Policy Analysis as a Clinical Profession Geva-May, IrisSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1983ebraryTaking the High Road : A Metropolitan Agenda for Transportation Reform Katz, BruceSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1984ebraryTransforming Globalization : Challenges and Opportunities in the Post 9/11 Era Podobnik, BruceSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1985ebraryTogether Alone : Personal Relationships in Public Places Morrill, CalvinSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1986ebraryTerrorism : Origins and Evolution Lutz, James M.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
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1988ebraryTheoretical and Computational Acoustics 2005 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference : ICTCA 2005 Tolstoy, AlexandraReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1989ebraryThere Is No Crime for Those Who Have Christ : Religious Violence in the Christian Roman Empire Gaddis, MichaelReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
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1991ebraryTheology in America : Christian Thought from the Age of the Puritans to the Civil War Holifield, E. BrooksReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1992ebraryTime and Mind : History of a Philosophical Problem Mooij, J. J. A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1993ebraryTransfigurations of Hellenism : Aspects of Late Antique Art in Egypt, A.D. 250-700 Torok, LaszloReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
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1996ebraryThucydides' War Narrative : A Structural Study Dewald, CarolynReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1997ebraryTolerance and the Ethical Life Fiala, Andrew G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1998ebraryTruth : A Guide Blackburn, SimonReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1999ebraryTransformative Pastoral Leadership in the Black Church Tribble, Jeffery L., Sr.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2000ebraryText as Father : Paternal Seductions in Early Mahayana Buddhist Literature Cole, AlanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2001ebraryTruthmakers : The Contemporary Debate Beebee, HelenReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2002ebraryTerror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory : From Auschwitz to Hiroshima to September 11 Ray, GeneReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2003ebraryT. D. Jakes : America's New Preacher Lee, ShayneReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2004ebraryThomas Kuhn's Revolution : An Historical Philosophy of Science Marcum, James A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2005ebraryTroubles of Templeless Judah Middlemas, JillReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2006ebraryTongnaab : The History of a West African God Allman, JeanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2007ebraryTheology and Modern Physics Hodgson, Peter E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2008ebraryTexas Baptist Power Struggle : The Hayden Controversy Early, Joseph E., Jr.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2009ebraryTalk to the Hand : The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door Truss, LynneReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2010ebraryTeaching the Bible : Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction Roncace, MarkReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
2011ebraryTestosterone Dreams : Rejuvenation, Aphrodisia, Doping Hoberman, John M.Psychology & Social Work2005Go to website
2012ebraryTransfer Boy: Perspectives on Asperger Syndrome Vuletic, LjiljanaPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
2013ebraryThings No Longer There : A Memoir of Losing Sight and Finding Vision Krieger, SusanPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
2014ebraryTreating Sex Offenders : An Introduction to Sex Offender Treatment Programmes Brown, SarahPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
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2016ebraryTheory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome : A View from the Bridge Bogdashina, OlgaPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
2017ebraryToo-Good Wife : Alcohol, Codependency, and the Politics of Nurturance in Postwar Japan Borovoy, AmyPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
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2064ebraryTestosterone Dreams : Rejuvenation, Aphrodisia, Doping Hoberman, John M.Life Sciences2005Go to website
2065ebraryTransglutaminases, Volume 38 : Family of Enzymes with Diverse Functions Mehta, KapilLife Sciences2005Go to website
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2067ebraryTiger Bone and Rhino Horn : The Destruction of Wildlife for Traditional Chinese Medicine Ellis, RichardLife Sciences2005Go to website
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2098ebraryTransferring Learning to Behavior : Using the Four Levels to Improve Performance Kirkpatrick, Donald L.Business2005Go to website
2099ebraryThe State of Research in Marketing Lee, NickBusiness2005Go to website
2100ebraryTrimTabs Investing : Using Liquidity Theory to Beat the Stock Market Biderman, CharlesBusiness2005Go to website
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2102ebraryTax-Free Exchange Loophole : How Real Estate Investors Can Profit from the 1031 Exchange Cummings, JackBusiness2005Go to website
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2104ebraryTourism and Intercultural Exhange : Why Tourism Matters Jack, GavinBusiness2005Go to website
2105ebraryTrade-Offs : An Introduction to Economic Reasoning and Social Issues Winter, HaroldBusiness2005Go to website
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2109ebraryTime Mastery : How Temporal Intelligence Will Make You a Stronger, More Effective Leader Clemens, John K.Business2005Go to website
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2112ebraryThinking Strategically in Turbulent Times : An Inside View of Strategy Making Glassman, Alan M.Business2005Go to website
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2116ebraryTears of the Tree : The Story of Rubber : A Modern Marvel Loadman, JohnBusiness2005Go to website
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2120ebraryTrader Joe's Adventure : Turning a Unique Approach to Business into a Retail and Cultural Phenomeon Lewis, LenBusiness2005Go to website
2121ebraryThe European Horticulture Market : Opportunities for Sub-Saharan African Exporters Labaste, PatrickBusiness2005Go to website
2122ebraryTechnology and Real Estate Dixon, Dr TimBusiness2005Go to website
2123ebraryTourism Behavior : Travelers' Decisions and Actions March, RogerBusiness2005Go to website
2124ebraryTrade Union Development in Central and Eastern Europe : 'The Velvet Revolution' European Union Accession and Beyond Hayward, GeoffBusiness2005Go to website
2125ebraryTourist Behaviour : Themes and Conceptual Schemes Pearce, Philip L.Business2005Go to website
2126springerThe Life Cycle of Psychological Ideas Thomas C. Dalton, Rand B. Evans.Behavioral Science2005Go to website
2127springerThe Study of Dyslexia Martin Turner, John Rack.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2128springerThe Archaeology of Plural and Changing Identities Eleanor Conlin Casella, Chris Fowler.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2129springerThe Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints Tomasz Burzykowski, Geert Molenberghs, Marc Buyse.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2130springerTransforming Health Care Through Information Nancy M. Lorenzi, Joan S. Ash, Jonathan Einbinder, Wendy McPhee, Laura Einbinder.Medicine2005Go to website
2131springerThe Inferior Colliculus Jeffery A. Winer, Christoph E. Schreiner.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
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2133springerTaylor's Cardiovascular Diseases Robert B. Taylor, Alan K. David, D. Melessa Phillips, Scott A. Fields, Joseph E. Scherger.Medicine2005Go to website
2134springerTutorials on Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Operations Research H J. G.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2135springerThe Soul of the German Historical School Yuichi Shionoya.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2136springerThe Role of Labour Mobility and Informal Networks for Knowledge Transfer Dirk Fornahl, Christian Zellner, David B. Audretsch.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2137springerThe Didactical Challenge of Symbolic Calculators Dominique Guin, Kenneth Ruthven, Luc Trouche.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2138springerThe Austin Protocol Compiler Tommy M. McGuire, Mohamed G. Gouda.Computer Science2005Go to website
2139springerThyroid Cytopathology Douglas P. Clark, William C. Faquin.Medicine2005Go to website
2140springerTropical and Parasitic Infections in the Intensive Care Unit Charles Feldman, George A. Sarosi.Medicine2005Go to website
2141springerThe Making of a Neuromorphic Visual System Christoph Rasche.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2142springerThe Innovation Game Armelle Corre, Gerald Mischke.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2143springerTrusted Computing Platforms Sean W. Smith.Computer Science2005Go to website
2144springerTaxonomies for the Development and Verification of Digital Systems Brian Bailey, Grant Martin, Thomas Anderson.Engineering2005Go to website
2145springerTechnology Enhanced Learning Jean-Pierre Courtiat, Costas Davarakis, Thierry Villemur.Computer Science2005Go to website
2146springerTwo Minds Roger Frantz.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2147springerThe Evolution of the US Airline Industry Eldad Ben-Yosef.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2148springerTheory and Applications of Special Functions Mourad E.H. Ismail, Erik Koelink.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2149springerThe Construction of New Mathematical Knowledge in Classroom Interaction Heinz Steinbring.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2150springerThe Schur Complement and Its Applications Fuzhen Zhang.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2151springerTechniques of Variational Analysis Jonathan M. Borwein, Qiji J. Zhu.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2152springerThe Grammar of Graphics Leland Wilkinson.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2153springerThe Saudi Arabian Economy M. A. Ramady.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2154springerThe Agile Enterprise Nirmal Pal, Daniel C. Pantaleo.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2155springerTheory of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps and Applications Rong Situ.Engineering2005Go to website
2156springerThe Growth Hormone Isabel Varela-Nieto, Julie A. Chowen.Medicine2005Go to website
2157springerThe ADAM Family of Proteases Nigel M. Hooper, Uwe Lendeckel.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2158springerThe Physics of Coronary Blood Flow M. Zamir.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2159springerThe Critique of Psychology Thomas Teo.Behavioral Science2005Go to website
2160springerTraffic Grooming in Optical WDM Mesh Networks Keyao Zhu, Hongyue Zhu, Biswanath Mukherjee.Engineering2005Go to website
2161springerThe Four Pillars of Geometry S. Axler, K.A. Ribet.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2162springerThin Films and Heterostructures for Oxide Electronics Satischandra B. Ogale.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2163springerTheoretical Numerical Analysis Kendall Atkinson, Weimin Han.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2164springerThe Basics of S-PLUS Andreas Krause, Melvin Olson.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2165springerTransaction-Level Modeling with SystemC Frank Ghenassia.Engineering2005Go to website
2166springerTeaching Writing in Chinese Speaking Areas Mark Shiu Kee Shum, Lu Zhang.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2167springerThe Basal Ganglia VIII J. Paul Bolam, Cali A. Ingham, Peter J. Magill.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2168springerTransient Analysis of Electric Power Circuits Handbook Arieh L. Shenkman.Engineering2005Go to website
2169springerThe Physics of Structural Phase Transitions Minoru Fujimoto.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2170springerTesting Statistical Hypotheses George Casella, Stephen Fienberg, Ingram Olkin.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2171springerTextbook of Healthcare Ethics Erich H. Loewy, Roberta Springer Loewy.Medicine2005Go to website
2172springerThe Rational Spirit in Modern Continuum Mechanics Chi-Sing Man, Roger L. Fosdick.Engineering2005Go to website
2173springerThe Role of VLBI in Astrophysics, Astrometry and Geodesy Franco Mantovani, Andrzej Kus.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2174springerThermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites Tatsuko Hatakeyama, Hyoe Hatakeyama.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2175springerTheory of Chemical Reaction Dynamics Antonio Lagana, Gy?gy Lendvay.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2176springerTopics in Analysis and its Applications G. A. Barsegian, H. G. W. Begehr.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2177springerThe Nature of Biological Systems as Revealed by Thermal Methods Dénes L?rinczy.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2178springerThe Challenge of Developing Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking Dani Ben-Zvi, Joan Garfield.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2179springerThe Conversion of Liquid Rocket Fuels Wolfgang P. W. Spyra, Kay Winkelmann.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2180springerThe Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications M. Monirul Qader Mirza.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2181springerThe Coherence of Kant's Transcendental Idealism Yaron M. Senderowicz.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2182springerThe Geobiology and Ecology of Metasequoia Ben A. LePage, Christopher J. Williams, Hong Yang.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2183springerThe Integration of Phonetic Knowledge in Speech Technology William J. Barry, Wim A. Dommelen.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2184springerThe Inhuman Condition R. Bernet, J. Taminiaux, S. IJsseling, H. Leonardy, D. Lories, U. Melle.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2185springerThe Science of Phototherapy: An Introduction Linda R. Jones.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2186springerTheory of Thermomechanical Processes in Welding Andrzej S?u?alec.Engineering2005Go to website
2187springerThe Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems Richard F. Dame, Sergej Olenin.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2188springerTheoretical Knowledge Vyacheslav Stepin.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2189springerTopological Quantum Field Theory and Four Manifolds Jose Labastida, Marcos Marino.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2190springerThe Inside Text R. Harper, L. Palen, A. Taylor.Computer Science2005Go to website
2191springerTransboundary Water Resources: Strategies for Regional Security and Ecological Stability Hartmut Vogtmann, Nikolai Dobretsov.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2192springerThe Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences Giovanni Boniolo, Paolo Budinich, Majda Trobok.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2193springerTrends in Continuum Mechanics of Porous Media Reint Boer.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2194springerThe Christian Religion and Biotechnology George P. Smith.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2195springerThe Edge of Life Stuart F. Spicker, H. Tristram Engelhardt, Kevin Wm. Wildes.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2196springerThe European Union's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Michael S. Wenk.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2197springerThe Science of the Individual: Leibniz's Ontology of Individual Substance Ermanno Bencivenga, Daniel Berthold-Bond, William James Earle, Ann Ferguson, David Lloyd.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2198springerThe Rio Chagres, Panama Russell S. Harmon.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2199springerTextile Composites and Inflatable Structures Eugenio O?ate, Bern Kr?plin.Engineering2005Go to website
2200springerTsunamis Kenji Satake.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2201springerTurkish Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Gürol Irzik, Güven Güzeldere.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2202springerThe Handbook of Environmental Voluntary Agreements Edoardo Croci.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2203springerThe Outer Planets and their Moons T. Encrenaz, R. Kallenbach, T. C. Owen, C. Sotin.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2204springerThe Professoriate Anthony Welch.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2205springerThe Dynamics of Thought Peter G?rdenfors.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2206springerTeaching about Technology William W. Cobern, Ken Tobin, Henry Brown-Acquay, Mariona Espinet, Gurol Irzik, Olugbemiro Jegede, Reuven Lazarowitz, Lilia Reyes Herrera, Marrisa Rollnick, Svein Sj?berg, Hsiao-lin Tuan.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2207springerThe Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics Alain Haurie, Laurent Viguier.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2208springerThe Magnetospheric Cusps: Structure and Dynamics Theodore A. Fritz, Shing F. Fung.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2209springerTree Species Effects on Soils: Implications for Global Change Dan Binkley, Oleg Menyailo.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2210springerTravertine Allan Pentecost.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2211springerThe Pendulum Michael R. Matthews, Colin F. Gauld, Arthur Stinner.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2212springerThe Inclusion of Other Women Lena Botton, L?dia Puigvert, Montse S?nchez-Aroca.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2213springerThe Current Role of Geological Mapping in Geosciences Stanis?aw R. Ostaficzuk.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2214springerThe Science of Nature in the Seventeenth Century Peter R. Anstey, John A. Schuster.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2215springerThe Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory Andr? Heck.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2216springerThe World Summit on Sustainable Development Luc Hens, Bhaskar Nath.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2217springerTurbo Code Applications Keattisak Sripimanwat.Engineering2005Go to website
2218springerTeacher Professional Development in Changing Conditions Douwe Beijaard, Paulien C. Meijer, Greta Morine-Dershimer, Harm Tillema.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2219springerThe New Astronomy: Opening the Electromagnetic Window and Expanding our View of Planet Earth Wayne Orchiston.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2220springerTeaching in America Charles B. Hutchison.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2221springerThe Universe of Fluctuations B.G. Sidharth.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2222springerThe Square Kilometre Array: An Engineering Perspective Peter J. Hall.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2223springerTropical Fruits and Frugivores J. Lawrence Dew, Jean Philippe Boubli.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2224springerThe Turn Peter Ingwersen, Kalervo J?rvelin.Computer Science2005Go to website
2225springerThe Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars Altan Baykal, Sinan K. Yerli, Sitki C. Inam, Sergei Grebenev.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2226springerThe Geography of Small Firm Innovation Grant Black.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2227springerThe Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators Emad Hegazi, Jacob Rael, Asad Abidi.Engineering2005Go to website
2228springerThe Theory and Practice of Revenue Management Kalyan T. Talluri, Garrett J. Ryzin.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2229springerTendon Injuries Nicola Maffulli, Per Renstr?m, Wayne B. Leadbetter.Medicine2005Go to website
2230springerThe Moon and How to Observe It Peter GregoHumanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2231springerThe Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas Jeremy Cook.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2232springerTuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale William A. Sethares.Engineering2005Go to website
2233springerThe Complete IS-IS Routing Protocol Hannes Gredler, Walter Goralski.Computer Science2005Go to website
2234springerThe Observer's Year Patrick Moore.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2235springerTheory of Random Sets Ilya Molchanov.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2236springerThe Universal Generating Function in Reliability Analysis and Optimization Gregory Levitin.Engineering2005Go to website
2237springerThe Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller Sid Katzen.Computer Science2005Go to website
2238springerTotal Performance Scorecard Hubert K. Rampersad.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2239springerTotal Ankle Arthroplasty Beat Hintermann.Medicine2005Go to website
2240springerTort Law and Liability Insurance Gerhard Wagner.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2241springerThe Metal-Hydrogen System Yuh Fukai.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2242springerTerahertz Optoelectronics Kiyomi Sakai.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2243springerThe Ecozones of the World Jürgen Schultz.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2244springerTotal Knee Arthroplasty Johan Bellemans, Michael D. Ries, Jan M.K. Victor.Medicine2005Go to website
2245springerThe Invisible Hand Ulrich Suntum.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2246springerThe Physics of Atoms and Quanta Hermann Haken, Hans Christoph Wolf, William D. Brewer.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2247springerThe Innermost Kernel Suzanne Gieser.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2248springerTips and Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery Jean-Louis Dulucq.Medicine2005Go to website
2249springerThe Development of the Perineum in the Human S. C. J. Putte.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2250springerThe Frontal Sinus Stilianos E. Kountakis, Brent A. Senior, Wolfgang Draf.Medicine2005Go to website
2251springerThe Economics of Foreign Exchange and Global Finance Peijie Wang.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2252springerThe Chemistry of Pheromones and Other Semiochemicals II Stefan Schulz.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2253springerThe Interstellar Medium James Lequeux.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2254springerThe Scientist as Philosopher Friedel Weinert.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2255springerTensile Fracturing in Rocks Dov Bahat, Avinoam Rabinovitch, Vladimir Frid.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2256springerThe Brain: Fuzzy Arithmetic to Quantum Computing Armando Freitas Rocha, Eduardo Massad, Alfredo Pereira.Engineering2005Go to website
2257springerTesting Commercial-off-the-Shelf Components and Systems Sami Beydeda, Volker Gruhn.Computer Science2005Go to website
2258springerThe Practical Real-Time Enterprise Bernd Kuhlin, Heinz Thielmann.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2259springerThe Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars Walter Thirring.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2260springerTumor Prevention and Genetics III Hans-J?rg Senn, Rudolf Morant.Medicine2005Go to website
2261springerThyroid Cancer H.-J. Biersack, F. Grünwald.Medicine2005Go to website
2262springerTowards Environmental Innovation Systems Matthias Weber, Jens Hemmelskamp.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2263springerTurbomachinery Flow Physics and Dynamic Performance Meinhard Schobeiri.Engineering2005Go to website
2264springerTechnology Transfer in Biotechnology Udo Kragl.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2265springerThe Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China Gunter Festel, Udo Oels, Andreas Kreimeyer, Max Zedtwitz.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2266springerThe Business Idea S?ren Hougaard.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2267springerThe Rationale of Operative Fracture Care Joseph Schatzker, Marvin Tile.Medicine2005Go to website
2268springerThe Molecular Genetics of Lung Cancer David N. Cooper.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2269springerThe Brauer-Hasse-Noether Theorem in Historical Perspective Peter Roquette.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2270springerTemplates in Chemistry II Karl Heinz D?tz, Christoph A. Schalley, Fritz V?gtle.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2271springerThe Engineer and the Scandal Reint Boer.Engineering2005Go to website
2272springerTopology and Geometry in Physics Eike Bick, Frank D. Steffen.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2273springerThe Physics of Thin Film Optical Spectra Olaf Stenzel.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2274springerThe Human Hippocampus Henri M. Duvernoy.Medicine2005Go to website
2275springerTheoretical Aspects of Transition Metal Catalysis Gernot Frenking.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2276springerThermal Analysis of Polymeric Materials Bernhard Wunderlich.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2277springerTropical Forest Ecology Florencia Montagnini, Carl F. Jordan.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2278springerThe Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate Isabelle Rüedi, Werner Schmutz, Manuel Güdel.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2279springerTutorials in Mathematical Biosciences I Alla Borisyuk, G. Bard Ermentrout, Avner Friedman, David Terman.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2280springerThe Brain and Its Self Joseph Knoll.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2281springerThe World of Rhabdoviruses Zhen F. Fu.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2282springerThe Well-Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty Steffen Breusch, Henrik Malchau.Medicine2005Go to website
2283springerThermodynamics in Mineral Sciences Ladislav Cemi?.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2284springerThe Discovery of Historicity in German Idealism and Historism Peter Koslowski.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2285springerTopics in Cryptology -- CT-RSA 2005 Alfred John Menezes.Computer Science2005Go to website
2286springerThe Aging Spine Max Aebi, Robert Gunzburg, Marek Szpalski.Medicine2005Go to website
