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Birzeit University Library offers full text Books (88328 Titles) by subscription from ebrary 70000, Springer 13440, FA Davis 140, Manhal(Arabic) 4200, CAB bOOKS 588)
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Alphabetical List

  SourceTitle AutherSubjectYearURL
1ebraryRomania Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
2ebraryRussia Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
3ebraryRwanda Society and Culture Complete Report World Trade PressSociology & Anthropology2010Go to website
4ebraryReturning Home from Iraq and Afghanistan : Preliminary Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Veterans, Service Members, and Their Families Committee on the Initial Assessment of Readjustment Needs of Military Personnel, Veterans, and Their FamiliesNursing & Allied Health2010Go to website
5ebraryRethinking Retention in Good Times and Bad : Strategies and Tactics for Keeping Your Best People Finnegan, Richard P.Business2010Go to website
6FA-DavisRNotes Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide Ehren MyersNursing2010Go to website
7ebraryRace, Ethnicity, and Language Data : Standardization for Health Care Quality Improvement Ulmer, CherylLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
8ebraryRealism for the Masses : Aesthetics, Popular Front Pluralism, and U. S. Culture, 1935-1947 Vials, ChrisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2009Go to website
9ebraryRevenge of the Women's Studies Professor Morris, Bonnie J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
10ebraryResistance Behind Bars : The Struggles of Incarcerated Women Law, VictoriaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
11ebraryRise of the Ku Klux Klan : Right-Wing Movements and National Politics McVeigh, RoryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2009Go to website
12ebraryRelocating the Rule of Law Palombella, GianluggiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
13ebraryResolving International Conflicts Hay, PeterLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
14ebraryResidential Electricity Subsidies in Mexico : Exploring Options for Reform and for Enhancing the Impact on the Poor Komives, KristinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
15ebraryResistance Behind Bars : The Struggles of Incarcerated Women Law, VictoriaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
16ebraryRegulation of Organised Civil Society Garton, JonathanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2009Go to website
17ebraryRace, Ethnicity, and Language Data : Standardization for Health Care Quality Improvement Ulmer, CherylSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
18ebraryResponsible Research with Biological Select Agents and Toxins Committee on Laboratory Security and Personnel Reliability Assurance Systems for Laboratories Conducting Research on Biological Select Agents and ToxinsSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
19ebraryRadical Consumption : Shopping for Change in Contemporary Culture Littler, JoSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
20ebraryRise of Multicultural America : Economy and Print Culture, 1865-1915 Mizruchi, Susan L.Sociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
21ebraryRevenge of the Women's Studies Professor Morris, Bonnie J.Sociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
22ebraryRealism for the Masses : Aesthetics, Popular Front Pluralism, and U. S. Culture, 1935-1947 Vials, ChrisSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
23ebraryResistance Behind Bars : The Struggles of Incarcerated Women Law, VictoriaSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
24ebraryResearch in Rural Sociology and Development, Volume 14 : Cross-Continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation Andersson, KjellSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
25ebraryRacism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America : A Genealogy McWhorter, LadelleSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
26ebraryRise of the Ku Klux Klan : Right-Wing Movements and National Politics McVeigh, RorySociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
27ebraryRising China and Its Postmodern Fate Horner, CharlesSociology & Anthropology2009Go to website
28ebraryReligion in Culture : Studies in Social Contest and Construction : Rethinking Hindu Identity Jha, Dwijendra NarayanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
29ebraryReformist Voices of Islam : Mediating Islam and Modernity Hunter, Shireen T.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
30ebraryRevealing the Mysterion : The Use of Mystery in Daniel and Second Temple Judaism with Its Bearing on First Corinthians Gladd, Benjamin L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
31ebraryReconfiguring Islamic Tradition : Reform, Rationality, and Modernity Haj, SamiraReligion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
32ebraryRegulating Autonomy : Sex, Reproduction and Family Day-Sclater, ShelleyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
33ebraryRethinking the Gospel Sources Burkett, DelbertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2009Go to website
34ebraryReal-World Time Management Alexander, RoyPsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
35ebraryRecovery from Depression Using the Narrative Approach : A Guide for Doctors, Complementary Therapists and Mental Health Professionals Ridge, DamienPsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
36ebraryRegulating Autonomy : Sex, Reproduction and Family Day-Sclater, ShelleyPsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
37ebraryResearch in Occupational Stress and Well Being, Volume 7 : Recovery from Job Stress Sonnentag, SabinePsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
38ebraryRewards of Punishment : A Relational Theory of Norm Enforcement Horne, ChristinePsychology & Social Work2009Go to website
39ebraryRecent Progress on Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Viscosity Solutions Du, YihongPhysical Sciences2009Go to website
40ebraryRace, Ethnicity, and Language Data : Standardization for Health Care Quality Improvement Ulmer, CherylNursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
41ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lecture 2008 : Prospects for Health Reform in 2009 and Beyond Institute of MedicineNursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
42ebraryResponsible Research with Biological Select Agents and Toxins Committee on Laboratory Security and Personnel Reliability Assurance Systems for Laboratories Conducting Research on Biological Select Agents and ToxinsNursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
43ebraryRapport sur l'épidémie mondiale de SIDA 2008 ONUSIDANursing & Allied Health2009Go to website
44ebraryResponsible Research with Biological Select Agents and Toxins Committee on Laboratory Security and Personnel Reliability Assurance Systems for Laboratories Conducting Research on Biological Select Agents and ToxinsLife Sciences2009Go to website
45ebraryRepairing Paradise : The Restoration of Nature in America's National Parks Lowry, William R.Life Sciences2009Go to website
46ebraryResource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production Rauw, W.Life Sciences2009Go to website
47ebraryRemarkable Plants of Texas : Uncommon Accounts of Our Common Natives Turner, Matt WarnockLife Sciences2009Go to website
48ebraryRNA Viruses : Host Gene Responses to Infections Yang, DechengLife Sciences2009Go to website
49ebraryRainfed Agriculture : Unlocking the Potential Wani, S.P.Life Sciences2009Go to website
50ebraryRiver Tourism Prideaux, B.Life Sciences2009Go to website
51ebraryReshaping Economic Geography in East Asia Huang, YukonBusiness2009Go to website
52ebraryRadical Consumption : Shopping for Change in Contemporary Culture Littler, JoBusiness2009Go to website
53ebraryRocking Your Music Business: Run Your Music Business at Home and on the Road Williams, WheatBusiness2009Go to website
54ebraryReal-World Time Management Alexander, RoyBusiness2009Go to website
55ebraryRise of Multicultural America : Economy and Print Culture, 1865-1915 Mizruchi, Susan L.Business2009Go to website
56ebraryResidential Electricity Subsidies in Mexico : Exploring Options for Reform and for Enhancing the Impact on the Poor Komives, KristinBusiness2009Go to website
57ebraryReflections on the Crash of 2008 and What It Means : An E-Book Update to the New Paradigm For Financial Markets Soros, GeorgeBusiness2009Go to website
58ebraryRight Relationship : Building a Whole Earth Economy Brown, Peter G.Business2009Go to website
59ebraryRiver Tourism Prideaux, B.Business2009Go to website
60ebraryRole and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education Patrinos, Harry AnthonyBusiness2009Go to website
61ebraryRise of China and India : A New Asian Drama Peng Er, LamBusiness2009Go to website
62ebraryResearch in Occupational Stress and Well Being, Volume 7 : Recovery from Job Stress Sonnentag, SabineBusiness2009Go to website
63ebraryRoad to Results : Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations Morra-Imas, Linda G.Business2009Go to website
64ebraryReforming Institutions in Water Resource Management : Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development Crase, LinBusiness2009Go to website
65ebraryRural Informatization in China Hanna, Nagy K.Business2009Go to website
66ebraryRegional Economic Outlook : Europe, October 2009 International Monetary FundBusiness2009Go to website
67ebraryRegional Economic Outlook : Sub-Saharan Africa, October 2009 International Monetary FundBusiness2009Go to website
68ebraryReforming Institutions in Water Resource Management : Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development Crase, LinEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
69ebraryRecording Engineer's Handbook (2nd Edition) Owsinski, BobbyEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
70ebraryReview of Federal Strategy for Nanotechnology-Related Environmental, Health, and Safety Research Committee for Review of the Federal Strategy to Address Environmental Health and Safety Research Needs for Engineered Nanoscale MaterialsEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
71ebraryRadioisotope Power Systems : An Imperative for Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Space Exploration Radioisotope Power Systems CommitteeEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
72ebraryReview of the DOE Plan for U.S. Fusion Community Participation in the ITER Program Committee to Review the U.S. ITER Science Participation Planning ProcessEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
73ebraryRestructuring Federal Climate Research to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change Committee on Strategic Advice on the U.S. Climate Change Science ProgramEngineering_Technology2009Go to website
74ebraryReforming Institutions in Water Resource Management : Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development Crase, LinHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
75ebraryRussian Views on Countering Terrorism During Eight Years of Dialogue : Extracts from Proceedings of Four Workshops Fox, MercHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
76ebraryRegulation of Organised Civil Society Garton, JonathanHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
77ebraryRise of China and India : A New Asian Drama Peng Er, LamHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
78ebraryRise of the Ku Klux Klan : Right-Wing Movements and National Politics McVeigh, RoryHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
79ebraryResolving Messy Policy Problems : Handling Conflict in Environmental, Transport, Health and Ageing Policy Ney, StevenHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
80ebraryRailroads in the Old South : Pursuing Progress in a Slave Society Marrs, Aaron W.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
81ebraryResistance Behind Bars : The Struggles of Incarcerated Women Law, VictoriaHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
82ebraryRealism for the Masses : Aesthetics, Popular Front Pluralism, and U. S. Culture, 1935-1947 Vials, ChrisHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
83ebraryReflections on the Crash of 2008 and What It Means : An E-Book Update to the New Paradigm For Financial Markets Soros, GeorgeHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
84ebraryRussia and the Soviet Union : An Historical Introduction from the Kievan State to the Present (6th Edition) Thompson, John M.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
85ebraryReview of Federal Strategy for Nanotechnology-Related Environmental, Health, and Safety Research Committee for Review of the Federal Strategy to Address Environmental Health and Safety Research Needs for Engineered Nanoscale MaterialsHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
86ebraryReview of the DOE Plan for U.S. Fusion Community Participation in the ITER Program Committee to Review the U.S. ITER Science Participation Planning ProcessHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
87ebraryResponsible History Baets, Antoon DeHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
88ebraryReforming the Presidential Nomination Process Mann, Thomas E.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
89ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lecture 2008 : Prospects for Health Reform in 2009 and Beyond Institute of MedicineHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
90ebraryReformist Voices of Islam : Mediating Islam and Modernity Hunter, Shireen T.History&Political Sciences2009Go to website
91ebraryRepublican Gomorrah : Inside the Movement That Shattered the Party Blumenthal, MaxHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
92ebraryReshaping Economic Geography in East Asia Huang, YukonHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
93ebraryReligion and Violence : Faith-Based War : From 9/11 to Catastrophic Success in Iraq Herbert, T. WalterHistory&Political Sciences2009Go to website
94ebraryRecording Engineer's Handbook (2nd Edition) Owsinski, BobbyHumanities2009Go to website
95ebraryRighting Wrongs in Writing Songs Cope, DannyHumanities2009Go to website
96ebraryRocking Your Music Business: Run Your Music Business at Home and on the Road Williams, WheatHumanities2009Go to website
97ebraryRethinking School Feeding : Social Safety Nets, Child Development, and the Education Sector Bundy, DonaldEducation2009Go to website
98ebraryRole and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education Patrinos, Harry AnthonyEducation2009Go to website
99ebraryRF Bulk Acoustic Wave Filters for Communications Hashimoto, Ken-yaComputer_IT2009Go to website
100ebraryReforming the World : Social Activism and the Problem of Fiction in Nineteenth-Century America Sanchez, Maria CarlaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
101ebraryRespecting Linguistic Diversity in the European Union Arzoz, XabierLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
102ebraryRamayana Stories in Modern South India : An Anthology Richman, PaulaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
103ebraryRegionalism and the Reading Class Griswold, WendyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
104ebraryRebirth of a Culture : Jewish Identity and Jewish Writing in Germany and Austria Today Herzog, Hilary HopeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
105ebraryRussia, Freaks and Foreigners : Three Performance Texts MacDonald, JamesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
106ebraryRidiculous Jew : The Exploitation and Transformation of a Stereotype in Gogol Turgenev, and Dostoevsky Rosenshield, GaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
107ebraryReputation, Celebrity and Defamation Law Rolph, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
108ebraryRichard III Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
109ebraryRhetoric for Radicals : A Handbook for 21st Century Activists Del Gandio, JasonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2008Go to website
110ebraryRespecting Linguistic Diversity in the European Union Arzoz, XabierInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
111ebraryRacist Victimization : International Reflections and Perspectives Winterdyk, JohnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
112ebraryRace and Education : Policy and Politics in Britain Tomlinson, SallyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
113ebraryReconciliation and Colonial Power : Indigenous Rights in Australia Short, DamienInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
114ebraryReligion and American Culture : It's A New Day : Race and Gender in the Modern Charismatic Movement Billingsley, ScottInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
115ebraryRaising Freedom's Child : Black Children and Visions of the Future after Slavery Mitchell, MaryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
116ebraryReligion and American Culture : Show Us How You Do It : Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968 Robinson, Edward J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
117ebraryReal You Incorporated : 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs Rouda, Kaira SturdivantInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
118ebraryRemapping Cultural History : Border Interrogations : Questioning Spanish Frontiers Sampedro Vizcaya, BenitaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
119ebraryRevolt of the Tar Heels : The North Carolina Populist Movement, 1890-1901 Beeby, James M.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
120ebraryRoutes of Remembrance : Refashioning the Slave Trade in Ghana Holsey, BayoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
121ebraryRacial Middle : Latinos and Asian Americans Living Beyond the Racial Divide O'Brien, EileenInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
122ebraryRacism and God-Talk : A Latino/a Perspective Rodriguez, Ruben RosarioInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
123ebraryRethinking Equality Projects in Law : Feminist Challenges Hunter, RosemaryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
124ebraryRiotous Citizens : Ethnic Conflict in Multicultural Britain Bagguley, PaulInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
125ebraryRussia, Freaks and Foreigners : Three Performance Texts MacDonald, JamesInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
126ebraryRace, Incarceration, and American Values Loury, Glenn C.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2008Go to website
127ebraryResearching Criminology Crow, IainLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
128ebraryResponsibility to Protect : Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All Evans, GarethLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
129ebraryRethinking Juvenile Justice Scott, Elizabeth S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
130ebraryRace and Education, 1954-2007 Wolters, RaymondLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
131ebraryRescuing Justice and Equality Cohen, G. A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
132ebraryResumes for Law Careers Mcgraw-Hill Editorial StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
133ebraryRetroactivity and the Common Law Juratowitch, BenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
134ebraryResolution of African Conflicts : The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Nhema, AlfredLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
135ebraryREACH USA 2008 Conference Proceedings Smithers RapraLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
136ebraryRe-envisioning Sovereignty Jacobsen, TrudyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
137ebraryReligious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the Workplace Vickers, LucyR.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
138ebraryRestoring Justice After Large-Scale Violent Conflicts : Kosovo, DR Congo and the Israeli-Palestinian Case Aertson, IvoLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
139ebraryRefugee Rights : Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa Hollenbach, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
140ebraryResponding to Terrorism : Political, Philosophical and Legal Perspectives Imre, RobertLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
141ebraryRestorative Justice, Self-interest and Responsible Citizenship Walgrave, LodeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
142ebraryResponsibility, Law and the Family Keating, HeatherLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
143ebraryRegulating Technologies : Legal Futures, Regulatory Frames and Technological Fixes Brownsword, RogerLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
144ebraryReputation, Celebrity and Defamation Law Rolph, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
145ebraryResponsible Contract Manager : Protecting the Public Interest in an Outsourced World Cohen, StevenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2008Go to website
146ebraryRedesigning Social Inquiry : Fuzzy Sets and Beyond Ragin, Charles C.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
147ebraryRepublic of Drivers : A Cultural History of Automobility in America Seiler, CottenSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
148ebraryResearching Criminology Crow, IainSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
149ebraryResponsibility to Protect : Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All Evans, GarethSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
150ebraryRed Boyhood : Growing up under Stalin Konstantin, AnatoleSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
151ebraryRural Project Management Pandey, Devendra PrasadSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
152ebraryRescuing Justice and Equality Cohen, G. A.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
153ebraryResponses to Cyber Terrorism Center of Excellence Defence Against TerrorismSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
154ebraryRise of Global Civil Society : Building Communities and Nations from the Bottom Up Eberly, DonSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
155ebraryRacist Victimization : International Reflections and Perspectives Winterdyk, JohnSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
156ebraryRoots of African Conflicts : The Causes and Costs Nhema, AlfredSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
157ebraryReshaping Planning with Culture Young, GregSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
158ebraryReligion and American Culture : It's A New Day : Race and Gender in the Modern Charismatic Movement Billingsley, ScottSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
159ebraryRhetoric Culture and Social Critique : Making Camp : Rhetorics of Transgression in U. S. Popular Culture Shugart, Helene A.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
160ebraryRaising Freedom's Child : Black Children and Visions of the Future after Slavery Mitchell, MarySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
161ebraryRebel Without Borders : Frontline Missions in Africa and the Gulf Vachon, MarcSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
162ebraryReligion and American Culture : Show Us How You Do It : Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968 Robinson, Edward J.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
163ebraryReal You Incorporated : 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs Rouda, Kaira SturdivantSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
164ebraryRemapping Cultural History : Border Interrogations : Questioning Spanish Frontiers Sampedro Vizcaya, BenitaSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
165ebraryRevolt of the Tar Heels : The North Carolina Populist Movement, 1890-1901 Beeby, James M.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
166ebraryResearch in Economic Anthropology , Volume 27 : Dimensions of Ritual Economy Ann McAnany, PatriciaSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
167ebraryResponding to Terrorism : Political, Philosophical and Legal Perspectives Imre, RobertSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
168ebraryRoutes of Remembrance : Refashioning the Slave Trade in Ghana Holsey, BayoSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
169ebraryRacial Middle : Latinos and Asian Americans Living Beyond the Racial Divide O'Brien, EileenSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
170ebraryReligion and the Individual : Belief Practice Identity Day, AbbySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
171ebraryRompre le Cercle Vicieux : Une Stratégie Pour Promouvoir la Croissance Dans un Milieu Rural Sensible Aux Conflits : République du Burundi Baghdadli | IlhemSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
172ebraryRhythms and Rhymes of Life : Music and Identification Processes of Dutch-Moroccan Youth Gazzah, MiriamSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
173ebraryRethinking Equality Projects in Law : Feminist Challenges Hunter, RosemarySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
174ebraryRegionalism and the Reading Class Griswold, WendySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
175ebraryRiotous Citizens : Ethnic Conflict in Multicultural Britain Bagguley, PaulSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
176ebraryRussia, Freaks and Foreigners : Three Performance Texts MacDonald, JamesSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
177ebraryResearch in Public Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 17 : Comparative Governance Reform in Asia Wescott, ClaySociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
178ebraryRaising the Bar : Preventing Aggression in and around Bars, Pubs and Clubs Graham, KathrynSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
179ebraryRace, Incarceration, and American Values Loury, Glenn C.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
180ebraryRace and Class Matters at an Elite College Aries, ElizabethSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
181ebraryReluctant Gangsters : The Changing Face of Youth Crime Pitts, JohnSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
182ebraryResearch in Race and Ethnic Relations, Volume 15 : Bi-culturalism Dennis, Rutledge M.Sociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
183ebraryResearch in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 26 : Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health Concerns : Impacts on Patients, Providers and Policy Jacobs Kronenfeld, JennieSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
184ebraryResearch in Political Sociology, Volume 17 : Politics and Public Policy Prechel, HarlandSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
185ebraryResearch in Social Problems and Public Policy, Volume 16 : Integrating the Sciences and Society : Challenges, Practices, and Potentials Hartman, HarrietSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
186ebraryRoyal Kinship. Anglo-German Family Networks 1815-1918 Urbach, KarinaSociology & Anthropology2008Go to website
187ebraryRiddle : Where Ideas Come from and How to Have Better Ones Razeghi, Andrew J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
188ebraryResisting Corporate Corruption : Lessons in Practical Ethics from the Enron Wreckage Arbogast, Steven V.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
189ebraryRoad to Renewal : Victor Joseph Reed and Oklahoma Catholicism, 1905-1971 Bonner, JeremyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
190ebraryReference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China : From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century Tiedemann, R. G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
191ebraryRestoration of Christian Culture Senior, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
192ebraryRationality and the Environment : Decision-Making in Environmental Politics and Assessment Elling, BoReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
193ebraryReligion and the Politics of Tolerance : How Christianity Builds Democracy Eisenstein, Marie A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
194ebraryRetroactivity and the Common Law Juratowitch, BenReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
195ebraryReflexive Nature of Consciousness Janzen, GregReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
196ebraryRadical Evil and the Scarcity of Hope : Postsecular Meditations Matušt?k, Martin BeckReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
197ebraryReligion and American Culture : It's A New Day : Race and Gender in the Modern Charismatic Movement Billingsley, ScottReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
198ebraryRhetoric Culture and Social Critique : Making Camp : Rhetorics of Transgression in U. S. Popular Culture Shugart, Helene A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
199ebraryReligion and American Culture : Show Us How You Do It : Marshall Keeble and the Rise of Black Churches of Christ in the United States, 1914-1968 Robinson, Edward J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
200ebraryRise of Political Islam in Turkey Rabasa, AngelReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
201ebraryReconciling Human Existence with Ecological Integrity : Science, Ethics, Economics and Law Westra, LauraReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
202ebraryReligion and the Individual : Belief Practice Identity Day, AbbyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
203ebraryRacism and God-Talk : A Latino/a Perspective Rodriguez, Ruben RosarioReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
204ebraryRoman Catholic Church Music in England, 1791-1914 : A Handmaid of the Liturgy? Muir, T.E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
205ebraryResurrection : The Power of God for Christians and Jews Levenson, Jon D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
206ebraryReturning to Religion : Why a Secular Age Is Haunted by Faith Benthall, JonathanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
207ebraryReading Spiritualities : Constructing and Representing the Sacred Sawyer, DeborahReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
208ebraryReligious Warfare in Europe, 1400-1536 Housley, NormanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2008Go to website
209ebraryRelating to Clients : The Therapeutic Relationship for Complementary Therapists Fox, SuPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
210ebraryReflections on Adaptive Behavior : Essays in Honor of J. E. R. Staddon Innis, Nancy K.Psychology & Social Work2008Go to website
211ebraryReaching and Teaching the Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Using Learning Preferences and Strengths MacKenzie, HeatherPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
212ebraryRemembering Yesterday, Caring Today : Reminiscence in Dementia Care Schweitzer, PamPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
213ebraryResearch on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 4 : Emotions, Ethics and Decision-making Zerbe, Wilfred J.Psychology & Social Work2008Go to website
214ebraryRaising the Bar : Preventing Aggression in and around Bars, Pubs and Clubs Graham, KathrynPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
215ebraryRidiculous Jew : The Exploitation and Transformation of a Stereotype in Gogol Turgenev, and Dostoevsky Rosenshield, GaryPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
216ebraryReluctant Gangsters : The Changing Face of Youth Crime Pitts, JohnPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
217ebraryRaising Parents : Attachment, Parenting and Child Safety McKinsey Crittenden, PatriciaPsychology & Social Work2008Go to website
218ebraryReview and Assessment of Developmental Issues Concerning the Metal Parts Treater Design for the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant Committee to Review and Assess Developmental Issues Concerning the Metal Parts Treater Design for the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot PlantPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
219ebraryRadiation Source Use and Replacement (Abbreviated Version) Committee on Radiation Source Use and ReplacementPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
220ebraryResearch and Networks for Decision Support in the NOAA Sectoral Applications Research Program Panel on Design Issues for the NOAA Sector Applications Research Program, National Research CouncilPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
221ebraryREACH USA 2008 Conference Proceedings Smithers RapraPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
222ebraryRisk Analysis : Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities Aven, TerjePhysical Sciences2008Go to website
223ebraryRegulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor : Economic Regulation for Public and Private Partnerships Franceys, RichardPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
224ebraryRadon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics : Iterative Regularization Methods for Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems Kaltenbacher, BarbaraPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
225ebraryRadon Series on Computational and Applied Mathematics : Topological Approximation Methods for Evolutionary Problems of Nonlinear Hydrodynamics Zvyagin, Victor GPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
226ebraryRock, Paper, Scissors : Game Theory in Everyday Life Fisher, LenPhysical Sciences2008Go to website
227ebraryRecognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory Animals Committee on Recognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory AnimalsNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
228ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lecture 2007 : Transforming Today's Health Care Workforce to Meet Tomorrow's Demands Institute of MedicineNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
229ebraryRisk Assessment for Chemicals in Drinking Water Howd, Robert A.Nursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
230ebraryRèglement sanitaire international (2005) Deuxième édition WHONursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
231ebraryReglamento sanitario internacional (2005) Segunda Edici?n WHONursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
232ebraryReal Whole Body MRI Goyen, MathiasNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
233ebraryReforming Medicare : Options, Tradeoffs, and Opportunities Aaron, Henry J.Nursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
234ebraryRetooling for an Aging America : Building the Health Care Workforce Committee on the Future Health Care Workforce for Older AmericansNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
235ebraryRapport sur la santé dans le monde 2008 : Les soins de santé primaires-maintenant plus que jamais World Health OrganizationNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
236ebraryRespiratory Diseases Research at NIOSH : Reviews of Research Programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Committee to Review the NIOSH Respiratory Disease Research ProgramNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
237ebraryRapport annuel de l’ONUSIDA 2007 : AIDS : Connaître Son épidémie ONUAIDSNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
238ebraryReview of Toxicologic and Radiologic Risks to Military Personnel from Exposure to Depleted Uranium During and After Combat Committee on Toxicologic and Radiologic Effects from Exposure to Depleted Uranium During and After CombatNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
239ebraryResults That Last : Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top Studer, QuintNursing & Allied Health2008Go to website
240ebraryRecognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory Animals Committee on Recognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory AnimalsMedicine2008Go to website
241ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lecture 2007 : Transforming Today's Health Care Workforce to Meet Tomorrow's Demands Institute of MedicineMedicine2008Go to website
242ebraryReal Whole Body MRI Goyen, MathiasMedicine2008Go to website
243ebraryRapid Review of Medicine in Old Age Vassallo, MichaelMedicine2008Go to website
244ebraryReview of the DoD-GEIS Influenza Programs : Strengthening Global Surveillance and Response Committee for the Assessment of DoD-GEIS Influenza Surveillance and Response Programs, National Research CouncilMedicine2008Go to website
245ebraryReview of Health Sector Aid Financing to Somalia Capobianco, EmanueleMedicine2008Go to website
246ebraryRedox Biochemistry Banerjee, RumaLife Sciences2008Go to website
247ebraryRNA and DNA Editing : Molecular Mechanisms and Their Integration into Biological Systems Smith, Harold C.Life Sciences2008Go to website
248ebraryRedefining Bioclimatic Housing : Innovative Designs for Warmer Climates Hyde, RichardLife Sciences2008Go to website
249ebraryRationality and the Environment : Decision-Making in Environmental Politics and Assessment Elling, BoLife Sciences2008Go to website
250ebraryReconciling Human Existence with Ecological Integrity : Science, Ethics, Economics and Law Westra, LauraLife Sciences2008Go to website
251ebraryRoot Feeders : An Ecosystem Perspective Johnson, Scott N.Life Sciences2008Go to website
252ebraryRace between Education and Technology Goldin, ClaudiaBusiness2008Go to website
253ebraryRibbonX : Customizing the Office 2007 Ribbon Martin, RobertBusiness2008Go to website
254ebraryRiddle : Where Ideas Come from and How to Have Better Ones Razeghi, Andrew J.Business2008Go to website
255ebraryRisk and Security Management : Protecting People and Sites Worldwide Blyth, MichaelBusiness2008Go to website
256ebraryResisting Corporate Corruption : Lessons in Practical Ethics from the Enron Wreckage Arbogast, Steven V.Business2008Go to website
257ebraryRisk Analysis for Islamic Banks Van Greuning, HennieBusiness2008Go to website
258ebraryRisk Management in Commodity Markets : From shipping to agricuturals and energy Geman, Prof. HelyetteBusiness2008Go to website
259ebraryRules to Break and Laws to Follow : How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism Peppers, DonBusiness2008Go to website
260ebraryRe-energizing the Corporation  : How Leaders Make Change Happen Ridderstrale, JonasBusiness2008Go to website
261ebraryRevisiting Rental Housing : Policies, Programs, and Priorities Retsinas, Nicolas P.Business2008Go to website
262ebraryRural Project Management Pandey, Devendra PrasadBusiness2008Go to website
263ebraryRevisiting Keynes : Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren Pecchi, LorenzoBusiness2008Go to website
264ebraryResumes for Law Careers Mcgraw-Hill Editorial StaffBusiness2008Go to website
265ebraryRole of Institutional Quality in a Currency Crisis Model Wu, YiBusiness2008Go to website
266ebraryResults That Last : Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top Studer, QuintBusiness2008Go to website
267ebraryReview of Marketing Research : Volume 4 Malhotra, Naresh K.Business2008Go to website
268ebraryRemittances and Development : Lessons from Latin America Fajnzylber, PabloBusiness2008Go to website
269ebraryResearch in Finance, Volume 24 Chen, Andrew H.Business2008Go to website
270ebraryResumes for Re-Entering the Job Market Editors of McGraw-HillBusiness2008Go to website
271ebraryResumes for Computer Careers Editors of McGraw-HillBusiness2008Go to website
272ebraryRainmaking : Attract New Clients No Matter What Your Field Harding, FordBusiness2008Go to website
273ebraryReal Estate Investor's Guide to Financing : Insider Advice for Making the Most Money on Every Deal Reed, DavidBusiness2008Go to website
274ebraryRetooling for Growth : Building a 21st Century Economy in America's Older Industrial Areas McGahey, RichardBusiness2008Go to website
275ebraryRisk-Based Supervision of Pension Funds : Emerging Practices and Challenges Brunner, GregBusiness2008Go to website
276ebraryReal World Project Management : Beyond Conventional Wisdom, Best Practices, and Project Methodologies Perrin, RichardBusiness2008Go to website
277ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere (April 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
278ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Europe (April 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
279ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa (April 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
280ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia (May 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
281ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa (April 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
282ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Asia and Pacific (April 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
283ebraryRegional Economic Outlook : Western Hemisphere (April 2008) UnspecifiedBusiness2008Go to website
284ebraryRaising Sensitive Issues in a Team Lindoerfer, DennisBusiness2008Go to website
285ebraryRational Expectations and Economic Policy Fischer, StanleyBusiness2008Go to website
286ebraryRiding the Indian Tiger : Understanding India : The World's Fastest Growing Market Nobrega, WilliamBusiness2008Go to website
287ebraryReview of Health Sector Aid Financing to Somalia Capobianco, EmanueleBusiness2008Go to website
288ebraryReinventing Foreign Aid Easterly, William RussellBusiness2008Go to website
289ebraryRisk Governance : Coping with Uncertainty in a Complex World Renn, OrtwinBusiness2008Go to website
290ebraryReal You Incorporated : 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs Rouda, Kaira SturdivantBusiness2008Go to website
291ebraryResearch in Economic Anthropology , Volume 27 : Dimensions of Ritual Economy Ann McAnany, PatriciaBusiness2008Go to website
292ebraryRisk Issues and Crisis Management in Public Relations : A Casebook of Best Practice (4th Edition) Regester, MichaelBusiness2008Go to website
293ebraryResearch in Sociology of Education, Volume 16 : Strong States, Weak Schools : The Benefits and Dilemmas of Centralized Accountability Fuller, BruceBusiness2008Go to website
294ebraryResearch on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 4 : Emotions, Ethics and Decision-making Zerbe, Wilfred J.Business2008Go to website
295ebraryResearch in Global Strategic Management , Volume 14 : International Business Scholarship : AIB Fellows on the First 50 Years and Beyond Boddewyn, JeanBusiness2008Go to website
296ebraryReinventing Collapse : The Soviet Example and American Prospects Orlov, DmitryBusiness2008Go to website
297ebraryResearch in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 26A Samuels, Warren J.Business2008Go to website
298ebraryResponsible Care : A New Strategy for Pollution Prevention and Waste Reduction Through Environmental Management Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P.Business2008Go to website
299ebraryRompre le Cercle Vicieux : Une Stratégie Pour Promouvoir la Croissance Dans un Milieu Rural Sensible Aux Conflits : République du Burundi Baghdadli | IlhemBusiness2008Go to website
300ebraryRisk Analysis : Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities Aven, TerjeBusiness2008Go to website
301ebraryResearch in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Volume 27 Martocchio, Joseph J.Business2008Go to website
302ebraryRegulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor : Economic Regulation for Public and Private Partnerships Franceys, RichardBusiness2008Go to website
303ebraryResearch on Managing Groups and Teams, Volume 11 : Diversity and Groups Phillips, Katherine W.Business2008Go to website
304ebraryReshaping Your Business with Web 2.0 Casarez, VinceBusiness2008Go to website
305ebraryResponsible Tourism : Critical Issues for Conservation and Development Spenceley, AnnaBusiness2008Go to website
306ebraryResearch in Economic Anthropology, Volume 28 : Hidden Hands in the Market : Ethnographies of Fair Trade, Ethical Consumption and Corporate Social Responsibility Luetchford, PeterBusiness2008Go to website
307ebraryRacing Odysseus : A College President Becomes a Freshman Again Martin, Roger H.Business2008Go to website
308ebraryResearch on Economic Inequality, Volume 16 : Inequality and Poverty II : Papers from the Second Ecineq Society Meeting Bishop, John A.Business2008Go to website
309ebraryResponsible Contract Manager : Protecting the Public Interest in an Outsourced World Cohen, StevenBusiness2008Go to website
310ebraryResearch in Accounting in Emerging Economies, Volume 8 Tsamenyi, MatthewBusiness2008Go to website
311springerRadiation Oncology: A Physicist's-Eye View Michael Goitein.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
312springerRadiation Oncology Advances S?ren M. Bentzen, Paul M. Harari, Wolfgang A. Tomé, Minesh P. Mehta.Medicine2008Go to website
313springerRobotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping Margaret E. Jefferies, Wai-Kiang Yeap.Engineering2008Go to website
314springerReal-world Applications of Semantic Web Technology and Ontologies Jorge Cardoso, Martin Hepp, Miltiadis D. Lytras.Computer Science2008Go to website
315springerRapid Prototyping of Digital Systems James O. Hamblen, Tyson S. Hall, Michael D. Furman.Engineering2008Go to website
316springerRigid Body Dynamics Algorithms Roy Featherstone.Computer Science2008Go to website
317springerRepresentation Theory and Automorphic Forms Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Wilfried Schmid, Jae-Hyun Yang.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
318springerRecent Advances in Adsorption Processes for Environmental Protection and Security José Paulo Mota, Svetlana Lyubchik.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
319springerReverse Engineering Vinesh Raja, Kiran J. Fernandes.Engineering2008Go to website
320springerResources, Co-Evolution and Artifacts Mark S. Ackerman, Christine A. Halverson, Thomas Erickson, Wendy A. Kellogg.Computer Science2008Go to website
321springerRural Analysis and Management Francisco J. Tapiador.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
322springerRobust Signal Processing for Wireless Communications Frank A. Dietrich.Engineering2008Go to website
323springerRe-Igniting the Sun and Avoiding Other Global Catastrophes Martin Beech.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
324springerRare Hematological Malignancies Stephen M. Ansell.Medicine2008Go to website
325springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology David M. Whitacre.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
326springerResource Allocation In Multiuser Multicarrier Wireless Systems Ian Wong, Brian Evans.Engineering2008Go to website
327springerRethinking Inclusive Education Julie Allan.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
328springerRetrotransposition, Diversity and the Brain Fred H. Gage, Yves Christen.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
329springerRecombination and Meiosis Richard Egel, Dirk-Henner Lankenau.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
330springerRecent Advances in Retinal Degeneration Robert E. Anderson, Matthew M. La Vail, Joe G. Hollyfield.Medicine2008Go to website
331springerResource Ecology Herbert H.T. Prins, Frank van Langevelde.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
332springerResearch and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIV Max Bramer, Frans Coenen, Miltos Petridis.Computer Science2008Go to website
333springerRecent Advances in Learning and Control Vincent D. Blondel, Stephen P. Boyd, Hidenori Kimura.Engineering2008Go to website
334springerRadiological Imaging of the Digestive Tract in Infants and Children Annick S. Devos, Johan G. Blickman.Medicine2008Go to website
335springerRequirements Management Colin Hood, Simon Wiedemann, Stefan Fichtinger, Urte Pautz.Computer Science2008Go to website
336springerRational Algebraic Curves J. Rafael Sendra, Franz Winkler, Sonia Pérez-D?az.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
337springerRugged Free Energy Landscapes Wolfhard Janke.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
338springerRecent Progress in Robotics: Viable Robotic Service to Human Sukhan Lee, Il Hong Suh, Mun Sang Kim.Engineering2008Go to website
339springerReminiscences of a Statistician E. L. Lehmann.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
340springerReligion and Family Links Donald Swenson.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
341springerResearch and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II Volume 1 Li D. Xu, A. Min Tjoa, Sohail S. Chaudhry.Computer Science2008Go to website
342springerResearch and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II Li D. Xu, A. Min Tjoa, Sohail S. Chaudhry.Computer Science2008Go to website
343springerRobustness and Usability in Modern Design Flows G?rschwin Fey, Rolf Drechsler.Engineering2008Go to website
344springerRadiology of the Stomach and Duodenum Alan H. Freeman, Evis Sala.Medicine2008Go to website
345springerRice Biology in the Genomics Era Hiro-Yuki Hirano, Yoshio Sano, Atsushi Hirai, Takuji Sasaki.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
346springerRNA Interference Patrick J. Paddison, Peter K. Vogt.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
347springerRule Extraction from Support Vector Machines Joachim Diederich.Engineering2008Go to website
348springerRobotic Exploration and Landmark Determination K. Sridharan, Panakala Rajesh Kumar.Engineering2008Go to website
349springerRobot Navigation from Nature Michael John Milford.Engineering2008Go to website
350springerRecent Advances in Matrix and Operator Theory Joseph A. Ball, Yuli Eidelman, J. William Helton, Vadim Olshevsky, James Rovnyak.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
351springerRailway Development Frank Bruinsma, Eric Pels, Piet Rietveld, Hugo Priemus, Bert Wee.Business and Economics2008Go to website
352springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology David M. Whitacre.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
353springerRecent Advances in Palaeodemography Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
354springerRetinal and Choroidal Angiogenesis J.S. Penn.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
355springerRF Imperfections in High-rate Wireless Systems Tim Schenk.Engineering2008Go to website
356springerReoperative Pediatric Surgery Steven Teich, Donna A. Caniano.Medicine2008Go to website
357springerRNA Editing H. Ulrich G?ringer.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
358springerRadio Wave Propagation John A. Richards.Engineering2008Go to website
359springerRoad Pricing, the Economy and the Environment Chris Jensen-Butler, Birgitte Sloth, Morten Marott Larsen, Bjarne Madsen, Otto Anker Nielsen.Business and Economics2008Go to website
360springerRightshore! Wolfgang Messner, Anja Hendel, Frank Thun.Computer Science2008Go to website
361springerRESPACE ? Key Technologies for Reusable Space Systems Ali Gülhan.Engineering2008Go to website
362springerRobot Vision Gerald Sommer, Reinhard Klette.Computer Science2008Go to website
363springerRisk Prevention in Ophthalmology Marvin F. Kraushar.Medicine2008Go to website
364springerRace, Ethnicity and Education in Globalised Times Ruth Arber.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
365springerRecent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue Laila Dybkj?r, Wolfgang Minker.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
366springerReanalysis of Structures Uri Kirsch.Engineering2008Go to website
367springerRisks in Modern Society Hans-Jürgen Bischoff.Engineering2008Go to website
368springerRobotic Urologic Surgery Jeffrey A. Stock, Michael P. Esposito, Vincent J. Lanteri, David M. Albala.Medicine2008Go to website
369springerRecovery, Analysis, and Identification of Commingled Human Remains Bradley J. Adams, John E. Byrd.Medicine2008Go to website
370springerRapid ECG Interpretation M. Gabriel Khan.Medicine2008Go to website
371springerRadiology for Surgeons in Clinical Practice Evis Sala, David J. Lomas, Alan H. Freeman, Helmut Ringl.Medicine2008Go to website
372springerRisk Assessment, Modeling and Decision Support Ann Bostrom, Steven French, Sara Gottlieb.Business and Economics2008Go to website
373springerRepresentation Theory and Complex Analysis Enrico Casadio Tarabusi, Andrea D'Agnolo, Massimo Picardello.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
374springerRespiratory System and Artificial Ventilation Umberto Lucangelo, Paolo Pelosi, Walter A. Zin, Andrea Aliverti.Medicine2008Go to website
375springerRemote Sensing of the European Seas Vittorio Barale, Martin Gade.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
376springerRural Retirement Migration David L. Brown, Nina Glasgow, Laszlo J. Kulcsar, Benjamin C. Bolender, Marie-Joy Arguillas.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
377springerRadiology of Osteoporosis Stephan Grampp.Medicine2008Go to website
378springerRobotic Urology Hubert John, Peter Wiklund.Medicine2008Go to website
379springerRational, Robust, and Secure Negotiations in Multi-Agent Systems Takayuki Ito, Hiromitsu Hattori, Minjie Zhang, Tokuro Matsuo.Engineering2008Go to website
380springerRFID in Manufacturing Oliver P. Günther, Wolfhard Kletti, Uwe Kubach.Business and Economics2008Go to website
381springerRadiological Reporting in Clinical Practice Francesco Schiavon, Fabio Grigenti.Medicine2008Go to website
382springerRectal Prolapse Donato F. Altomare, Filippo Pucciani.Medicine2008Go to website
383springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology David M. Whitacre.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
384springerRegionalization of Watersheds A. Ramachandra Rao, V.V. Srinivas.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
385springerReliability in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering Bernd Bertsche.Engineering2008Go to website
386springerRationale-Based Software Engineering Janet E. Burge, John M. Carroll, Raymond McCall, Ivan Mistrik.Computer Science2008Go to website
387springerResearch in Computational Molecular Biology Martin Vingron, Limsoon Wong.Computer Science2008Go to website
388springerRelations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science Rudolf Berghammer, Bernhard M?ller, Georg StruthComputer Science2008Go to website
389springerRFID Security and Privacy Dirk Henrici.Engineering2008Go to website
390springerRethinking Scientific Change and Theory Comparison Léna Soler, Howard Sankey, Paul Hoyningen-Huene.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
391springerRadiation Induced Molecular Phenomena in Nucleic Acids Manoj K. Shukla, Jerzy Leszczynski.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
392springerRecent Advances in Reliability and Quality in Design Hoang Pham.Engineering2008Go to website
393springerReviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology Susan G. Amara.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
394springerRetrial Queueing Systems Jes?s R. Artalejo, Antonio G?mez-Corral.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
395springerRough Sets and Knowledge Technology Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse, Duoqian Miao, Andrzej Skowron, Yiyu Yao.Computer Science2008Go to website
396springerReelin Glycoprotein S. Hossein Fatemi.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
397springerRegulation of Gene Expression in the Tumor Environment Menashe Bar-Eli.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
398springerResilience of Cities to Terrorist and other Threats Hans J. Pasman, Igor A. Kirillov.Architecture and Design2008Go to website
399springerReliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2008 Fabrice Kordon, Tullio Vardanega.Computer Science2008Go to website
400springerRequirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality Barbara Paech, Colette Rolland.Computer Science2008Go to website
401springerReactive Sputter Deposition Diederik Depla, Stijn Mahieu.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
402springerRiemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis Jürgen Jost.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
403springerRaman and SERS Investigations of Pharmaceuticals Monica Baia, Simion Astilean, Traian Iliescu.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
404springerRecognition of Anions Ram?n Vilar.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
405springerReform Options for the EU Own Resources System Friedrich Heinemann, Philipp Mohl, Steffen Osterloh.Business and Economics2008Go to website
406springerRetargetable Processor System Integration into Multi-Processor System-on-Chip Platforms Andreas Wieferink, Heinrich Meyr, Rainer Leupers.Engineering2008Go to website
407springerRenal Cell Cancer Jean J.M.C.H. de la Rosette, Cora N. Sternberg, Hein P.A. van Poppel.Medicine2008Go to website
408springerRoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI Jaime G. Carbonell, J\"org Siekmann, Ubbo Visser, Fernando Ribeiro, Takeshi Ohashi, Frank Dellaert."Computer Science2008Go to website