2287springerThe Generic Chaining Michel Talagrand.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2288springerTime Continuity in Discrete Time Models Christopher Suerie.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2289springerTheory of Cryptography (vol. # 3378) Joe Kilian.Computer Science2005Go to website
2290springerThe Mediterranean Sea Alain Saliot.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2291springerTechnologies for E-Services (vol. # 3324) Umeshwar Dayal, Meichun Hsu, Ming-Chien Shan.Computer Science2005Go to website
2292springerTheory of Copper Oxide Superconductors Hiroshi Kamimura, Hideki Ushio, Shunichi Matsuno, Tsuyoshi Hamada.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2293springerTunnelling and Tunnel Mechanics Dimitrios Kolymbas.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2294springerTheoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2004 Keijiro Araki, Zhiming Liu.Computer Science2005Go to website
2295springerTools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (vol. # 3440) Nicolas Halbwachs, Lenore ZuckComputer Science2005Go to website
2296springerThe Barrier Zones in the Ocean Emelyan M. Emelyanov.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2297springerThe Physics of Birdsong Gabriel B. Mindlin, Rodrigo Laje.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2298springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology I Corrado Priami.Computer Science2005Go to website
2299springerTutorials in Mathematical Biosciences II James Sneyd.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2300springerTyped Lambda Calculi and Applications Pawel Urzyczyn.Computer Science2005Go to website
2301springerThe Lung-Air Sac System of Birds John N. Maina.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2302springerTerm Rewriting and Applications (vol. # 3467) Jürgen Giesl.Computer Science2005Go to website
2303springerThe Einstein Dossiers Siegfried Grundmann.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2304springerThe State Immunity Controversy in International Law Ernest K. Bankas.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2305springerThe Public Nature of Science under Assault ,Helga Nowotny, Dominique Pestre, Eberhard Schmidt-A?mann, Helmuth Schulze-Fielitz, Hans-Heinrich Trute.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2306springerTransactions on Rough Sets III James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Dick van Albada.Computer Science2005Go to website
2307springerTrust Management (vol. # 3477) Peter Herrmann, Valerie Issarny, Simon Shiu.Computer Science2005Go to website
2308springerTesting of Communicating Systems (vol. # 3502) Rachida Dssouli, Ferhat Khendek.Computer Science2005Go to website
2309springerThe Semantic Web: Research and Applications (vol. # 3532) Jerome Euzenat, Asuncion G?mez-Pérez.Computer Science2005Go to website
2310springerTheory of Association Schemes Paul-Hermann Zieschang.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2311springerThird-Party Liability of Classification Societies Jürgen Basedow, Wolfgang Wurmnest.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2312springerTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (vol. # 3569) Walsh.Computer Science2005Go to website
2313springerThe Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets R. Balian, W. Beiglb?ck, H. Grosse, W. Thirring.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2314springerTheory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (vol. # 3542) Holger H. Hoos, David G. Mitchell.Computer Science2005Go to website
2315springerTrusting Agents for Trusting Electronic Societies Suzanne Barber, Rino Falcone, Jordi Sabater-Mir, Munindar Singh.Computer Science2005Go to website
2316springerTrust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business Sokratis Katsikas, Javier Lopez, Günther Pernul.Computer Science2005Go to website
2317springerTheorem Proving in Higher Order Logics Joe Hurd, Tom Melham.Computer Science2005Go to website
2318springerText, Speech and Dialogue (vol. # 3658) V?clav Matousek, Pavel Mautner, TomZ Pavelka.Computer Science2005Go to website
2319springerTheoretical Computer Science (vol. # 3701) Mario Coppo, Elena Lodi, G. Michele Pinna.Computer Science2005Go to website
2320springerTheoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2005 Dang Van Hung, Martin Wirsing.Computer Science2005Go to website
2321springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology II Alexander Zelikovsky.Computer Science2005Go to website
2322springerThe Semantic Web ? ISWC 2005 V. Richard Benjamins, Yolanda Gil, Enrico Motta, Mark Musen.Computer Science2005Go to website
2323springerTransactions on Rough Sets IV James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron.Computer Science2005Go to website
2324springerTrustworthy Global Computing Rocco De Nicola, Davide Sangiorgi.Computer Science2005Go to website
2325springerTransactions on Computational Systems Biology III Pedro Pablo Gonzalez, Emanuela Merelli, Andrea Omicini, Corrado Priami.Computer Science2005Go to website
2326springerTechnologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks Kenjiro Cho, Philippe Jacquet.Computer Science2005Go to website
2327springerThe Sentinel Lymph Node Concept Alfred J. Schauer, Wolfgang ? Becker, Maximilian Reiser, Kurt Possinger.Medicine2005Go to website
2328springerTraceability in Chemical Measurement Paul Bièvre, Helmut Günzler.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2329springerTheoretical and Experimental DNA Computation Martyn Amos.Computer Science2005Go to website
2330springerTurning up the Heat on Pain: TRPV1 Receptors in Pain and Inflammation Annika B. Malmberg, Keith R. Bley.Medicine2005Go to website
2331springerTrends and Applications in Constructive Approximation Detlef H. Mache, J?zsef Szabados, Marcel G. Bruin.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2332springerThe Novikov Conjecture Matthias Kreck, Wolfgang Lück.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2333springerThe NPY Family of Peptides in Immune Disorders, Inflammation, Angiogenesis, and Cancer Zofia Zukowska, Giora Z. Feuerstein.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2334springerTrends in Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics José Francisco Rodrigues, Gregory Seregin, José Miguel Urbano.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2335springerThe Grand Challenge for the Future Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Paul-Henri Lambert.Medicine2005Go to website
2336springerTopics in Cohomological Studies of Algebraic Varieties Piotr Pragacz.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2337springerToll-like Receptors in Inflammation Luke A.J. O?Neill, Elizabeth Brint.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2338springerThe Quantum Hall Effect Benoît Douçot, Vincent Pasquier, Bertrand Duplantier, Vincent Rivasseau.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2339springerThe Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its Condensation Elliott H. Lieb, Jan Philip Solovej, Robert Seiringer, Jakob Yngvason.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2340springerThe Intelligent Enterprise Markus J. Thannhuber.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2341springerThe Effective Tax Burden of Companies in European Regions Lothar Lammersen, Robert Schwager.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2342springerThe Effective Tax Burden on Highly Qualified Employees Christina Elschner, Robert Schwager.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2343springerThe Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe Philipp H. Fluri, Gustav E. Gustenau, Plamen I. Pantev, Ernst. M. Felberbauer, Frederic Labarre.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2344springerThe Diversity of Gastric Carcinoma Michio Kaminishi, Kaiyo Takubo, Ken-ichi Mafune.Medicine2005Go to website
2345springerThe State of Environment in Asia Awaji Takehisa, Teranishi Shun?ichi.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2346springerThe Universe of General Relativity A. J. Kox, Jean Eisenstaedt.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2347springerThe Enigma of Good and Evil: The Moral Sentiment in Literature Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2348springerThe Arctic Basin Ivan E. Frolov, Zalman M. Gudkovich, Vladimir F. Radionov, Alexander V. Shirochkov, Leonid A. Timokhov.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2349springerThe Caspian Sea Environment Andrey G. Kostianoy, Aleksey N. Kosarev.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2350springerTrend and Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics Salvatore Rionero, Giovanni Romano.Engineering2005Go to website
2351springerThe Geometry of Syzygies David Eisenbud.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2352springerThe Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision Technologies Bruce Golden, S. Raghavan, Edward Wasil.Computer Science2005Go to website
2353springerThe Best of Verity Stob Verity Stob.Professional and Applied Computing2005Go to website
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2355springerThe Definitive Guide to MySQL 5 Michael Kofler.Professional and Applied Computing2005Go to website
2356springerThe Best Software Writing I Joel Spolsky.Professional and Applied Computing2005Go to website
2357springerThe Promises and Challenges of Regenerative Medicine J. Morser, S. I. Nishikawa.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2358springerThe Multimedia Internet Stephen Weinstein.Engineering2005Go to website
2359springerThe Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) G. Rottman, T. Woods, V. George.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2360springerThe Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles Chris Mullins.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2361springerToll and Toll-Like Receptors: Tina Rich.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2362springerThe Molecular Mechanisms of Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome Brad A. Amendt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2363springerThe Drift of Sea Ice Matti Lepp?ranta.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
2364springerThe Genetic Code and the Origin of Life Llu?s Ribas de Pouplana.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2365springerTherapeutic Hypothermia Samuel A. Tisherman, Fritz Sterz.Medicine2005Go to website
2366springerThe Universe in a Handkerchief Martin Gardner.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2367springerThe Architecture of Modern Italy Terry Kirk.Architecture and Design2005Go to website
2368springerThe Architecture of Modern Italy Terry Kirk.Architecture and Design2005Go to website
2369springerThe Missing Links in Teacher Education Design Garry F. Hoban.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2370springerThe Robosapien Companion Jamie Samans.Professional and Applied Computing2005Go to website
2371springerTubazioni in polietilene per il trasporto di acqua A. Pavan, R. Frassine.Engineering2005Go to website
2372springerThe Logic of Logistics Julien Bramel, Xin Chen, David Simchi-Levi.Business and Economics2005Go to website
2373springerTopics in Almost Automorphy Gaston M. N'Guérékata.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2374springerThe p53 Tumor Suppressor Pathway and Cancer Gerard P. Zambetti.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2375springerThe Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2376springerThe Law and the Right Enrico Pattaro.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2377springerTumor Immunology and Cancer Vaccines Samir Khleif.Medicine2005Go to website
2378springerTerritorial Rights Tamar Meisels.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2379springerThe Green House Alanna Stang, Christopher Hawthorne.Architecture and Design2005Go to website
2380springerTraffic and Granular Flow ' 03 Serge P. Hoogendoorn, Stefan Luding, Piet H. L. Bovy, Michael Schreckenberg, Dietrich E. Wolf.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2381springerThe Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later Edvige Corbelli, Francesco Palla, Hans Zinnecker.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2382springerThe Sociology of Community Connections John G. Bruhn.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2383springerThe Selected Works of Arne Naess Alan Drengson.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2384springerThe Human Nervous System Charles R. Noback, Norman L. Strominger, Robert J. Demarest, David A. Ruggiero.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2385springerTwenty-Sixth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Brian H. Davison, Barbara R. Evans, Mark Finkelstein, James D. McMillan.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2386springerThe Physician's Guide to Investing Robert M. Doroghazi.Medicine2005Go to website
2387springerThe Physics of the Early Universe E. Papantonopoulos.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2388springerTransactions on Rough Sets II James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Didier Dubois, Jerzy W. Grzyma?a-Busse, Masahiro Inuiguchi, Lech Polkowski.Computer Science2005Go to website
2389springerThe 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses Carl J. Gross, Witold Nazarewicz, Krzysztof P. Rykaczewski.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
2390springerThe World Trade Organization Patrick F. J. Macrory, Arthur E. Appleton, Michael G. Plummer.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2391springerThe Story of Space Station Mir David M Harland.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2392springerTime--Frequency and Time--Scale Methods Jeffrey A. Hogan, Joseph D. Lakey.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2393springerTheory of Complex Homogeneous Bounded Domains Yichao Xu.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2394springerThe Roots of Educational Change Ann Lieberman.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2395springerThe G Protein-Coupled Receptors Handbook Lakshmi A. Devi.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2396springerThe Practice and Theory of School Improvement David Hopkins.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
2397springerTumor Ablation Eric vanSonnenberg, William N. McMullen, Luigi Solbiati.Medicine2005Go to website
2398springerThe War on Cancer Guy B. Faguet.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2399springerText Mining Sholom M. Weiss, Nitin Indurkhya, Tong Zhang, Fred J. Damerau.Computer Science2005Go to website
2400springerThe Last Recreations Martin Gardner.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
2401springerThe Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity David J. GoldsteinChemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
2402springerThrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke Patrick D. LydenMedicine2005Go to website
2403springerThe Oncogenomics Handbook William J. LaRochelle, Richard A. ShimketsMedicine2005Go to website
2404springerThe Orexin/Hypocretin System Seiji Nishino, Takeshi SakuraiBiomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2405springerType 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome Ronald A. CodarioMedicine2005Go to website
2406springerThyroid Disease Emanuel O. BramsMedicine2005Go to website
2407springerThe Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics Steven L. Gersen, Martha B. KeagleBiomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2408springerThe Proteomics Protocols Handbook John M. WalkerBiomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
2409ebraryTrouble with Poetry and Other Poems Collins, BillyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2410ebraryTalk and Practical Epistemology. The social life of knowledge in a Caribbean community Sidnell, JackLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2411ebraryTopics in Signed Language Interpreting. Theory and practice Janzen, TerryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2412ebraryTheta Theory Haiden, MartinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2413ebraryTurkish Turn in Contemporary German Literature : Toward a New Critical Grammar of Migration Adelson, Leslie A.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2414ebraryTense and Aspect in Romance Languages : Theoretical and Applied Perspectives Ayoun, DalilaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2415ebraryTrends in Linguistics : Documentation : A Grammar and Dictionary of Indus Kohistani Zoller, Claus PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2416ebraryThe Work of the Bibliometrics Research Group (City University) and Associates Lewison, GrantLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2417ebraryTranslation, Linguistics, Culture : A French - English Handbook Armstrong, NigelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2418ebraryTranslation and Cultural Change : Studies in History, Norms and Image-Projection Hung, EvaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2419ebraryThis Side of Paradise Fitzgerald, F. ScottLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2420ebraryTelling Our Stories : Continuities and Divergences in Black Autobiographies Alabi, AdetayoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2421ebraryTranslating Investments : Metaphor and the Dynamic of Cultural Change in Tudor-Stuart England Anderson, Judith H.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2422ebraryThird Language Learners : Pragmatic Production and Awareness Jorda, Maria Pilar SafontLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2423ebraryThe JISC Learning and Teaching and Infrastructure Programme Bruce, RachelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2424ebraryTheory of Ellipsis McShane, Marjorie JoanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2425ebraryThe Last Titan : A Life of Theodore Dreiser Loving, JeromeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2426ebraryThird Spring : G.K. Chesterton, Graham Greene, Christopher Dawson, and David Jones Schwartz, AdamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2427ebraryTheme Issue : Electronic Books Raitt, Dr DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2428ebraryTess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy, ThomasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2429ebraryTraining for the New Millennium. Pedagogies for translation and interpreting Tennent, MarthaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2430ebraryTerritories of the Psyche : The Fiction of Jean Rhys Simpson, Anne B.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2431ebraryTechnophobia! : Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology Dinello, DanielLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2432ebraryToward a Social History of Early Modern Dutch Burke, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2433ebraryTestaments : Two Novellas of Emigration and Exile Mostwin, DanutaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2434ebraryTaste : A Literary History Gilman, RichardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2435ebraryTibetan Songs of Realization : Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo Sujata, VictoriaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2436ebraryTaming of the Shrew Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
2437ebraryTall Buildings : From Engineering to Sustainability Cheung, Y. K.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
2438ebraryTugboats of New York : An Illustrated History Matteson, GeorgeEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2439ebraryThe Electronic Library : Including a Special Section : Issues from Multimedia Gaming Technology none specifiedEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2440ebraryTears of the Tree : The Story of Rubber : A Modern Marvel Loadman, JohnEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2441ebraryThe Work of the Bibliometrics Research Group (City University) and Associates Lewison, GrantEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2442ebraryThe Semantic Web Miltiadis et alEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2443ebraryTelecom Crash Course (2nd Edition) Shepard, StevenEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2444ebraryThe JISC Learning and Teaching and Infrastructure Programme Bruce, RachelEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2445ebraryTurbo-Machinery Dynamics Rangwala, A. S.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
2446ebraryThe Social Contours of Risk (Volume II) : Risk Analysis, Corporations and the Globalization of Risk Kasperson, Roger E.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
2447ebraryTheme Issue : Electronic Books Raitt, Dr DavidEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2448ebraryThermal Degradation of Polymeric Materials Pielichowski, KrzysztofEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2449ebraryTextiles for Protection Scott, R. A.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
2450ebraryTurbulence : New Approaches Belotserkovskii, O. M.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
2451ebraryTelecosmos : The Next Great Telecom Revolution Edwards, JohnEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2452ebraryTrading in Genes : Development Persepectives on Biotechnology, Trade and Sustainability Meléndez-Ortiz, RicardoEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2453ebraryTechnology Pathways : Assessing the Integrated Plan for a Next Generation Air Transportation System Committee on Technology PathwaysEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2454ebraryTechnological Options for User-Authorized Handguns : A Technology-Readiness Assessment Committee on User-Authorized HandgunsEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2455ebraryTank Wastes Planned for On-Site Disposal at Three Department of Energy Sites : The Savannah River Site (Interim Report) Committee on the Management of Certain Radioactive Waste Streams Stored in Tanks at Three Department of Energy SitesEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2456ebraryThe Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) : Implications of a Potential Descope Committee to Review the Science Requirements for the Atacama Large Millimeter ArrayEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
2457ebraryTen Thousand Democracies : Politics and Public Opinion in America's School Districts Berkman, Michael B.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2458ebraryTowards a New Map of Africa Toulmin, CamillaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2459ebraryTurkish Dynamics : Bridge Across Troubled Lands Kalaycioglu, ErsinHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2460ebraryTerrible Swift Sword : The Legacy of John Brown Finkelman, PaulHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2461ebraryTexts from the Pyramid Age Strudwick, NigelHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2462ebraryTugboats of New York : An Illustrated History Matteson, GeorgeHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2463ebraryTower of Babble : How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos Gold, DoreHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2464ebraryTrading in Lives? : Operations of the Jewish Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest, 1944-1945 Szita, SzabolcsHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2465ebraryTrial Separation : Australia and the Decolonisation of Papua New Guinea Denoon, DonaldHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2466ebraryTo the End of the Earth : A History of the Crypto-Jews of New Mexico Hordes, Stanley M.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2467ebraryToxic Diversity : Race, Gender, and Law Talk in America Subotnik, DanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2468ebraryTransforming Globalization : Challenges and Opportunities in the Post 9/11 Era Podobnik, BruceHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2469ebraryToulon 1793 : Napoleon's First Great Victory Forczyk, Robert A.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2470ebraryTending the Wild : Native American Knowledge and the Management of California's Natural Resources Anderson, M. KatHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2471ebraryThinking Like a Policy Analyst : Policy Analysis as a Clinical Profession Geva-May, IrisHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2472ebraryTheatrum Scientiarum ( englische ?bersetzung) : Collection, Laboratory, Theater : Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century Schramm, HelmarHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2473ebraryTransnational History of a Chinese Family : Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration Liu, HaimingHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2474ebraryTrade-Offs : An Introduction to Economic Reasoning and Social Issues Winter, HaroldHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2475ebraryTootin' Louie : A History of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway Hofsommer, Don L.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2476ebraryThucydides' War Narrative : A Structural Study Dewald, CarolynHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2477ebraryThat City is Mine! : Urban Ideal Images in Public Debates and City Plans, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 1945 - 1995 Rooijendijk, CordulaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2478ebraryTransfigurations of Hellenism : Aspects of Late Antique Art in Egypt, A.D. 250-700 Torok, LaszloHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2479ebraryTies That Bind : The Story of an Afro-Cherokee Family in Slavery and Freedom Miles, TiyaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2480ebraryTown, Country, and Regions in Reformation Germany Scott, TomHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2481ebraryTurks in World History Findley, Carter V.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2482ebraryTranscending Boundaries : Zhejiangcan : The Story of a Migrant Village in Beijing Xiang, BiaoHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2483ebraryTheories of Compliance with International Law Burgstaller, MarkusHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2484ebraryTo Kill the King Farmer, David J.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2485ebraryTunes for ’Toons : Music and the Hollywood Cartoon Goldmark, DanielHumanities2005Go to website
2486ebraryTheatrical Translation and Film Adaptation : A Practitioner's View Zatlin, PhyllisHumanities2005Go to website
2487ebraryTalk and Practical Epistemology. The social life of knowledge in a Caribbean community Sidnell, JackHumanities2005Go to website
2488ebraryTerror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory : From Auschwitz to Hiroshima to September 11 Ray, GeneHumanities2005Go to website
2489ebraryTaiwan Film Directors : A Treasure Island Davis, Darrell WilliamHumanities2005Go to website
2490ebraryTwo Men and Music : Nationalism In The Making Of An Indian Classical Tradition Bakhle, JanakiHumanities2005Go to website
2491ebraryTraktor DJ Studio Ignite! White, R. D.Humanities2005Go to website
2492ebraryTheatrum Scientiarum ( englische ?bersetzung) : Collection, Laboratory, Theater : Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century Schramm, HelmarHumanities2005Go to website