409springerRecombination and Meiosis Richard Egel, Dirk-Henner Lankenau.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
410springerRéarrangement Relatif Jean-Michel Rakotoson.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
411springerResilient Networks and Services ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
412springerRewriting Techniques and Applications ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
413springerReviews of Plasma Physics Vitalii Dmitrievich Shafranov, Oleg G. Bakunin, Maria Aksentieva, Vitalii D. Shafranov.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
414springerReflections on the Teaching of Programming ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
415springerRelativistic Collisions of Structured Atomic Particles Alexander Voitkiv, Joachim Ullrich.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
416springerRNA Technologies in Cardiovascular Medicine and Research Volker A. Erdmann, Wolfgang Poller, Jan Barciszewski.Biomedical and Life Sciences2008Go to website
417springerRemote Sensing and GIS Technologies for Monitoring and Prediction of Disasters R. Allan, U. F?rstner, W. Salomons, Shailesh Nayak, Sisi Zlatanova.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
418springerRecent Advances in Linear Models and Related Areas Shalabh, Christian Heumann.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
419springerRotator Cuff Surgery Jeffrey S. Abrams, Robert H. Bell.Medicine2008Go to website
420springerReadings in Public Choice and Constitutional Political Economy Charles K. Rowley, Friedrich G. Schneider.Business and Economics2008Go to website
421springerRacism in the 21st Century Ronald E. Hall.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
422springerRepresentations, Wavelets, and Frames John J. Benedetto, Palle E. T. Jorgensen, Kathy D. Merrill, Judith A. Packer.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
423springerRadiologie interventionnelle des artères rénales Jean-Paul Beregi.Medicine2008Go to website
424springerRegulated Systems for Multiphase Catalysis Walter Leitner, Markus H?lscher.Chemistry and Materials Science2008Go to website
425springerReconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
426springerRevision Sinus Surgery Stilianos Kountakis, Joseph Jacobs, Jan Gosepath.Medicine2008Go to website
427springerReliable Implementation of Real Number Algorithms: Theory and Practice ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
428springerRegional Analysis and Policy Harry Coccossis, Yannis Psycharis.Business and Economics2008Go to website
429springerRevenue Management and Survival Analysis in the Automobile Industry André Jerenz.Business and Economics2008Go to website
430springerRussian Models from the Mechanisms Collection of Bauman University Marco Ceccarelli.Engineering2008Go to website
431springerRadio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies Frank Ellinger.Engineering2008Go to website
432springerRecent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization Janusz Kacprzyk, Carlos Cotta, Jano Hemert.Engineering2008Go to website
433springerRehabilitation in the dynamic stabilization of the lumbosacral spine Giuseppe Calvosa, Gilles Dubois.Medicine2008Go to website
434springerRegional Climate Studies of China H.-J. Bolle, M. Menenti, I. Rasool, Congbin Fu, Zhihong Jiang, Zhaoyong Guan, Jinhai He, Zhongfeng Xu.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
435springerReference Data on Atomic Physics and Atomic Processes G. W. F. Drake, G. Ecker, H. Kleinpoppen, W. E. Baylis, Uwe Becker, Philip G. Burke, R. N. Compton, M. R. Flannery, C. J. Joachain, B. R. Judd, K. P. Kirby, P. Lambropoulos, G. Leuchs, P. Meystre.Physics and Astronomy2008Go to website
436springerRational Choice and Social Welfare M. Salles, P. K. Pattanaik, K. Suzumura, Prasanta K. Pattanaik, Koichi Tadenuma, Yongsheng Xu, Naoki Yoshihara.Business and Economics2008Go to website
437springerReasoning Web ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
438springerRecent Advances in Intrusion Detection ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
439springerRecent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
440springerResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
441springerRisk Management in Stochastic Integer Programming Frederike Neise.Mathematics and Statistics2008Go to website
442springerRobotica Mobile Carlo Ghezzi, Paolo Ancilotti, Carlo Batini, Stefano Ceri, Antonio Corradi, Alberto Bimbo, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Ugo Montanari, Paolo Prinetto, Ulrich Nehmzow.Computer Science2008Go to website
443springerRescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin Viktor Lagutov.Earth and Environmental Science2008Go to website
444springerRNA-Protein Interaction Protocols Jai Raman.Medicine2008Go to website
445springerRadiology Education Rethy K. Chhem, Kathryn M. Hibbert, Teresa Deven.Medicine2008Go to website
446springerResearch in Cryptology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
447springerRough Sets and Current Trends in Computing Jaime G. Carbonell, J?rg Siekmann, Chien-Chung Chan, Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse, Wojciech P. Ziarko.Computer Science2008Go to website
448springerRuntime Verification ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
449springerRenaissance Scepticisms Gianni Paganini, José R. Maia Neto.Humanities, Social Science and Law2008Go to website
450springerRadiation Oncology L. W. Brady, H. -P. Heilmann, M. Molls, C. Nieder, Jiade J. Lu, Luther W. Brady.Medicine2008Go to website
451springerRule Representation, Interchange and Reasoning on the Web ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Computer Science2008Go to website
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556ebraryRhetoric Culture and Social Critique : Inside the Teaching Machine : Rhetoric and the Globalization of the U. S. Public Research University Chaput, CatherineEducation2008Go to website
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578ebraryRescue of Joshua Glover : A Fugitive Slave, the Constitution, and the Coming of the Civil War Baker, H. RobertInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
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582ebraryRedefining Judaism in an Age of Emancipation : Comparative Perspectives on Samuel Holdheim, 1806-1860 Wiese, ChristianInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
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584ebraryRegulating the Night : Race, Culture and Exclusion in the Making of the Night-Time Economy Talbot, DeborahInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
585ebraryReligion and American Culture : To Save My Race from Abuse : The Life of Samuel Robert Cassius Robinson, Edward J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
586ebraryReframing Dutch Culture : Between Otherness and Authenticity Margry, Peter JanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
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588ebraryRights of God : Islam, Human Rights, and Comparative Ethics Oh, IreneInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2007Go to website
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590ebraryRescue of Joshua Glover : A Fugitive Slave, the Constitution, and the Coming of the Civil War Baker, H. RobertLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
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595ebraryRecruitment and Retention : Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department Rostker, BernardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
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597ebraryReducing Reoffending : Social Work and Community Justice in Scotland McNeill, FergusLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
598ebraryREACH 2007 Smithers RapraLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
599ebraryRisk Regulation and Administrative Constitutionalism Fisher, Elizabeth C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
600ebraryRegulating Older Drivers : Are New Policies Needed? Loughran, David S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2007Go to website
601ebraryReligion, Culture and Politics in Iran : From the Qajars to Khomeini De Groot, JoannaSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
602ebraryRoma Diplomacy Nicolae, ValeriuSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
603ebraryRadicalism in the South since Reconstruction Smethurst, JamesSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
604ebraryResearch in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 18 Piedmont, Ralph L.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
605ebraryReligion and the Social Order, Volume 13 : American Sociology of Religion : Histories Blasi, Anthony J.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
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607ebraryRisk Assessment as a Basis for the Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophies Apostol, I.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
608ebraryReclaiming the Media : Communication Rights and Democratic Media Roles Cammaerts, BartSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
609ebraryResearch in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 17 Piedmont, Ralph L.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
610ebraryRevitalising Communities in a Globalising World Dominelli, LenaSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
611ebraryRepresenting Youth : Methodological Issues in Critical Youth Studies Best, Amy L.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
612ebraryReligious Interests in Community Conflict : Beyond the Culture Wars Djupe, Paul A.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
613ebraryRegulating the Night : Race, Culture and Exclusion in the Making of the Night-Time Economy Talbot, DeborahSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
614ebraryReligion and American Culture : To Save My Race from Abuse : The Life of Samuel Robert Cassius Robinson, Edward J.Sociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
615ebraryRise and Shine Carter, SimonSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
616ebraryRestorative Justice : How it Works Liebmann, MarianSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
617ebraryReason to Believe : Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism Smilde, DavidSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
618ebraryReframing Dutch Culture : Between Otherness and Authenticity Margry, Peter JanSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
619ebraryRethinking Expertise Collins, HarrySociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
620ebraryRights of God : Islam, Human Rights, and Comparative Ethics Oh, IreneSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
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622ebraryRestaurants Book Beriss, DavidSociology & Anthropology2007Go to website
623ebraryRethinking Islamism : The Ideology of the New Terror Desai, MeghnadReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
624ebraryReligion, Culture and Politics in Iran : From the Qajars to Khomeini De Groot, JoannaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
625ebraryReligious Experience and the New Woman : The Life of Lily Dougall Dean, Joanna E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
626ebraryRepublic of Mind and Spirit : A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion Albanese, Catherine L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
627ebraryReligion and the Social Order, Volume 13 : American Sociology of Religion : Histories Blasi, Anthony J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
628ebraryReading Other-Wise : Socially Engaged Biblical Scholars Reading with Their Local Communities West, Gerald O.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
629ebraryReligion and the Social Order, Volume 14 : Vocation and Social Context Giordan, GiuseppeReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
630ebraryReligion and Social Justice for Immigrants Hondagneu-Sotelo, PierretteReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
631ebraryResearch in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 17 Piedmont, Ralph L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
632ebraryRedefining Judaism in an Age of Emancipation : Comparative Perspectives on Samuel Holdheim, 1806-1860 Wiese, ChristianReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
633ebraryReliable Reasoning : Induction and Statistical Learning Theory Harman, GilbertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
634ebraryRoman Woodworking Ulrich, Roger BradleyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
635ebraryReligious Interests in Community Conflict : Beyond the Culture Wars Djupe, Paul A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
636ebraryRhetoric of Sir Garfield Todd : Christian Imagination and the Dream of an African Democracy Casey, Michael W.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
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638ebraryReligion, Politics, and Sugar : The LDS Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907-1921 Godfrey, Matthew C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
639ebraryReligion and American Culture : To Save My Race from Abuse : The Life of Samuel Robert Cassius Robinson, Edward J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
640ebraryReligion and the American Presidency Rozell, Mark J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
641ebraryRedeeming Beauty : Soundings in Sacral Aesthetics Nichols, AidanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
642ebraryRuling Peacefully : Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga and Patrician Reform in Sixteenth-Century Italy Murphy, Paul V.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
643ebraryRestoring Christ's Church : John a Lasco and the Forma ac Ratio Springer, Michael S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
644ebraryRuskin and Social Reform : Ethics and Economics in the Victorian Age Cockram, GillReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
645ebraryReligious Tourism and Pilgrimage Festivals Management : An International Perspective Raj, RazaqReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
646ebraryReligion and Ethics Galbraith, Craig S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
647ebraryReason to Believe : Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism Smilde, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
648ebraryRethinking Expertise Collins, HarryReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
649ebraryRights of God : Islam, Human Rights, and Comparative Ethics Oh, IreneReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
650ebraryRomancing the Difference : Kenneth Burke, Bob Jones University, and the Rhetoric of Religious Fundamentalism Lewis, Camille K.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
651ebraryReading in the Wilderness : Private Devotion and Public Performance in Late Medieval England Brantley, JessicaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2007Go to website
652ebraryReceptive Methods in Music Therapy : Techniques and Clinical Applications for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators and Students Grocke, DenisePsychology & Social Work2007Go to website
653ebraryReplays : Using Play to Enhance Emotional and Behavioral Development for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Levine, KarenPsychology & Social Work2007Go to website
654ebraryReminiscence Theatre : Making Theatre from Memories Schweitzer, PamPsychology & Social Work2007Go to website
655ebraryResearch Techniques for Clinical Social Workers Vonk, Elizabeth M.Psychology & Social Work2007Go to website
656ebraryReliable Reasoning : Induction and Statistical Learning Theory Harman, GilbertPsychology & Social Work2007Go to website
657ebraryRepresenting Youth : Methodological Issues in Critical Youth Studies Best, Amy L.Psychology & Social Work2007Go to website
658ebraryReducing Reoffending : Social Work and Community Justice in Scotland McNeill, FergusPsychology & Social Work2007Go to website
659ebraryReason to Believe : Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism Smilde, DavidPsychology & Social Work2007Go to website
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662ebraryReview of the U.S. Climate Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product 3.3, 'Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate' Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product 3.3Physical Sciences2007Go to website
663ebraryReview of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Draft Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.4 : Trends in Emissions of Ozone Depleting Substances, Ozone Layer Recovery, and Implications for Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Draft Synthesis and Assessment Product 2.4Physical Sciences2007Go to website
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690ebraryReproductive Biology and Phylogeny Birds, Part A Jamieson, Barrie J.M.Life Sciences2007Go to website
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709ebraryRepublic of Madagascar : First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and Request for Waiver and Modification of Performance Criteria : Staff Report, Staff Statement International Monetary FundBusiness2007Go to website
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732ebraryReducing Global Poverty : The Case for Asset Accumulation Moser, Caroline O. N.Business2007Go to website
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736ebraryRestoring Natural Capital : Science, Business, and Practice Aronson, JamesBusiness2007Go to website
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743ebraryRevisiting the Welfare State Page, Robert M.Business2007Go to website
744ebraryRenewable Electricity and the Grid : The Challenge of Variability Boyle, GodfreyBusiness2007Go to website
745ebraryRules and Restraint : Government Spending and the Design of Institutions Primo, David M.Business2007Go to website
746ebraryRussia's Capitalist Revolution : Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed ?slund, AndersBusiness2007Go to website
747ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Middle East and Central Asia (October 2007) UnspecifiedBusiness2007Go to website
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755springerReliability-based Structural Design Seung-Kyum Choi, Robert A. Canfield, Ramana V. Grandhi.Engineering2007Go to website
756springerRare Earth Oxide Thin Films Marco Fanciulli, Giovanna Scarel.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
757springerReviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 157 Susan G. Amara.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
758springerRemote Sensing of Sea Ice in the Northern Sea Route Ola M. Johannessen, Vitaly Yu. Alexandrov, Ivan Ye. Frolov, Stein Sandven, Lasse H. Pettersson, Leonid P. Bobylev, Kjell Kloster, Vladimir G. Smirnov, Yevgeny U. Mironov, Nikolay G. Babich.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
759springerRadiological English Ram?n Ribes, Pablo R. Ros.Medicine2007Go to website
760springerRigorous Quantum Field Theory Anne Boutet Monvel, Detlef Buchholz, Daniel Iagolnitzer, Ugo Moschella.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
761springerRoadmap of Scanning Probe Microscopy Seizo Morita.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
762springerReal and Complex Singularities Jean-Paul Brasselet, Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
763springerRegulation of Gene Expression in Plants Carole L. Bassett.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
764springerResidual Stress Measurement and the Slitting Method Weili Cheng, Iain Finnie.Engineering2007Go to website
765springerReal-Time Applications with Stochastic Task Execution Times Sorin Manolache, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng.Engineering2007Go to website
766springerReOrganisation Bengt Karl?f, Fredrik Helin L?vingsson.Business and Economics2007Go to website
767springerRegional Externalities Wim Heijman.Business and Economics2007Go to website
768springerRadio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies Frank Ellinger.Engineering2007Go to website
769springerReal Options and Investment Incentives Gunther Friedl.Business and Economics2007Go to website
770springerRouting Congestion in VLSI Circuits Prashant Saxena, Rupesh S. Shelar, Sachin S. Sapatnekar.Engineering2007Go to website
771springerRelativistic Quantum Theory of Atoms and Molecules I. P. Grant.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
772springerRepresentation and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems Alain Bensoussan, Giuseppe Prato, Michel C. Delfour, Sanjoy K. Mitter.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
773springerRisk Assessment and Risk Communication Strategies in Bioterrorism Preparedness Manfred S. Green, Jonathan Zenilman, Dani Cohen, Itay Wiser, Ran D. Balicer.Medicine2007Go to website
774springerRisk Management with Applications from the Offshore Petroleum Industry Terje Aven, Jan Erik Vinnem.Engineering2007Go to website
775springerRégression linéaire Pierre-André Cornillon, ?ric Matzner-L?ber.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
776springerRhythms in Plants Stefano Mancuso, Sergey Shabala.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
777springerReviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology S.G. Amara, E. Bamberg, B. Fleischmann et al.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
778springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology George W. Ware, David M. Whitacre, Francis A. Gunther.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
779springerRice Functional Genomics Narayana M. Upadhyaya.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
780springerRadiation Effects in Solids Kurt E. Sickafus, Eugene A. Kotomin, Blas P. Uberuaga.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
781springerRéapprendre à voir le monde Eran Dorfman.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
782springerRethinking Explanation JOHANNES PERSSON, PETRI YLIKOSKI.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
783springerRestructuring Eastern Germany Sebastian Lentz.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
784springerRobotics Research Sebastian Thrun, Rodney Brooks, Hugh Durrant-Whyte.Engineering2007Go to website
785springerRethinking Knowledge Management Claire R. McInerney, Ronald E. Day.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
786springerResearch in Computational Molecular Biology Terry Speed, Haiyan Huang.Computer Science2007Go to website
787springerRegulatory Mechanisms of Striated Muscle Contraction Setsuro Ebashi, Iwao Ohtsuki.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
788springerRemote Sensing in Archaeology James Wiseman, Farouk El-Baz.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
789springerReclaiming the Land Gregg P. Macey, Jonathan Z. Cannon.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
790springerRat Jugular Vein and Carotid Artery Catheterization for Acute Survival Studies Angela Heiser, John H.K. Liu.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
791springerReproductive Health and the Environment P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, L. Hens, C.V. Howard.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
792springerRadiation Effects on Embedded Systems RAOUL VELAZCO, PASCAL FOUILLAT, RICARDO REIS.Engineering2007Go to website
793springerReal Astronomy with Small Telescopes Michael K. Gainer.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
794springerReactive Flow, Diffusion and Transport Willi J?ger, Rolf Rannacher, Jürgen Warnatz.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
795springerRhinologic and Sleep Apnea Surgical Techniques Stilianos E. Kountakis, Metin ?nerci.Medicine2007Go to website
796springerRenewable Energy Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, Andreas Wiese.Engineering2007Go to website
797springerReliable Systems on Unreliable Networked Platforms Fabrice Kordon, Janos Sztipanovits.Computer Science2007Go to website
798springerReconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications Pedro C. Diniz, Eduardo Marques, Koen Bertels, Marcio Merino Fernandes, Jo?o M. P. Cardoso.Computer Science2007Go to website
799springerRapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques Nicolas Guelfi, Didier Buchs.Computer Science2007Go to website
800springerRecent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques José Luiz Fiadeiro, Pierre-Yves Schobbens.Computer Science2007Go to website
801springerRough Sets and Knowledge Technology JingTao YaoPawan Lingras, Wei-Zhi Wu, Marcin Szczuka et al.Computer Science2007Go to website
802springerRequirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality Pete Sawyer, Barbara Paech, Patrick Heymans.Computer Science2007Go to website
803springerRussian Planetary Exploration Brian Harvey.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
804springerRenewable Energy Cannot Sustain a Consumer Society Ted Trainer.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
805springerRediscovering Phenomenology Luciano Boi, Pierre Kerszberg, Frédéric Patras.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
806springerReal-Time Object Uniform Design Methodology with UML Bui Minh Duc.Engineering2007Go to website
807springerRobot Cognition and Navigation Srikanta Patnaik.Computer Science2007Go to website
808springerReal Estate Investments in Germany Michael Mütze, Thomas Senff, Jutta C. M?ller.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
809springerRuby on Rails for PHP and Java Developers Deepak Vohra.Computer Science2007Go to website
810springerReliable Software Technologies - Ada Europe 2007 Nabil Abdennahder, Fabrice KordonComputer Science2007Go to website
811springerRough Sets and Intelligent Systems Paradigms Marzena Kryszkiewicz, James F. Peters, Henryk Rybinski, Andrzej Skowron.Computer Science2007Go to website
812springerReference Modeling J?rg Becker, Patrick Delfmann.Business and Economics2007Go to website
813springerReal Options and Intellectual Property Philipp N. Baecker.Business and Economics2007Go to website
814springerRough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing Aijun An, Jerzy Stefanowski, Sheela Ramanna, Cory J. Butz, WitComputer Science2007Go to website
815springerRisk-Averse Capacity Control in Revenue Management Christiane Barz.Business and Economics2007Go to website
816springerRewriting, Computation and Proof Hubert Comon-Lundh, Claude Kirchner, Hélène Kirchner.Computer Science2007Go to website
817springerReligion in the Public Sphere: A Comparative Analysis of German, Israeli, American and International Law Winfried Brugger, Michael Karayanni.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
818springerRecent Advances in Constraints edited byComputer Science2007Go to website
819springerRecent Advances in Intrusion Detection Christopher Kruegel, Richard Lippmann, Andrew Clark.Computer Science2007Go to website
820springerReasoning Web Grigoris Antoniou, Uwe A?mann, Cristina Baroglio, Stefan Decker, Nicola Henze, Paula-Lavinia PatranjaComputer Science2007Go to website
821springerRegionalisation, Growth, and Economic Integration George M. Korres.Business and Economics2007Go to website
822springerRadiation Protection and Dosimetry Michael G. Stabin.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
823springerRecent Advances in Modeling and Simulation Tools for Communication Networks and Services A. Nejat Ince, Arnold Bragg.Computer Science2007Go to website
824springerResearching Design Learning Richard Kimbell, Kay Stables.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
825springerResource and Market Projections for Forest Policy Development Darius M. Adams, Richard W. Haynes.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
826springerRegional Climate Variability and its Impacts in The Mediterranean Area A. Mellouki, A. R. Ravishankara.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
827springerResponsibility and Dependable Systems Guy Dewsbury, John Dobson.Computer Science2007Go to website
828springerRhythm and Transforms William A. Sethares.Engineering2007Go to website
829springerRecurrent Hernia Volker Schumpelick, Robert J. Fitzgibbons.Medicine2007Go to website
830springerReliability Engineering Alessandro Birolini.Engineering2007Go to website