2493ebraryTheatre and Consciousness Meyer-Dinkgr?fe, DanielHumanities2005Go to website
2494ebraryTransfigurations of Hellenism : Aspects of Late Antique Art in Egypt, A.D. 250-700 Torok, LaszloHumanities2005Go to website
2495ebraryTransnational Television Worldwide : Towards a New Media Order Chalaby, Jean K.Humanities2005Go to website
2496ebraryTruth about the Music Business : A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide Moore, SteveHumanities2005Go to website
2497ebraryTonwille Vol. II : Pamphlets in Witness of the Immutable Laws of Music Schenker, HeinrichHumanities2005Go to website
2498ebraryTextiles for Sport Shishoo, R.Humanities2005Go to website
2499ebraryTori Amos : Piece by Piece Amos, ToriHumanities2005Go to website
2500ebraryTibetan Songs of Realization : Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo Sujata, VictoriaHumanities2005Go to website
2501ebraryTrumpet Technique Campos, Frank GabrielHumanities2005Go to website
2502ebraryTuned Out : Why Americans under 40 Don't Follow the News Mindich, David T. Z.Humanities2005Go to website
2503ebraryTV a-Go-Go : Rock on TV from American Bandstand to American Idol Austen, JakeHumanities2005Go to website
2504ebraryTen Thousand Democracies : Politics and Public Opinion in America's School Districts Berkman, Michael B.Education2005Go to website
2505ebraryTools of Navigation : A Kid's Guide to the History and Science of Finding Your Way Dickinson, RachelEducation2005Go to website
2506ebraryTeaching Children with Autism and Related Spectrum Disorders : An Art and a Science Magnusen, Christy L.Education2005Go to website
2507ebraryTools of Timekeeping : A Kid's Guide to the History and Science of Telling Time Formichelli, LindaEducation2005Go to website
2508ebraryTeaching Mathematics 3-5 : Developing Learning in the Foundation Stage Gifford, SueEducation2005Go to website
2509ebraryTimes Book of IQ Tests Russell, KenEducation2005Go to website
2510ebraryTeacher Collaboration and Talk in Multilingual Classrooms Creese, AngelaEducation2005Go to website
2511ebraryTo Export Progress : The Golden Age of University Assistance in the Americas Levy, Daniel C.Education2005Go to website
2512ebraryTeachers and Assistants Working Together : A Handbook Thomas, GaryEducation2005Go to website
2513ebraryTeaching at Home : A New Approach to Tutoring Children with Autism and Asperger Syndrome Holland, OlgaEducation2005Go to website
2514ebraryTeaching Writing in the Content Areas Urquhart, VickiEducation2005Go to website
2515ebraryTeaching with the Brain in Mind (2nd Edition) Jensen, EricEducation2005Go to website
2516ebraryToward Universal Primary Education : Investments, Incentives and Institutions Ibrahim, AminaEducation2005Go to website
2517ebraryTransfer Boy: Perspectives on Asperger Syndrome Vuletic, LjiljanaEducation2005Go to website
2518ebraryTeaching with Purpose : Closing the Research-Practice Gap Penick, John E.Education2005Go to website
2519ebraryTeaching and Learning Strategies for the Thinking Classroom Crawford, AlanEducation2005Go to website
2520ebraryTeaching Secondary School Literacies with ICT Monteith, MoiraEducation2005Go to website
2521ebraryTowards the Learning Grid Ritrovato, P.Computer_IT2005Go to website
2522ebraryThe Electronic Library : Including a Special Section : Issues from Multimedia Gaming Technology none specifiedComputer_IT2005Go to website
2523ebraryTechnology and Real Estate Dixon, Dr TimComputer_IT2005Go to website
2524ebraryTraktor DJ Studio Ignite! White, R. D.Computer_IT2005Go to website
2525ebraryTelecom Crash Course (2nd Edition) Shepard, StevenComputer_IT2005Go to website
2526ebraryTechnology in Knowledge Management Tsui, EricComputer_IT2005Go to website
2527ebraryTeach Yourself Visually Mac OS X Tiger Tejkowski, ErickComputer_IT2005Go to website
2528ebraryThe Unauthorized Halo 2 Battle Guide: Advanced Combat Techniques Cawood, StephenComputer_IT2005Go to website
2529ebraryTech Mining : Exploiting New Technologies for Competitive Advantage Porter, Alan L.Computer_IT2005Go to website
2530ebraryTheory of Fun for Game Design Koster, RaphComputer_IT2005Go to website
2531ebraryTeaching Secondary School Literacies with ICT Monteith, MoiraComputer_IT2005Go to website
2532FA-DavisThe New Leadership Challenge:Creating the Future of Nursing  Sheila C. Grossman, Theresa M. ValigaNursing2005Go to website
2533FA-DavisThe Medical Interview:Mastering Skills for Clinical Practice  John L. Coulehan, Marian R. BlockNursing2005Go to website
2534FA-DavisTabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary  Donald VenesNursing2005Go to website
2535ebraryTired of Weeping : Mother Love, Child Death, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau Einarsd?ttir, J?n?naInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2536ebraryTwentieth Century Chinese Translation Theory : Modes, Issues and Debates Chan, Tak-Hung LeoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2537ebraryToshie : A Story of Village Life in Twentieth-Century Japan Partner, SimonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2538ebraryTake Back Higher Education : Race, Youth, and the Crisis of Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Era Giroux, Henry A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2539ebraryTime in Child Inuktitut : A Developmental Study in an Eskimo-Aleut Language Swift, MaryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2540ebraryTentative Transgressions : Homosexuality, AIDS, and the Theater in Brazil Albuquerque, Severino J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2541ebraryTibetan Revolutionary : The Political Life and Times of Bapa Phuntso Wangye Goldstein, Melvyn C.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2542ebraryTsukiji : The Fish Market at the Center of the World Bestor, Theodore C.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2543ebraryTruth, Autonomy, and Speech : Feminist Theory and the First Amendment Williams, Susan H.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2544ebraryThe Star Entangled Banner: One Hundred Years of America in the Philippines Delmendo, SharonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2545ebraryTrypanosomiases Maudlin, IanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2546ebraryTaking Sex Differences Seriously Rhoads, Steven E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2547ebraryTelevision and Sexuality Arthurs, JaneInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2548ebraryTibetan Diary : From Birth to Death and Beyond in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal Childs, Geoff H.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2549ebraryT'ang China : The Rise of the East in World History Adshead, Samuel Adrian M.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2550ebraryThe 'Tragic Mulatta' Revisited: Race and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Antislavery Fiction Raimon, Eve AllegraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2551ebraryTenement Saga : The Lower East Side and Early Jewish American Writers Sternlicht, SanfordInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2552ebraryTourism in the New South Africa : Social Responsibility and the Tourist Experience Allen, GarthInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2553ebraryThird Party Assisted Conception Across Cultures : Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives Blyth, EricLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2554ebraryTerrorism: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Improving Responses: U.S - Russian Workshop Proceedings Committee on Counterterrorism Challenges for Russia and the United StatesLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2555ebraryThinking about Crime : Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture Tonry, Michael H.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2556ebraryTotal Confinement : Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison Rhodes, Lorna A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2557ebraryTriumph of Venus : The Erotics of the Market Schroeder, Jeanne LorraineLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2558ebraryTheodore Roosevelt : A Strenuous Life Dalton, KathleenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2559ebraryTowards an International Law of CoProgressiveness Yee, SienhoLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2560ebraryTrade Secrets : Intellectual Piracy and the Origins of American Industrial Power BenAtar, Doron S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2561ebraryThere's Something Happening Here : The New Left, the Klan, and FBI Counterintelligence Cunningham, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2562ebraryTheatre in Prison Balfour, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2563ebraryTen Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System : A Handbook for Development Practitioners Kusek, Jody ZallLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2564ebraryTruth, Autonomy, and Speech : Feminist Theory and the First Amendment Williams, Susan H.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2565ebraryTruck Drivers and Casual Sex : An Inquiry into the Potential Spread of HIV/AIDS in the Baltic Region Kulis, MarzenaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2566ebraryToward Implementing Universal Human Rights : Festschrift for the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Human Rights Committee Ando, NisukeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2567ebraryTests of Global Governance : Canadian Diplomacy and United Nations World Conferences Cooper, Andrew F.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2568ebraryTrade, Reputation, and Child Labor in Twentieth-Century Egypt Goldberg, EllisLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2569ebraryThirteenth Amendment and American Freedom : A Legal History Tsesis, AlexanderLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2570ebraryThe First Industrial Region : North-west England, c.1700-60 Stobart, JonSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2571ebraryTired of Weeping : Mother Love, Child Death, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau Einarsd?ttir, J?n?naSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2572ebraryTerrorism: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Improving Responses: U.S - Russian Workshop Proceedings Committee on Counterterrorism Challenges for Russia and the United StatesSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2573ebraryThinking about Crime : Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture Tonry, Michael H.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2574ebraryTourism, Globalization and Cultural Change: An Island Community Perspective Robinson, MikeSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2575ebraryTeaching and Learning Of Physics In Cultural Contexts : Proceedings of the International Conference On Physics Education In Cultural Contexts (ICPEC 2001) Yunebae ParkSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2576ebraryTotal Confinement : Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison Rhodes, Lorna A.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2577ebraryTechnology, Television, and Competition : The Politics of Digital TV Hart, Jeffrey A.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2578ebraryThey Took My Father : Finnish Americans in Stalin's Russia Sevander, MaymeSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2579ebraryThing Knowledge : A Philosophy of Scientific Instruments Baird, DavisSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2580ebraryToshie : A Story of Village Life in Twentieth-Century Japan Partner, SimonSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2581ebraryTerrorism and the UN : Before and After September 11 Boulden, JaneSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2582ebraryThere's Something Happening Here : The New Left, the Klan, and FBI Counterintelligence Cunningham, DavidSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2583ebraryThink Tanks, Public Policy, and the Politics of Expertise Rich, AndrewSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2584ebraryTheatre in Prison Balfour, MichaelSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2585ebraryTruck Drivers and Casual Sex : An Inquiry into the Potential Spread of HIV/AIDS in the Baltic Region Kulis, MarzenaSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2586ebraryTaking Sex Differences Seriously Rhoads, Steven E.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2587ebraryThere She Is, Miss America : The Politics of Sex, Beauty, and Race in America's Most Famous Pageant Watson, ElwoodSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2588ebraryTibetan Diary : From Birth to Death and Beyond in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal Childs, Geoff H.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2589ebraryTree of Souls : The Mythology of Judaism Schwartz, HowardSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2590ebraryTenement Saga : The Lower East Side and Early Jewish American Writers Sternlicht, SanfordSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2591ebraryTerror, Terrorism, and the Human Condition Webel, CharlesSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2592ebraryTexture of the Divine : Imagination in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Thought Hughes, Aaron W.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2593ebraryTrust O'Hara, KieranReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2594ebraryText of the Apostolos in Epiphanius of Salamis Osburn, Carroll D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2595ebraryTime and Memory Harris, PaulReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2596ebraryTies That Bind Moravcsik, Julius M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2597ebraryTerror and Civilization : Christianity, Politics, and the Western Psyche Drury, Shadia B.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2598ebraryThinking about Feeling : Contemporary Philosophers on Emotions Solomon, Robert C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2599ebraryTruth and the Past Dummett, Michael A. E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2600ebraryThink Again : Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy Hallward, PeterReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2601ebraryThe Book of Pontiffs of the Church of Ravenna Agnellus of RavennaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2602ebraryTruth and Truthmakers Armstrong, D. M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2603ebraryTexas Baptist History Sourcebook : A Companion to McBeth's Texas Baptists Early, Joseph E., Jr.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2604ebraryTranscendence and Self-Transcendence : On God and the Soul Westphal, MeroldReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2605ebraryTransforming the Faith of Our Fathers : The Women Who Changed American Religion Braude, AnnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2606ebraryTwilight of Atheism : The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World McGrath, Alister E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2607ebraryTruth and Genesis : Philosophy As Differential Ontology Beistegui, Miguel deReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2608ebraryThings Revealed : Studies in Early Jewish and Christian Literature in Honor of Michael E. Stone Chazon, Esther G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2609ebraryThat They May All Be One : The Call To Unity Today Kasper, WalterReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2610ebraryTwo Versions of the Solomon Narrative : An Inquiry into the Relationship Between Mt 1kgs. 2-11 and Lxx 3 Reg. 2-11 Van Keulen, Percy S.F.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2611ebraryTree of Souls : The Mythology of Judaism Schwartz, HowardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2612ebraryTired of Weeping : Mother Love, Child Death, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau Einarsd?ttir, J?n?naPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2613ebraryTime of the Therapeutic Communities : People, Places and Events Clarke, LiamPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2614ebraryTime and Memory Harris, PaulPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2615ebraryTrauma Interventions in War and Peace: Prevention, Practice, and Policy Green, Bonnie L.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2616ebraryThinking about Crime : Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture Tonry, Michael H.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2617ebraryTransforming Nurses' Stress and Anger : Steps Toward Healing Thomas, Sandra P.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2618ebraryThrough the Glass Wall : Journeys into the Closed-Off Worlds of the Autistic Buten, HowardPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2619ebraryTotal Confinement : Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison Rhodes, Lorna A.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2620ebraryTextbook of Biological Psychiatry Panksepp, JaakPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2621ebraryTherapeutic Approaches in Work with Traumatised Children and Young People : Theory and Practice Tomlinson, PatrickPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2622ebraryThere's Something Happening Here : The New Left, the Klan, and FBI Counterintelligence Cunningham, DavidPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2623ebraryTheatre in Prison Balfour, MichaelPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2624ebraryTwitch and Shout : A Touretter's Tale Handler, LowellPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2625ebraryTreating Alcoholism : Helping Your Clients Find the Road to Recovery Perkinson, Robert R.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2626ebraryTransforming the Legacy : Couple Therapy with Survivors of Childhood Trauma Basham, Kathryn KarusaitisPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2627ebraryTime and Memory Harris, PaulPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2628ebraryTeaching and Learning Of Physics In Cultural Contexts : Proceedings of the International Conference On Physics Education In Cultural Contexts (ICPEC 2001) Yunebae ParkPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2629ebraryTolerance Graphs Golumbic, Martin CharlesPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2630ebraryThinking in Patterns : Fractals and Related Phenomena in Nature Norak, Miroslav M.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2631ebraryTopics in the Theory of Schrodinger Operators Araki, HuzihiroPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2632ebraryTheories of Integration : The Integrals of Riemann, Lebesgue, Henstock-Kurzweil, and Mcshane Kurtz, Douglas S.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2633ebraryTopological Solitons Manton, NicholasPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2634ebraryTheoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (Second Edition) Walecka, John DirkPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2635ebraryTrigonometric Sums in Number Theory and Analysis Arkhipov, Gennadii IvanovichPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2636ebraryTrends in Commutative Algebra Avramov, LuchezarPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2637ebraryTunable External Cavity Diode Lasers Ye, CunyunPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2638ebraryTestosterone and Aging: Clinical Research Directions Liverman, Catharyn T.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2639ebraryTrauma Moore, Ernest EugeneNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2640ebraryTenth Interim Report of the Subcommittee on Acute Exposure Guideline Levels Subcommittee on Acute Exposure Guideline LevelsNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2641ebraryThe Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures 2003: Keeping Patients Safe -- Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses National Research CouncilNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2642ebraryTB/HIV : A Clinical Manual (2nd Edition) Harries, Anthony DNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2643ebraryTrauma Interventions in War and Peace: Prevention, Practice, and Policy Green, Bonnie L.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2644ebraryTransforming Nurses' Stress and Anger : Steps Toward Healing Thomas, Sandra P.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2645ebraryToxicogenomics and Proteomics Valdes, James JNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2646ebraryThrough the Glass Wall : Journeys into the Closed-Off Worlds of the Autistic Buten, HowardNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2647ebraryTherapeutic Approaches in Work with Traumatised Children and Young People : Theory and Practice Tomlinson, PatrickNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2648ebraryToward a Containment Strategy for Smallpox Bioterror : An Individual-Based Computational Approach Epstein, Joshua M.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2649ebraryTics and Tourette Syndrome : A Handbook for Parents and Professionals Chowdhury, UttomNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2650ebraryTrypanosomiases Maudlin, IanNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2651ebraryTreating Alcoholism : Helping Your Clients Find the Road to Recovery Perkinson, Robert R.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2652ebraryTransformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies Duplaga, M.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2653ebraryThoracic Vein Arrhythmias : Mechanisms and Treatment Chen, Shih-AnnMedicine2004Go to website
2654ebraryToman's Tuberculosis : Case Detection, Treatment, and Monitoring : Questions and Answers Toman, KurtMedicine2004Go to website
2655ebraryTransoesophageal Echocardiography in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Poelaert, JanMedicine2004Go to website
2656ebraryTrauma Moore, Ernest EugeneMedicine2004Go to website
2657ebraryThird Party Assisted Conception Across Cultures : Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives Blyth, EricMedicine2004Go to website
2658ebraryTracheostomy : A Multi-Professional Handbook Matta, BasilMedicine2004Go to website
2659ebraryTextbook of Biological Psychiatry Panksepp, JaakMedicine2004Go to website
2660ebraryTestosterone : Action, Deficiency, Substitution Nieschlag, EberhardMedicine2004Go to website
2661ebraryTargeting Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas Verweij, J.Medicine2004Go to website
2662ebraryTwitch and Shout : A Touretter's Tale Handler, LowellMedicine2004Go to website
2663ebraryTransformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies Duplaga, M.Medicine2004Go to website
2664ebraryTexture in Food, Volume 2 : Solid Foods Kilcast, DavidLife Sciences2004Go to website
2665ebraryThinking in Patterns : Fractals and Related Phenomena in Nature Norak, Miroslav M.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2666ebraryTheory of Cortical Plasticity Cooper, Leon N.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2667ebraryTrailside Botany : 101 Favorite Trees, Shrubs, and Wildflowers of the Upper Midwest Bates, JohnLife Sciences2004Go to website
2668ebraryTissue Engineering : Engineering Principles for the Design of Replacement Organs and Tissues Saltzman, W. MarkLife Sciences2004Go to website
2669ebraryTrading the Genome : Investigating the Commodification of Bio-Information Parry, BronwynLife Sciences2004Go to website
2670ebraryTending Fire : Coping with America's Wildland Fires Pyne, Stephen J.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2671ebraryTechniques of Tape Reading Graifer, vadymBusiness2004Go to website
2672ebraryTechnology Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations : How Well Does the RBC Model Fit Postwar U.S. Data? Rabanal, PauBusiness2004Go to website
2673ebraryTrust or Consequences : Build Trust Today or Lose Your Market Tomorrow Golin, AlBusiness2004Go to website
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2675ebraryTheories of Macro-Organizational Behavior : A Handbook of Ideas and Explanations Vibert, ConorBusiness2004Go to website
2676ebraryTax Expenditures--Shedding Light on Government Spending through the Tax System : Lessons from Developed and Transition Economies World Bank StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2677ebraryTechnology Strategies Emerald Insight StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2678ebraryToyota Way Liker, JeffreyBusiness2004Go to website
2679ebraryTourism Research Methods : Integrating Theory with Practice Ritchie, Brent W.Business2004Go to website
2680ebraryTiming of International Bailouts Kim, Se-JikBusiness2004Go to website
2681ebraryThird Way and Beyond : Criticisms, Futures and Alternatives Hale, SarahBusiness2004Go to website
2682ebraryTechniques and Practices to Improve Responsiveness in Industry Baykasoglu, AdilBusiness2004Go to website
2683ebraryTerritories of Profit : Communications, Capitalist Development and the Innovative Enterprises of G.F. Swift and Dell Computer Fields, Gary S.Business2004Go to website
2684ebraryTriumph of Contrarian Investing : Crowds, Manias, and Beating the Market by Going Against the Grain Davis, Nathan E.Business2004Go to website
2685ebraryTrade Secrets : Intellectual Piracy and the Origins of American Industrial Power BenAtar, Doron S.Business2004Go to website
2686ebraryToo Big to Fail : The Hazards of Bank Bailouts Stern, Gary H.Business2004Go to website
2687ebraryTheory and Management of Collective Strategies in International Business : The Impact of Globalization on Japanese-German Business Collaboration in Asia Haak, ReneBusiness2004Go to website
2688ebraryTechnology Intelligence Savioz, PascalBusiness2004Go to website
2689ebraryTriple Bottom Line : Does It All Add Up?: Assessing the Sustainability of Business and CSR Henriques, AdrianBusiness2004Go to website
2690ebraryTaxing the Financial Sector : Concepts, Issues, and Practices Zee, Howell H.Business2004Go to website
2691ebraryTales for Change : Using Storytelling to Develop People and Management Parkin, MargaretBusiness2004Go to website
2692ebraryThe Discipline, Study and Practice of Management: A Reflective Inquiry Chaharbaghi, KazemBusiness2004Go to website
2693ebraryThe Role of Information and Communications Technology in Transforming Marketing Theory and Practice Naude, PeterBusiness2004Go to website
2694ebraryTransformational Leadership Research: Issues and Implications Pawar, Badrinarayan S.Business2004Go to website
2695ebraryThe Economics of Non-Convex Ecosystems Dasgupta, ParthaBusiness2004Go to website
2696ebraryTourism and Tourism Spaces Shaw, GarethBusiness2004Go to website
2697ebraryThe Value Chain Walters, DavidBusiness2004Go to website
2698ebraryTrade Policy and Global Poverty Cline, WilliamBusiness2004Go to website
2699ebraryTen Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System : A Handbook for Development Practitioners Kusek, Jody ZallBusiness2004Go to website
2700ebraryThe Oxymoron of Control in an Era of Globalization: Vulnerables of a Mega Myth Bijlsma-Frankema, KatinkaBusiness2004Go to website
2701ebraryThe Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group and International Marketing Ford, DavidBusiness2004Go to website
2702ebraryTrade Performance and Regional Integration of the CIS Countries Freinkman, Lev M.Business2004Go to website
2703ebraryTelephone Booth Indian Liebling, A. J.Business2004Go to website
2704ebraryTraining for Diversity Smith, BryanBusiness2004Go to website
2705ebraryT. R. Malthus, Volume 2 : The Unpublished Papers in the Collection of Kanto Gakuen University Pullen, JohnBusiness2004Go to website
2706ebraryTheological Perspectives on Accounting McPhail, KenBusiness2004Go to website
2707ebraryThe End of the End of Good Work? Work Organization or Lean Production in the Volvo Organization Wallace, TerryBusiness2004Go to website
2708ebraryThe Sociology of Objects: Rediscovering the Importance of Objects in Organizational Life Downs, AlexisBusiness2004Go to website
2709ebraryThe European Clothing Industry: Meeting the Competitive Challenge Taplin, Ian M.Business2004Go to website
2710ebraryThe Academic/Practitioner Divide in Marketing - Myth or Reality? Brennan, RossBusiness2004Go to website
2711ebraryTargeting of Transfers in Developing Countries : Review of Lessons and Experience Coady, DavidBusiness2004Go to website
2712ebraryTourism and Transition : Governance, Transformation and Development Hall, Derek R.Business2004Go to website
2713ebraryTransformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies Duplaga, M.Business2004Go to website
2714ebraryTransforming the European Economy Baily, Martin NeilBusiness2004Go to website
2715ebraryThe Micro-Foundations of Organizational Trust Mollering, GuidoBusiness2004Go to website
2716ebraryTo a Young Jazz Musician : Letters from the Road Marsalis, WyntonBusiness2004Go to website
2717ebraryTimescapes in management: creative enquiries and critical examinations Purser, Ronald E.Business2004Go to website
2718ebraryThe Workplace as a learning environment Moore, Professor David ThorntonBusiness2004Go to website
2719ebraryTypical food products marketing: tales from the Italian food and beverages industry: a case study approach Vignali, ClaudiaBusiness2004Go to website
2720ebraryThe value chain and marketing Emerald Insight StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2721ebraryTraining and related topics in SMEs Emerald Insight StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2722ebraryTourism, leisure and land management and development Brown, StephenBusiness2004Go to website
2723ebraryThe Gerald Brown memorial issue French, NickBusiness2004Go to website
2724ebraryTree of Life : A Trilogy of Life in the Lodz Ghetto, Volume 1 : On the Brink of the Precipice, 1939 Rosenfarb, ChavaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2725ebraryThe Electronic Library Emerald Insight StaffLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2726ebraryThe Growth and Maintenance of Linguistic Complexity Dahl, ?stenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2727ebraryThe 'Tragic Mulatta' Revisited: Race and Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Antislavery Fiction Raimon, Eve AllegraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2728ebraryTrespassing Boundaries : Virginia Woolf's Short Fiction Benzel, Kathryn N.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2729ebraryTeaching the Cult of Literature in the French Third Republic Guiney, MartinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2730ebraryTranslation Research and Interpreting Research : Traditions, Gaps and Synergies Schaffner, ChristinaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2731ebraryTell It Slant : Writing and Shaping Creative Nonfiction Miller, BrendaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2732ebraryTentative Transgressions : Homosexuality, AIDS, and the Theater in Brazil Albuquerque, Severino J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2733ebraryTime in Child Inuktitut : A Developmental Study in an Eskimo-Aleut Language Swift, MaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2734ebraryT. S. Eliot : The Contemporary Reviews Brooker, Jewel SpearsLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2735ebraryTantric Treasures : Three Collections of Mystical Verse from Buddhist India Jackson, Roger R.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2736ebraryThen and Now : Poems Cummins, JamesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2737ebraryType : The Secret History of Letters Loxley, SimonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2738ebraryTod der Konigin : Frauenopfer und Politische Souveranitat im Trauerspiel des 17. Jahrhunderts Alt, Peter-AndreLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2739ebraryTranslation Universals : Do They Exist? Mauranen, AnnaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2740ebraryTwo Natures Met : George Herbert and the Incarnation Judge, Jeannie SargentLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2741ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Text Types and the History of English Gorlach, ManfredLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2742ebraryTheory Construction in Second Language Acquisition Jordan, GeoffLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2743ebraryTwentieth Century Chinese Translation Theory : Modes, Issues and Debates Chan, Tak-Hung LeoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2744ebraryTheoretical Inquiry : Language, Linguistics, and Literature Quigley, Austin E.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2745ebraryTempest in the Caribbean Goldberg, JonathanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2746ebraryThe Acquisition of Spanish. Morphosyntactic development in monolingual and bilingual L1 acquisition and adult L2 acquisition. Montrul, Silvina A.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2747ebraryTheoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics : Selected papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake City, March 2004 Gess, Randall S.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2748ebraryTree of Life : A Trilogy of Life in the Lodz Ghetto, Book 3 : The Cattle Cars Are Waiting, 1942-1944 Rosenfarb, ChavaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2749ebraryTess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy, ThomasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2750ebraryTranslation in Undergraduate Degree Programmes. Malmkj?r, KirstenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2751ebraryTree of Life : A Trilogy of Life in the Lodz Ghetto, Book 2 : From the Depths I Call You, 1940-1942 Rosenfarb, ChavaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2752ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Dialectology meets Typology : Dialect Grammar from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective Kortmann, BerndLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2753ebraryTending Fire : Coping with America's Wildland Fires Pyne, Stephen J.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2754ebraryThe Electronic Library Emerald Insight StaffEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2755ebraryTopics in Audiovisual Translation Orero, PilarEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2756ebraryTrading the Genome : Investigating the Commodification of Bio-Information Parry, BronwynEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2757ebraryTCP/IP Foundations Blank, Andrew G.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2758ebraryTrellis and Turbo Coding Schlegel, ChristianEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2759ebraryTheory of Code Division Multiple Access Communication Zigangirov, K. ShEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2760ebraryTribute to Stafford Beer Espejo, RaulEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2761ebraryTextile Design and Engineering of Fibrous Materials Lam Po, SharonEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2762ebraryThe Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, July 2002: Part 2 Ransing, R.SEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2763ebraryThree Mile Island : A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective Walker, J. SamuelEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2764ebraryTexturing : Concepts and Techniques Summers, DennisEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2765ebraryTale of the Scale : An Odyssey of Invention Angel, SollyEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2766ebraryTyre Recycling Shulman, Valerie L.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2767ebraryTroubleshooting Injection Moulding Goodship, VannessaEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2768ebraryThe Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, July 2002: Part 1 Ransing, R.SEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2769ebraryThe A+ Exams Guide: (Exam 220301) (Exam 220302) Crayton, ChristopherEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2770ebraryTenth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering National Academy of EngineeringEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2771ebraryTesting for EMC Compliance : Approaches and Techniques Montrose, Mark I.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2772ebraryThe Role of Experimentation in Building Future Naval Forces Committee for the Role of Experimentation in Building Future Naval ForcesEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2773ebraryTenement Saga : The Lower East Side and Early Jewish American Writers Sternlicht, SanfordHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2774ebraryTurkey : A Modern History Zurcher, Erik J.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2775ebraryT'ang China : The Rise of the East in World History Adshead, Samuel Adrian M.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2776ebraryTransforming the European Economy Baily, Martin NeilHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2777ebraryTests of Global Governance : Canadian Diplomacy and United Nations World Conferences Cooper, Andrew F.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2778ebraryToward Implementing Universal Human Rights : Festschrift for the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Human Rights Committee Ando, NisukeHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2779ebraryTourism and Transition : Governance, Transformation and Development Hall, Derek R.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2780ebraryThe Star Entangled Banner: One Hundred Years of America in the Philippines Delmendo, SharonHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2781ebraryTransforming the Faith of Our Fathers : The Women Who Changed American Religion Braude, AnnHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2782ebraryTibetan Revolutionary : The Political Life and Times of Bapa Phuntso Wangye Goldstein, Melvyn C.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2783ebraryTen Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System : A Handbook for Development Practitioners Kusek, Jody ZallHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2784ebraryTrade Policy and Global Poverty Cline, WilliamHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2785ebraryThey'll Have to Catch Me First : An Artist's Coming of Age in the Third Reich Awret, IreneHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2786ebraryThose Who Forget the Past : The Question of Anti-Semitism Rosenbaum, RonHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2787ebraryThreatening Others : Nicaraguans and the Formation of National Identities in Costa Rica Sandoval-Garcia, CarlosHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2788ebraryTake Back Higher Education : Race, Youth, and the Crisis of Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Era Giroux, Henry A.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2789ebraryTheories of the New Class : Intellectuals and Power King, Lawrence P.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2790ebraryTransforming English Rural Society : The Verneys and the Claydons, 1600-1820 Broad, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2791ebraryTheodore Roosevelt : A Strenuous Life Dalton, KathleenHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2792ebraryTwenty-Three Minutes to Eternity : The Final Voyage of the Escort Carrier U.S.S. Liscome Bay Noles, James L.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2793ebraryTaming the Sovereigns : Institutional Change in International Politics Holsti, Kalevi J.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2794ebraryTriage for Civil Support : Using Military Medical Assets to Respond to Terrorist Attacks Cecchine, GaryHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2795ebraryTrials of Nation Making : Liberalism, Race, and Ethnicity in the Andes, 1810-1910 Larson, BrookeHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2796ebraryTocqueville in the Ottoman Empire : Rival Paths to the Modern State Salzmann, ArielHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2797ebraryTree of Life : A Trilogy of Life in the Lodz Ghetto, Book 3 : The Cattle Cars Are Waiting, 1942-1944 Rosenfarb, ChavaHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2798ebraryTired of Weeping : Mother Love, Child Death, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau Einarsd?ttir, J?n?naHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2799ebraryTouring Gotham's Archaeological Past : Eight Self-Guided Walking Tours Through New York City Wall, Diana diZeregaHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2800ebraryTitanic in Myth and Memory : Representations in Visual and Literary Culture Bergfelder, TimHumanities2004Go to website
2801ebraryTopics in Audiovisual Translation Orero, PilarHumanities2004Go to website
2802ebraryTo a Young Jazz Musician : Letters from the Road Marsalis, WyntonHumanities2004Go to website
2803ebraryTelevision and Sexuality Arthurs, JaneHumanities2004Go to website
2804ebraryTheatre and Empowerment : Community Drama on the World Stage Boon, RichardHumanities2004Go to website
2805ebraryType : The Secret History of Letters Loxley, SimonHumanities2004Go to website
2806ebraryThat Moaning Saxophone : The Six Brown Brothers and the Dawning of a Musical Craze Vermazen, BruceHumanities2004Go to website
2807ebraryTexturing : Concepts and Techniques Summers, DennisHumanities2004Go to website
2808ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : Text Types and the History of English Gorlach, ManfredHumanities2004Go to website
2809ebraryTechnology, Television, and Competition : The Politics of Digital TV Hart, Jeffrey A.Humanities2004Go to website
2810ebraryTeaching and Learning Geometry French, DougEducation2004Go to website
2811ebraryTeaching the Cult of Literature in the French Third Republic Guiney, MartinEducation2004Go to website
2812ebraryTeaching Toward Freedom Ayers, WilliamEducation2004Go to website
2813ebraryTrouble with Ed Schools Labaree, David F.Education2004Go to website
2814ebraryTeaching Secondary Science with ICT Barton, RoyEducation2004Go to website
2815ebraryTeacher-Centered Professional Development Diaz-Maggioli, GabrielEducation2004Go to website
2816ebraryTransforming Schools: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement Zmuda, AllisonEducation2004Go to website
2817ebraryTake Back Higher Education : Race, Youth, and the Crisis of Democracy in the Post-Civil Rights Era Giroux, Henry A.Education2004Go to website
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2820ebraryTeaching and Learning Of Physics In Cultural Contexts : Proceedings of the International Conference On Physics Education In Cultural Contexts (ICPEC 2001) Yunebae ParkEducation2004Go to website
2821ebraryThe Professional Development of Teachers: Practice and Theory Adey, PhilipEducation2004Go to website
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2826ebraryTheory of Education Turner, David A.Education2004Go to website
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2832ebraryTribute to Stafford Beer Espejo, RaulComputer_IT2004Go to website
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2835ebraryTools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing Hariri, SalimComputer_IT2004Go to website
2836ebraryTexturing : Concepts and Techniques Summers, DennisComputer_IT2004Go to website
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2839ebraryTwenty Years of Independence in Zimbabwe : From Liberation to Authoritarianism Darnolf, StaffanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2840ebraryTaking Back the Streets : Women, Youth, and Direct Democracy Kaplan, TemmaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
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2845ebraryTrouble with Nature : Sex in Popular Science and Mass Culture Lancaster, Roger N.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2846ebraryTalking Rocks : Geology and 10,000 Years of Native American Tradition in the Lake Superior Region Morton, RonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2847ebraryThe Collected Writings of Wallace Thurman: A Harlem Renaissance Reader Thurman, WallaceInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2848ebraryTangled Roots of Feminism, Environmentalism, and Appalachian Literature Engelhardt, Elizabeth S. D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2849ebraryTruest Form of Patriotism : Pacifist Feminism in Britain, 1870-1902 Brown, HeloiseInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2850ebraryTwenty Years of Independence in Zimbabwe : From Liberation to Authoritarianism Darnolf, StaffanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2851ebraryTaking Back the Streets : Women, Youth, and Direct Democracy Kaplan, TemmaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
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2853ebraryThis Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land : The Property Rights Movement and Regulatory Takings Olivetti, Alfred M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2854ebraryThe Pacific Northwest’s Experiment in a New Kind of Rulemaking – Endangered Species Act Implementation by Local Governments Lee, Valerie AnnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2855ebraryToxic Mold: The Next Asbestos? Gornick, LawrenceLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2856ebraryThe Federal Production Tax Credit: Will Its Expiration Mean the End of the United States Wind Industry? Anderson, HeidiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2857ebraryTaking Stock of Delinquency: An Overview of Findings from Contemporary Longitudinal Studies Thornberry, Terence P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2858ebraryTracking and Predicting the Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Releases: Implications for Homeland Security Committee on the Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material ReleasesLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2859ebraryTrade and Transitions : A Comparative Analysis of Adjustment Policies Trebilcock, Michael J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2860ebraryTerrorism and Development : Using Social and Economic Development Policies to Inhibit a Resurgence of Terrorism Cragin, KimLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2861ebraryTransboundary Damage in International Law Hanqin, XueLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2862ebraryTheories of Social Order : A Reader Hechter, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2863ebraryTort Law in America : An Intellectual History White, G. EdwardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2864ebraryThe World Bank Legal Review : Law and Justice for Development Puymbroeck, Rudolf V.VanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2865ebraryTobacco Control Policy : Strategies, Successes, and Setbacks De Beyer, JoyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2866ebraryThis Land Is Our Land : Immigrants and Power in Miami Stepick, AlexLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2867ebraryTheory and Reform in the European Union Chryssochoou, Dimitris N.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2868ebraryThe Future of American Democratic Politics: Principles and Practices Pomper, Gerald M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2869ebraryTraining the 21st Century Police Officer : Redefining Police Professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department Glenn, RussellLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2870ebraryTransnational Corporations and Human Rights Frynas, Jedrzej GeorgeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2871ebraryTapping the Market : The Challenge of Institutional Reform in the Urban Water Sector Nickson, AndrewLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2872ebraryThad Snow : A Life of Social Reform in the Missouri Bootheel Stepenoff, BonnieLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2873ebraryTruest Form of Patriotism : Pacifist Feminism in Britain, 1870-1902 Brown, HeloiseLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2874ebraryTaking Back the Streets : Women, Youth, and Direct Democracy Kaplan, TemmaSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2875ebraryTaking Stock of Delinquency: An Overview of Findings from Contemporary Longitudinal Studies Thornberry, Terence P.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2876ebraryTracking and Predicting the Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Releases: Implications for Homeland Security Committee on the Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material ReleasesSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2877ebraryTranslating Cultures: Perspectives on Translation and Anthropology Rubel, Paula G.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2878ebraryTrickster Downing, JaneSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2879ebraryThomas Kuhn Nickles, ThomasSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2880ebraryTerrorism and Development : Using Social and Economic Development Policies to Inhibit a Resurgence of Terrorism Cragin, KimSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2881ebraryTechnology and Social Inclusion : Rethinking the Digital Divide Warschauer, MarkSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2882ebraryTexas Cemeteries : The Resting Places of Famous, Infamous, and Just Plain Interesting Texans Harvey, BillSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2883ebraryTales of the Neighborhood : Jewish Narrative Dialogues in Late Antiquity Hasan-Rokem, GalitSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2884ebraryTheories of Social Order : A Reader Hechter, MichaelSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2885ebraryTrouble with Nature : Sex in Popular Science and Mass Culture Lancaster, Roger N.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2886ebraryThe Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires Bray, Tamara L.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2887ebraryTheories of Social Remembering Misztal, Barbara A.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2888ebraryTraining the 21st Century Police Officer : Redefining Police Professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department Glenn, RussellSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2889ebraryTerrorism and Tyranny : Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil Bovard, JamesSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2890ebraryTransitions from Education to Work in Europe : The Integration of Youth into EU Labour Markets Muller, WalterSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2891ebraryThad Snow : A Life of Social Reform in the Missouri Bootheel Stepenoff, BonnieSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2892ebraryTruest Form of Patriotism : Pacifist Feminism in Britain, 1870-1902 Brown, HeloiseSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2893ebraryTwo Reformations : The Journey from the Last Days to the New World Odom, William E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2894ebraryTurning Points in Jewish Intellectual History Aberbach, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2895ebraryTexts, Documents and Artefacts : Islamic Studies in Honour of D. S. Richards Richards, D. S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2896ebraryTheodicy in the World of the Bible Laato, AnttiReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2897ebraryTheology and the First Theory of Sacrifice Strenski, IvanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2898ebraryThe Surface of the Deep Winquist, Charles E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2899ebraryTrial and Error : The American Controversy over Creation and Evolution Larson, Edward J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2900ebraryThinking it Through : An Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy Appiah, AnthonyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2901ebraryTheology, Rhetoric, and Politics in the Eucharistic Controversy, 1078-1079 : Alberic of Monte Cassino Against Berengar of Tours Radding, CharlesReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2902ebraryTalking to the Other : Jewish Interfaith Dialogue with Christians and Muslims Magonet, JonathanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2903ebraryThinking with Heidegger : Displacements Beistegui, Miguel deReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2904ebraryTranscendence and History : The Search for Ultimacy from Ancient Societies to Postmodernity Hughes, GlennReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2905ebraryThinking in the Spirit : Theologies of the Early Pentecostal Movement Jacobsen, Douglas G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2906ebraryTantra : Sex, Secrecy Politics and Power in the Study of Religions Urban, Hugh B.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2907ebraryTexte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur : Adolf Harnack: Marcion : Der moderne Gl?ubige des 2. Jahrhunderts, der erste Reformator. Die Dorpater Preisschrift (1870). Kritische Edition des handschriftlichen Exemplars Von Harnack, AdolfReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2908ebraryTechnology for Adaptive Aging : Workshop Report and Papers Pew, Richard W.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2909ebraryTaking Stock of Delinquency: An Overview of Findings from Contemporary Longitudinal Studies Thornberry, Terence P.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2910ebraryTrauma, Attachment, and Family Permanence : Fear Can Stop You Loving Archer, CarolinePsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2911ebraryTeaching Freud Jonte-Pace, Diane E.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2912ebraryTrauma, the Body and Transformation : A Narrative Inquiry Etherington, KimPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2913ebraryThe Management of Expatriates: Contemporary Developments and Future Challenges Morley, Michael J.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2914ebraryTrouble with Nature : Sex in Popular Science and Mass Culture Lancaster, Roger N.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2915ebraryTobacco Control Policy : Strategies, Successes, and Setbacks De Beyer, JoyPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2916ebraryTraumatic Experience in the Unconscious Life of Groups : A Theoretical and Clinical Study of Traumatic Experience and False Reparation Hopper, EarlPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