831springerRobotic Radiosurgery Harold C. Urschel, John J. Kresl, James D. Luketich, Lech Papiez, Robert D. Timmerman, Raymond A. Schulz.Medicine2007Go to website
832springerRevenue Management with Flexible Products Michael Müller-Bungart.Business and Economics2007Go to website
833springerRobotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation Tzyh-Jong Tarn, Shan-Ben Chen, Changjiu Zhou.Engineering2007Go to website
834springerReviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Susan G. Amara.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
835springerRecent Advances in Mechatronics Ryszard Jab?o?ski, Mateusz Turkowski, Roman Szewczyk.Engineering2007Go to website
836springerRoboCup 2006: Robot Soccer World Cup X Gerhard Lakemeyer, Elizabeth Sklar, Domenico G. Sorrenti, Tomoichi Takahashi.Computer Science2007Go to website
837springerResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries L?szl? Kov?cs, Norbert Fuhr, Carlo Meghini.Computer Science2007Go to website
838springerRecent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface Franck Cappello, Thomas Herault, JaComputer Science2007Go to website
839springerRelativity and the Dimensionality of the World Vesselin Petkov.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
840springerRegional Cancer Therapy Peter M. Schlag, Ulrike Stein, Alexander M. M. Eggermont.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
841springerRaven: Scripting Java? Builds with Ruby Matthieu Riou.Professional and Applied Computing2007Go to website
842springerRaisonnement conditionnel probabiliste et statistique bayésienne ?ric Parent, Jacques Bernier.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
843springerRelativistic Astrophysics Legacy and Cosmology ? Einstein?s B. Aschenbach et al.Physics and Astronomy2007Go to website
844springerReal-Time Mobile Multimedia Services Dilip Krishnaswamy, Tom Pfeifer, Danny RazComputer Science2007Go to website
845springerReports on Food Safety 2005 Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL)Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
846springerReasons for Frequent Failure in Mergers and Acquisitions Thomas Straub.Business and Economics2007Go to website
847springerRadioanalytical Chemistry Bernd Kahn.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
848springerRadioanalytical Chemistry Experiments Moses Attrep, Bernd Kahn.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
849springerReconstruction Designs of Lost Ancient Chinese Machinery Hong-Sen Yan.Engineering2007Go to website
850springerRetinal Degenerations Joyce Tombran-Tink, Colin J. Barnstable.Medicine2007Go to website
851springerRevision of loose femoral prostheses with a modular stem system basing on the "press-fit" principle Pierre Béguec, Hans-Peter Sieber.Medicine2007Go to website
852springerRetinal Vascular Disease Antonia M. Joussen, Thomas W. Gardner, Bernd Kirchhof, Stephen J. Ryan.Medicine2007Go to website
853springerRepeaters in the CDMA Cellular Network Joseph Shapira, Shmuel Y. Miller.Engineering2007Go to website
854springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology David M. Whitacre, George W. Ware, Herbert N. Nigg, Daniel R. Doerge, Lilia A. Albert, Pim Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D. P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, Raymond S. H. Yang, Francis A. Gunther.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
855springerRobotic Exploration of the Solar System Paolo Ulivi, David M. Harland.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
856springerRadiographic Atlas of Skull and Brain Anatomy Massimo Gallucci, Silvia Capoccia, Alessia Catalucci.Medicine2007Go to website
857springerRuntime Verification Oleg Sokolsky, Serdar Ta??ran.Computer Science2007Go to website
858springerRotating Hydraulics Larry J. Pratt, John A. Whitehead.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
859springerRadiation Dose from Adult and Pediatric Multidetector Computed Tomography Denis Tack, Pierre Alain Gevenois.Medicine2007Go to website
860springerRepresentations of Linear Groups Rolf Berndt.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
861springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology George W. Ware, David M. Whitacre, Francis A. Gunther, Lilia A. Albert, Pim Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D. P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, Raymond S. H. Yang.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
862springerRehabilitation and palliation of cancer patients Hermann Delbrück.Medicine2007Go to website
863springerRegulation of Gene Expression Gary H. Perdew, John P. Heuvel, Jeffrey M. Peters.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
864springerRobotic Urologic Surgery Vipul R. Patel.Medicine2007Go to website
865springerResearch Methods in Urban and Regional Planning Xinhao Wang, Rainer Hofe.Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
866springerRelaxin and Related Peptides Nathan Back, Irun R. Cohen, Abel Lajtha, John D. Lambris, Rodolfo Paoletti, Alexander I. Agoulnik.Medicine2007Go to website
867springerResearching Design Learning Dana Zeidler, Ken Tobin.Humanities, Social Science and Law2007Go to website
868springerRandom Fields and Geometry Robert J. Adler, Jonathan E. Taylor.Mathematics and Statistics2007Go to website
869springerRadiolaria Earth and Environmental Science2007Go to website
870springerReliable Face Recognition Methods Harry Wechsler.Computer Science2007Go to website
871springerRepresentation and Brain Shintaro Funahashi.Biomedical and Life Sciences2007Go to website
872springerRobot Motion and Control 2007 Manfred Morari, Manfred Thoma, Krzysztof Koz?owski.Engineering2007Go to website
873springerReliability, Life Testing and the Prediction of Service Lives by Sam C. Saunders.Computer Science2007Go to website
874springerRheology of Fluids and Semisolid Foods: Principles and Applications by M. Anandha Rao.Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
875springerRiegel's Handbook of Industrial Chemistry Chemistry and Materials Science2007Go to website
876ebraryReceptive Multilingualism : Linguistic Analyses, Language Policies, and Didactic Concepts Thije, Jan D. tenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
877ebraryRediscovered Writings of Rose Wilder Lane, Literary Journalist Lauters, Amy MattsonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
878ebraryRhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique : Rhetoric and the Republic : Politics, Civic Discourse, and Education in Early America Longaker, Mark GarrettLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
879ebraryRussia's Greatest Enemy? : Harold Williams and the Russian Revolutions Alston, CharlotteLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
880ebraryRevolution of the Heart : A Genealogy of Love in China, 1900-1950 Lee, HaiyanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
881ebraryReduced Parenthetical Clauses : A Corpus Study of Spoken French, Italian and Spanish Schneider, StefanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
882ebraryReunion Brown, FledaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
883ebraryReminiscence Theatre : Making Theatre from Memories Schweitzer, PamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
884ebraryRange of Light : Poems Brosman, Catharine SavageLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
885ebraryReading Bataille Now Winnubst, ShannonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2007Go to website
886ebraryResidue Number Systems : Theory and Implementation Omondi, AmosEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
887ebraryRenewable Electricity and the Grid : The Challenge of Variability Boyle, GodfreyEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
888ebraryRedesigning Animal Agriculture : The Challenge of the 21st Century Swain, David L.Engineering_Technology2007Go to website
889ebraryRoman Woodworking Ulrich, Roger BradleyEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
890ebraryRethinking Agriculture : Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives Denham, Timothy PEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
891ebraryRobot Brains : Circuits and Systems for Conscious Machines Haikonen, PenttiEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
892ebraryReview of the Space Communications Program of NASA's Space Operations Mission Directorate National Research Council (U.S.), Committee to Review NASA's Space Communications Program StaffEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
893ebraryReview of Chemical Agent Secondary Waste Disposal and Regulatory Requirements Committee on Review of Chemical Agent Secondary Waste Disposal and Regulatory RequirementsEngineering_Technology2007Go to website
894ebraryRevolt and Protest Zeilig, LeoHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
895ebraryRomance in the Ivory Tower : The Rights and Liberty of Conscience Abramson, Paul R.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
896ebraryRights of God : Islam, Human Rights, and Comparative Ethics Oh, IreneHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
897ebraryRussia's Capitalist Revolution : Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed ?slund, AndersHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
898ebraryRules and Restraint : Government Spending and the Design of Institutions Primo, David M.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
899ebraryRethinking Expertise Collins, HarryHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
900ebraryRevisiting the Welfare State Page, Robert M.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
901ebraryRevolutionaries to Race Leaders : Black Power and the Making of African American Politics Johnson, CedricHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
902ebraryReframing Dutch Culture : Between Otherness and Authenticity Margry, Peter JanHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
903ebraryRegulating Older Drivers : Are New Policies Needed? Loughran, David S.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
904ebraryRaising Hell for Justice : The Washington Battles of a Heartland Progressive Obey, David R.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
905ebraryRequiem or Revival? : The Promise of North American Integration Studer, IsabelHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
906ebraryRegional Nationalism in Spain : Language Use and Ethnic Identity in Galicia Beswick, JaineHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
907ebraryReinventing Jerusalem : Israel's Reconstruction of the Jewish Quarter After 1967 Ricca, SimoneHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
908ebraryReforming Intelligence : Obstacles to Democratic Control and Effectiveness Bruneau, Thomas C.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
909ebraryRace, Neighborhoods, and the Misuse of Social Capital Jennings, JamesHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
910ebraryRuskin and Social Reform : Ethics and Economics in the Victorian Age Cockram, GillHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
911ebraryRestoring Christ's Church : John a Lasco and the Forma ac Ratio Springer, Michael S.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
912ebraryRedefining William III : The Impact of the King-Stadholder in Its International Context Mijers, EstherHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
913ebraryReconfiguring American Political History : Big Vote : Gender, Consumer Culture, and the Politics of Exclusion, 1890s-1920s Gidlow, LietteHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
914ebraryRunning for Judge : The Rising Political, Financial, and Legal Stakes of Judicial Elections Streb, Matthew J.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
915ebraryRifke : Just a Few Steps from the Shtetl Wise Sharp, RosalieHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
916ebraryRuling Peacefully : Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga and Patrician Reform in Sixteenth-Century Italy Murphy, Paul V.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
917ebraryReligion and the American Presidency Rozell, Mark J.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
918ebraryRegulating the Night : Race, Culture and Exclusion in the Making of the Night-Time Economy Talbot, DeborahHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
919ebraryRealities of Representation : State Building in Early Modern Europe and European America Jansson, MaijaHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
920ebraryReligion, Politics, and Sugar : The LDS Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907-1921 Godfrey, Matthew C.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
921ebraryRecruitment and Retention : Lessons for the New Orleans Police Department Rostker, BernardHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
922ebraryRise and Fall of Communism in Russia Daniels, Robert VincentHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
923ebraryRhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique : Rhetoric and the Republic : Politics, Civic Discourse, and Education in Early America Longaker, Mark GarrettHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
924ebraryRhine Crossings 1945 Ford, KenHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
925ebraryRhetoric of Sir Garfield Todd : Christian Imagination and the Dream of an African Democracy Casey, Michael W.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
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927ebraryRevolution of the Heart : A Genealogy of Love in China, 1900-1950 Lee, HaiyanHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
928ebraryRegime Hegemony in Museveni's Uganda : Pax Musevenica Rubongoya, Joshua B.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
929ebraryRising Star : China's New Security Diplomacy Gill, BatesHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
930ebraryRoman Woodworking Ulrich, Roger BradleyHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
931ebraryRegime Change of Kwame Nkrumah : Epic Heroism in Africa and the Diaspora Rahman, AhmadHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
932ebraryRussian Colonial Society in Tashkent, 1865-1923 Sahadeo, JeffHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
933ebraryRedefining Judaism in an Age of Emancipation : Comparative Perspectives on Samuel Holdheim, 1806-1860 Wiese, ChristianHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
934ebraryRacial Logic of Politics : Asian Americans and Party Competition Kim, Thomas P.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
935ebraryReclaiming the Sky : 9/11 and the Untold Story of the Men and Women Who Kept America Flying Murphy, TomHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
936ebraryRevitalising Communities in a Globalising World Dominelli, LenaHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
937ebraryRevival of Private Enterprise in China Lin, ShuanglinHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
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940ebraryRadicalism in the South since Reconstruction Smethurst, JamesHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
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944ebraryRogue Regime : Kim Jong il and the Looming Threat of North Korea Becker, JasperHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
945ebraryRichard and John : Kings at War McLynn, FrankHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
946ebraryRussian Empire : Space, People, Power, 1700-1930 Burbank, JaneHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
947ebraryReconciliation Discourse : The Case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Verdoolaege, AnneliesHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
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949ebraryRepublic of Mind and Spirit : A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion Albanese, Catherine L.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
950ebraryRereading the Black Legend : The Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires Greer, Margaret R.History&Political Sciences2007Go to website
951ebraryRoma : A Minority in Europe Stauber, RoniHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
952ebraryRethinking Islamism : The Ideology of the New Terror Desai, MeghnadHistory&Political Sciences2007Go to website
953ebraryRoots of a Region : Southern Folk Culture Burrison, John A.Humanities2007Go to website
954ebraryReading 'CSI' : Television Under the Microscope Allen, MichaelHumanities2007Go to website
955ebraryRepresentation and Identity from Versailles to the Present Sikes, AlanHumanities2007Go to website
956ebraryRolling Stones: the Origin of the Species : How, Why and Where It All Began Clayson, AlanHumanities2007Go to website
957ebraryRadiohead: Welcome to the Machine : Ok Computer and the Death of the Classic Album Footman, TimHumanities2007Go to website
958ebraryRedeeming Beauty : Soundings in Sacral Aesthetics Nichols, AidanHumanities2007Go to website
959ebraryRagged but Right : Black Traveling Shows, 'Coon Songs,' and the Dark Pathway to Blues and Jazz Abbott, LynnHumanities2007Go to website
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962ebraryReligion and Film : An Introduction Wright, Melanie JHumanities2007Go to website
963ebraryRice Genetics V : Proceedings of the Fifth International Rice Genetics Symposium Brar, Darshan S.Humanities2007Go to website
964ebraryReview of Risk Mitigation Instruments for Infrastructure : Financing and Recent Trends and Development Matsukawa, TomokoEducation2007Go to website
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966ebraryRecruiting, Retaining, and Retraining Secondary School Teachers and Principals in Sub-Saharan Africa Mulkeen, AidanEducation2007Go to website
967ebraryRhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique : Rhetoric and the Republic : Politics, Civic Discourse, and Education in Early America Longaker, Mark GarrettEducation2007Go to website
968ebraryReflective Practice and Supervision for Coaches Hay, JulieEducation2007Go to website
969ebraryRules and Standards : The Second Book of Speaking Up : A Plain Text Guide to Advocacy John TufailEducation2007Go to website
970ebraryReading the Web : Strategies for Internet Inquiry Eagleton, Maya B.Education2007Go to website
971ebraryRethinking Single-Sex Teaching Ivinson, GabrielleEducation2007Go to website
972ebraryReading Network Fiction Ciccoricco, DavidComputer_IT2007Go to website
973ebraryRandomness and Complexity, from Leibniz to Chaitin Calude, Cristian S.Computer_IT2007Go to website
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975ebraryReliable Reasoning : Induction and Statistical Learning Theory Harman, GilbertComputer_IT2007Go to website
976ebraryResearch Agenda for Geographic Information Science at the United States Geological Survey Committee on Research Priorities for the USGS Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science, National Research CouncilComputer_IT2007Go to website
977ebraryReading the Web : Strategies for Internet Inquiry Eagleton, Maya B.Computer_IT2007Go to website
978ebraryRobot Brains : Circuits and Systems for Conscious Machines Haikonen, PenttiComputer_IT2007Go to website
979ebraryRole-Based Access Control (2nd Edition) Ferraiolo, David F.Computer_IT2007Go to website
980ebraryRuby By Example : Concepts and Code Baird, Kevin C.Computer_IT2007Go to website
981ebraryRace, Ethnicity, and the State in Malaysia and Singapore Kwen Fee, LianInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
982ebraryRepresenting Agrippina : Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire Ginsburg, JudithInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
983ebraryRace and Religion Among the Chosen Peoples of Crown Heights Goldschmidt, HenryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
984ebraryRefugees and Human Rights, Volume 11 : Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Refugee Law : The Protection of Iraqi Refugees Alborzi, M. R.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
985ebraryRediscovering the Traditions of Israel Knight, Douglas A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
986ebraryRacial Prejudice, Juror Empathy, and Sentencing in Death Penalty Cases Edelman, Bryan C.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
987ebraryRemoving Barriers : Women in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Bystydzienski, Jill M.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
988ebraryRabbi's Wife : The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life Schwartz, Shuly RubinInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
989ebraryRise and Fall of the Caucasian Race : A Political History of Racial Identity Baum, BruceInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
990ebraryRegal Theater and Black Culture Semmes, Clovis E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
991ebraryReliving Karbala : Martyrdom in South Asian Memory Hyder, Syed AkbarInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
992ebraryReworlding America : Myth, History, and Narrative Muthyala, JohnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
993ebraryRuptures of American Capital : Women of Color, Feminism and the Culture of Immigrant Labor Hong, Grace KyungwonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
994ebraryRace Matters : An International Legal Analysis of Race Discrimination Cotter, Anne-Marie MooneyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
995ebraryReworking Race : The Making of Hawaii's Interracial Labor Movement Jung, Moon-KieInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
996ebraryRewriting Modernity : Studies in Black South African Literary History Attwell, DavidInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
997ebraryRisky Pleasures? : Club Cultures and Feminine Identities Hutton, FionaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
998ebraryReader's Guide to the Novels of Louise Erdrich (Revised and Expanded Edition) Beidler, Peter G.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
999ebraryReparations : Pro and Con Brophy, Alfred L.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1000ebraryReading 'Desperate Housewives' : Beyond the White Picket Fence McCabe, JanetInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1001ebraryRace, Rights, and the Asian American Experience (Revised Edition) Ancheta, Angelo N.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1002ebraryRetheorizing Religion in Nepal Grieve, Gregory PriceInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1003ebraryReform and the Non-State Economy in China : The Political Economy of Liberalization Strategies Lai, Hongyi HarryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1004ebraryReading Early Modern Women's Writing Salzman, PaulInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1005ebraryRancheros in Chicagoacan : Language and Identity in a Transnational Community Farr, MarciaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2006Go to website
1006ebraryRe-thinking Socio-Economic Rights in an Insecure World Udombana, NsonguruaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1007ebraryReview of International Technologies for Destruction of Recovered Chemical Warfare Material Committee on Review and Evaluation of International Technologies for the Destruction of Non-Stockpile Chemical MaterielLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1008ebraryRelationship Rights of Children Dwyer, James G.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1009ebraryRefugees and Human Rights, Volume 11 : Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Refugee Law : The Protection of Iraqi Refugees Alborzi, M. R.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1010ebraryRacial Prejudice, Juror Empathy, and Sentencing in Death Penalty Cases Edelman, Bryan C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1011ebraryReference Guide to Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (2nd Edition) Schott, Paul AllanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1012ebraryRight to Housing : Foundation for a New Social Agenda Bratt, RachelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1013ebraryRevealing Whiteness : The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege Sullivan, ShannonLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1014ebraryRe-Presenting the Good Society Cooke, MaeveLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1015ebraryRace, Religion, and a Curriculum of Reparation : Teacher Education for a Multicultural Society Pinar, WilliamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1016ebraryRegulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management : A Comparative Study Salman, Salman M. A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1017ebraryReligion in Criminal Justice Miller, Monica K.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1018ebraryRoads to Glory : Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits Bobroff, Ronald P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1019ebraryRemembering War : The Great War Between Memory and History in the Twentieth Century Winter, JayLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1020ebraryReflexive Democracy : Political Equality and the Welfare State Olson, KevinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1021ebraryReligion and Law : An Introduction Edge, Peter W.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1022ebraryReading Iraq : Culture and Power in Conflict Al-Musawi, MuhsinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1023ebraryRace Matters : An International Legal Analysis of Race Discrimination Cotter, Anne-Marie MooneyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1024ebraryRights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge : Basic Issues and Perspectives Biber-Klemm, SusetteLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1025ebraryReallexikon der Germanischen Alterskunde Erg?nzung : Recht und Landschaft : Der Beitrag der Landschaftsrechte zum Verst?ndnis der Landwirtschafts- und Landschaftsentwicklung in D?nemark ca. 900-1250 Hoff, AnnetteLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1026ebraryRestructuring Retirement Risks Blitzstein, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1027ebraryReforming Collateral Laws to Expand Access to Finance Fleisig, HeywoodLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1028ebraryReflexions in the Flesh Crossley, NickLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1029ebraryReparations : Pro and Con Brophy, Alfred L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1030ebraryRights, Groups, and Self-Invention : Group-Differentiated Rights in Liberal Theory Mitnick, Eric J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1031ebraryRace, Rights, and the Asian American Experience (Revised Edition) Ancheta, Angelo N.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1032ebraryRetail Crime and Loss Prevention Guthrie, JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1033ebraryReflections on the Triangular Relations of Beijing-Taipei-Washington since 1995 : Status Quo at the Taiwan Straits? Hua, ShipingLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1034ebraryReform and the Non-State Economy in China : The Political Economy of Liberalization Strategies Lai, Hongyi HarryLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1035ebraryReforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries, Volume 2 : Quantifying the Impact of Multilateral Trade Reform McCalla, Alex F.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1036ebraryRe-Orienting the Fundamentals : Human Rights and New Connections in EU-Asia Relations Wiessala, GeorgLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1037ebraryRed and Blue Nation? Characteristics and Causes of America's Polarized Politics Nivola, Pietro S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2006Go to website
1038ebraryRenewing American Culture : The Pursuit of Happiness Malloch, Theodore R.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1039ebraryRace, Ethnicity, and the State in Malaysia and Singapore Kwen Fee, LianSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1040ebraryRepresenting Agrippina : Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire Ginsburg, JudithSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1041ebraryReal American Ethics : Taking Responsibility for Our Country Borgmann, AlbertSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1042ebraryRemote Sensing in Archaeology : An Explicitly North American Perspective Johnson, Jay K.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1043ebraryRiding with Strangers : A Hitchhiker's Journey Wald, ElijahSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1044ebraryRace and Religion Among the Chosen Peoples of Crown Heights Goldschmidt, HenrySociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1045ebraryRealist Philosophy of Social Science Manicas, PeterSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1046ebraryRopewalking and Safety Nets : Local Ways of Managing Insecurities in Indonesia Koning, JulietteSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1047ebraryReligious Pluralism in the Diaspora Kumar, P. PratapSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1048ebraryRediscovering the Traditions of Israel Knight, Douglas A.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1049ebraryRacial Prejudice, Juror Empathy, and Sentencing in Death Penalty Cases Edelman, Bryan C.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1050ebraryRural China : Economic and Social Change in the Late Twentieth Century Fan, JieSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1051ebraryRamsey : The Lives of an English Fenland Town, 1200-1600 Dewindt, Anne ReiberSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1052ebraryRoad Rage Garase, Maria L.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1053ebraryRise and Fall of the Caucasian Race : A Political History of Racial Identity Baum, BruceSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1054ebraryRevealing Whiteness : The Unconscious Habits of Racial Privilege Sullivan, ShannonSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1055ebraryRegal Theater and Black Culture Semmes, Clovis E.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1056ebraryRe-Presenting the Good Society Cooke, MaeveSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1057ebraryRuptures of American Capital : Women of Color, Feminism and the Culture of Immigrant Labor Hong, Grace KyungwonSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1058ebraryReflexive Democracy : Political Equality and the Welfare State Olson, KevinSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1059ebraryRefugee Children in the UK Rutter, JillSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1060ebraryResearch into Regeneration : Gaps in our Knowledge Base Diamond, JohnSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1061ebraryRa?lrsalinas and the Jail Machine : My Weapon Is My Pen Salinas, Ra?lSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1062ebraryReforming Early Retirement in the USA, Europe, and Japan Ebbinghaus, BernhardSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1063ebraryRite Out of Place : Ritual, Media, and the Arts Grimes, Ronald L.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1064ebraryRisky Pleasures? : Club Cultures and Feminine Identities Hutton, FionaSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1065ebraryReflexions in the Flesh Crossley, NickSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1066ebraryRights, Groups, and Self-Invention : Group-Differentiated Rights in Liberal Theory Mitnick, Eric J.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1067ebraryRadical Pedagogy : Identity, Generativity, and Social Transformation Bracher, MarkSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1068ebraryRace, Rights, and the Asian American Experience (Revised Edition) Ancheta, Angelo N.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1069ebraryRetheorizing Religion in Nepal Grieve, Gregory PriceSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1070ebraryRediscovering Empathy : Agency, Folk Psychology and the Human Sciences Stueber, Karsten R.Sociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1071ebraryRiotous Assemblies : Popular Protest in Hanoverian England Randall, AdrianSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1072ebraryRegional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union Adams, NeilSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1073ebraryReality of Social Groups Sheehy, PaulSociology & Anthropology2006Go to website
1074ebraryRichelieu Belloc, HilaireReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1075ebraryRational Theology in Interfaith Communication : Abu-I-Husayn al-Basri's Mu'tazili Theology among the Karaites in the Fatimid Age Madelung, WilferdReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1076ebraryReality of Apocalypse : Rhetoric and Politics in the Book of Revelation Barr, D.L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1077ebraryRepresenting Agrippina : Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire Ginsburg, JudithReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1078ebraryRepresentative Democracy : Principles and Genealogy Nadia UrbinatiReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1079ebraryReal American Ethics : Taking Responsibility for Our Country Borgmann, AlbertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1080ebraryReligious Foundations of Francis Bacon's Thought McKnight, Stephen A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1081ebraryRevelation of the Name YHWH to Moses : Perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman World, and Early Christianity van Kooten, George H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1082ebraryRennyo and the Roots of Modern Japanese Buddhism Blum, Mark LaurenceReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1083ebraryRage of Caliban : Nietzsche and Wilde Contra Modernity Mabille, LouiseReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1084ebraryReligion Without Ulterior Motive Van Der Borght, E.A.J.G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1085ebraryReformed Orthodoxy and Philosophy, 1625-1750 : Gisbertus Voetius, Petrus Van Mastricht, and Anthonius Driessen Goudriaan, AzaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1086ebraryRickert's Relevance : The Ontological Nature and Epistemological Functions of Values Zijderveld, Anton C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1087ebraryRoman Collegia : The Modern Evolution of an Ancient Concept Perry, Jonathan ScottReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1088ebraryReading Michael Psellos Barber, CharlesReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1089ebraryReligious Pluralism in the Diaspora Kumar, P. PratapReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1090ebraryReforming Priests and Parishes : Tuscan Dioceses in the First Century of Seminary Education Comerford, Kathleen M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1091ebraryReligion, Identity and Politics in Northern Ireland : Boundaries of Belonging and Belief Mitchell, ClaireReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1092ebraryRethinking Augustine's Early Theology : An Argument for Continuity Harrison, CarolReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1093ebraryRabbi's Wife : The Rebbetzin in American Jewish Life Schwartz, Shuly RubinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1094ebraryReligious Identities in Henry VIII's England Marshall, PeterReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1095ebraryRomancing God : Evangelical Women and Inspirational Fiction Neal, Lynn S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1096ebraryRealist Hope : A Critique of Anti-Realist Approaches to Philosophical Theology Insole, Christopher J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1097ebraryRousseau's Theory of Freedom Simpson, MatthewReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1098ebraryRevelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden Morris, BridgetReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1099ebraryRe-Presenting the Good Society Cooke, MaeveReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1100ebraryRace, Religion, and a Curriculum of Reparation : Teacher Education for a Multicultural Society Pinar, WilliamReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1101ebraryReliving Karbala : Martyrdom in South Asian Memory Hyder, Syed AkbarReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1102ebraryReligion in Criminal Justice Miller, Monica K.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1103ebraryReligion in the New Europe Michalski, KrzysztofReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1104ebraryReforming Liberalism : J. S. Mill's Use of Ancient, Christian, Liberal, and Romantic Moralities Devigne, RobertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1105ebraryReconciliation Nations and Churches in Latin America Maclean, Iian S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1106ebraryRussell's Theory of Perception Miah, SajahanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1107ebraryRollespil Sandvik, KjetilReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1108ebraryRebirth of the Clinic : An Introduction to Spirituality in Health Care Sulmasy, Daniel P.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1109ebraryRobert of Arbrissel : Sex, Sin, and Salvation in the Middle Ages Dalarun, JacquesReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1110ebraryReject Aeneas : Selected Letters of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini (Pope Pius II), 1405-1464 Pius II, PopeReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1111ebraryReligion and Law : An Introduction Edge, Peter W.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1112ebraryRelativism in Contemporary American Philosophy Mosteller, TimothyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1113ebraryRethinking Mill's Ethics : Character and Aesthetic Education Heydt, ColinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1114ebraryRole of Islam in the Public Square : Guidance or Governance? Sachedina, AbdulazizReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1115ebraryRituals and Myths of the Feast of the Goodly Gods of KTU/CAT 1.23 : Royal Constructions of Opposition, Intersection, Integration, and Domination Smith, Mark S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1116ebraryReligion of Reality : Inquiry into the Self, Art, and Reality Maleuvre, DidierReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1117ebraryRise and Fall of Soul and Self : An Intellectual History of Personal Identity Martin, RaymondReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1118ebraryReasons and the Good Crisp, RogerReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1119ebraryRecycled Bible : Autobiography, Culture, and the Space Between Black, Fiona C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1120ebraryResurrection and the Restoration of Israel : The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life Levenson, Jon DouglasReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1121ebraryRousseau and the Ethics of Virtue Delaney, JamesReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1122ebraryRisk Management Krause, AndreasReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1123ebraryReader in Pentecostal Theology : Voices from the First Generation Jacobsen, Douglas G.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1124ebraryRenewing Pastoral Practice : Trinitarian Perspectives on Pastoral Care and Counselling Pembroke, NeilReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1125ebraryReformation of Islamic Thought : A Critical Historical Analysis Zayd, Nasr AbuReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1126ebraryRomanticism and Religion from William Cowper to Wallace Stevens Hopps, GavinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1127ebraryRationality and Logic Hanna, RobertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1128ebraryReality of God and the Problem of Evil Davies, BrianReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1129ebraryRawls (Oneworld Thinkers) Graham, PaulReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1130ebraryRetheorizing Religion in Nepal Grieve, Gregory PriceReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1131ebraryReflections on Aesthetic Judgment and Other Essays Tilghman, BenjaminReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1132ebraryResilience and the Virtue of Fortitude : Aquinas in Dialogue with the Psychosocial Sciences Titus, Craig StevenReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1133ebraryRadical Enactivism : Intentionality, Phenomenology and Narrative : Focus on the Philosophy of Daniel D. Hutto Menary, RichardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1134ebraryReligious Culture of the Huguenots, 1660-1750 Dunan-Page, AnneReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1135ebraryReligious Dimensions of Advertising Sheffield, TriciaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1136ebraryRelativism and the Foundations of Philosophy Hales, Steven D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2006Go to website
1137ebraryResolving Patient Ambivalence : A Five Session Motivational Interviewing Intervention Fields, AnnPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1138ebraryReaching the Vulnerable Child : Therapy with Traumatized Children Rymaszewska, JaniePsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1139ebraryRealizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome : A Parent's Guide to Student Success Palmer, AnnPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1140ebraryRebels with a Cause: Working with Adolescents Using Action Techniques Cossa, MarioPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1141ebraryRethinking Substance Abuse : What the Science Shows, and What We Should Do about It Miller, William R.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1142ebraryRoad Rage Garase, Maria L.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1143ebraryRecovery from the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster Shaw, RajibPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1144ebraryRussell's Theory of Perception Miah, SajahanPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1145ebraryRisky Pleasures? : Club Cultures and Feminine Identities Hutton, FionaPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1146ebraryRepublicanism, Religion, and the Soul of America Sandoz, EllisPsychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1147ebraryRediscovering Empathy : Agency, Folk Psychology and the Human Sciences Stueber, Karsten R.Psychology & Social Work2006Go to website
1148ebraryRiver Morphology Garde, R.J.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
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1150ebraryRiemannian Geometry : A Modern Introduction Chavel, IsaacPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1151ebraryRandom Walk, Sequential Analysis and Related Topics : A Festschrift in Honor of Yuan-Shih Chow Chao, Hsiung AgnesPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1152ebraryResponse Surface Methodology and Related Topics Khuri, André I.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1153ebraryRock Mechanics in Underground Construction : Proceedings of the 4th Asian and International Rock Mechanics Symposium 2006 Leung, C. F.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1154ebraryRoad to Scientific Success : Inspiring Life Stories of Prominent Researchers, Volume 1 Chung, Deborah D. L.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1155ebraryRecent Advances in Nonlinear Analysis Chipot, MichelPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1156ebraryRock from Mars : A True Detective Story on Two Planets Sawyer, KathyPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1157ebraryRob Milne : A Tribute to a Pioneering AI Scientist, Entrepreneur and Mountaineer Bundy, A.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1158ebraryRepeated Games and Reputations : Long-Run Relationships Mailath, George J.Physical Sciences2006Go to website
1159ebraryRandom Processes in Physics and Finance Lax , MelvinPhysical Sciences2006Go to website
1160ebraryReflective Practice : A Guide for Nurses and Midwives Taylor, BeverleyNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1161ebraryReproductive Health Indicators : Guidelines for their Generation, Interpretation and Analysis for Global Monitoring World Health OrganizationNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1162ebraryReview of the Worker and Public Health Activities Program Administered by the Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human Services National Research Council (U.S.), Committee to Review the Worker and Public Health Activities Program StaffNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1163ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures 2005 : Next Steps Toward Higher Quality Health Care Institute of MedicineNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1164ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures 2004 : Perspectives on the Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Children and Youth Institute of MedicineNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
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1166ebraryRapport sur la santé dans le monde 2006 : Travailler ensemble pour la santé World Health OrganizationNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
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1170ebraryRebuilding the Unity of Health and the Environment in Rural America : Workshop Summary Merchant, JamesNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
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1172ebraryRethinking Substance Abuse : What the Science Shows, and What We Should Do about It Miller, William R.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1173ebraryRebirth of the Clinic : An Introduction to Spirituality in Health Care Sulmasy, Daniel P.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1174ebraryRisky Trade : Infectious Disease in the Era of Global Trade Kimball, Ann MarieNursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1175ebraryRadiology Handbook : A Pocket Guide to Medical Imaging Benseler, J. S.Nursing & Allied Health2006Go to website
1176ebraryReproductive Health Indicators : Guidelines for their Generation, Interpretation and Analysis for Global Monitoring World Health OrganizationMedicine2006Go to website
1177ebraryReglamento Sanitario Internacional, 2005 World Health OrganizationMedicine2006Go to website
1178ebraryResolving Patient Ambivalence : A Five Session Motivational Interviewing Intervention Fields, AnnMedicine2006Go to website
1179ebraryRisky Relations : Family, Kinship and the New Genetics Featherstone, KatieMedicine2006Go to website
1180ebraryRisk Reduction Strategy for Human Exploration of Space : A Review of NASA's Bioastronautics Roadmap Longnecker, DavidMedicine2006Go to website
1181ebraryRespiratory Research, Volume 35 : Sleep Apnea : Current Diagnosis and Treatment Randerath, Winfried J.Medicine2006Go to website
1182ebraryRespiratory Research, Volume 34 : Cystic Fibrosis in the 21st Century Bush, AndrewMedicine2006Go to website
1183ebraryRethinking Substance Abuse : What the Science Shows, and What We Should Do about It Miller, William R.Medicine2006Go to website
1184ebraryRebirth of the Clinic : An Introduction to Spirituality in Health Care Sulmasy, Daniel P.Medicine2006Go to website
1185ebraryRisky Trade : Infectious Disease in the Era of Global Trade Kimball, Ann MarieMedicine2006Go to website
1186ebraryReproductive Health - The Missing Millennium Development Goal : Poverty, Health, and Development in a Changing World Campbell-White, ArletteMedicine2006Go to website
1187ebraryResearch into Spinal Deformities 5 Uyttendaele, D.Medicine2006Go to website
1188ebraryRadiology Handbook : A Pocket Guide to Medical Imaging Benseler, J. S.Medicine2006Go to website
1189ebraryRemote Cardiology Consultations Using Advanced Medical Technology Klapan, I.Medicine2006Go to website
1190ebraryReview of the Draft Research and Restoration Plan for Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (Western Alaska) Salmon Committee on Review of Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim (Western Alaska) Research and Restoration Plan for SalmonLife Sciences2006Go to website
1191ebraryResearching the Culture in Agri-Culture : Social Research for International Agricultural Development Cernea, M. M.Life Sciences2006Go to website
1192ebraryReview of Recreational Fisheries Survey Methods Committee on the Review of Recreational Fisheries Survey MethodsLife Sciences2006Go to website
1193ebraryReview of the Department of Energy's Genomics : GTL Program Committee on Review of the Department of Energy's GenomicsLife Sciences2006Go to website
1194ebraryRoad to Scientific Success : Inspiring Life Stories of Prominent Researchers, Volume 1 Chung, Deborah D. L.Life Sciences2006Go to website
1195ebraryReaping the Benefits of Genomic and Proteomic Research : Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and Public Health Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in Genomic and Protein Research and InnovationLife Sciences2006Go to website
1196ebraryReengaging in Agricultural Water Management : Challenges and Options World Bank StaffLife Sciences2006Go to website
1197ebraryRock from Mars : A True Detective Story on Two Planets Sawyer, KathyLife Sciences2006Go to website
1198ebraryReproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Annelida Rouse, GregLife Sciences2006Go to website
1199ebraryRecycling in Textiles Wang, Y.Life Sciences2006Go to website
1200ebraryReproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Gymnophonia : Caecilians Exbrayat, Jean-MarieLife Sciences2006Go to website
1201ebraryReconceiving the Gene : Seymour Benzer's Adventures in Phage Genetics Holmes, Frederic LawrenceLife Sciences2006Go to website
1202ebraryRole of the State and Individual in Sustainable Land Management Dixon-Gough, Robert W.Life Sciences2006Go to website
1203ebraryRights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge : Basic Issues and Perspectives Biber-Klemm, SusetteLife Sciences2006Go to website
1204ebraryRestoring the Pacific Northwest : The Art and Science of Ecological Restoration in Cascadia Apostol, DeanLife Sciences2006Go to website
1205ebraryRebalancing China's Economy : What Does Growth Theory Tell Us? Aziz, JahangirBusiness2006Go to website
1206ebraryRegulatory Lessons from the Crisis of Costa Rica's Mutual Fund Industry Carvajal, AnaBusiness2006Go to website
1207ebraryRise of Foreign Investment in China's Banks : Taking Stock Podpiera, RichardBusiness2006Go to website
1208ebraryRecent Dynamics of Crude Oil Prices Krichene, NoureddineBusiness2006Go to website
1209ebraryReview of Marketing Research, Volume 2 Malhotra, Naresh K.Business2006Go to website
1210ebraryRisks of Financial Institutions Carey, MarkBusiness2006Go to website
1211ebraryReturn on Learning : Training for High Performance at Accenture Vanthournout, DonaldBusiness2006Go to website
1212ebraryRenewable Energy Policy and Politics : A Handbook for Decision-Making Mallon, KarlBusiness2006Go to website
1213ebraryRecruiting, Interviewing, Selecting and Orienting New Employees (4th Edition) Arthur, DianeBusiness2006Go to website
1214ebraryReal Estate for Boomers and Beyond : Exploring the Costs, Choices, and Changes for Your Next Move Kelly, TomBusiness2006Go to website
1215ebraryRoadmap to Strategic HR : Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality Christensen, RalphBusiness2006Go to website
1216ebraryRisk and Uncertainty French, NickBusiness2006Go to website
1217ebraryRepublic of Tajikistan : Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Second Progress Report International Monetary FundBusiness2006Go to website
1218ebraryRepublic of Tajikistan : Joint Staff Advisory Note of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Second Progress Report International Monetary FundBusiness2006Go to website
1219ebraryRural Entrepreneurship : A Distinctive Field of Study Deakins, DavidBusiness2006Go to website
1220ebraryReference Guide to Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (2nd Edition) Schott, Paul AllanBusiness2006Go to website
1221ebraryReforming Regional-Local Finance in Russia Martinez-Vazquez, JorgeBusiness2006Go to website
1222ebraryRwanda Profile (2006/April) Walden Publishing LtdBusiness2006Go to website
1223ebraryReunion Profile (2006/April) Walden Publishing LtdBusiness2006Go to website
1224ebraryRomania Profile (2006/April) Walden Publishing LtdBusiness2006Go to website
1225ebraryReflections on Business-to-Business Marketing in the Twenty-First Century Zolkiewski, JudyBusiness2006Go to website
1226ebraryRelationship Theory and Business Markets Kleinaltenkamp, MichaelBusiness2006Go to website
1227ebraryRepopulation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina McCarthy, Kevin F.Business2006Go to website
1228ebraryRussia Profile (2006/April) Walden Publishing LtdBusiness2006Go to website
1229ebraryReforming the IMF for the 21st Century Truman, Edwin M.Business2006Go to website
1230ebraryReforming Liberalism : J. S. Mill's Use of Ancient, Christian, Liberal, and Romantic Moralities Devigne, RobertBusiness2006Go to website
1231ebraryReluctant Capitalists : Bookselling and the Culture of Consumption Miller, Laura J.Business2006Go to website
1232ebraryRole of Business in Public Diplomacy Goodman, MichaelBusiness2006Go to website
1233ebraryRegulatory Governance in Infrastructure Industries : Assessment and Measurement of Brazilian Regulators Correa, PauloBusiness2006Go to website
1234ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa - Fall 2006-Supplement UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1235ebraryRevisiting Waldo's Administrative State : Constancy and Change in Public Administration Rosenbloom, David H.Business2006Go to website
1236ebraryReducing Administrative Barriers to Investment : Lessons Learned Jacobs, ScotBusiness2006Go to website
1237ebraryRole of Tradition in Japan's Industrialization : Another Path to Industrialization Tanimoto, MasayukiBusiness2006Go to website
1238ebraryRisky Trade : Infectious Disease in the Era of Global Trade Kimball, Ann MarieBusiness2006Go to website
1239ebraryRelationship-Driven Supply Chain : Creating a Culture of Collaboration Throughout the Chain Emmett, StuartBusiness2006Go to website
1240ebraryRebuilding Housing along the Mississippi Coast : Ideas for Ensuring an Adequate Supply of Affordable Housing Bernstein, Mark A.Business2006Go to website
1241ebraryRole of Communication in Large Infrastructure : The Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone Mazzei, LeonardoBusiness2006Go to website
1242ebraryRole of the State and Individual in Sustainable Land Management Dixon-Gough, Robert W.Business2006Go to website
1243ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa (May 2006) UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1244ebraryReforming Early Retirement in the USA, Europe, and Japan Ebbinghaus, BernhardBusiness2006Go to website
1245ebraryReader in International Corporate Finance, Volume 1 Laeven, LucBusiness2006Go to website
1246ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa (May 2006) UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1247ebraryReader in International Corporate Finance, Volume 2 Laeven, LucBusiness2006Go to website
1248ebraryReforming the Investment Climate : Lessons for Practitioners Kikeri, SunitaBusiness2006Go to website
1249ebraryRestructuring Retirement Risks Blitzstein, DavidBusiness2006Go to website
1250ebraryReforming Collateral Laws to Expand Access to Finance Fleisig, HeywoodBusiness2006Go to website
1251ebraryResponsive Museum : Working with Audiences in the Twenty-First Century Lang, CarolineBusiness2006Go to website
1252ebraryReciprocity within organizations Sanders, KarinBusiness2006Go to website
1253ebraryRepeated Games and Reputations : Long-Run Relationships Mailath, George J.Business2006Go to website
1254ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa - Fall 2006-Supplement UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1255ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Asia and Pacific (September 2006) UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1256ebraryRomania : Untapped Intellectual and Spiritual Capital Ramey, Gerald W.Business2006Go to website
1257ebraryRetail Crime and Loss Prevention Guthrie, JohnBusiness2006Go to website
1258ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere (November 2006) UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1259ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere (November 2006) UnspecifiedBusiness2006Go to website