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2918ebraryTraining the 21st Century Police Officer : Redefining Police Professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department Glenn, RussellPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2919ebraryTouching for Knowing. Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception. Hatwell, YvettePsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2920ebraryTaking Charge of Organizational Conflict : A Guide to Managing Anger and Confrontation Cowan, DavidPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2921ebraryTheoretical and Computational Acoustics 2003 Tolstoy, AlexandraPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2922ebraryTwenty-Fourth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics Office of Naval ResearchPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2923ebraryTelecom Audit : A Complete Cost-Reduction Strategy for Your Corporate Telecommunications Bills Mastel, M. S.Physical Sciences2003Go to website
2924ebraryTeaching Science in the Two-Year College : An NSTA Press Journals Collection Cooney, Timothy M.Physical Sciences2003Go to website
2925ebraryTriMathlon : A Workout Beyond the School Curriculum Sally, PaulPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2926ebraryTowards a Philosophy of Real Mathematics Corfield, DavidPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2927ebraryTensor Analysis Lebedev, Leonid P.Physical Sciences2003Go to website
2928ebraryTrigonometry Demystified Gibilisco, StanPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2929ebraryTurning the Tide : Saving the Chesapeake Bay (Revised Edition) Horton, TomPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2930ebraryTorsional Vibration of Turbo-Machinery Walker, DuncanPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
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2932ebraryToxicologic Assessment of Jet-Propulsion Fuel 8 Subcommittee on Jet-Propulsion Fuel 8Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2933ebraryTrauma, Attachment, and Family Permanence : Fear Can Stop You Loving Archer, CarolineNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2934ebraryTrauma, the Body and Transformation : A Narrative Inquiry Etherington, KimNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2935ebraryTreatment Options in Dialysis : World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, June 2003 Horl, W. H.Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2936ebraryThinking Nursing Whitehead, ElizabethNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
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2939ebraryTextbook of Clinical Opthalmology : A Practical Guide to Disorders of the Eyes and Their Management Crick, R. PittsMedicine2003Go to website
2940ebraryTreatment Options in Dialysis : World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin, June 2003 Horl, W. H.Medicine2003Go to website
2941ebraryTerrorist Threats to Food: Guidance for Establishing and Strengthening Prevention and Response Systems World Health Organisation StaffLife Sciences2003Go to website
2942ebraryTaints and Off-Flavours in Foods Baigrie, B.Life Sciences2003Go to website
2943ebraryTexture in Food, Volume 1 : Semi-solid Foods McKenna, B MLife Sciences2003Go to website
2944ebraryTesting and Evaluation of Standoff Chemical Agent Detectors Committee on Testing and Evaluation of Standoff Chemical Agent DetectorsLife Sciences2003Go to website
2945ebraryThomas Huxley : Making the 'Man of Science' White, PaulLife Sciences2003Go to website
2946ebraryTime-Series Analysis and Cyclostratigraphy : Examining Stratigraphic Records of Environmental Cycles Weedon, Graham P.Life Sciences2003Go to website
2947ebraryTrial and Error : The American Controversy over Creation and Evolution Larson, Edward J.Life Sciences2003Go to website
2948ebraryTeaching Science in the Two-Year College : An NSTA Press Journals Collection Cooney, Timothy M.Life Sciences2003Go to website
2949ebraryTrees, Crops and Soil Fertility Schroth, G.Life Sciences2003Go to website
2950ebraryTrade in Wildlife : Regulation for Conservation Oldfield, SaraLife Sciences2003Go to website
2951ebraryTransboundary Damage in International Law Hanqin, XueLife Sciences2003Go to website
2952ebraryTales from Jackpine Bob Cary, BobLife Sciences2003Go to website
2953ebraryTurning the Tide : Saving the Chesapeake Bay (Revised Edition) Horton, TomLife Sciences2003Go to website
2954ebraryTalking Rocks : Geology and 10,000 Years of Native American Tradition in the Lake Superior Region Morton, RonLife Sciences2003Go to website
2955ebraryThe Power of Design for Six Sigma Chowdhury, SubirBusiness2003Go to website
2956ebraryTransnationals and Governments : Recent Policies in Japan, France, Germany, the United States and Britain Bailey, DavidBusiness2003Go to website
2957ebraryTechnology and Finance : Challenges for Financial Markets, Business Strategies, and Policy Makers Balling, MortenBusiness2003Go to website
2958ebraryTransport Economics and Policy : A Practical Analysis of Performance, Efficiency and Marketing Objectives Hibbs, JohnBusiness2003Go to website
2959ebraryTrading in Knowledge : Development Perspectives on TRIPS, Trade, and Sustainability Bellmann, ChristopheBusiness2003Go to website
2960ebraryTrade Policy and Industrialization in Turbulent Times Helleiner, Gerald K.Business2003Go to website
2961ebraryThis Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land : The Property Rights Movement and Regulatory Takings Olivetti, Alfred M.Business2003Go to website
2962ebraryThe Project Manager’s Guide to Handling Risk Webb, AlanBusiness2003Go to website
2963ebraryTop Gun Financial Sales : How to Double or Triple Your Results While Reducing Your Book Kimball, D. ScottBusiness2003Go to website
2964ebraryTelecom Audit : A Complete Cost-Reduction Strategy for Your Corporate Telecommunications Bills Mastel, M. S.Business2003Go to website
2965ebraryThe leading edge in Quality Function Deployment Hunt, Dr Robert A.Business2003Go to website
2966ebraryThe dual nature of workplace learning programs: design and evaluation Williams, Dr. Saundra WallBusiness2003Go to website
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2968ebraryTraining That Works : Lessons from California's Employment Training Panel Program Blake, Daniel R.Business2003Go to website
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2970ebraryTrade in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region Ito, TakatoshiBusiness2003Go to website
2971ebraryTrapped : Modern-Day Slavery in the Brazilian Amazon Le Breton, BinkaBusiness2003Go to website
2972ebraryTrade Negotiations in Latin America : Problems and Prospects Tussie, DianaBusiness2003Go to website
2973ebraryTo Save the Land and People : A History of Opposition to Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia Montrie, ChadBusiness2003Go to website
2974ebraryTowards Sustainable Aviation Upham, PaulBusiness2003Go to website
2975ebraryTourism and hospitality management in the Caribbean Jayawardena, ChandanaBusiness2003Go to website
2976ebraryThe Demographic Dividend: A New Perspective on the Economic Consequences of Population Change Bloom, David E.Business2003Go to website
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2978ebraryThe Croatian food and drink market Renko, NatasaBusiness2003Go to website
2979ebraryThorstein Veblen on Culture and Society Mestrovic, StjepanBusiness2003Go to website
2980ebraryThe Management of Expatriates: Contemporary Developments and Future Challenges Morley, Michael J.Business2003Go to website
2981ebraryTourism and Cultural Change, 1 : Irish Tourism : Image, Culture, and Identity Cronin, MichaelBusiness2003Go to website
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2983ebraryTurmoil in Latin America and the Caribbean : Volatility, Spillovers, and Contagion Guillermo, PerryBusiness2003Go to website
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2986ebraryTurn on Your Lateral Thinking : Tested Techniques for Transforming Your Leadership Skills Sloane, PaulBusiness2003Go to website
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2988ebraryToward Country-Led Development : A Multi-Partner Evaluation of the Comprehensive Development Framework Eriksson, John R.Business2003Go to website
2989ebraryTransnational Corporations and Human Rights Frynas, Jedrzej GeorgeBusiness2003Go to website
2990ebraryTrade, Investment, and Development in the Middle East and North Africa : Engaging with the World Dasgupta, DipakBusiness2003Go to website
2991ebraryTranslating Strategy into Shareholder Value : A Company-Wide Approach to Value Creation Trotta, Raymond J.Business2003Go to website
2992ebraryToward Country-led Development: A Multi-partner Evaluation of the Comprehensive Development Framework: Findings from Six Country Case Studies Eriksson, JohnBusiness2003Go to website
2993ebraryTaming Regulation : Superfund and the Challenge of Regulatory Reform Nakamura, Robert T.Business2003Go to website
2994ebraryTop Gun Prospecting for Financial Professional's Kimball, D. ScottBusiness2003Go to website
2995ebraryTaking Charge of Organizational Conflict : A Guide to Managing Anger and Confrontation Cowan, DavidBusiness2003Go to website
2996ebraryTransitions from Education to Work in Europe : The Integration of Youth into EU Labour Markets Muller, WalterBusiness2003Go to website
2997ebraryTangled Roots of Feminism, Environmentalism, and Appalachian Literature Engelhardt, Elizabeth S. D.Language, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
2998ebraryTrends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs : The Mixed Language Debate : Theoretical and Empirical Advances Matras, YaronLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
2999ebraryThe Development of Prosodic Structure in Early Words. Continuity, divergence and change. Ota, MitsuhikoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3000ebraryThe Acquisition of the DP in Modern Greek. Marinis, TheodorosLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3001ebraryTok Pisin Texts. From the beginning to the present. Mühlh?usler, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3002ebraryTriangulating Translation. Perspectives in process oriented research. Alves, FabioLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
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3005ebraryThe Collected Writings of Wallace Thurman: A Harlem Renaissance Reader Thurman, WallaceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3006ebraryTrauma and Guilt : Literature of Wartime Bombing in Germany Vees-Gulani, SusanneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3007ebraryTormented Minds Roberts, ChristineLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3008ebraryTheaters of Desire : Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-Drama, 1300-2000 Sieber, PatriciaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3009ebraryTeaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education Bjork, Lennart A.Language, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3010ebraryTwentieth-Century Spanish American Novel Williams, Raymond LeslieLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3011ebraryTo Seek Out New Worlds : Exploring Links between Science Fiction and World Politics Weldes, JuttaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
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3013ebraryTraitors and True Poles : Narrating a Polish-American Identity, 1880-1939 Majewski, KarenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3014ebraryTowards a Christian Literary Theory Ferretter, LukeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
3015ebraryTruth of Ecology : Nature, Culture, and Literature in America Phillips, DanaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
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3019ebraryThe Debatabase Book: A Must-Have Guide for Successful Debate THE EDITORS OF IDEALanguage, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
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3022ebraryThe Adventures of Sir Samuel Tuke Hopkins, Paul M.S.Language, Literature & Linguistics2003Go to website
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3024ebraryTelecommunications Technology Handbook (Second Edition) Minoli, DanielEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3025ebraryThe Internet: Shaping the Global Information Infrastructure Patch, KimberlyEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3026ebraryTraffic Analysis and Design of Wireless IP Networks Janevski, ToniEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3027ebraryThe Croatian food and drink market Renko, NatasaEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3028ebraryTowards Sustainable Aviation Upham, PaulEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
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3030ebraryTechnology and Social Inclusion : Rethinking the Digital Divide Warschauer, MarkEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3031ebraryThe leading edge in Quality Function Deployment Hunt, Dr Robert A.Engineering_Technology2003Go to website
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3033ebraryThe Book of Wi-Fi: Install, Configure, and Use 802.11b Wireless Networking Ross, JohnEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
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3035ebraryThe Book of Overclocking: Tweak Your PC to Unleash its Power Wainner, ScottEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
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3038ebraryThe Internet: Shaping the Global Information Infrastructure Patch, KimberlyEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3039ebraryThird Generation Wireless Systems : Post-Shannon Signal Architectures, Volume 1 Calhoun, GeorgeEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
3040ebraryTheoretical and Computational Acoustics 2003 Tolstoy, AlexandraEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
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3042ebraryThe Art of Commemoration. Fifty years after the Warsaw Uprising. Ensink, TitusHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
3043ebraryTwelve Years and Thirteen Days : Remembering Paul and Sheila Wellstone Gydesen, TerryHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
3044ebraryTroubled Waters : The Geopolitics of the Caspian Region Dekmejian, R. HrairHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
3045ebraryTocqueville, Lieber, and Bagehot : Liberalism Confronts the World Clinton, DavidHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
3046ebraryThe Future of American Democratic Politics: Principles and Practices Pomper, Gerald M.History&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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3288ebraryTrainer Assessment : A Guide to Measuring the Performance of Trainers and Facilitators Rae, LeslieBusiness2002Go to website
3289ebraryThe e-workplace and e-learning Miller, PeterBusiness2002Go to website
3290ebraryTeaching Business Ethics for Effective Learning Sims, Ronald R.Business2002Go to website
3291ebraryTen Demandments Mooney, P. KellyBusiness2002Go to website
3292ebraryTake Control with Your 401(K) : An Employee's Guide to Maximizing Your Investments Wray, David L.Business2002Go to website
3293ebraryTo the Digital Age : Research Labs, Start-up Companies, and the Rise of MOS Technology Bassett, Ross KnoxBusiness2002Go to website
3294ebraryTechnology, Governance and Political Conflict in International Industries Porter, TonyBusiness2002Go to website
3295ebraryThe maturation of assessment in academic libraries: The role of LibQUAL+ [TM} Cook, ColleenBusiness2002Go to website
3296ebraryTotal quality management sustainability Zairi, MohamedBusiness2002Go to website
3297ebraryTransitions from school to work Wolter, StefanBusiness2002Go to website
3298ebraryThe Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance D'Annunzio-Green, NormaBusiness2002Go to website
3299ebraryThe Official Family Tree Maker 10 Fast & Easy McClure, Rhonda R.Business2002Go to website
3300ebraryTourist as a Metaphor of the Social World Dann, Graham M. S.Business2002Go to website
3301ebraryTransparency and Fragmentation : Financial Market Regulation in a Dynamic Environment Board, JohnBusiness2002Go to website
3302ebraryTransition Strategies : Cases from the East German Industry Wulf, TorstenBusiness2002Go to website
3303ebraryThe Civilized Organization. Norbert Elias and the future of organization studies. Iterson, Ad vanBusiness2002Go to website
3304ebraryThe finance of public libraries Furlong, John T.Business2002Go to website
3305ebraryTransition from School to Work : A European Perspective Wolter, Stefan CBusiness2002Go to website
3306ebraryThe strategic use of the past and future in organizational change Carroll, Craig E.Business2002Go to website
3307ebraryThe Evolution of Language out of Pre-language. Giv?n, T.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3308ebraryThree Cartesian Feminist Treatises Poullain de la Barre, FrancoisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3309ebraryTelephone Calls : Unity and Diversity in Conversational Structure Across Languages and Cultures Luke, Kang KwongLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3310ebraryThe finance of public libraries Furlong, John T.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3311ebraryTheatre & the American Nation Wilmer, SteveLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3312ebraryThe L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect Morphology. Salaberry, RafaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3313ebraryTrends in Teenage Talk. Corpus compilation, analysis and findings. Stenstr?m, Anna-BritaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3314ebraryTilt? : The Search for Media Bias Niven, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3315ebraryThe Linguistics of Sitting, Standing and Lying. Newman, JohnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3316ebraryThe Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Spanish Mood. Haverkate, HenkLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3317ebraryThe Familiar Letter in Early Modern English. A pragmatic approach. Fitzmaurice, Susan M.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3318ebraryTheoretical Approaches to Universals. Alexiadou, ArtemisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3319ebraryThe maturation of assessment in academic libraries: The role of LibQUAL+ [TM} Cook, ColleenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3320ebraryThe Lexical Basis of Sentence Processing. Formal, computational and experimental issues. Merlo, PaolaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3321ebraryThe Nominative & Accusative and their counterparts. Davidse, KristinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3322ebraryTemptation of Innocence in the Dramas of Arthur Miller Otten, TerryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3323ebraryTalking Gender and Sexuality. McIlvenny, PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3324ebraryThe Mirror of Grammar. Theology, philosophy and the Modistae. Kelly, L.G.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3325ebraryToo Good to Be True : The Life and Work of Leslie Fiedler Winchell, Mark RoydenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3326ebraryThematics. Interdisciplinary Studies. Louwerse, MaxLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3327ebraryThe Grammar of Causation and Interpersonal Manipulation. Shibatani, MasayoshiLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3328ebraryTopics in Translation, 23 : Translation-Mediated Communication in a Digital World : Facing the Challenges of Globalization and Localization O'Hagan, MinakoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3329ebraryThe new Lied Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas: focus on planning and implementation of technology and change Eden, BradLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3330ebraryTragedy and Irish Literature : Synge, O'Casey, Beckett McDonald, RonanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3331ebraryThe A to Z of Correct English (2nd Edition) Burt, AngelaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3332ebraryTranspacific Displacement : Ethnography, Translation, and Intertextual Travel in Twentieth-Century American Literature Huang, YunteLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3333ebraryTransforming Debate : The Best of the International Journal of Forensics Rogers, Jack E.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3334ebraryTheater, Culture, and Community in Reformation Bern, 1523-1555 Ehrstine, GlennLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3335ebraryToni Morrison's Beloved and the Apotropaic Imagination Marks, KathleenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3336ebraryThe Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole. The Sotavento varieties. Baptista, MarlyseLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3337ebraryTeen Library Events : A Month-by-Month Guide Edwards, KirstenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3338ebraryThe Interfaces. Deriving and interpreting omitted structures. Schwabe, KerstinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3339ebraryTarzan, My Father Weissmuller, JohnnyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3340ebraryTouched with Fire? Two Philadelphis Novelists Remember the Civil War Gallman, J MatthewLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3341ebraryTestcraft : A Teacher's Guide to Writing and Using Language Test Specifications Davidson, FredLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3342ebraryTwelve American Voices : An Authentic Listening and Integrated-Skills Textbook Hauck, Maurice CoganLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
3343ebraryTubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics Bajer, K.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3344ebraryToward New Partnerships in Remote Sensing : Government, the Private Sector, and Earth Science National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3345ebraryTrade-Offs in Analog Circuit Design. The Designer's Companion Toumazou, ChrisEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3346ebraryTurbo Coding for Satellite and Wireless Communications Soleymani, M. RezaEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3347ebraryTotal quality management sustainability Zairi, MohamedEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3348ebraryTraffic Theory Gazis, Denos C.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3349ebraryTo the Digital Age : Research Labs, Start-up Companies, and the Rise of MOS Technology Bassett, Ross KnoxEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3350ebraryThe new Lied Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas: focus on planning and implementation of technology and change Eden, BradEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3351ebraryTroubleshooting, Maintaining and Repairing Networks Bigelow, Stephen J.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3352ebraryTCP/IP JumpStart : Internet Protocol Basics Blank, Andrew G.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3353ebraryThinking Fluid Dynamics with Dolphins Nagai, MinoruEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3354ebraryTechnically Speaking : Why All Americans Need to Know More about Technology Pearson, GregEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3355ebraryThe Economics of Managing Biotechnologies Swanson, TimothyEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3356ebraryTelevision Receivers and Cable/Satellite Distribution Systems Whitaker, JerryEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3357ebraryTelecommunications Cost Management Strother, S.C.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3358ebraryTransmission Systems Design Handbook for Wireless Networks Lehpamer, HarveyEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3359ebraryTyre Compounding for Improved Performance Evans, M.S.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3360ebraryToxicology of Solvents McParland, M.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
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3362ebraryTelemetry Systems Engineering Carden, FrankEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3363ebraryTeam Development for High Tech Project Managers Williams, JamesEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3364ebraryTunnel Watching JuppEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3365ebraryTime and Complexity in Historical Ecology : Studies in the Neotropical Lowlands Balee, William L.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3366ebraryTelecom Crash Course Shepard, StevenEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3367ebraryTransporting Compressed Digital Video Chen, XueminEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3368ebraryTheory of Information and Coding McEliece, Robert J.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3369ebraryTechnology Development for Army Unmanned Ground Vehicles National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3370ebraryTheory of Composites Milton, Graeme WalterEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3371ebraryTeach Yourself Algebra for Electric Circuits Jenkins, KennethEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3372ebraryTransfer of Pollution Prevention Technologies Committee to Evaluate Transfer of Pollution Prevention Technology for the U.S. ArmyEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3373ebraryThe Next Generation of Electric Power Unit Commitment Models Hobbs, Benjamin F.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3374ebraryTransductions : Bodies and Machines at Speed Mackenzie, AdrianEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
3375ebraryThe Impact of Mineral Impurities in Solid Fuel Combustion Gupta, R.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