1260ebraryRegional Financial Cooperation Ocampo, José AntonioBusiness2006Go to website
1261ebraryReligious Dimensions of Advertising Sheffield, TriciaBusiness2006Go to website
1262ebraryReforming Payments and Securities Settlement Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean Cirasino, MassimoBusiness2006Go to website
1263springerRapid Prototyping Ali Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr.Engineering2006Go to website
1264springerReal and Complex Clifford Analysis Sha Huang, Yu Ying Qiao, Guo Chun Wen.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1265springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicol George W. Ware, Herbert N. Nigg, Daniel R. Doerge.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1266springerRelativistic Dynamics of a Charged Sphere Arthur Yaghjian.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1267springerRational Emotive Behavioral Approaches to Childhood Disorders Albert Ellis, Michael E. Bernard.Behavioral Science2006Go to website
1268springerRescuing the Enlightenment from Itself John P. Gigch, Janet McIntyre-Mills.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1269springerRapid Prototyping of Digital Systems James O. Hamblen, Tyson S. Hall, Michael D. Furman.Engineering2006Go to website
1270springerRobust Optimization-Directed Design Andrew J. Kurdila, Panos M. Pardalos, Michael Zabarankin.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1271springerResearch, Quality, Competitiveness Attilio Stajano.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1272springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicol Lilia A. Albert, Pim Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D. P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, David M. Whitacre, Raymond S. H. Yang, George W. Ware, Herbert N. Nigg, Daniel R. Doerge, Francis A. Gunther.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1273springerReliability and Six Sigma U Dinesh Kumar, John Crocker, T Chitra, Haritha Saranga.Engineering2006Go to website
1274springerReligious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law José Luis Mart?nez L?pez-Mu?iz, Jan Groof, Gracienne Lauwers.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1275springerRemote Sensing of Aquatic Coastal Ecosystem Processes LAURIE L. RICHARDSON, ELLSWORTH F. LeDREW.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1276springerResponsibility and Punishment J. Angelo Corlett.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1277springerRationality and Reality Colin Cheyne, John Worrall.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1278springerRevisiting Discovery and Justification JUTTA SCHICKORE, FRIEDRICH STEINLE.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1279springerReflections on the Problem of Consciousness Errol E. Harris.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1280springerRecent Advances in the Theory of Chemical and Physical Systems JEAN-PIERRE JULIEN, JEAN MARUANI, DIDIER MAYOU, STEPHEN WILSON, GERARDO DELGADO-BARRIO.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1281springerRadioionidation Reactions for Pharmaceuticals HEINZ H. COENEN, JOHN MERTENS, BERNARD MAZIE?RE.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1282springerRadiation and Environmental Safety in North-West Russia Per Strand, Malgorzata Sneve, Andrey Pechkurov.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1283springerRecordkeeping, Ethics and Law Livia Iacovino.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1284springerRadiation Toxicity: A Practical Guide William Small, Gayle E. Woloschak.Medicine2006Go to website
1285springerRobust Control of Time-delay Systems Qing-Chang Zhong.Engineering2006Go to website
1286springerRobot Motion and Control Krzysztof Kozlowski.Engineering2006Go to website
1287springerResearch in Interactive Design Xavier Fischer, Daniel Coutellier.Engineering2006Go to website
1288springerReconstruction de l'avant-pied Louis Samuel Barouk, Pierre Barouk.Medicine2006Go to website
1289springerRadiation Physics for Medical Physicists Ervin B. Podgor?ak.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1290springerRepresentations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms Franz Rothlauf.Engineering2006Go to website
1291springerRemote Sensing Digital Image Analysis John A. Richards, Xiuping Jia.Engineering2006Go to website
1292springerRule-Based Evolutionary Online Learning Systems Martin V. Butz.Engineering2006Go to website
1293springerRheology Essentials of Cosmetic and Food Emulsions Rüdiger Brummer.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1294springerReindeer Management in Northernmost Europe Bruce C. Forbes, Manfred B?lter, Ludger Müller-Wille, Janne Hukkinen, Felix Müller, Nicolas Gunslay, Yulian Konstantinov.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1295springerRNA Towards Medicine Volker Erdmann, Jan Barciszewski, Jürgen Brosius.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1296springerRecent Developments on Money and Finance Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Nicholas C. Yannelis, Gabriele Camera.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1297springerRecent Advances in Optimization Alberto Seeger.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1298springerRetailing in the 21st Century Manfred Krafft, Murali K. Mantrala.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1299springerRadiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer L. M. Portnoy.Medicine2006Go to website
1300springerRandom Times and Enlargements of Filtrations in a Brownian Setting Roger Mansuy, Marc Yor.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1301springerRationality and Equilibrium Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Rosa L. Matzkin, Daniel L. McFadden, James C. Moore, Nicholas C. Yannelis.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1302springerRedox Systems Under Nano-Space Control Toshikazu Hirao.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1303springerRegulatory Risk and the Cost of Capital Burkhard Pedell.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1304springerRecent Developments in Mercury Science David A. Atwood.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1305springerRadicals in Synthesis II Andreas Gans?uer.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1306springerRadicals in Synthesis I Andreas Gansaeuer.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1307springerRussian Contributions to Game Theory and Equilibrium Theory Theo S. H. Driessen, Gerard Laan, Valeri A. Vasil?ev, Elena B. Yanovskaya.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1308springerRecent Advances in Intrusion Detection (vol. # 3858) Alfonso Valdes, Diego Zamboni.Computer Science2006Go to website
1309springerRobust Control and Filtering of Singular Systems Shengyuan Xu, James Lam.Engineering2006Go to website
1310springerResearch in Computational Molecular Biology (vol. # 3909) Alberto ApostolicoConcettina Guerra, Sorin Istrail, PavComputer Science2006Go to website
1311springerRelational Methods in Computer Science Wendy MacCaull, Michael Winter, Ivo DüntschComputer Science2006Go to website
1312springerRapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques (vol. # 3943) Nicolas Guelfi, Anthony SaviComputer Science2006Go to website
1313springerRecent Advances in Constraints (vol. # 3978) Brahim Hnich, Mats Carlsson, Francois Fages et al.Computer Science2006Go to website
1314springerReuse of Off-the-Shelf Components Maurizio Morisio.Computer Science2006Go to website
1315springerReliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe 2006 Lu?s Miguel Pinho, Michael Gonz?lez HComputer Science2006Go to website
1316springerRoboCup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IX Ansgar Bredenfeld, Adam Jacoff, Itsuki Noda, Yasutake Takahashi.Computer Science2006Go to website
1317springerReconfigurable Computing: Architectures and Applications Koen Bertels, Jo?o M.P. Cardoso, Stamatis VasComputer Science2006Go to website
1318springerReconstructive Urethral Surgery F. Schreiter, G.H. Jordan.Medicine2006Go to website
1319springerRisk-sharing in the Pharmaceutical Industry Gerrit Reepmeyer.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1320springerRealising Systems Thinking: Knowledge and Action in Management Science John Mingers.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1321springerRestorative Therapies in Parkinson's Disease Patrik Brundin, C. Warren Olanow.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1322springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicol George W. Ware, Lilia A. Albert, Pim Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D. P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, David M. Whitacre, Raymond S. H. Yang, Francis A. Gunther.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1323springerReproduction and Fitness in Baboons: Behavioral, Ecological, and Life History Perspectives Larissa Swedell, Steven R. Leigh.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1324springerReligion, Politics and Thomas Hobbes George Wright.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1325springerRadar Interferometry Bert M. Kampes.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1326springerReflective Practice in Arts Education Pamela Burnard, Sarah Hennessy.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1327springerRigid Flexibility Pei Wang.Computer Science2006Go to website
1328springerReliability and Optimal Maintenance Hongzhou Wang, Hoang Pham.Engineering2006Go to website
1329springerReal Optimization with SAP® APO Josef Kallrath, Thomas I. Maindl.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1330springerRobust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters Francesco Amato.Engineering2006Go to website
1331springerReturn to Growth in CIS Countries L?cio Vinhas de Souza, Oleh Havrylyshyn.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1332springerReasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems Oliviero Stock, Marco Schaerf.Computer Science2006Go to website
1333springerReasoning Web (vol. # 4126) Pedro BarahonaFrançois Bry, Enrico Franconi, Nicola Henze et al.Computer Science2006Go to website
1334springerRecent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface (vol. # 4192) Bernd Mohr, Jesper LarssonComputer Science2006Go to website
1335springerRecent Advances in Intrusion Detection (vol. # 4219) Diego Zamboni, Christopher Kruegel.Computer Science2006Go to website
1336springerResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (vol. # 4172) Julio Gonzalo, Constantino Thanos, M. Felisa VerdejComputer Science2006Go to website
1337springerReviews and Protocols in DT40 Research Jean-Marie Buerstedde, Shunichi Takeda.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1338springerReligion and the Decline of Fertility in the Western World Renzo Derosas, Frans van Poppel.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1339springerRecent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications Zolt?n Esik, Carlos Mart?n-Vide, Victor Mitrana.Engineering2006Go to website
1340springerRegional Economic Development Robert J. Stimson, Roger R. Stough, Brian H. Roberts.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1341springerRealization Theory and Design of Digital Images Yasumichi Hasegawa, Tatsuo Suzuki.Engineering2006Go to website
1342springerRough Sets and Knowledge Technology Guoyin Wang, James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Yiju Yao.Computer Science2006Go to website
1343springerRelations and Kleene Algebra in Computer Science Renate A. SchmidtComputer Science2006Go to website
1344springerRefinement Techniques in Software Engineering Ana Cavalcanti, Augusto Sampaio,Computer Science2006Go to website
1345springerRiemannian Geometry Peter Petersen.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1346springerRadiation Detectors for Medical Applications Stefaan Tavernier, Alexander Gektin, Boris Grinyov, William W. Moses.Medicine2006Go to website
1347springerRF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications Patrick Reynaert, Michiel Steyaert.Engineering2006Go to website
1348springerReading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy Arkady Plotnitsky.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1349springerRunning IPv6 Iljitsch Beijnum.Professional and Applied Computing2006Go to website
1350springerReduced Order Systems Ali A. Jalali, Craig S. Sims, Parviz Famouri.Engineering2006Go to website
1351springerResource Allocation in Wireless Networks Slawomir Stanczak, Marcin Wiczanowski, Holger Boche.Computer Science2006Go to website
1352springerRough Sets and Current Trends in Computing Salavatore GrecoYukata Hata, Shoji Hirano, Masahiro Inuiguchi et al.Computer Science2006Go to website
1353springerRigorous Engineering of Fault-Tolerant Systems Michael Butler, Cliff Jones, Alexander Romanovsky, Elena Troubitsyna.Computer Science2006Go to website
1354springerReview of Surgery Gamal Mostafa, Lamont Cathey, Frederick L. Greene.Medicine2006Go to website
1355springerRingtailed Lemur Biology Alison Jolly, Robert W. Sussman, Naoki Koyama, Hantanirina Rasamimanana.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1356springerRestricted Parameter Space Estimation Problems Constance Eeden.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1357springerRegulating Agricultural Biotechnology Richard E. Just, Julian M. Alston, David Zilberman.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1358springerRadiation Risk Estimates in Normal and Emergency Situations Arrigo A. Cigna, Marco Durante.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1359springerReoviruses: Entry, Assembly and Morphogenesis Polly Roy.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1360springerResampling Methods Phillip I. Good.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1361springerRelativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology Peter Hoyng.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1362springerRemote Sensing of the Atmosphere for Environmental Security Agnès Perrin, Najate Ben Sari-Zizi, Jean Demaison.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1363springerRadiologia geriatrica Giuseppe Guglielmi, Francesco Schiavon, Teresa Cammarota.Medicine2006Go to website
1364springerReviews in Fluorescence 2006 Chris D. Geddes, Joseph R. Lakowicz.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1365springerRb and Tumorigenesis Maurizio Fanciulli.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1366springerRationale Management in Software Engineering Allen H. Dutoit, Raymond McCall, Ivan Mistr?k, Barbara Paech.Computer Science2006Go to website
1367springerReviews Env.Contamination Vol 188 George W. Ware, David M. Whitacre, Lilia A. Albert, Pim Voogt, Charles P. Gerba, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D.P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, Raymond S. H. Yang, Francis A. Gunther.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1368springerResidual Stress and Its Effects on Fatigue and Fracture A.G. Youtsos.Chemistry and Materials Science2006Go to website
1369springerRecovering Informal Learning Paul Hager, John Halliday.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1370springerReviews of Physiology Vol 156 Susan G. Amara.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1371springerRAS Family GTPases Channing Der.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1372springerRegulation of Carcinogenesis, Angiogenesis and Metastasis by the Proprotein Convertases (PC's) A-Majid Khatib.Biomedical and Life Sciences2006Go to website
1373springerResearch in Interactive Design Xavier Fischer, Daniel Coutellier.Engineering2006Go to website
1374springerRecent Developments of Electrical Drives S. Wiak, M. Dems, K. Kom?za.Engineering2006Go to website
1375springerRadio Design in Nanometer Technologies MOHAMMED ISMAIL, DELIA RODR?GUEZ DE LLERA GONZ?LEZ.Engineering2006Go to website
1376springerReconfigurable Manufacturing Systems and Transformable Factories Anatoli I. Dashchenko.Engineering2006Go to website
1377springerReliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2002 Johann Blieberger, Alfred Strohmeier.Computer Science2006Go to website
1378springerRetinal Degenerative Diseases Joe G. Hollyfield, Robert E. Anderson, Matthew M. LaVail.Medicine2006Go to website
1379springerReuse Based Methodologies and Tools in the Design of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits R. CASTRO-L?PEZ, F.V. FERN?NDEZ, O. GUERRA-VINUESA, ?. RODR?GUEZ-V?ZQUEZ.Engineering2006Go to website
1380springerRelativistic Nonlinear Electrodynamics Hamlet Avetissian.Physics and Astronomy2006Go to website
1381springerResearch and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems A. Min Tjoa, Li Xu, Sohail ChaudhryComputer Science2006Go to website
1382springerRiverbank Filtration Hydrology Stephen A. Hubbs.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1383springerRadiology Amit Mehta, Douglas P. Beall.Medicine2006Go to website
1384springerReverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in HIV/AIDS Therapy Vassil St.Georgiev, Gail Skowron, Richard Ogden, Joep M. A. Lange.Medicine2006Go to website
1385springerRock Damage and Fluid Transport, Part II Arno Zang, Ove Stephansson, Georg Dresen.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1386springerRent-Seeking, Institutions and Reforms in Africa Pius V. Fischer.Business and Economics2006Go to website
1387springerReturn to the Moon Harrison H. Schmitt.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1388springerRock Damage and Fluid Transport, Part I Georg Dresen, Arno Zang, Ove Stephansson.Earth and Environmental Science2006Go to website
1389springerRaisonnements divins Martin Aigner, Günter M. Ziegler.Mathematics and Statistics2006Go to website
1390springerRemnant Raising and Vso Clausal Architecture Felicia Lee.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1391springerRemnant Raising and VSO Clausal Architecture FELICIA LEE.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1392springerRisk Management in a Hazardous Environment by Michael Bollig.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1393springerResearch and Development in Intelligent Systems XXII edited by Max Bramer, Frans Coenen, Tony Allen.Computer Science2006Go to website
1394springerRecent Trends in German and European Constitutional Law Eibe Riedel, Rüdiger Wolfrum.Humanities, Social Science and Law2006Go to website
1395springerRepair and Regeneration of Ligaments, Tendons, and Joint Capsule William R. WalshMedicine2006Go to website
1396ebraryRomance and Readership in Twentieth Century France : Love Stories Holmes, DianaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1397ebraryRancheros in Chicagoacan : Language and Identity in a Transnational Community Farr, MarciaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1398ebraryReception of Henry James in Europe Duperray, AnnickLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1399ebraryReading Early Modern Women's Writing Salzman, PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1400ebraryRorty and Kierkegaard on Irony and Moral Commitment : Philosophical and Theological Connections Frazier, BradLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1401ebraryRussian Prospero : The Creative Universe of Viacheslav Ivanov Bird, RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1402ebraryRameau's Nephew and First Satire Diderot, DenisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1403ebraryRhetorical Occasions : Essays on Humans and the Humanities Berube, MichaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1404ebraryRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2004 : Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’, Leiden, 9–11 December 2004 Doetjes, JennyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1405ebraryRomanticism and Religion from William Cowper to Wallace Stevens Hopps, GavinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1406ebraryRevel with a Cause : Liberal Satire in Postwar America Kercher, Stephen E.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1407ebraryRousseau and the Ethics of Virtue Delaney, JamesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1408ebraryReader's Guide to the Novels of Louise Erdrich (Revised and Expanded Edition) Beidler, Peter G.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1409ebraryRobert Southey and the Contexts of English Romanticism Pratt, LyndaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1410ebraryRobert Musil : Essayismus als Selbstreflexion der Moderne Nübel, BirgitLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1411ebraryRewriting Modernity : Studies in Black South African Literary History Attwell, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1412ebraryReception of W.B.Yeats in Europe Jochum, Klaus PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1413ebraryRealism, Partisan Politics, and the Rise of the British Novel Carnell, RachelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1414ebraryRadical Innocent : Upton Sinclair Arthur, AnthonyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1415ebraryRa?lrsalinas and the Jail Machine : My Weapon Is My Pen Salinas, Ra?lLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1416ebraryReadings in Second Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition : In Japanese Context Yoshitomi, AsakoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1417ebraryRoad by Jack London London, JackLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1418ebraryRousseau's Theory of Human Association : Transparent and Opaque Societies Hill, GregLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1419ebraryRequest Sequences : The Intersection of Grammar, Interaction and Social Context Taleghani-Nikazm, CarmenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1420ebraryRomantic Theory : Forms of Reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era Chai, LeonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1421ebraryReluctant Capitalists : Bookselling and the Culture of Consumption Miller, Laura J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1422ebraryReworlding America : Myth, History, and Narrative Muthyala, JohnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1423ebraryRaising Bilingual-Biliterate Children in Monolingual Cultures CaldasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1424ebraryReading the L Word : Outing Contemporary Television Akass, KimLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1425ebraryRobert Louis Stevenson : Writer of Boundaries Ambrosini, RichardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1426ebraryRead and Think Spanish Think Spanish EditorsLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1427ebraryReception of Blake in the Orient Clark, SteveLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1428ebraryReading Irish-American Fiction : The Hyphenated Self Hallissy, MargaretLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1429ebraryRousseau's Theory of Freedom Simpson, MatthewLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1430ebraryRelators and Linkers : A Study of Predication, Predicate Inversion and Copulas Den Dikken, MarcelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1431ebraryRomancing God : Evangelical Women and Inspirational Fiction Neal, Lynn S.Language, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1432ebraryRemembering Maternal Bodies : Melancholy in Latina and Latin American Women's Writing Trigo, BenignoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1433ebraryRichard II Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1434ebraryReinventing the South : Versions of a Literary Region Winchell, Mark RoydenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1435ebraryRage of Caliban : Nietzsche and Wilde Contra Modernity Mabille, LouiseLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1436ebraryReading Melville's Pierre; or, The Ambiguities Higgins, BrianLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1437ebraryRise of Jonas Olsen : A Norwegian Immigrant's Saga Wist, JohannesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1438ebraryRe-Mapping Exile B?ss, MichaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1439ebraryRhetoric of Cicero in Its Medieval and Early Renaissance Commentary Tradition Cox, VirginiaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1440ebraryRe : Skin Flanagan, MaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2006Go to website
1441ebraryRoad Traffic Injury Prevention Training Manual Mohan, D.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1442ebraryRoad User Charging and Electronic Toll Collection Pickford, AndrewEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1443ebraryResilience Engineering : Concepts and Precepts Hollnagel, ErikEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1444ebraryReal-Time Volume Graphics Engel, KlausEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1445ebraryRF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, Second Edition Cripps, Steve C.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1446ebraryRecycling in Textiles Wang, Y.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1447ebraryRitual House : Drawing on Nature's Rhythms for Architecture and Urban Design Knowles, Ralph L.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1448ebraryRoad Rage Garase, Maria L.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1449ebraryRobot Builder's Bonanza (3rd Edition) McComb, GordonEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1450ebraryRoof Cooling Techniques : A Design Handbook Yannas, SimosEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1451ebraryReliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Bloom, Neil B.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1452ebraryReview of Goals and Plans for NASA's Space and Earth Sciences Panel on Review of NASA Science Strategy RoadmapsEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1453ebraryReview of the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Studies Committee to Review the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River StudiesEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1454ebraryReview of International Technologies for Destruction of Recovered Chemical Warfare Material Committee on Review and Evaluation of International Technologies for the Destruction of Non-Stockpile Chemical MaterielEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1455ebraryRobots Unlimited : Life in a Virtual Age Levy, DavidEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1456ebraryRFID Security Lindstrom, PeteEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1457ebraryReview of United States Air Force and Department of Defense Aerospace Propulsion Needs National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Air Force and Department of Defense Aerospace Propulsion Needs StaffEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1458ebraryReview of NASA Plans for the International Space Station Review of NASA Strategic RoadmapsEngineering_Technology2006Go to website
1459ebraryRenewing U.S. Telecommunications Research Lucky, Robert W.Engineering_Technology2006Go to website
1460ebraryReflections on Public Administration Gaus, John M.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1461ebraryRed and Blue Nation? Characteristics and Causes of America's Polarized Politics Nivola, Pietro S.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1462ebraryRe-Orienting the Fundamentals : Human Rights and New Connections in EU-Asia Relations Wiessala, GeorgHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1463ebraryRussian Strategic Thought Toward Asia Rozman, GilbertHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1464ebraryRegional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union Adams, NeilHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1465ebraryReligious Culture of the Huguenots, 1660-1750 Dunan-Page, AnneHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1466ebraryRiotous Assemblies : Popular Protest in Hanoverian England Randall, AdrianHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1467ebraryReform and the Non-State Economy in China : The Political Economy of Liberalization Strategies Lai, Hongyi HarryHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1468ebraryRace To 270 : The Electoral College and the Campaign Strategies of 2000 and 2004 Shaw, Daron R.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1469ebraryRise and Fall of the Confederacy : The Memoir of Senator Williamson S. Oldham, CSA Jewett, Clayton E.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1470ebraryReflections on the Triangular Relations of Beijing-Taipei-Washington since 1995 : Status Quo at the Taiwan Straits? Hua, ShipingHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1471ebraryRediscovering the Traditions of Israel (3rd Edition) Knight, Douglas A.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1472ebraryRemembering the Hacienda : Religion, Authority, and Social Change in Highland Ecuador Lyons, Barry J.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1473ebraryRace, Rights, and the Asian American Experience (Revised Edition) Ancheta, Angelo N.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1474ebraryRemagen 1945 : Endgame Against the Third Reich Dennis, PeterHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1475ebraryRome, the Greek World, and the East, Volume 3 : The Greek World, the Jews and the East Millar, FergusHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1476ebraryResilience of the Spanish Monarchy 1665-1700 Storrs, ChristopherHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1477ebraryRussia's Economy : Signs of Progress and Retreat on the Transitional Road Wolf, CharlesHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1478ebraryRepublicanism, Religion, and the Soul of America Sandoz, EllisHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1479ebraryRevolution and Resistance in Eastern Europe : Challenges to Communist Rule McDermott, KevinHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1480ebraryReformation of Islamic Thought : A Critical Historical Analysis Zayd, Nasr AbuHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1481ebraryRights, Groups, and Self-Invention : Group-Differentiated Rights in Liberal Theory Mitnick, Eric J.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1482ebraryRevel with a Cause : Liberal Satire in Postwar America Kercher, Stephen E.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1483ebraryRoman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius Errington, R.MalcolmHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1484ebraryRobert Southey and the Contexts of English Romanticism Pratt, LyndaHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1485ebraryReform in Europe : Breaking the Barriers in Government Heyse, LiesbetHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1486ebraryRen?ssancens verden H?iris, OleHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1487ebraryRunaway State-Building : Patronage Politics and Democratic Development O'Dwyer, ConorHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1488ebraryRole of Parliaments in Curbing Corruption Stapenhurst, RickHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1489ebraryRussian-German Special Relations in the Twentieth Century : A Closed Chapter? Schl?gel, KarlHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1490ebraryReforming Early Retirement in the USA, Europe, and Japan Ebbinghaus, BernhardHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1491ebraryRole of the State and Individual in Sustainable Land Management Dixon-Gough, Robert W.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1492ebraryReworking Race : The Making of Hawaii's Interracial Labor Movement Jung, Moon-KieHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1493ebraryRegionalism After Regionalisation : Spain, France and the United Kingdom Schrijver, FransHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1494ebraryReading Iraq : Culture and Power in Conflict Al-Musawi, MuhsinHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1495ebraryRole of Islam in the Public Square : Guidance or Governance? Sachedina, AbdulazizHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1496ebraryReflexive Democracy : Political Equality and the Welfare State Olson, KevinHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1497ebraryRole of Tradition in Japan's Industrialization : Another Path to Industrialization Tanimoto, MasayukiHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1498ebraryRussia's Sputnik Generation : Soviet Baby Boomers Talk about Their Lives Raleigh, Donald J.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1499ebraryRemembering War : The Great War Between Memory and History in the Twentieth Century Winter, JayHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1500ebraryRevisiting Waldo's Administrative State : Constancy and Change in Public Administration Rosenbloom, David H.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1501ebraryRoads to Glory : Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits Bobroff, Ronald P.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1502ebraryRole of Business in Public Diplomacy Goodman, MichaelHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1503ebraryRestoring Growth in Puerto Rico : Overview and Policy Options Collins, Susan M.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1504ebraryReconciliation Nations and Churches in Latin America Maclean, Iian S.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1505ebraryReforming Liberalism : J. S. Mill's Use of Ancient, Christian, Liberal, and Romantic Moralities Devigne, RobertHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1506ebraryReligion in the New Europe Michalski, KrzysztofHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1507ebraryRichard Hofstadter : An Intellectual Biography Brown, David S.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1508ebraryRise and Fall of the Caucasian Race : A Political History of Racial Identity Baum, BruceHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1509ebraryReaction and the Avant-Garde : The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy in Early Twentieth-Century Brtiain Villis, TomHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1510ebraryReligious Identities in Henry VIII's England Marshall, PeterHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1511ebraryRamsey : The Lives of an English Fenland Town, 1200-1600 Dewindt, Anne ReiberHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1512ebraryReligion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire : Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun Beck, RogerHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1513ebraryRacial Prejudice, Juror Empathy, and Sentencing in Death Penalty Cases Edelman, Bryan C.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1514ebraryRebel in Chief : Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency of George W. Bush Barnes, FredHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1515ebraryReligion, Identity and Politics in Northern Ireland : Boundaries of Belonging and Belief Mitchell, ClaireHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1516ebraryRediscovering the Traditions of Israel Knight, Douglas A.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1517ebraryRefugees and Human Rights, Volume 11 : Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Refugee Law : The Protection of Iraqi Refugees Alborzi, M. R.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1518ebraryReligious Pluralism in the Diaspora Kumar, P. PratapHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1519ebraryRoman Collegia : The Modern Evolution of an Ancient Concept Perry, Jonathan ScottHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1520ebraryRopewalking and Safety Nets : Local Ways of Managing Insecurities in Indonesia Koning, JulietteHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1521ebraryRace and Religion Among the Chosen Peoples of Crown Heights Goldschmidt, HenryHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1522ebraryRace, Performance, and Approval of Mayors Howell, Susan E.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1523ebraryRe-thinking Socio-Economic Rights in an Insecure World Udombana, NsonguruaHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1524ebraryRevolutionary Characters : What Made the Founders Different Wood, Gordon SHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1525ebraryReal American Ethics : Taking Responsibility for Our Country Borgmann, AlbertHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1526ebraryRepresentative Democracy : Principles and Genealogy Nadia UrbinatiHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1527ebraryRepresenting Agrippina : Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire Ginsburg, JudithHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1528ebraryRace, Ethnicity, and the State in Malaysia and Singapore Kwen Fee, LianHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1529ebraryRational Theology in Interfaith Communication : Abu-I-Husayn al-Basri's Mu'tazili Theology among the Karaites in the Fatimid Age Madelung, WilferdHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1530ebraryRichelieu Belloc, HilaireHistory&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1531ebraryRenewing American Culture : The Pursuit of Happiness Malloch, Theodore R.History&Political Sciences2006Go to website
1532ebraryRitual and Power in Stone : The Performance of Rulership in Mesoamerican Izapan Style Art Guernsey, JuliaHumanities2006Go to website
1533ebraryReligious Dimensions of Advertising Sheffield, TriciaHumanities2006Go to website
1534ebraryReflections on Aesthetic Judgment and Other Essays Tilghman, BenjaminHumanities2006Go to website
1535ebraryRhetorical Occasions : Essays on Humans and the Humanities Berube, MichaelHumanities2006Go to website
1536ebraryRossini's La Cenerentola : Opera Journeys Libretto Series Fisher, Burton D.Humanities2006Go to website
1537ebraryReading Deadwood : A Western to Swear By Lavery, DavidHumanities2006Go to website
1538ebraryReading 'Desperate Housewives' : Beyond the White Picket Fence McCabe, JanetHumanities2006Go to website
1539ebraryResponsive Museum : Working with Audiences in the Twenty-First Century Lang, CarolineHumanities2006Go to website
1540ebraryRite Out of Place : Ritual, Media, and the Arts Grimes, Ronald L.Humanities2006Go to website
1541ebraryReligion of Reality : Inquiry into the Self, Art, and Reality Maleuvre, DidierHumanities2006Go to website
1542ebraryReading Stargate SG-1 Beeler, StanHumanities2006Go to website
1543ebraryRealer Than Reel : Global Directions in Documentary Hogarth, DavidHumanities2006Go to website
1544ebraryRemaking the Song : Operatic Visions and Revisions from Handel to Berio Parker, RogerHumanities2006Go to website
1545ebraryReading the L Word : Outing Contemporary Television Akass, KimHumanities2006Go to website
1546ebraryReturn to the Center : Culture, Public Space, and City Building in a Global Era Herzog, Lawrence A.Humanities2006Go to website
1547ebraryRecognition in Mozart's Operas Waldoff, Jessica PaulineHumanities2006Go to website
1548ebraryReception of Bach's Organ Works from Mendelssohn to Brahms Stinson, RussellHumanities2006Go to website
1549ebraryRevenge of Thomas Eakins Kirkpatrick, Sidney D.Humanities2006Go to website
1550ebraryReading the Sopranos : Hit TV from HBO Lavery, DavidHumanities2006Go to website
1551ebraryRapid Viz : A New Method for the Rapid Visualization of Ideas (3rd Edition) Hanks, KurtHumanities2006Go to website
1552ebraryRitual House : Drawing on Nature's Rhythms for Architecture and Urban Design Knowles, Ralph L.Humanities2006Go to website
1553ebraryResearching the Song : A Lexicon Emmons, ShirleeHumanities2006Go to website
1554ebraryReligion, Media, and the Public Sphere Meyer, BirgitHumanities2006Go to website
1555ebraryResearch Game in Academic Life Lucas, LisaEducation2006Go to website
1556ebraryRadical Pedagogy : Identity, Generativity, and Social Transformation Bracher, MarkEducation2006Go to website
1557ebraryResearch Student's Guide to Success Cryer, PatEducation2006Go to website
1558ebraryReligion on Our Campuses : A Professor's Guide to Communities, Conflicts, and Promising Conversations Edwards, Mark U., Jr.Education2006Go to website
1559ebraryReforming Teacher Education : Something Old, Something New Kirby, Sheila NatarajEducation2006Go to website
1560ebraryResearch-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning : Insights from a Neurologist and Classroom Teacher Willis, JudyEducation2006Go to website
1561ebraryResults Now : How We Can Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in Teaching and Learning Schmoker, Michael J.Education2006Go to website
1562ebraryRadicals, Rhetoric, and the War : The University of Nevada in the Wake of Kent State Lucas, BradEducation2006Go to website
1563ebraryReadings in Second Language Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition : In Japanese Context Yoshitomi, AsakoEducation2006Go to website
1564ebraryRaising Boys' Achievement in Primary Schools Warrington, MollyEducation2006Go to website
1565ebraryRaising Achievement in Secondary Mathematics Watson, DavidEducation2006Go to website
1566ebraryReading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners Schumm, Jeanne ShayEducation2006Go to website
1567ebraryRaising Bilingual-Biliterate Children in Monolingual Cultures CaldasEducation2006Go to website
1568ebraryReading Research at Work : Foundations of Effective Practice Stahl, KatherineEducation2006Go to website
1569ebraryRead and Think Spanish Think Spanish EditorsEducation2006Go to website
1570ebraryRoman Collegia : The Modern Evolution of an Ancient Concept Perry, Jonathan ScottEducation2006Go to website
1571ebraryRebels with a Cause: Working with Adolescents Using Action Techniques Cossa, MarioEducation2006Go to website
1572ebraryRealizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome : A Parent's Guide to Student Success Palmer, AnnEducation2006Go to website
1573ebraryReaching the Vulnerable Child : Therapy with Traumatized Children Rymaszewska, JanieEducation2006Go to website
1574ebraryReal-Time Volume Graphics Engel, KlausComputer_IT2006Go to website
1575ebraryRob Milne : A Tribute to a Pioneering AI Scientist, Entrepreneur and Mountaineer Bundy, A.Computer_IT2006Go to website
1576ebraryRobots Unlimited : Life in a Virtual Age Levy, DavidComputer_IT2006Go to website
1577ebraryRFID Security Lindstrom, PeteComputer_IT2006Go to website
1578ebraryRoaming in Wireless Networks Siddiqui, ShahidComputer_IT2006Go to website
1579ebraryRenewing U.S. Telecommunications Research Lucky, Robert W.Computer_IT2006Go to website
1580FA-DavisRNotes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide, 2e  Ehren MyersNursing2006Go to website
1581FA-DavisRehab Notes  Ellen Z. HillegassNursing2006Go to website
1582ebraryResolving Racial Conflict Levine, BertramInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1583ebraryRighteous Content : Black Women Speak of Church and Faith Wiggins, Daphne C.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1584ebraryRightous Riches : The Word of Faith Movement in Contemporary African American Religion Harrison, Milmon F.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1585ebraryRhetoric of Manhood : Masculinity in the Attic Orators Roisman, JosephInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1586ebraryRising to the Challenge : China's Grand Strategy and International Security Goldstein, AveryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1587ebraryRed Seas : Ferdinand Smith and Radical Black Sailors in the United States and Jamaica Horne, GeraldInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1588ebraryRace and the Making of American Liberalism Horton, Carol A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1589ebraryReligion and Education among Latinos in New York City Pantoja, SegundoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1590ebraryRural Women in Urban China : Gender, Migration, and Social Change Jacka, TamaraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1591ebraryResearching Conflict in Africa : Insights and Experiences Porter, Elisabeth J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1592ebraryRemembering the Past in Contemporary African American Fiction Byerman, KeithInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1593ebraryRace, Gender, and Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Thompson, MelissaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1594ebraryRwanda's Genocide : The Politics of Global Justice Moghalu, KingsleyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1595ebraryRevolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China Gallay, AlanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2005Go to website
1596ebraryRed Millionaire : A Political Biography of Willi Mèunzenberg, Moscow's Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West McMeekin, SeanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1597ebraryResolving Racial Conflict Levine, BertramLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1598ebraryRace, Law, and the Desegregation of Public Schools Moran, Peter WilliamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1599ebraryRomance and Rights : The Politics of Interracial Intimacy, 1945-1954 Lubin, AlexLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1600ebraryRussian Arctic Straits Brubaker, DouglasLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1601ebraryRights of Corporate Speech : Mobil Oil and the Legal Development of the Voice of Big Business Kerr, Robert L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1602ebraryReshaping the Future : Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Buckland, PeterLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1603ebraryRegulating Modern Biotechnology in a Global Risk Society : Challenges for Science, Law and Society Somsen, J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1604ebraryRestoring Trust in American Business Lorsch, Jay WilliamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1605ebraryRepression and Mobilization Davenport, ChrisLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1606ebraryReclaiming a Plundered Past : Archaeology and Nation Building in Modern Iraq Bernhardsson, Magnus T.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1607ebraryRethinking the Rule of Law after Communism Czarnota, AdamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1608ebraryRedefining Urban and Suburban America : Evidence from Census 2000, Volume 2 Berube, AlanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1609ebraryRising to the Challenge : China's Grand Strategy and International Security Goldstein, AveryLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1610ebraryReligion and Politics : Cultural Perspectives Giesen, BernhardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1611ebraryRusso-Japanese War in Global Perspective : World War Zero Steinberg, John W.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1612ebraryRegulating Bioprospecting : Institutions for Drug Research, Access and Benefit-Sharing Sampath, GehlLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1613ebraryReforming International Environmental Governance : From Institutional Limits to Innovative Reforms Chambers, W.BradneeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1614ebraryReform of Bismarckian Pension Systems : A Comparison of Pension Politics in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden Schludi, MartinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1615ebraryRight to Life, Survival and Development Nowak, ManfredLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1616ebraryRace and the Making of American Liberalism Horton, Carol A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1617ebraryRussian Foreign Policy in Transition : Concepts and Realities Melville, AndreiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1618ebraryReporting Sexual Assault : A Social Ecology Perspective Ménard, Kim S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1619ebraryReal Estate Dealmaking : A Property Investor’s Guide to Negotiating Donohue, George F.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1620ebraryRace, Gender, and Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Thompson, MelissaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1621ebraryRoad to the Dayton Accords : A Study of American Statecraft Chollet, DerekLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1622ebraryRenegade Regimes : Confronting Deviant Behavior in World Politics Nincic, MiroslavLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1623ebraryRural Social Work Practice Lohmann, NancyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2005Go to website
1624ebraryRoad to Martyrs' Square : A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber Oliver, Anne MarieSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1625ebraryRepression and Mobilization Davenport, ChrisSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1626ebraryReforming Suburbia : The Planned Communities of Irvine, Columbia, and The Woodlands Forsyth, AnnSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1627ebraryResilient City : How Modern Cities Recover from Disaster Vale, Lawrence J.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1628ebraryRedefining Urban and Suburban America : Evidence from Census 2000, Volume 2 Berube, AlanSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1629ebraryReporting from Washington : The History of the Washington Press Corps Ritchie, Donald A.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1630ebraryRethinking Freedom : Why Freedom Has Lost Its Meaning and What Can Be Done to Save It Alford, FredSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1631ebraryRussia in the European Context, 1789-1914 : A Member of the Family McCaffray, SusanSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1632ebraryResolving Environmental Disputes : From Conflict to Consensus Sidaway, RogerSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1633ebraryReassembling the Social : An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory Latour, BrunoSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1634ebraryRevolution in Eating : How the Quest for Food Shaped America McWilliams, James E.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1635ebraryRouting the Opposition : Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy Meyer, David S.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1636ebraryRethinking the New Left : An Interpretative History Gosse, VanSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1637ebraryReclaiming Culture : Indigenous People and Self Representation Hendry, JoySociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1638ebraryResearching Conflict in Africa : Insights and Experiences Porter, Elisabeth J.Sociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1639ebraryRemembering the Past in Contemporary African American Fiction Byerman, KeithSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1640ebraryRace, Gender, and Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Thompson, MelissaSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1641ebraryRedefining Urban and Suburban America : Evidence from Census 2000, Volume 3 Berube, AlanSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1642ebraryReconstructing Post-Nationalist Liberal Pluralism : From Interest to Identity Smits, KatherineSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1643ebraryRevolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China Gallay, AlanSociology & Anthropology2005Go to website
1644ebraryReason and Inspiration in Islam : Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought Lawson, ToddReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1645ebraryResearch in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 15 Piedmont, Ralph L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1646ebraryReading Plotinus : A Practical Introduction to Neoplatonism Corrigan, KevinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1647ebraryReshaping Reason : Toward a New Philosophy McCumber, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1648ebraryReasons for Believing : On the Rationality of Christian Faith Livi, AntonioReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1649ebraryRighteous Content : Black Women Speak of Church and Faith Wiggins, Daphne C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1650ebraryReal History Behind the Da Vinci Code Newman, SharanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1651ebraryRhetoric of Philosophy Frogel, ShaiReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1652ebraryReligion Is Not about God : How Spiritual Traditions Nurture Our Biological Nature and What to Expect When They Fail Rue, Loyal D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1653ebraryRightous Riches : The Word of Faith Movement in Contemporary African American Religion Harrison, Milmon F.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1654ebraryReign of Alexander II, 1214-49 Oram, Richard D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1655ebraryRubicon : The Last Years of the Roman Republic Holland, TomReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1656ebraryRhetoric of Manhood : Masculinity in the Attic Orators Roisman, JosephReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1657ebraryReligion and Morality Wainwright, William J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1658ebraryRetrying Galileo, 1633-1992 Finocchiaro, Maurice A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1659ebraryReligion and Politics : Cultural Perspectives Giesen, BernhardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1660ebraryRome and the Mysterious East : Three Plays by Plautus Plautus, Titus MacciusReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1661ebraryReality and Rationality Salmon, Wesley C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1662ebraryReligion As a Profession Schilderman, HansReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1663ebraryReligion, Social Practice, and Contested Hegemonies : Reconstructing the Public Sphere in Muslim Majority Societies Salvatore, ArmandoReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1664ebraryRussian Baptists and Spiritual Revolution, 1905-1929 Coleman, Heather J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1665ebraryRational Imagination : How People Create Alternatives to Reality Byrne, Ruth M. J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1666ebraryRight to Life, Survival and Development Nowak, ManfredReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1667ebraryReassembling the Social : An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory Latour, BrunoReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1668ebraryRamsey's Legacy Lillehammer, HallvardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1669ebraryRoman Imperial Statue Bases : From Augustus to Commodus H?jte, Jakob M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1670ebraryReligion and Education among Latinos in New York City Pantoja, SegundoReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1671ebraryReading the Old Testament in Antioch Hill, Robert C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1672ebraryReligion and the Self in Antiquity Brakke, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1673ebraryRhetorical Role of Scripture in 1 Corinthians Heil, John PaulReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1674ebraryReforming the Church Before Modernity : Patterns, Problems, and Approaches Bellitto, Christopher M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1675ebraryRichard Hooker, Reformer and Platonist : A Reassessment of His Thought Kirby, W. J. TorranceReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1676ebraryRebellious Nuns : The Troubled History of a Mexican Convent, 1752-1863 Chowning, MargaretReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1677ebraryRoad to Clarity : Seventh-Day Adventism in Madagascar Keller, EvaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1678ebraryReading the Present in the Qumran Library : The Perception of the Contemporary by Means of Scriptural Interpretations Lange, ArminReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1679ebraryRobert H. Gardiner and the Reunification of Worldwide Christianity in the Progressive Era Woolverton, John F.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1680ebraryReallexikon der Germanischen Alterskunde Erg?nzung : Der Dux Mogontiacensis und die Notitia Dignitatum : Eine Studie zur sp?tantiken Grenzverteidigung Scharf, RalfReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1681ebraryRise of Mormonism Stark, RodneyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2005Go to website