3376ebraryThree Cartesian Feminist Treatises Poullain de la Barre, FrancoisHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3377ebraryThresholds of Western Culture : Identity, Postcoloniality, Transnationalism Foster, John BurtHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3378ebraryTurning World : Globalisation and Governance at the Start of the 21st Century Bertucci, GuidoHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3379ebraryTurkish Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty Larrabee, F. StephanHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3380ebraryThe American Direct Primary : Party Institutionalization and Transformation in the North Ware, AlanHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3381ebraryTransformation of Governance : Public Administration for Twenty-First Century America Kettl, Donald F.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3382ebraryThreatening Storm : The Case for Invading Iraq Pollack, Kenneth M.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3383ebraryThe Official Family Tree Maker 10 Fast & Easy McClure, Rhonda R.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3384ebraryThinking from Things : Essays in the Philosophy of Archaeology Wylie, AlisonHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3385ebraryTrumping Religion : The New Christian Right, the Free Speech Clause and the Courts Brown, Steven PrestonHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3386ebraryTrekking Through History : The Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador Rival, Laura M.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3387ebraryTechnical Issues Related to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty National Academy of Sciences StaffHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3388ebraryTransformation of the Welfare State : The Silent Surrender of Public Responsibility Gilbert, NeilHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3389ebraryTexas in the Confederacy : An Experiment in Nation Building Jewett, Clayton E.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3390ebraryTaverns and Drinking in Early America Salinger, Sharon V.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3391ebraryThis Is America? : The Sixties in Lawrence, Kansas Monhollon, Rusty L.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3392ebraryTrip Too Far : Ecotourism, Politics and Exploitation Duffy, RosaleenHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3393ebraryThat Time Cannot Be Forgotten : A Correspondence on the Holocaust Sold, Emil GeorgHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3394ebraryTogether and Apart in Brzezany : Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians, 1919-1945 Redlich, ShimonHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3395ebraryThinking about Political Psychology Kuklinski, JimHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3396ebraryTowards an Urban Nation : Germany Since 1780 Lenger, FriedrichHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3397ebraryTricolor over the Sahara : The Desert Battles of the Free French, 1940-1942 Bimberg, Edward L.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3398ebraryTwo Cultures of Rights : The Quest for Inclusion and Participation in Modern America and Germany Berg, ManfredHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3399ebraryThinking the Unthinkable : The Immigration Myth Exposed Harris, NigelHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3400ebraryThe Archaeologist's Laboratory. The Analysis of Archeological Data Banning, E. B.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3401ebraryThe U.S.-Japan Security Alliance: Why it Matters and How to Strengthen it Osius, TedHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3402ebraryThe Rise of New Labour Ramsay, RobinHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3403ebraryTaiwan in Troubled Times : Essays on the Chen Shui-bian Presidency Copper, John F.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3404ebraryTwo Red Flags : European Social Democracy and Soviet Communism Since 1945 Childs, DavidHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3405ebraryTo Assure Pride and Confidence in the Electoral Process : The National Commission on Federal Election Reform Ford, Gerald R.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3406ebraryTides in the Affairs of Men : The Social History of Elizabethan Seamen, 1580-1603 Fury, Cheryl A.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3407ebraryTragedy of Arms : Military & Security Developments in the Maghreb Cordesman, Anthony H.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3408ebraryTerrorism, Asymmetric Warfare, & Weapons of Mass Destruction : Defending the U. S. Homeland Cordesman, Anthony H.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3409ebraryThaddeus Kosciuszko Greene, MegHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3410ebraryTransformation of American Abolitionism Newman, Richard S.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3411ebraryTracing the Way : Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions Kung, HansHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3412ebraryTaliban : Islam, Oil and the New Great Game in Central Asia Rashid, AhmedHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
3413ebraryTelephone Calls : Unity and Diversity in Conversational Structure Across Languages and Cultures Luke, Kang KwongHumanities2002Go to website
3414ebraryTilt? : The Search for Media Bias Niven, DavidHumanities2002Go to website
3415ebraryTriumph of the Ordinary : Depictions of Daily Life in the East German Cinema, 1949-1989 Feinstein, JoshuaHumanities2002Go to website
3416ebraryTalking Gender and Sexuality. McIlvenny, PaulHumanities2002Go to website
3417ebraryThere's No Place Like Home Video Moran, James M.Humanities2002Go to website
3418ebraryTrekkers : Stories by Fans for Fans Stafford, NikkiHumanities2002Go to website
3419ebraryTheater, Culture, and Community in Reformation Bern, 1523-1555 Ehrstine, GlennHumanities2002Go to website
3420ebraryTeen Guide to Getting Started in the Arts Ritzenthaler, Carol L.Humanities2002Go to website
3421ebraryTarzan, My Father Weissmuller, JohnnyHumanities2002Go to website
3422ebraryTilted Arc Controversy : Dangerous Precedent? Senie, HarrietHumanities2002Go to website
3423ebraryTeaching and Learning in the Science Laboratory Psillos, DimitrisEducation2002Go to website
3424ebraryTransitions from school to work Wolter, StefanEducation2002Go to website
3425ebraryTest Taking Strategies & Study Skills for the Utterly Confused Rozakis, LaurieEducation2002Go to website
3426ebraryTeaching to the Brains Natural Learning Systems Given, BarbaraEducation2002Go to website
3427ebraryTeaching for Understanding Across the Primary Curriculum Newton, Lynn D.Education2002Go to website
3428ebraryTransnational Messages : Experiences of Chinese and Mexican Immigrants in American Schools Brittain, CarminaEducation2002Go to website
3429ebraryTeacher's Handbook of Death Jackson, MaggieEducation2002Go to website
3430ebraryThe Institutional Basis of Higher Education Research. Experience and Perspectives Schwarz, StefanieEducation2002Go to website
3431ebraryTeaching Strategies for Constructivist and Developmental Counselor Education McAuliffe, GarrettEducation2002Go to website
3432ebraryTeen Guide to Getting Started in the Arts Ritzenthaler, Carol L.Education2002Go to website
3433ebraryTroublesome Behavior in the Classroom : Meeting Individual Needs McManus, MickEducation2002Go to website
3434ebraryTransitions Between Contexts of Mathematical Practices de Abreu, GuidaEducation2002Go to website
3435ebraryTestcraft : A Teacher's Guide to Writing and Using Language Test Specifications Davidson, FredEducation2002Go to website
3436ebraryTwelve American Voices : An Authentic Listening and Integrated-Skills Textbook Hauck, Maurice CoganEducation2002Go to website
3437ebraryTeaching Mathematics in Multilingual Classrooms Adler, JillEducation2002Go to website
3438ebraryThe Official Family Tree Maker 10 Fast & Easy McClure, Rhonda R.Computer_IT2002Go to website
3439ebraryTurbo Coding for Satellite and Wireless Communications Soleymani, M. RezaComputer_IT2002Go to website
3440ebraryTheologische Bibliothek Toepelmann : Codes and Designs : Proceedings of a conference honoring Professor Dijen K. Ray-Chaudhuri on the Occasion of his 65th birthday. The Ohio State University May 18-21, 2000 Ray-Chaudhuri, DijenComputer_IT2002Go to website
3441ebraryTroubleshooting, Maintaining and Repairing Networks Bigelow, Stephen J.Computer_IT2002Go to website
3442ebraryTCP/IP JumpStart : Internet Protocol Basics Blank, Andrew G.Computer_IT2002Go to website
3443ebraryTransmission Systems Design Handbook for Wireless Networks Lehpamer, HarveyComputer_IT2002Go to website
3444ebraryTelecom Crash Course Shepard, StevenComputer_IT2002Go to website
3445ebraryTheory of Information and Coding McEliece, Robert J.Computer_IT2002Go to website
3446ebraryTechnical, Business, and Legal Dimensions of Protecting Children from Pornography on the Internet : Proceedings of a Workshop National Research Council (U.S.), Committee to Study Tools and Strategies for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their Applicability to Other Inappropriate Internet Content StaffComputer_IT2002Go to website
3447FA-DavisTransforming Health Promotion Practice: Concepts, Issues, and Applications  Lynne E. Young, Virginia E. HayesNursing2002Go to website
3448ebraryTheory, Change and the Future for Southern Africa Vale, Peter C. J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3449ebraryThinking Orientals : Migration, Contact, and Exoticism in Modern America Yu, HenryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3450ebraryTwo Major Francophone Women Writers : Assia Djebar and Leila Sebbar Merini, RafikaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3451ebraryToo Much to Ask Higginbotham, ElizabethInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3452ebraryTwenty-Five Year Century : A South Vietnamese General Remembers the Indochina War to the Fall of Saigon Lam, Quang ThiInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3453ebraryTime Full of Trial Click, Patricia C.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3454ebraryTrauma of Gender : A Feminist Theory of the English Novel Moglen, HeleneInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3455ebraryTimber Booms and Institutional Breakdown Southeast Asia Ross, Michael L.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3456ebraryTeam Spirits : The Native American Mascots Controversy Deloria, Vine, Jr.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3457ebraryTreading Softly : U.S. Marines in China, 1819-1949 Clark, George B.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3458ebraryTransition to a Colonial Economy : Weavers, Merchants and Kings in South India, 1720-1800 Parthasarathi, PrasannanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3459ebraryTime, Death, and the Feminine : Levinas with Heidegger Chanter, TinaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3460ebraryTalking at Trena's : Everyday Conversations at an African American Tavern May, Reuben A. BufordInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3461ebraryTres Affectueusement, Votre Mere en Dieu : Francoise Blin-French Aristocrat, Belgian Citizen, Co-Foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (1756-1838) Recker, JoAnn M.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3462ebraryThe National System of Political Economy List, FrederichLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3463ebraryThe Psychology of Socialism Le Bon, GustaveLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3464ebraryThe Spirit of Laws de Secondat, CharlesLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3465ebraryTortured Subjects : Pain, Truth, and the Body in Early Modern France Silverman, LisaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3466ebraryThe Principles of Political Economy Mill, John StuartLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3467ebraryThe Philosophical Theory of The State Bosanquet, BernardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3468ebraryThe Growth of the City State: Lectures On Greek And Roman History Halliday, WilliamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3469ebraryThe Political Philosophy of Burke MacCunn, JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3470ebraryTowards Democratic Viability : The Bolivian Experience Crabtree, JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3471ebraryTransgressing the Bounds : Subversive Enterprises among the Puritan Elite in Massachusetts, 1630-1692 Breen, Louise A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3472ebraryTaking Charge: A Bipartisan Report to the President-Elect on Foreign Policy & National Security Hunter, RobertLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3473ebraryTerrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy Pillar, Paul R.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3474ebraryTheories of International Relations : Transition vs. Persistence Sullivan, Michael P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3475ebraryTheorizing European Integration Chryssochoou, Dimitris N.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3476ebraryThrough a Glass Darkly : Looking at Conflict Prevention, Management & Termination Cimbala, Stephen J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3477ebraryTreatment and Rehabilitation of Offenders Crow, IainLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3478ebraryTonnies : Community and Civil Society Tonnies, FerdinandLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3479ebraryThird Option : The Emancipation of European Defense, 1989 - 2000 Cogan, Charles G.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3480ebraryTowards the E-Society: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government Schmid, BeatLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3481ebraryToward A Theory of Immigration Meilaender, Peter C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3482ebraryThe Patriarchal Theory: Based on The Papers of The Late John Ferguson McLennan McLennan, DonaldSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3483ebraryThe Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind Le Bon, GustaveSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3484ebraryTorching the Fink Books and Other Essays on Vernacular Culture Green, ArchieSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3485ebraryThe Enclosures in England an Economic Reconstruction Bradley, HarriettSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3486ebraryThrough the Wardrobe : Women's Relationships with Their Clothes Guy, AliSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3487ebraryTeam Spirits : The Native American Mascots Controversy Deloria, Vine, Jr.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3488ebraryTextures of Place : Exploring Humanist Geographies Adams, Paul C.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3489ebraryTheorizing Modernity : Inescapability and Attainability in Social Theory Wagner, PeterSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3490ebraryTravel by Design : The Influence of Urban Form on Travel Boarnet, MarlonSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3491ebraryTime, History, and Belief in Aztec and Colonial Mexico Hassig, RossSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3492ebraryTerrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy Pillar, Paul R.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3493ebraryThird Culture Kids : The Experience of Growing up among Worlds Van Reken, Ruth E.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3494ebraryTriumph of Sociobiology Alcock, JohnSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3495ebraryTonnies : Community and Civil Society Tonnies, FerdinandSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3496ebraryTowards the E-Society: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government Schmid, BeatSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3497ebraryTree Leaf Talk : A Heideggerian Anthropology Weiner, James F.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3498ebraryThemes in the Economics of Aging Wise, David A.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3499ebraryToward an Anthropological Theory of Value : The False Coin of Our Own Dreams Graeber, DavidSociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
3500ebraryThe System of Nature, Volume 1 D'Holbach, BaronReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3501ebraryThomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology Wolterstorff, NicholasReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3502ebraryThe System of Nature, Volume 2 D'Holbach, BaronReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3503ebraryTales and Teachings of the Buddha (revised edition) Jones, John GarrettReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3504ebraryThe Growth of the City State: Lectures On Greek And Roman History Halliday, WilliamReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3505ebraryThe Boundaries of Art (Revised Edition) Novitz, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3506ebraryTaste of Modernity : Sufism and Salafiyya in Late Ottoman Damascus Weismann, ItzchakReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3507ebraryThe Political Philosophy of Burke MacCunn, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3508ebraryThe Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy Burckhardt, JacobReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3509ebraryThought and Reality In Hegel's System Cunningham, Gustavus WattsReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3510ebraryTheology of the Halakhah Neusner, JacobReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3511ebraryTopographies of Power in the Early Middle Ages Jong, Mayke B. deReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3512ebraryThe Physical Nature of Consciousnes VAN LOOCKE, PhilipReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3513ebraryTime, Death, and the Feminine : Levinas with Heidegger Chanter, TinaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3514ebraryTrusting the Spirit : Renewal and Reform in American Religion Cimino, RichardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3515ebraryThucydides and Internal War Price, Jonathan J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3516ebraryTres Affectueusement, Votre Mere en Dieu : Francoise Blin-French Aristocrat, Belgian Citizen, Co-Foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (1756-1838) Recker, JoAnn M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3517ebraryTradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle Burgess, Jonathan S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2001Go to website
3518ebraryThe Development of Implicit Memory HAYNE, HarlenePsychology & Social Work2001Go to website
3519ebraryTeam-Spirited Parenting : 8 Essential Principles for Parenting Success Hopson, Darlene PowellPsychology & Social Work2001Go to website
3520ebraryThe Physical Nature of Consciousnes VAN LOOCKE, PhilipPsychology & Social Work2001Go to website
3521ebraryThird Culture Kids : The Experience of Growing up among Worlds Van Reken, Ruth E.Psychology & Social Work2001Go to website
3522ebraryTreatment and Rehabilitation of Offenders Crow, IainPsychology & Social Work2001Go to website
3523ebraryTriumph Over Shyness : Conquering Shyness & Social Anxiety Stein, MurrayPsychology & Social Work2001Go to website
3524ebraryTheoretical Neuroscience : Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems Dayan, PeterPsychology & Social Work2001Go to website
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3743ebraryTransnational Peasants : Migrations, Networks, and Ethnicity in Andean Ecuador Kyle, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
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4018ebraryTransmission of Chinese Medicine Hsu, ElisabethMedicine1999Go to website
4019ebraryTrace Elements in Man and Animals 10 International Symposium on Trace Element Metabolis StaffLife Sciences1999Go to website
4020ebraryThe Society of Cells Cancer and Control of Cell Proliferation Sonnenschein, C.Life Sciences1999Go to website
4021ebraryTheoretical Approaches to Biological Control Hawkins, Bradford A.Life Sciences1999Go to website
4023ebraryThree Keys to Development : Defining and Meeting Your Leadership Challenges Browning, HenryBusiness1999Go to website
4024ebraryTraining for Quality Juran, Joseph M.Business1999Go to website
4025ebraryTransformation of the World Economy (2nd ed.) Solomon, RobertBusiness1999Go to website
4026ebraryTotal Quality Management Juran, Joseph M.Business1999Go to website
4027ebraryTowards a Fair Global Labour Market : Avoiding the New Slavery Khorus, IngridBusiness1999Go to website
4028ebraryTrends and Challenges in Aerospace Offsets Wessner, Charles W.Business1999Go to website
4029ebraryTransforming Managers: Engendering Change in the Public Sector Whitehead, StephenBusiness1999Go to website
4030ebraryTheory of International Trade Horvat, BrankoBusiness1999Go to website
4031ebraryTraining Games for Managing Change : 50 Activities for Trainers & Consultants Sujansky, Joanne G.Business1999Go to website
4032ebraryThe Housing Market in Mexico Curtis, GlennBusiness1999Go to website
4033ebraryThe Resources for Renewal KALLIOLA, SatuBusiness1999Go to website
4034ebraryTransforming the Organization : A Socio-Technical Approach Oden, Howard W.Business1999Go to website
4035ebraryThinking about Inequality : Personal Judgment and Income Distributions Cowell, FrankBusiness1999Go to website
4036ebraryTense-Aspect, Transitivity and Causativity ABRAHAM, WernerLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4037ebraryThe Acquisition of japanese as a Second Language KANNO, KazueLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4038ebraryTeaching in the 21st Century : Adapting Writing Pedagogies to the College Curriculum Robertson, Alice W.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4039ebraryThe Grammar of Focus REBUSCHI, GeorgesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4040ebraryTerry McMillan : A Critical Companion Richards, PauletteLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4041ebraryTheatre and Humanism : English Drama in the Sixteenth Century Cartwright, KentLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4042ebraryTheorizing Lawrence : Nine Meditations on Tropological Themes Doherty, GeraldLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4043ebraryText and Context in Functional Linguistics GHADESSY, MohsenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4044ebraryTalking Books : Children's Authors Talk about Craft, Creativity and Process of Writing Carter, JamesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4045ebraryThe Clause in English COLLINS, Peter|LEE, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4046ebraryTerminology CABR?, M. TeresaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4047ebraryTechnology & Scholarly Communication Quandt, Richard E.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4048ebraryThe Prominence of Tense, Aspect and Mood BHAT, D.N.S.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4049ebraryTheatre, Finance & Society in Early Modern England Leinwand, Theodore B.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4050ebraryTranslation and Interpreting in the 20th Century WILSS, WolframLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4051ebraryTwentieth Century in Poetry Tomlinson, AlanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4052ebraryTurn-Taking in Japanese TANAKA, HirokoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4053ebraryThe Light Verb Construction in Japanese. The role of the verbal noun. Miyamoto, TadaoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4054ebraryThe Derivational Residue in Phonological Optimality Theory. Hermans, BenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
4055ebraryTechnology-Based Pilot Programs: Improving Future U.S. Military Reserve Forces National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4056ebraryTheatre of Animation Contemporary Adult Puppet Plays in Context Baraitser, MarionEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4057ebraryThermodynamics Processes and Applications Earl Logan, Jr.Engineering_Technology1999Go to website
4058ebraryTelecommunications Network Management Wang, HaojinEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4059ebraryTechnology Competitiveness and State : Malaysia's Industrial Technology Policies Jomo Kwame SundaramEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4060ebraryTechnology & Scholarly Communication Quandt, Richard E.Engineering_Technology1999Go to website
4061ebraryTelecommunications Management Network Udupa, Divakara K.Engineering_Technology1999Go to website
4062ebraryTotal Quality Management Juran, Joseph M.Engineering_Technology1999Go to website
4063ebraryTheory of Multicomponent Fluids Marsden, J. E.Engineering_Technology1999Go to website
4064ebraryThermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Firoozabadi, AbbasEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4065ebraryTCP/IP : Architecture Protocols & Implementation with IPV6 & IP Security Feit, SidnieEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4066ebraryTechnologies for Environmental Management: The Department of Energy's Office of Science and Technology National Research Council, Board on Radioactive Waste Management StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
4067ebraryThe Resources for Renewal KALLIOLA, SatuHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4068ebraryTime and Archaeology Murray, TimHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4069ebraryTudor Government Morris, T. A.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4070ebraryTurning : A History of Vietnam Veterans Against the War Hunt, AndrewHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4071ebraryTruman & Pendergast Ferrell, Robert H.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4072ebraryTelling Women's Lives : Subject/Narrator/Reader/Text Long, JudyHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4073ebraryTerm Paper Resource Guide to Twentieth-Century United States History Blazek, RonaldHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4074ebraryTomorrow Will Be Better : Surviving Nazi Germany Meyer, WalterHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4075ebraryTruman & Korea : The Political Culture of the Early Cold War Pierpaoli, Paul G., Jr.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4076ebraryTransforming Managers: Engendering Change in the Public Sector Whitehead, StephenHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4077ebraryThird Concept of Liberty : Judgment & Freedom in Kant & Adam Smith Fleischacker, SamuelHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4078ebraryToleration, Identity & Difference Horton, JohnHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4079ebraryTransition of Power : Britain's Loss of Global Preeminence to the United States, 1930-1945 McKercher, B. J.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4080ebraryThe Missouri Compromise, 1820-1821 -- North America, United States, Missouri, Arkansas Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4081ebraryThe Election of 1860 -- North America, United States, Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4082ebraryThe Spread of World Religions c.500BCE-600CE -- Africa, Europe, Arabia, Egypt, Anatolia, Asia, Persia, India, China, Southeast Asia, Middle East Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4083ebraryThe Reconstruction, 1868-1877 -- North America, United States, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virgina, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4084ebraryTrade Routes in the Indian Ocean c.500-1000 CE -- Asia, Africa, Arabia, Persia, India, Ceylon, Sumatra Borneo, Java, Philippines, China, Indian Ocean, Madagascar, Arabian Sea Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4085ebraryThe Civil War Central U.S., 1862 -- North America, United States, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4086ebraryThe Ottoman Empire to 1672 -- Africa, Europe, Asia, Spain, France, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Egypt, Arabia, Greece, Italy, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Hungary, Bosnia, Serbia, Turkey, Safavid Empire, Russia, Middle East, Cyprus, Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4087ebraryTexas Revolution 1835-1836 -- North America, United States, Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4088ebraryThe Early Crusades, 1096-1212 Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4089ebraryThe Roman Empire & Germanic Migrations c.400 CE -- Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, Spain, Gaul, Britain, Sardinia, Corsica, Italy, Roman Empire, Greece, Balkans, Hungary, Egypt, Russia, Sicily, Crete, Cyprus, Syria, Anatolia, Germany Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4090ebraryTurkish Empires, 1000 CE Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4091ebraryThe Civil War in the Eastern United States, 1861-1862 -- North America, United States, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4092ebraryThe Vietnam War, 1964-1975 -- Asia, China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Vietnam Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4093ebraryThe Korean War 1950-1953 -- Asia, North Korea, South Korea, China, Manchuria, Japan Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4094ebraryThe French and Indian War, 1754-1763 -- North America, United States, Canada, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia, New Hampshire Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4095ebraryThe Balance of Power After World War II, 1949-1955 -- North America, UnitedStates, Canada, Greenland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Britain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany, Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4096ebraryThe Ancient World, 6000 BCE -- Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Black Sea, Carthage, Cyrene, Tyre, Damascus, Nile River, Euphrates River, Tigris River, Babylon, Byzantium, Olympia, Adriatic Sea, Rome, Massila Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4097ebraryThe Gettysburg Campaign, 1862-1863 -- North America, United States, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Carlisle, Harrisburg, Wrightsville, Hagerstown, Westminster, Frederick, Winchester, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Falmouth, Harpers Ferry Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4098ebraryThe Growth of Russia, 1598-1796 Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4099ebraryTyranny's Ally : America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein Wurmser, DavidHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4100ebraryTraditions of War : Occupation, Resistance and the Law Nabulsi, KarmaHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4101ebraryThrough a Glass, Darkly : Blurred Images of Cultural Tradition and Modernity over Distance and Time Arts, Wilhelmus AntoniusHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4102ebraryThe Metaphysical Theory of the State: A Criticism Hobhouse, L.T.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4103ebraryTaiwan's National Security, Defense Policy & Weapons Procurement Processes Swaine, Michael D.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4104ebraryTransition from Communism to Capitalism : Ruling Elites from Gorbachev to Yeltsin Lane, DavidHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
4105ebraryTheatre and Humanism : English Drama in the Sixteenth Century Cartwright, KentHumanities1999Go to website
4106ebraryTelevision & Its Viewers : Cultivation Theory & Research Shanahan, JimHumanities1999Go to website
4107ebraryTheatre of Animation Contemporary Adult Puppet Plays in Context Baraitser, MarionHumanities1999Go to website
4108ebraryThe Emerald City Willis, DanielHumanities1999Go to website
4109ebraryTeaching Music Musically Swanwick, KeithHumanities1999Go to website
4110ebraryTelevision and Common Knowledge Gripsrud, JosteinHumanities1999Go to website
4111ebraryTheatre, Finance & Society in Early Modern England Leinwand, Theodore B.Humanities1999Go to website
4112ebraryTeaching in the 21st Century : Adapting Writing Pedagogies to the College Curriculum Robertson, Alice W.Education1999Go to website
4113ebraryTesting, Teaching, and Learning: A Guide for States and School Districts National Research Council StaffEducation1999Go to website
4114ebraryTeaching Multicultured Students Moore, AlexEducation1999Go to website
4115ebraryTeaching Modern Foreign Languages at Advanced Level Pachler, NorbertEducation1999Go to website
4116ebraryTaking Children Seriously : Applications of Counselling and Therapy in Education Decker, SteveEducation1999Go to website
4117ebraryTime to Listen to Children : A Handbook for Students, Professionals and Parents Milner, PatEducation1999Go to website
4118ebraryTarget-Setting for Tomorrow's Schools : A Guide for Governors and Headteachers Gann, NigelEducation1999Go to website
4119ebraryTeaching of Modern Foreign Languages in the Primary School Frost, DavidEducation1999Go to website
4120ebraryTeaching as a Professional Discipline : A Multi-Dimensional Education Squires, GeoffreyEducation1999Go to website
4121ebraryTeaching Beginning Reading and Writing with the Picture Word Inductive Model Calhoun, Emily F.Education1999Go to website
4122ebraryTransforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology National Research Council StaffEducation1999Go to website
4123ebraryTechnical Analysis for the Trading Professional : Strategies & Techniques for Today's Turbulent Financial Markets Brown, ConstanceComputer_IT1999Go to website
4124ebraryTelecommunications Management Network Udupa, Divakara K.Computer_IT1999Go to website
4125ebraryTCP/IP : Architecture Protocols & Implementation with IPV6 & IP Security Feit, SidnieComputer_IT1999Go to website
4126ebraryTuskegee Syphilis Study : The Real Story and Beyond Gray, Fred D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
4127ebraryTaking It Like a Man : White Masculinity, Masochism & Contemporary American Culture Savran, DavidInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
4128ebraryTales of Dark Skinned Women: Race, Gender & Global Culture Bhattacharyya, GargiInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
4129ebraryTrespassing Through Shadows : Memory, Photography and the Holocaust Liss, AndreaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
4130ebraryTrade Policy Issues in Asian Development Athukoralge, PremachandraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
4131ebraryTechnical and Ethical Guidelines for Workers' Health Surveillance International Labour Office StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4132ebraryTransforming the Character of Public Organizations : Techniques for Change Agents Rusaw, A. CarolLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4133ebraryTransforming Privacy : A Transpersonal Philosophy of Rights Scoglio, StefanoLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4134ebraryTrade and Investment in China : The European Experience Strange, RogerLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4135ebraryTo Serve & Protect : Privatization & Community in Criminal Justice Benson, Bruce L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4136ebraryThis Side of Evil Gelven, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4137ebraryTar Heel Politics, 2000 Luebke, PaulLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
4138ebraryThe End of Organization Theory P?LSHAUGEN, ?yvindSociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
4139ebraryTheory and Research on Small Groups Tindale, R. S.Sociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
4140ebraryTaking It Like a Man : White Masculinity, Masochism & Contemporary American Culture Savran, DavidSociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
4141ebraryTales of Dark Skinned Women: Race, Gender & Global Culture Bhattacharyya, GargiSociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
4142ebraryTo Serve & Protect : Privatization & Community in Criminal Justice Benson, Bruce L.Sociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
4143ebraryThree Worlds of Paul of Tarsus Wallace, RichardReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
4144ebraryTime Turetzky, PhilipReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
4145ebraryThis Side of Evil Gelven, MichaelReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
4146ebraryTaking the Group Seriously : Towards a Post-Foulkesian Group Analytic Theory Dalal, FarhadPsychology & Social Work1998Go to website
4147ebraryTaking Action to Reduce Tobacco Use National Research Council StaffPsychology & Social Work1998Go to website
4148ebraryTo Serve & Protect : Privatization & Community in Criminal Justice Benson, Bruce L.Psychology & Social Work1998Go to website
4149ebraryTemperament: A Psychological Perspective Strelau, J.Psychology & Social Work1998Go to website
4150ebraryTopological Methods in Hydrodynamics Arnold, Vladimir I.Physical Sciences1998Go to website
4151ebraryThis New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age Burrows, William E.Physical Sciences1998Go to website
4152ebraryTheory of Point Estimation Lehmann, E. L.Physical Sciences1998Go to website
4153ebraryTo Improve Human Health : A History of the Institute of Medicine Berkowitz, Edward D.Nursing & Allied Health1998Go to website
4154ebraryTuskegee Syphilis Study : The Real Story and Beyond Gray, Fred D.Medicine1998Go to website
4155ebraryTimber, Tourists and Temples: Conservation and Development in the Maya Forest of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico Primack, Richard B.Life Sciences1998Go to website
4156ebraryTheory of Environmental Education Palmer, JoyLife Sciences1998Go to website
4157ebraryTeaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science National Academy of Sciences StaffLife Sciences1998Go to website
4158ebraryTimescapes of Modernity : The Environment and Invisible Hazards Adam, BarbaraLife Sciences1998Go to website
4159ebraryTrichoderma and Gliocladium : Basic Biology, Taxonomy and Genetics Kubicek, Christian P.Life Sciences1998Go to website
4160ebraryThermophiles : The Keys to Molecular Evolution and the Origin of the Life? Wiegel, JuergenLife Sciences1998Go to website
4161ebraryToward an Earth Science Enterprise Federation : Results from a Workshop National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1998Go to website
4162ebraryTrends in the Early Careers of Life Scientists National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1998Go to website
4163ebraryTsunami! Dudley, WalterLife Sciences1998Go to website
4164ebraryTrading Index Options Bittman, James B.Business1998Go to website
4165ebraryThe End of Organization Theory P?LSHAUGEN, ?yvindBusiness1998Go to website
4166ebraryTaxation by Telecommunications Regulation : The Economics of the E-Rate Hausman, Jerry A.Business1998Go to website
4167ebraryTechnical and Ethical Guidelines for Workers' Health Surveillance International Labour Office StaffBusiness1998Go to website
4168ebraryTalent Solution : Aligning Strategy and People to Achieve Extraordinary Results Gubman, Edward L.Business1998Go to website
4169ebraryTrade, Traders, and the Ancient City Parkins, HelenBusiness1998Go to website
4170ebraryTitan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. Chernow, RonBusiness1998Go to website
4171ebraryTrade and Investment in China : The European Experience Strange, RogerBusiness1998Go to website
4172ebraryTourism Geography Williams, StephenBusiness1998Go to website
4173ebraryTechnology & Business Strategy : Getting the Most Out of Technological Assets Watkins, William M.Business1998Go to website
4174ebraryTechnology & Market Structure : Theory & History Sutton, JohnBusiness1998Go to website
4175ebraryTerms in Context PEARSON, JenniferLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
4176ebraryTheory & the Novel : Narrative Reflexivity in the British Tradition Williams, Jeffrey J.Language, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
4177ebraryTeaching Translation and Interpreting 4. Building bridges. Hung, EvaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
4178ebraryThe Development of Second Language Grammars KLEIN, Elaine C.Language, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
4179ebraryTeaching the Mother Tongue in a Multilingual Europe Tulasiewicz, WitoldLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
4180ebraryTechnology and Innovation in Japan : Policy and Management for the 21st Century Hemmert, MartinEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
4181ebraryTCP/IP Complete Taylor, EdEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
4182ebraryTelecommunications Transmissions Systems Winch, Robert G.Engineering_Technology1998Go to website
4183ebraryTransportation Planning: State of the Art Patriksson, MichaelEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
4184ebraryTechnology Commercialization Committee on Utilization of Technologies Developed at Russian Research and Educational Institutions StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
4185ebraryTar Heel Politics, 2000 Luebke, PaulHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4186ebraryTsar's Colonels : Professionalism, Strategy, & Subversion in Late Imperial Russia Richard, David A.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4187ebraryTrespassing Through Shadows : Memory, Photography and the Holocaust Liss, AndreaHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4188ebraryTapping the Government Grapevine : The User-Friendly Guide to U.S. Government Information Sources (3rd Edition) Robinson, Judith S.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4189ebraryTechnology and Innovation in Japan : Policy and Management for the 21st Century Hemmert, MartinHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4190ebraryTerrorism and America : A Commonsense Strategy for a Democratic Society Heymann, Philip B.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4191ebraryTitan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. Chernow, RonHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4192ebraryTransforming the Character of Public Organizations : Techniques for Change Agents Rusaw, A. CarolHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4193ebraryTruth of History McCullagh, C. BehanHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
4194ebraryTramps Like Us : Music and Meaning among Springsteen Fans Cavicchi, DanielHumanities1998Go to website
4195ebraryTrespassing Through Shadows : Memory, Photography and the Holocaust Liss, AndreaHumanities1998Go to website
4196ebraryTabloid Television : Popular Journalism and the Other News Langer, JohnHumanities1998Go to website
4197ebraryThe Virtual Dimension Beckmann, JohnHumanities1998Go to website
4198ebraryTransportable Environments : Theory, Context, Design, and Technology Kronenburg, RobertHumanities1998Go to website
4199ebraryTeaching Music in the Primary School Glover, JoannaHumanities1998Go to website
4200ebraryTest Anxiety: The State of the Art Zeidner, M.Education1998Go to website
4201ebraryTaking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum Nord, WarrenEducation1998Go to website
4202ebraryTransforming Learning : Individual and Global Change Askew, SusanEducation1998Go to website
4203ebraryThinking Through the Curriculum Williams, MarionEducation1998Go to website
4204ebraryTeaching Popular Culture : Beyond Radical Pedagogy Buckingham, DavidEducation1998Go to website
4205ebraryTeaching under Inspection : The Effect of School Inspections on Primary Teachers Woods, PeterEducation1998Go to website
4206ebraryTeaching Music in the Primary School Glover, JoannaEducation1998Go to website
4207ebraryTesting Friend or Foe Black, P. J.Education1998Go to website
4208ebraryTeaching the Mother Tongue in a Multilingual Europe Tulasiewicz, WitoldEducation1998Go to website
4209ebraryTCP/IP Complete Taylor, EdComputer_IT1998Go to website
4210ebraryTrials of Masculinity : Policing Sexual Boundaries, 1870-1930 McLaren, AngusInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4211ebraryTo Live Heroically : Institutional Racism and American Indian Education Huff, Delores J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4212ebraryThe Muzzled Muse LANGE, Margreet deInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4213ebraryTourism, Ethnicity and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies Picard, MichelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4214ebraryTaiwan and Chinese Nationalism : National Identity and Status in International Society Hughes, ChristopherInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4215ebraryTropics of History : Cuba Imagined West, AlanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4216ebraryThat the People Might Live : Native American Literatures and Native American Community Weaver, JaceInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
4217ebraryTo Live Heroically : Institutional Racism and American Indian Education Huff, Delores J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
4218ebraryTrauma and Memory : Clinical and Legal Controversies Applebaum, Paul S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
4219ebraryTrials from Classical Athens Carey, ChristopherLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
4220ebraryTechnology Development & Transfer : The Transactional & Legal Environment Gutterman, Alan S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
4221ebraryThatcher and Thatcherism Evans, Eric J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
4222ebraryTreasury and Public Policy Making Chapman, Richard A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
4223ebraryTrials of Masculinity : Policing Sexual Boundaries, 1870-1930 McLaren, AngusSociology & Anthropology1997Go to website
4224ebraryTourism, Ethnicity and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies Picard, MichelSociology & Anthropology1997Go to website
4225ebraryTranscendent Individual : Essays Toward a Literary and Liberal Anthropology Rapport, NigelSociology & Anthropology1997Go to website
4226ebraryTrajan : Optimus Princeps : A Life and Times Bennett, JustianReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
4227ebraryThe Emergence of Semantics in Four Linguistic Traditions BEKKUM, Wout vanReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
4228ebraryTragic Seneca : An Essay in the Theatrical Tradition Boyle, A. J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
4229ebraryThucydides and the Peloponnesian War Cawkwell, GeorgeReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
4230ebraryTrauma and Memory : Clinical and Legal Controversies Applebaum, Paul S.Psychology & Social Work1997Go to website
4231ebraryTherapeutic Use of Stories : Handbook for Professionals Dwivedi, Kedar NathPsychology & Social Work1997Go to website
4232ebraryThe Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High-Tc Superconductors Bok, JulienPhysical Sciences1997Go to website
4233ebraryTheory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics: Didactique des mathématiques, 1970–1990 Brousseau, GuyPhysical Sciences1997Go to website
4234ebraryToxicity of Military Smokes and Obscurants, Volume 3 National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1997Go to website
4235ebraryToxicity of Military Smokes and Obscurants, Volume 2 National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1997Go to website
4236ebraryToxicology and Environmental Health Information Resources : The Role of the National Library of Medicine Liverman, Catharyn T.Nursing & Allied Health1997Go to website
4237ebraryToxicologic Assessment of the Army's Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Disperion Tests : Answers to Commonly Asked Questions National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1997Go to website
4238ebraryToxicology of Chemical Respiratory Hypersensitivity Kimber, IanMedicine1997Go to website
4239ebraryToxicologic Assessment of the Army's Zinc Cadmium Sulfide Dispersion Tests National Research Council StaffMedicine1997Go to website
4240ebraryTeaching and Learning Geography Williams, MichaelLife Sciences1997Go to website
4241ebraryTechnological Trajectories and the Human Environment Rockefeller University StaffLife Sciences1997Go to website
4242ebraryTropical Environments : The Functioning and Management of Tropical Ecosystems Kellman, Martin C.Life Sciences1997Go to website
4243ebraryTechnoscientific Angst : Ethics and Responsibility Sassower, RaphaelLife Sciences1997Go to website
4244ebraryTaxing Consumption in a Global Economy Grubert, HarryBusiness1997Go to website
4245ebraryTigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt : Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China Marks, Robert B.Business1997Go to website
4246ebraryTrading in Choppy Markets : Breakthrough Techniques for Exploiting Non-Trending Markets Barnes, Robert M.Business1997Go to website
4247ebraryTaxing Women McCaffery, Edward J.Business1997Go to website
4248ebraryTeller's Handbook : Everything a Teller Needs to Know to Succeed German-Grapes, JoanBusiness1997Go to website
4249ebraryTechnology and Privacy: The New Landscape Rotenberg, MarcBusiness1997Go to website
4250ebraryTechnology, Competitiveness and Radical Policy Change : The Case of Brazil Meyer-Stamer, JorgBusiness1997Go to website
4251ebraryTen Great Economists Schumpeter, Joseph AloisBusiness1997Go to website
4252ebraryThat the People Might Live : Native American Literatures and Native American Community Weaver, JaceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
4253ebraryTragic Seneca : An Essay in the Theatrical Tradition Boyle, A. J.Language, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
4254ebraryTropics of History : Cuba Imagined West, AlanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
4255ebraryTis Pity She's a Whore Barker, SimonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
4256ebraryThe Muzzled Muse LANGE, Margreet deLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
4257ebraryTheory As Practice : A Critical Anthology of Early German Romantic Writings Schulte-Sasse, JochenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
4258ebraryTechnical Assessment of the Man-in-Simulant Test Program National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
4259ebraryTechnology of Building Defects Cook, GeoffEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
4260ebraryTelecommunications Basics Russell, TravisEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
4261ebraryTraffic Management for High-Speed Networks Kung, H. T.Engineering_Technology1997Go to website
4262ebraryTaking Flight: Education and Training for Aviation Careers Hansen, Janet S.Engineering_Technology1997Go to website
4263ebraryTechnological Trajectories and the Human Environment Rockefeller University StaffEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
4264ebraryTactical Display for Soldiers: Human Factors Considerations National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
4265ebraryTechnology Transfer Systems in the United States and Germany: Lessons and Perspectives Abramson, H. NormanEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
4266ebraryThucydides and the Peloponnesian War Cawkwell, GeorgeHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4267ebraryTreasury and Public Policy Making Chapman, Richard A.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4268ebraryTranslation and Subjectivity : On Japan and Cultural Nationalism Sakai, NaokiHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4269ebraryThatcher and Thatcherism Evans, Eric J.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4270ebraryTheorizing Revolutions : New Approaches from Across the Disciplines Foran, JohnHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4271ebraryTaiwan and Chinese Nationalism : National Identity and Status in International Society Hughes, ChristopherHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4272ebraryTaxing Women McCaffery, Edward J.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4273ebraryTo Live Heroically : Institutional Racism and American Indian Education Huff, Delores J.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4274ebraryTrajan : Optimus Princeps : A Life and Times Bennett, JustianHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4275ebraryTurf Wars : How Congressional Committees Claim Jurisdiction King, David C.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
4276ebraryTransnational Chinese Cinemas : Identity, Nationhood, Gender Lu, Sheldon H.Humanities1997Go to website
4277ebraryTragic Seneca : An Essay in the Theatrical Tradition Boyle, A. J.Humanities1997Go to website
4278ebraryTheatre Theory : An Introduction Fortier, MarkHumanities1997Go to website
4279ebraryTransitions in Work and Learning: Implications for Assessment National Research Council StaffEducation1997Go to website
4280ebraryTeaching Practice : A Guide for Early Years Perry, RosemaryEducation1997Go to website
4281ebraryTheory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics: Didactique des mathématiques, 1970–1990 Brousseau, GuyEducation1997Go to website
4282ebraryTeaching and Learning with Multimedia Collins, JanetEducation1997Go to website
4283ebraryTeachers' Reading/Teachers' Lives Rummel, Mary KayEducation1997Go to website
4284ebraryTeaching and Learning in Further Education Huddlestone, PrueEducation1997Go to website
4285ebraryTeaching in the Primary Classroom : A Learning Relationship Kitson, NeilEducation1997Go to website
4286ebraryTeaching about Teaching : Purpose, Passion and Pedagogy in Teacher Education Loughran, JohnEducation1997Go to website
4287ebraryTaking Flight: Education and Training for Aviation Careers Hansen, Janet S.Education1997Go to website
4288ebraryTechnology and Privacy: The New Landscape Rotenberg, MarcComputer_IT1997Go to website
4289ebraryTraffic Management for High-Speed Networks Kung, H. T.Computer_IT1997Go to website
4290ebraryTrapped in the Net : The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization Rochlin, Gene I.Computer_IT1997Go to website
4291ebraryTurbulent Decade : A History of the Cultural Revolution Kwok, D. W.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
4292ebraryThird Worlds : The Politics of the Middle East and Africa Deegan, HeatherInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
4293ebraryTwenty-Four Ways of Looking at Mary McCarthy : The Writer & Her Work Stwertka, EveInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
4294ebraryTreatment Without Consent : Law, Psychiatry and the Treatment of Mentally Disordered People since 1845 Fennell, PhilLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
4295ebraryToleration : An Elusive Virtue Heyd, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
4296ebraryTo Dream of Dreams : Religious Freedom and Constitutional Politics in Postwar Japan O'Brien, David M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
4297ebraryThere Are No Slaves in France : The Political Culture of Race and Slavery in the Ancient Regime Peabody, SueLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
4298ebraryTechnology, Law, and the Working Environment (Revised Edition) Ashford, Nicholas A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
4299ebraryTrina Deitas: The Controversy Between Hincmar & Gottschalk Tavard, George H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
4300ebraryToleration : An Elusive Virtue Heyd, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
4301ebraryTragedy's End : Closure and Innovation in Euripidean Drama Dunn, Francis M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
4302ebraryTapestry of Early Christian Discourse : Rhetoric, Society and Ideology Robbins, Vernon K.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
4303ebraryTowards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study Hanna, GilaPhysical Sciences1996Go to website
4304ebraryToxicological and Performance Aspects of Oxygenated Motor Vehicle Fuels National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1996Go to website
4305ebraryToxicity of Alternatives to Chlorofluorocarbons: HFC-134a and HCFC-123 Subcommittee to Review Toxicity of Alternatives to ChlorofluorocarbonsLife Sciences1996Go to website
4306ebraryTechnical Issues in NOAA's Nautical Chart Program Committee on Assessment of Technical Issues in the Automated Nautical Chart SystemsLife Sciences1996Go to website
4307ebraryTraining Managers to Train : A Practical Guide to Improving Employee Performance Zaccarelli, HermanBusiness1996Go to website
4308ebraryTransport and Development in the 3rd World Simon, DavidBusiness1996Go to website
4309ebraryTwenty-Four Ways of Looking at Mary McCarthy : The Writer & Her Work Stwertka, EveLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4310ebraryTheorizing Communication : A History Schiller, DanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4311ebraryThirsty Sword : Sirat Antar & the Arabic Popular Epic Heath, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4312ebraryTony Hillerman : A Critical Companion Reilly, John M.Language, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4313ebraryTom Clancy : A Critical Companion Garson, Helen S.Language, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4314ebraryTowards a Critical Sociolinguistics SINGH, RajendraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4315ebraryTorments of Love de Crenne, HélisenneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4316ebraryTypee Melville, HermanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4317ebraryTeachers, Discourses, and Authority in the Postmodern Composition Classroom Gale, Xin L.Language, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4318ebraryTwentieth-Century Russian Novel : An Introduction Gillespie, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4319ebraryTale of Two Cities Dickens, CharlesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
4320ebraryTransport and Development in the 3rd World Simon, DavidEngineering_Technology1996Go to website
4321ebraryTechnical Issues in NOAA's Nautical Chart Program Committee on Assessment of Technical Issues in the Automated Nautical Chart SystemsEngineering_Technology1996Go to website
4322ebraryTelling Our Selves : Ethnicity and Discourse in Southwestern Alaska Hensel, ChaseHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4323ebraryThere Are No Slaves in France : The Political Culture of Race and Slavery in the Ancient Regime Peabody, SueHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4324ebraryThreats to Democracy : The Radical Right in Italy after the War Ferraresi, FrancoHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4325ebraryThread of Life : Toraja Reflections on the Life Cycle Hollan, Douglas W.History&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4326ebraryThird Worlds : The Politics of the Middle East and Africa Deegan, HeatherHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4327ebraryTransnational Connections : Culture, People, Places Hannerz, UlfHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4328ebraryTurbulent Decade : A History of the Cultural Revolution Kwok, D. W.History&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4329ebraryTime, Culture and Identity : An Interpretive Archaeology Thomas, JulianHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
4330ebraryTheorizing Communication : A History Schiller, DanHumanities1996Go to website
4331ebraryTeddy Wilson Talks Jazz : The Autobiography of Teddy Wilson Wilson, TeddyHumanities1996Go to website
4332ebraryTowards Gender Equity in Mathematics Education: An ICMI Study Hanna, GilaEducation1996Go to website
4333ebraryTeachers, Discourses, and Authority in the Postmodern Composition Classroom Gale, Xin L.Education1996Go to website
4334ebraryToward Schooling for the 21st Century Dalin, PerEducation1996Go to website
4335ebraryTelling Identities : The California Testimonios S?nchez, RosauraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1995Go to website
4336ebraryThird World Women's Literatures : A Dictionary and Guide to Materials in English Fister, BarbaraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1995Go to website
4337ebraryTexts of Power : Emerging Disciplines in Colonial Bengal Chatterjee, ParthaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1995Go to website
4338ebraryTaxing Multinational Corporations Feldstein, Martin S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1995Go to website
4339ebraryTheorizing Culture: An Interdisciplinary Critique after Postmodernism Adam, BarbaraSociology & Anthropology1995Go to website
4340ebraryTwo Kinds of Rationality : Kibbutz Democracy and Generational Conflict Evans, T. M. S.Sociology & Anthropology1995Go to website
4341ebraryTrust in Numbers : The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life Porter, Theodore M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
4342ebraryTheseus and Athens Walker, Henry J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
4343ebraryTime Change & Freedom: An Introduction to Metaphysics Oaklander, L. NathanReligion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
4344ebraryTheological Foundations, Volume 1 Doran, Robert M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
4345ebraryTheological Foundations, Volume 2 Doran, Robert M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
4346ebraryTrust in Numbers : The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life Porter, Theodore M.Physical Sciences1995Go to website
4347ebraryTrust in Numbers : The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life Porter, Theodore M.Life Sciences1995Go to website
4348ebraryTaxing Multinational Corporations Feldstein, Martin S.Business1995Go to website
4349ebraryTransport and Urban Development Banister, DavidBusiness1995Go to website
4350ebraryText and Discourse Analysis Salkie, RaphaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1995Go to website
4351ebraryThird World Women's Literatures : A Dictionary and Guide to Materials in English Fister, BarbaraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1995Go to website
4352ebraryTheatre in the Third Reich, the Pre-War Years : Essays on Theatre in Nazi Germany Gadberry, Glen W.Language, Literature & Linguistics1995Go to website
4353ebraryTravelers, Immigrants, Inmates : Essays in Estrangement Bartkowski, FrancesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1995Go to website
4354ebraryTranslator's Invisibility : A History of Translation Venuti, LawrenceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1995Go to website
4355ebraryTechnical Bases for Yucca Mountain Standards National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1995Go to website
4356ebraryTrust in Numbers : The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life Porter, Theodore M.Engineering_Technology1995Go to website
4357ebraryTexts of Power : Emerging Disciplines in Colonial Bengal Chatterjee, ParthaHistory&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4358ebraryTaxing Multinational Corporations Feldstein, Martin S.History&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4359ebraryText and Act : Essays on Music and Performance Taruskin, Richard F.Humanities1995Go to website
4360ebraryTheatre and Everyday Life : An Ethics of Performance Read, AlanHumanities1995Go to website
4361ebraryTelevision, Ethnicity, and Cultural Change Gillespie, MarieHumanities1995Go to website
4362ebraryTheatre in the Third Reich, the Pre-War Years : Essays on Theatre in Nazi Germany Gadberry, Glen W.Humanities1995Go to website
4363ebraryTo Be Continued : Soap Operas and Global Media Cultures Allen, Robert C.Humanities1995Go to website
4364ebraryTelevision Today and Tomorrow : It Won't Be What You Think Jankowski, Gene F.Humanities1995Go to website
4365ebraryTeaching Art and Design Prentice, RoyHumanities1995Go to website
4366ebraryThat's Funny You Don't Look Like a Teacher : Interrogating Images, Identity, and Popular Culture Weber, Sandra J.Education1995Go to website
4367ebraryThe Whole World Guide to Culture Learning Hess, J. DanielInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1994Go to website
4368ebraryTwilight Over Burma : My Life As a Shan Princess Sargent, IngeInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1994Go to website
4369ebraryTerrorism, Security, and Nationality : An Introductory Study in Applied Political Philosophy Gilbert, PaulLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1994Go to website
4370ebraryTechnology-Driven Corporate Alliances : A Legal Guide for Executives Gutterman, Alan S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1994Go to website
4371ebraryTerrorism, Security, and Nationality : An Introductory Study in Applied Political Philosophy Gilbert, PaulSociology & Anthropology1994Go to website
4372ebraryTogether Bound : God, History, and the Religious Community Kirkpatrick, Frank G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4373ebraryThirty-Five Oriental Philosophers Collinson, DianeReligion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4374ebraryThought As a System Bohm, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4375ebraryTraining the Counsellor : An Integrative Model Connor, MaryPsychology & Social Work1994Go to website
4376ebraryThermodynamics of Flowing Systems : With Internal Microstructure Beris, Antony N.Physical Sciences1994Go to website
4377ebraryTherapeutic Ways with Words Ferrara, Kathleen W.Nursing & Allied Health1994Go to website
4378ebraryTheoretical Evolutions in Person-Centered - Experiential Therapy : Applications to Schizophrenic and Retarded Psychoses Prouty, GarryNursing & Allied Health1994Go to website
4379ebraryTherapeutic Ways with Words Ferrara, Kathleen W.Medicine1994Go to website
4380ebraryTheoretical Evolutions in Person-Centered - Experiential Therapy : Applications to Schizophrenic and Retarded Psychoses Prouty, GarryMedicine1994Go to website
4381ebraryTransition in Eastern Europe Volume 1 : Country Studies Blanchard, Oliver J.Business1994Go to website
4382ebraryTransaction Cost Economics and Beyond : Towards a New Economics of the Firm Dietrich, MichaelBusiness1994Go to website
4383ebraryTraining and the Private Sector : International Comparisons Lynch, Lisa M.Business1994Go to website
4384ebraryToward Infrastructure Improvement: An Agenda for Research National Research Council StaffBusiness1994Go to website
4385ebraryTeam Problem Solving Pokras, SandyBusiness1994Go to website
4386ebraryThe Adjectival Category BHAT, D.N.S.Language, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4387ebraryTorah and Law in Paradise Lost Rosenblatt, Jason P.Language, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4388ebraryTaking Humour Seriously Palmer, JerryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4389ebraryTeaching French Swarbick, AnnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4390ebraryTechnology for Small Spacecraft National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1994Go to website
4391ebraryTechnical Presentation Skills : A Practical Guide for Better Speaking Mandel, SteveEngineering_Technology1994Go to website
4392ebraryTexture of Industry : An Archaeological View of the Industrialization of North America Gordon, Robert B.Engineering_Technology1994Go to website
4393ebraryTwilight Over Burma : My Life As a Shan Princess Sargent, IngeHistory&Political Sciences1994Go to website
4394ebraryTransition in Eastern Europe, Volume 2 : Restructuring Blanchard, Olivier JeanHistory&Political Sciences1994Go to website
4395ebraryTransition in Eastern Europe Volume 1 : Country Studies Blanchard, Oliver J.History&Political Sciences1994Go to website
4396ebraryTalk on Television : Audience Participation and Public Debate Livingstone, Sonia M.Humanities1994Go to website
4397ebraryTelevision, Tabloid and Tears : Fassbinder and Popular Culture Shattuc, JaneHumanities1994Go to website
4398ebraryTackling Bullying in Your School : A Practical Handbook for Teachers Sharp, SoniaEducation1994Go to website
4399ebraryTeachers' Everyday Use of Imagination and Intuition : In Pursuit of the Elusive Image Jagla, Virginia M.Education1994Go to website
4400ebraryTraining and the Private Sector : International Comparisons Lynch, Lisa M.Education1994Go to website
4401ebraryTeachers as Mentors : A Practical Guide Field, BarbaraEducation1994Go to website
4402ebraryTeaching Science Levinson, RalphEducation1994Go to website
4403ebraryTransfigurations of the Maghreb : Feminism, Decolonization, and Literatures Woodhull, WinifredInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1993Go to website
4404ebraryTaming the System : The Control of Discretion in Criminal Justice, 1950-1990 Walker, Samuel E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1993Go to website
4405ebraryTaming of Solitude : Separation Anxiety in Psychoanalysis Quinodoz, Jean-MichelPsychology & Social Work1993Go to website
4406ebraryThermodynamics in Geochemistry : The Equilibrium Model Anderson, Greg M.Life Sciences1993Go to website
4407ebraryTrade and Protectionism Ito, TakatoshiBusiness1993Go to website
4408ebraryTransfigurations of the Maghreb : Feminism, Decolonization, and Literatures Woodhull, WinifredLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1993Go to website
4409ebraryThrough the Shattering Glass : Cervantes and the Self-Made World Spadaccini, NicholasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1993Go to website
4410ebraryToward a Coordinated Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Nation National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1993Go to website
4411ebraryTechnological Innovation and Third World Multinationals Tolentino, Paz E.Engineering_Technology1993Go to website
4412ebraryTelevision Producers Tunstall, JeremyHumanities1993Go to website
4413ebraryTelecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy : The Battle for the Control of U. S. Broadcasting, 1928-1935 McChesney, Robert W.Humanities1993Go to website
4414ebraryTroubled Times for American Higher Education : The 1990s and Beyond Kerr, ClarkEducation1993Go to website
4415ebraryTechnology and Industrial Growth in Pre-War Japan : The Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard 1884-1934 Fukasaku, YukikoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1992Go to website
4416ebraryTraffickers : Drug Markets and Law Enforcement Dorn, NicholasLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4417ebraryTerrorism and Collective Responsibility Wilkins, Burleigh T.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4418ebraryTopics in the Economics of Aging Wise, DavidSociology & Anthropology1992Go to website
4419ebraryTerrorism and Collective Responsibility Wilkins, Burleigh T.Sociology & Anthropology1992Go to website
4420ebraryTreating Drug Problems Gerstein, Dean R.Psychology & Social Work1992Go to website
4421ebraryTraffickers : Drug Markets and Law Enforcement Dorn, NicholasPsychology & Social Work1992Go to website
4422ebraryThe Collaborative Construction of Pretend : Social Pretend Play Functions Howes, CarolleePsychology & Social Work1992Go to website
4423ebraryTreating Drug Problems Gerstein, Dean R.Nursing & Allied Health1992Go to website
4424ebraryToward a National Health Care Survey: A Data System for the 21st Century National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1992Go to website
4425ebraryTime Horizons and Technology Investments National Academy of Engineering StaffBusiness1992Go to website
4426ebraryTopics in the Economics of Aging Wise, DavidBusiness1992Go to website
4427ebraryTechnology and the Future of Work Adler, Paul S.Business1992Go to website
4428ebraryThinking on Your Feet : Tools to Communicate Clearly and Convincingly Caroselli, MarleneBusiness1992Go to website
4429ebraryTranslation - History - Culture : A Sourcebook Lefevre, AndreLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4430ebraryTales of the Clerk and the Wife of Bath Chaucer, GeoffreyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4431ebraryTouching the World : Reference in Autobiography Eakin, Paul J.Language, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4432ebraryTravel As Metaphor : From Montaigne to Rousseau Van Den Abbeele, GeorgesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4433ebraryThemes in Modern European History, 1890-1945 Hayes, PaulHistory&Political Sciences1992Go to website
4434ebraryTheatre at the Crossroads of Culture Pavis, PatriceHumanities1992Go to website
4435ebraryTeacher Induction and Mentoring : School-Based Collaborative Programs DeBolt, Gary P.Education1992Go to website
4436ebraryTeacher Supply, Demand, and Quality : Policy Issues, Models, and Data Bases National Research Council StaffEducation1992Go to website
4437ebraryTeacher Education Policy : Narratives, Stories, and Cases Gideonse, Hendrik D.Education1992Go to website
4438ebraryTime to Write : The Influence of Time and Culture on Learning to Write Lofty, John SylvesterEducation1992Go to website
4439ebraryTalking about Literacy : Principles and Practices of Adult Literacy Education Mace, JaneEducation1992Go to website
4440ebraryTime-Constrained Evaluation : Practical Approach for Schools Wilcox, BrianEducation1992Go to website
4441ebraryTransforming the Curriculum Butler, Johnnella E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1991Go to website
4442ebraryTransition to Democracy: Proceedings of a Workshop National Research Council StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1991Go to website
4443ebraryTwelve Steps to Self-Improvement Chapman, Elwood N.Psychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4444ebraryThinking Clearly about Psychology, Volume 1 : Matters of Public Interest Cicchetti, DantePsychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4445ebraryTransforming the Curriculum Butler, Johnnella E.Psychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4446ebraryThinking Clearly about Psychology, Volume 2 : Personality and Psychopathology Grove, William M.Psychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4447ebraryTheory Change in Science : Strategies from Mendelian Genetics Darden, LindleyPhysical Sciences1991Go to website
4448ebraryTeaching Kids to Love the Earth Lachecki, MarinaLife Sciences1991Go to website
4449ebraryToward Sustainability: A Plan for Collaborative Research on Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Board on Agriculture Staff, National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1991Go to website
4450ebraryToward Sustainability: Soil and Water Research Priorities for Developing Countries National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1991Go to website
4451ebraryTheory Change in Science : Strategies from Mendelian Genetics Darden, LindleyLife Sciences1991Go to website
4452ebraryTrade with Japan : Has the Door Opened Wider? Krugman, PaulBusiness1991Go to website
4453ebraryTechnology and Economics National Academy of Engineering StaffBusiness1991Go to website
4454ebraryTraining Methods That Work : A Handbook for Trainers Hart, Lois B.Business1991Go to website
4455ebraryTrend of Economic Thinking Hayek, F.A.Business1991Go to website
4456ebraryTheir Fathers' Daughters : Hannah More, Maria Edgeworth, and Patriarchal Complicity Kowaleski-Wallace, ElizabethLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4457ebraryTechnoculture Penley, ConstanceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4458ebraryTheory and History of Literature, Volume 74 : Social Semiotics as Praxis : Text, Social Meaning Making, Nabokov's Ada Thibault, Paul J.Language, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4459ebraryTheory Change in Science : Strategies from Mendelian Genetics Darden, LindleyEngineering_Technology1991Go to website
4460ebraryToward a More Perfect Union : Virtue and the Formation of American Republics Withington, Ann F.History&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4461ebraryTransition to Democracy: Proceedings of a Workshop National Research Council StaffHistory&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4462ebraryTrade with Japan : Has the Door Opened Wider? Krugman, PaulHistory&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4463ebraryTelevision in Europe Noam, Eli M.Humanities1991Go to website
4464ebraryTransforming the Curriculum Butler, Johnnella E.Education1991Go to website
4465ebraryTeaching Kids to Love the Earth Lachecki, MarinaEducation1991Go to website
4466ebraryTwenty-two Ways to Develop Leadership in Staff Managers Eichinger, Robert W.Business1990Go to website
4467ebraryTaxation in the Global Economy Razin, AssafBusiness1990Go to website
4468ebraryTechnical Writing in the Corporate World Estrin, H.Business1990Go to website
4469ebraryTimber Bubble That Burst : Government Policy and the Bailout of 1984 Mattey, Joe P.Business1990Go to website
4470ebraryTheory of Technological Change and Economic Growth Gomulka, StanislawBusiness1990Go to website
4471ebraryTechnical Writing in the Corporate World Estrin, H.Engineering_Technology1990Go to website
4472ebraryTears Before the Rain : An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam Engelmann, LarryHistory&Political Sciences1990Go to website
4473ebraryTerrorism and Guerrilla Warfare : Forecasts and Remedies Clutterbuck, RichardHistory&Political Sciences1990Go to website
4474ebraryTaxation in the Global Economy Razin, AssafHistory&Political Sciences1990Go to website
4475ebraryTeacher-Curriculum Encounter, The Ben-Peretz, MiriamEducation1990Go to website
4476ebraryTime and Learning in the Special Education Classroom Goodman, LibbyEducation1990Go to website
4477ebraryThe High Status Track : Studies of Elite Schools and Stratification Kingston, Paul W.Education1990Go to website
4478ebraryThomas Paine : Social and Political Thought Claeys, GregoryLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1989Go to website
4479ebraryThinking, Language, and Experience Castaneda, Hector-NeriReligion, Philosophy & Classics1989Go to website
4480ebraryToxic Parents : Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life Forward, SusanPsychology & Social Work1989Go to website
4481ebraryTrade Policies for International Competitiveness Feenstra, Robert C.Business1989Go to website
4482ebraryThey Never Said It : A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions Boller, Paul F.Language, Literature & Linguistics1989Go to website
4483ebraryTechnology and Environment National Academy of Engineering StaffEngineering_Technology1989Go to website
4484ebraryThomas Paine : Social and Political Thought Claeys, GregoryHistory&Political Sciences1989Go to website
4485ebraryTrade Policies for International Competitiveness Feenstra, Robert C.History&Political Sciences1989Go to website
4486ebraryTribune of the People : The Minnesota Legislature and Its Leadership Hanson, RoyceHistory&Political Sciences1989Go to website
4487ebraryTrinitarian Faith : The Evangelical Theology of the Ancient Catholic Church Torrance, Thomas F.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1988Go to website
4488ebraryTrade Policy Issues and Empirical Analysis Baldwin, Robert E.Business1988Go to website
4489ebraryTechnology in Services: Policies for Growth, Trade, and Employment Guile, Bruce R.Business1988Go to website
4490ebraryTelling Stories : A Theoretical Analysis of Narrative Fiction Shires, Linda M.Language, Literature & Linguistics1988Go to website
4491ebraryTrade Policy Issues and Empirical Analysis Baldwin, Robert E.History&Political Sciences1988Go to website
4492ebraryTurban for the Crown : The Islamic Revolution in Iran Arjomand, Said A.History&Political Sciences1988Go to website
4493ebraryThousand Plateaus : Capitalism and Schizophrenia Deleuze, GillesReligion, Philosophy & Classics1987Go to website
4494ebraryTechnology and Employment : Innovation and Growth in the U. S. Economy Institute of Medicine StaffBusiness1987Go to website
4495ebraryTeaching Writing Caywood, CynthiaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1987Go to website
4496ebraryTwenty Teachers Macrorie, KenEducation1987Go to website
4497ebraryTeaching Writing Caywood, CynthiaEducation1987Go to website
4498ebraryTeacher Burnout in the Public Schools : Structural Causes and Consequences for Children Dworkin, A. GaryEducation1987Go to website
4499ebraryTo Advance Knowledge : The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900-1940 Geiger, Roger L.Physical Sciences1986Go to website
4500ebraryTo Advance Knowledge : The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900-1940 Geiger, Roger L.Life Sciences1986Go to website
4501ebraryTo Advance Knowledge : The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900-1940 Geiger, Roger L.Engineering_Technology1986Go to website
4502ebraryTo Advance Knowledge : The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900-1940 Geiger, Roger L.Education1986Go to website
4503ebraryTo the Halls of the Montezumas : The Mexican War in the American Imagination Johannsen, Robert W.History&Political Sciences1985Go to website
4504ebraryTheory and History of Folklore Propp, Vladimir J.Language, Literature & Linguistics1984Go to website
4505ebraryThird Reich Hildebrand, KlausHistory&Political Sciences1984Go to website
4506ebraryTeaching-The Imperiled Profession Duke, Daniel L.Education1984Go to website
4507ebraryTesting Scientific Theories Earman, JohnPhysical Sciences1983Go to website
4508ebraryT. S. Eliot, Volume 2 : The Critical Heritage Grant, MichaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1982Go to website
4509ebraryTell-Tale Heart Poe, Edgar AllanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1982Go to website
4510ebraryToday's Immigrants, Their Stories : A New Look at the Newest Americans Kessner, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences1982Go to website
4511ebraryThomas Hardy Cox, R. G.Language, Literature & Linguistics1979Go to website
4512ebraryThought, Fact, and Reference : The Origins and Ontology of Logical Atomism Hochberg, HerbertReligion, Philosophy & Classics1978Go to website
4513ebraryTeaching English As a Foreign Language Brumfit, Christopher J.Language, Literature & Linguistics1978Go to website
4514ebraryThinking Goes to School : Piaget's Theory in Practice Furth, Hans G.Psychology & Social Work1975Go to website
4515ebraryThinking Goes to School : Piaget's Theory in Practice Furth, Hans G.Education1975Go to website
4516ebraryTheodore Dreiser - American Writers 102 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 102 Frohock, Wilbur M.Language, Literature & Linguistics1972Go to website
4517ebraryThomas Carlyle Siegel, Jules PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1971Go to website
4518ebraryTrinity Rahner, KarlReligion, Philosophy & Classics1970Go to website
4519ebraryTennessee Williams - American Writers 53 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 53 Weales, GeraldLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1965Go to website
4520ebraryThornton Wilder - American Writers 34 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 34 Grebanier, BernardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1964Go to website
4521ebraryTheodore Roethke - American Writers 30 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 30 Mills, Ralph J., Jr.Language, Literature & Linguistics1963Go to website
4522ebraryT.S. Eliot - American Writers 8 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 8 Unger, LeonardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1961Go to website
4523ebraryThomas Wolfe - American Writers 6 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 6 Holmon, C. HughLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1960Go to website
4524ebraryTrafalgar 1805 : Nelson's Crowning Victory Fremont-Barnes, GregoryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1805Go to website
4525ebraryTrafalgar 1805 : Nelson's Crowning Victory Fremont-Barnes, GregoryHistory&Political Sciences1805Go to website