1682ebraryRoads to Reconciliation : Conflict and Dialogue in the Twenty-First Century Brown, Amy BensonPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1683ebraryRoad to Martyrs' Square : A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber Oliver, Anne MariePsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1684ebraryReal History Behind the Da Vinci Code Newman, SharanPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1685ebraryRelaxation, Meditation, and Mindfulness : A Mental Health Practitioner's Guide to New and Traditional Approaches Smith, Jonathan C.Psychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1686ebraryRecollecting Freud Sadger, IsidorPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1687ebraryResearch Methods in Family Therapy (2nd Edition) Sprenkle, Douglas H.Psychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1688ebraryRational Imagination : How People Create Alternatives to Reality Byrne, Ruth M. J.Psychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1689ebraryRelative Grief : Parents and Children, Sisters and Brothers, Husbands, Wives, and Partners, Grandparents and Grandchildren Talk about Their Experience of Death and Grieving Jenkins, ClarePsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1690ebraryReducing Stress-related Behaviours in People with Dementia : Care-based Therapy Bonner, ChrisPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1691ebraryResearching Psychotherapy and Counselling Dallos, RudiPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1692ebraryResiliency in the Face of Disaster and Terrorism : 10 Things to Do to Survive Kehayan, V. AlexPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1693ebraryRedemptive Self : Stories Americans Live By McAdams, Dan P.Psychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1694ebraryReporting Sexual Assault : A Social Ecology Perspective Ménard, Kim S.Psychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1695ebraryRevealing the Hidden Social Code : Social Stories for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Howley, MariePsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1696ebraryRace, Gender, and Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System Thompson, MelissaPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1697ebraryRural Social Work Practice Lohmann, NancyPsychology & Social Work2005Go to website
1698ebraryReview of NOAA's Plan for the Scientific Stewardship Program Committee on Climate Data Records from NOAA Operational SatellitesPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1699ebraryRadiative Forcing of Climate Change: Expanding the Concept and Addressing Uncertainties Committee on Radiative Forcing Effects on ClimatePhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1700ebraryReport of the Treasurer to the Council of the National Academy of Sciences for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1701ebraryRecent Progress in Many-Body Theories : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-9 December 2005 Hern?ndez, SusanaPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1702ebraryReview of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product on Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product on Temperature Trends in the Lower AtmospherePhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1703ebraryRemembering the Manhattan Project : Perspectives on the Making of the Atomic Bomb and Its Legacy Kelly, Cynthia C.Physical Sciences2005Go to website
1704ebraryRoad to Reality : A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe Penrose, RogerPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1705ebraryRecent Advances in Elliptic and Parabolic Problems : Proceedings of the International Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan 16 - 20 February 2004 Chen, Chiun-ChuanPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1706ebraryRobust Design : Repertoire of Biological, Ecological, and Engineering Case Studies Jen, EricaPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1707ebraryRetrying Galileo, 1633-1992 Finocchiaro, Maurice A.Physical Sciences2005Go to website
1708ebraryRiemann-Finsler Geometry Chern, S. S.Physical Sciences2005Go to website
1709ebraryReality and Rationality Salmon, Wesley C.Physical Sciences2005Go to website
1710ebraryRandom Walk in Random and Non-Random Environments (2nd Edition) Révész, P?lPhysical Sciences2005Go to website
1711ebraryRecent Advances in Artificial Life, Volume 3 Abbass, H. A.Physical Sciences2005Go to website
1712ebraryRandom Fields Estimation Ramm, Alexander G.Physical Sciences2005Go to website
1713ebraryReflections on Spirituality and Health Wright, StephenNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1714ebraryReopening Public Facilities after a Biological Attack : A Decision-Making Framework National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Standards and Policies for Decontaminating Public Facilities StaffNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1715ebraryRisk and Risk Taking in Health and Social Welfare Tittertton, MikeNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1716ebraryReview of the HIVNET 012 Perinatal HIV Prevention Study Committee on Reviewing the HIVNET 012 Perinatal HIV Prevention StudyNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1717ebraryRebuilding the Unity of Health and the Environment: The Greater Houston Metropolitan Area: Workshop Summary Jones, LovellNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1718ebraryReview of Testing and Evaluation Methodology for Biological Point Detectors: Abbreviated Summary Committee on the Review of Testing and Evaluation Methodology for Biological Point DetectorsNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1719ebraryReview of the Department of Defense Research Program on Low-Level Exposures to Chemical Warfare Agents Subcommittee on Toxicologic Assessment of Low-Level Exposures to Chemical Warfare AgentsNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1720ebraryRethinking Experiences of Childhood Cancer Dixon-Woods, MaryNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1721ebraryReversing the Tide : Priorities for HIV/AIDS Prevention in Central Asia Godinho, JoanaNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1722ebraryRolling Back Malaria : The World Bank Global Strategy & Booster Program World BankNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1723ebraryResearch Methods in Family Therapy (2nd Edition) Sprenkle, Douglas H.Nursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1724ebraryRegional Health Economies and ICT Services Saranummi, N.Nursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1725ebraryReducing Stress-related Behaviours in People with Dementia : Care-based Therapy Bonner, ChrisNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1726ebraryReaching the Poor with Health, Nutrition, and Population Services : What Works, What Doesn't, and Why Gwatkin, Davidson R.Nursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1727ebraryRevealing the Hidden Social Code : Social Stories for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Howley, MarieNursing & Allied Health2005Go to website
1728ebraryRisk Assessment of Vibrio Vulnificus in Raw Oysters : Interpretative Summary and Technical Report Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsMedicine2005Go to website
1729ebraryRegulating Modern Biotechnology in a Global Risk Society : Challenges for Science, Law and Society Somsen, J.Medicine2005Go to website
1730ebraryRifaximin, a Poorly Absorbed Antibiotic : Pharmacology and Clinical Use Scarpignato, C.Medicine2005Go to website
1731ebraryRespiratory Research, Volume 33 : Paediatric Pulmonary Function Testing Hammer, JurgMedicine2005Go to website
1732ebraryRehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury High, Walter M.Medicine2005Go to website
1733ebraryRethinking Experiences of Childhood Cancer Dixon-Woods, MaryMedicine2005Go to website
1734ebraryResearch Methods in Family Therapy (2nd Edition) Sprenkle, Douglas H.Medicine2005Go to website
1735ebraryRegional Health Economies and ICT Services Saranummi, N.Medicine2005Go to website
1736ebraryRestructuring the Medical Profession : The Intraprofessional Relations of GPS and Hospital Consultants Baeza, JuanMedicine2005Go to website
1737ebraryReview of the GAPP Science and Implementation Plan Committee to Review the GAPP Science and Implementation PlanLife Sciences2005Go to website
1738ebraryReview of NOAA's Plan for the Scientific Stewardship Program Committee on Climate Data Records from NOAA Operational SatellitesLife Sciences2005Go to website
1739ebraryRadiative Forcing of Climate Change: Expanding the Concept and Addressing Uncertainties Committee on Radiative Forcing Effects on ClimateLife Sciences2005Go to website
1740ebraryReport of the Treasurer to the Council of the National Academy of Sciences for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaLife Sciences2005Go to website
1741ebraryRebuilding the Unity of Health and the Environment: The Greater Houston Metropolitan Area: Workshop Summary Jones, LovellLife Sciences2005Go to website
1742ebraryReview of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product on Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Change Science Program's Synthesis and Assessment Product on Temperature Trends in the Lower AtmosphereLife Sciences2005Go to website
1743ebraryRegulating Modern Biotechnology in a Global Risk Society : Challenges for Science, Law and Society Somsen, J.Life Sciences2005Go to website
1744ebraryRobust Design : Repertoire of Biological, Ecological, and Engineering Case Studies Jen, EricaLife Sciences2005Go to website
1745ebraryRNA Silencing Galun, EsraLife Sciences2005Go to website
1746ebraryReconstructing Earth : Technology and Environment in the Age of Humans Allenby, BradenLife Sciences2005Go to website
1747ebraryReality and Rationality Salmon, Wesley C.Life Sciences2005Go to website
1748ebraryReforming International Environmental Governance : From Institutional Limits to Innovative Reforms Chambers, W.BradneeLife Sciences2005Go to website
1749ebraryRust Diseases of Willow and Poplar Pei, Ming HaoLife Sciences2005Go to website
1750ebraryReproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Chondrichthyes : Sharks, Batoids and Chimaeras Hamlett, William C.Life Sciences2005Go to website
1751ebraryReview of Marketing Research, Volume 1 Malhotra, Naresh K.Business2005Go to website
1752ebraryRoutines of Decision Making Betsch, TilmannBusiness2005Go to website
1753ebraryRecent Advances In Stochastic Operations Research Dohi, TadashiBusiness2005Go to website
1754ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa (May 2005) UnspecifiedBusiness2005Go to website
1755ebraryRisk Issues and Crisis Management : A Casebook of Best Practice (3rd Edition) Regester, MichaelBusiness2005Go to website
1756ebraryResumes for College Students and Recent Graduates VGM Career Books (Firm) StaffBusiness2005Go to website
1757ebraryResearch Methods for Organizational Studies Schwab, Donald P.Business2005Go to website
1758ebraryRights of Corporate Speech : Mobil Oil and the Legal Development of the Voice of Big Business Kerr, Robert L.Business2005Go to website
1759ebraryResumes for Education Careers : With Sample Cover Letters VGM Career Books (Firm) StaffBusiness2005Go to website
1760ebraryReducing Poverty through Growth and Social Policy Reform in Russia Shaban, RadwanBusiness2005Go to website
1761ebraryRestoring Trust in American Business Lorsch, Jay WilliamBusiness2005Go to website
1762ebraryRepublic of Armenia : Ex Post Assessment of Long-Term Program Engagement International Monetary FundBusiness2005Go to website
1763ebraryRemoteness and Real Exchange Rate Volatility Bravo-Ortega, ClaudioBusiness2005Go to website
1764ebraryRemodelling the Italian Financial System Ciocca, PierluigiBusiness2005Go to website
1765ebraryReal Estate Investment Handbook Haight, G. TimothyBusiness2005Go to website
1766ebraryRaising Capital: Get The Money You Need To Grow Your Business, 2nd Edition Sherman, Andrew J.Business2005Go to website
1767ebraryResearch and Practice (Based on the EUROFM Symposium in Rotterdam 2003) Mudrak, TomasBusiness2005Go to website
1768ebraryResumes for First-Time Job Hunters, Third edition McGraw-Hill, Editors ofBusiness2005Go to website
1769ebraryResumes for Sales and Marketing Careers, Third edition McGraw-Hill, Editors ofBusiness2005Go to website
1770ebraryReadings in Unobserved Components Models Harvey, AndrewBusiness2005Go to website
1771ebraryResponse Modeling Methodology (RMM) : Empirical Modeling for Engineering and Science Shore, HaimBusiness2005Go to website
1772ebraryReadings in the Economics of the Division of Labor : The Classical Tradition Sun, Guang-ZhenBusiness2005Go to website
1773ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa (May 2005) UnspecifiedBusiness2005Go to website
1774ebraryRestoring Fiscal Sanity 2005 : Meeting the Long-Run Challenge Rivlin, Alice M.Business2005Go to website
1775ebraryReducing Poverty and Sustaining the Environment : The Politics of Local Engagement Bass, StephenBusiness2005Go to website
1776ebraryRural Tourism and Sustainable Business Hall, Derek R.Business2005Go to website
1777ebraryReducing Poverty, Building Peace Bryant, CoralieBusiness2005Go to website
1778ebraryRemittances : Development Impact and Future Prospects Maimbo, Samuel MunzeleBusiness2005Go to website
1779ebraryRetail Insights : Papers from 8th International Conference of the European Association for Education and Research in Consumer Distribution, July 2004 Fernie, JohnBusiness2005Go to website
1780ebraryResponding to Societal Expectations: A Special Issue from the European Academy of Business in Society and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School Lenssen, GilbertBusiness2005Go to website
1781ebraryReform of Bismarckian Pension Systems : A Comparison of Pension Politics in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden Schludi, MartinBusiness2005Go to website
1782ebraryRetailing and Producer-Retailer Relationships in the Food Chain : Papers from the 88th EAAE Seminar, Paris 2004 Fernie, Professor JohnBusiness2005Go to website
1783ebraryRunning Board Meetings : How to Get the Most from Them (3rd Edition) Dunne, PatrickBusiness2005Go to website
1784ebraryReal-Time Contact Center : Strategies, Tactics, and Technologies for Building a Profitable Service and Sales Operation Fluss, DonnaBusiness2005Go to website
1785ebraryReassembling the Social : An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory Latour, BrunoBusiness2005Go to website
1786ebraryRenewing Unilever : Transformation and Tradition Jones, GeoffreyBusiness2005Go to website
1787ebraryReducing Poverty on a Global Scale: Learning and Innovating for Development : Findings from the Shanghai Global Learning Initiative Moreno-Dodson, BlancaBusiness2005Go to website
1788ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa--Supplement (October 2005) UnspecifiedBusiness2005Go to website
1789ebraryResearching Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty : How to Find Out What People Really Think Szwarc, PaulBusiness2005Go to website
1790ebraryResults : Keep What's Good, Fix What's Wrong, and Unlock Great Performance Neilson, GaryBusiness2005Go to website
1791ebraryReal Estate Dealmaking : A Property Investor’s Guide to Negotiating Donohue, George F.Business2005Go to website
1792ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa--Supplement (October 2005) UnspecifiedBusiness2005Go to website
1793ebraryRegional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa--Supplement (October 2005) UnspecifiedBusiness2005Go to website
1794ebraryRepositioning Nutrition As Central to Development : A Strategy for Large Scale Action Shekar, MeeraBusiness2005Go to website
1795ebraryRisk Based Auditing Griffiths, PhilBusiness2005Go to website
1796springerRediscovering the History of Psychology Adrian C. Brock, Johann Louw, Willem Hoorn.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1797springerRecent Developments in Alcoholism Marc Galanter, Cherry Lowman, Gayle M. Boyd, Vivian B. Faden, Ellen Witt, Dolly Lagressa.Behavioral Science2005Go to website
1798springerRegression Methods in Biostatistics Eric Vittinghoff, Stephen C. Shiboski, David V. Glidden, Charles E. McCulloch.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1799springerReliable Distributed Systems Kenneth P. Birman.Computer Science2005Go to website
1800springerRevision Total Knee Arthroplasty James V. Bono, Richard D. Scott.Medicine2005Go to website
1801springerReviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicol George W. Ware, Lilia A. Albert, D.G. Crosby, Pim Voogt, O. Hutzinger, James B. Knaak, Foster L. Mayer, D.P. Morgan, Douglas L. Park, Ronald S. Tjeerdema, David M. Whitacre, Raymond S.H. Yang, Francis A. Gunther.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1802springerRethinking Regional Innovation and Change: Path Dependency or Regional Breakthrough Gerhard Fuchs, Philip Shapira.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1803springerRyanodine Receptors Xander H. T. Wehrens, Andrew R. Marks.Medicine2005Go to website
1804springerRecent Advances in Applied Probability Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Joseph Glaz, Henryk Gzyl, Jürgen Hüsler, José Luis Palacios.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1805springerResource Management in Wireless Networking Mihaela Cardei, Ionut Cardei, Ding-Zhu Du.Engineering2005Go to website
1806springerResearch Problems in Discrete Geometry Peter Brass, William O.J. Moser, Jànos Pach.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1807springerReal-Time Management of Resource Allocation Systems Spyros A. Reveliotis.Engineering2005Go to website
1808springerRF System Design of Transceivers for Wireless Communications Qizheng Gu.Engineering2005Go to website
1809springerRegularity Properties of Functional Equations in Several Variables Antal J?rai.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1810springerRaising Capital David E. Vance.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1811springerRamanujan's Lost Notebook George E. Andrews, Bruce Berndt.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1812springerRobust Control in Power Systems Bikash Pal, Balarko Chaudhuri.Engineering2005Go to website
1813springerReconfigurable Computing Maya Gokhale, Paul S. Graham.Engineering2005Go to website
1814springerReal-Time Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Branislav Kisa?anin, Vladimir Pavlovi?, Thomas S. Huang.Computer Science2005Go to website
1815springerRock Mechanics for underground mining B. H. G. Brady, E. T. Brown.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1816springerRadiation Safety Problems in the Caspian Region Mohammed K. Zaidi, Islam Mustafaev.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
1817springerRecent Advances in Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Jos P. Leeuwen, Harry J. P. Timmermans.Architecture and Design2005Go to website
1818springerReconnection Karen Evans, Beatrix Niemeyer.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1819springerRemote Sensing Image Analysis: Including the Spatial Domain Steven M. Jong, Freek D. Meer.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1820springerReasoning Robots Michael Thielscher.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1821springerRemote Sensing of Coastal Aquatic Environments Richard L. Miller, Carlos E. Del Castillo, Brent A. Mckee.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1822springerReal World Justice Andreas Follesdal, Thomas Pogge.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1823springerRare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow Systems Karen H. Johannesson.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1824springerRecollections of "Tucson Operations" M. A. Gordon.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
1825springerRoots and Patterns Maya Arad.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1826springerReform and Change in Higher Education ?se Gornitzka, Maurice Kogan, Alberto Amaral.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1827springerRho Family GTPases Ed. Manser.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1828springerRotifera X Alois Herzig, Ramesh D. Gulati, Christian D. Jersabek, Linda May.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1829springerResearch and the Quality of Science Education Kerst Boersma, Martin Goedhart, Onno Jong, Harrie Eijkelhof.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1830springerRecent Work on Intrinsic Value Toni R?nnow-Rasmussen, Michael J. Zimmerman.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1831springerRenewable Energies for Central Asia Countries: Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts Aldo Iacomelli.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1832springerRoot Physiology: from Gene to Function Hans Lambers, Timothy D. Colmer.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1833springerRegulatory and Economic Challenges in the Postal and Delivery Sector Michael A. Crew, Paul R. Kleindorfer.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1834springerReceding Horizon Control Wook Hyun Kwon, Soohee Han.Engineering2005Go to website
1835springerRandomized Algorithms for Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems Roberto Tempo, Fabrizio Dabbene, Giuseppe Calafiore.Engineering2005Go to website
1836springerRequirements Engineering Elizabeth Hull, Kenneth Jackson, Jeremy Dick.Computer Science2005Go to website
1837springerReconfigurable Distributed Control Héctor Ben?tez-Pérez, Fabi?n Garc?a-Nocetti.Engineering2005Go to website
1838springerRobust Control Design with MATLAB® Da-Wei Gu, Petko Hristov Petkov, Mihail Mihaylov Konstantinov.Engineering2005Go to website
1839springerRationality at Work Peter Michael Doralt.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1840springerRadiologic-Pathologic Correlations from Head to Toe Nicholas C. Gourtsoyiannis, Pablo R. Ros.Medicine2005Go to website
1841springerRadioactivity Radionuclides Radiation Joseph Magill, Jean Galy.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
1842springerRaising of Microvascular Flaps K.-D. Wolff, Frank H?lzle.Medicine2005Go to website
1843springerRisk and Asset Allocation Attilio Meucci.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1844springerRisk Management Michael Frenkel, Markus Rudolf, Ulrich Hommel.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1845springerRefractive Lens Surgery I. Howard Fine, Mark Packer, Richard. S. Hoffman.Medicine2005Go to website
1846springerRegenerative Medicine II Ioannis V. Yannas.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
1847springerRegenerative Medicine I Ioannis V. Yannas.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
1848springerRecent Advances in Memetic Algorithms William E. Hart, J. E. Smith, N. Krasnogor.Engineering2005Go to website
1849springerRole of Apoptosis in Infection Diane E. Griffin.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1850springerRobotics Research R. Chatila, P. Dario.Engineering2005Go to website
1851springerRectal Cancer Treatment Markus W. Büchler, Jürgen Weitz, Bernward Ulrich, Richard John Heald.Medicine2005Go to website
1852springerRelativity and the Nature of Spacetime Vesselin Petkov.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
1853springerRarefied Gas Dynamics Dieter Mewes, Franz Mayinger.Engineering2005Go to website
1854springerRegional Disparities in Small Countries Daniel Felsenstein, Boris A. Portnov.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1855springerRegulatory Genomics Eleazar Eskin, Chris Workman.Computer Science2005Go to website
1856springerRock Joints Georg Mandl.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1857springerReal World Applications of Computational Intelligence Mircea G. Negoita, Bernd Reusch.Engineering2005Go to website
1858springerRoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII Daniele Nardi, Martin Riedmiller, Claude Sammut, José Santos-Victor.Computer Science2005Go to website
1859springerResorcinol Raj B. Durairaj.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
1860springerRecent Advances in Constraints (vol. # 3419) Boi Faltings, Adrian Petcu, François Fages et al.Computer Science2005Go to website
1861springerRecent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques José Luiz Fiadeiro, Peter Mosses, Fernando Orejas.Computer Science2005Go to website
1862springerResource Allocation in Project Management Christoph Schwindt.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1863springerRelativistic Quantum Mechanics Hartmut M. Pilkuhn.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
1864springerRegulation of Sertoli Cell and Germ Cell Differentiation F. F. Beck, B. Christ, F. Clasc?, D. E. Haines, H.-W. Korf, W. Kummer, E. Marani, R. Putz, Y. Sano, T.H. Schiebler, K. Zilles.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1865springerRapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques (vol. # 3475) Nicolas Guelfi.Computer Science2005Go to website
1866springerResearch in Computational Molecular Biology (vol. # 3500) Sorin IstrailSimon Kasif, Jill Mesirov, Satoru MiyaComputer Science2005Go to website
1867springerRiemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis Jürgen Jost.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1868springerReal Options Valuation Marcus Schulmerich.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1869springerReliable Software Technology ? Ada-Europe 2005 Tullio Vardanega, Andy Wellings.Computer Science2005Go to website
1870springerReactive Transport in Soil and Groundwater Gunnar Nützmann, Paolo Viotti, Per Aagaard.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1871springerReasoning Web (vol. # 3564) Norbert Eisinger, Jan Maluszynski.Computer Science2005Go to website
1872springerResearch Design and Proposal Writing in Spatial Science Jay D. Gatrell, Gregory D. Bierly, Ryan R. Jensen.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1873springerReviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacolog S. G. Amara, E. Bamberg, S. Grinstein, S. C. Hebert, R. Jahn, W. J. Lederer, R. Lill, A. Miyajima, H. Murer, S. Offermanns, G. Schultz, M. Schweiger.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1874springerRough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (vol. # 3641) Ivo DuentschDominik SlComputer Science2005Go to website
1875springerRough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (vol. # 3642) Xiaohua HuJames F. PeComputer Science2005Go to website
1876springerResearch and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (vol. # 3652) Stavros Christodoulakis, Andreas Rauber, A Min TjoaComputer Science2005Go to website
1877springerRecent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface (vol. # 3666) Beniamino Di Martino, JaComputer Science2005Go to website
1878springerRules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web Asaf Adi, Suzette Stoutenburg, Said Tabet.Computer Science2005Go to website
1879springerRise and Decline of Industry in Central and Eastern Europe Bernhard Müller, Maro? Finka, Gerd Lintz.Earth and Environmental Science2005Go to website
1880springerRadio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications Hervé Sizun.Engineering2005Go to website
1881springerRegulatory T Cells in Inflammation Leonie S. Taams, Marca H. M. Wauben, Arne N. Akbar.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1882springerRecent Advances in Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and their Applications Dumitru Ga?par, Dan Timotin, L?szl? Zsid?, Israel Gohberg, Florian-Horia Vasilescu.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1883springerRelaxation and Decomposition Methods for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming Ivo Nowak.Computer Science2005Go to website
1884springerRamsey Methods in Analysis Spiros A. Argyros, Stevo Todorcevic.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1885springerRecent Advances in Operator Theory and Its Applications ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1886springerResearch Methodologies in Supply Chain Management Herbert Kotzab, Stefan Seuring, Martin Müller, Gerald Reiner.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1887springerResearch and Technological Innovation Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Marco Fortis.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1888springerResearch and Development in Breast Ultrasound Ei Ueno, Tsuyoshi Shiina, Mitsuhiro Kubota, Kiyoshi Sawai.Medicine2005Go to website
1889springerRectal Cancer Gian Gaetano Delaini.Medicine2005Go to website
1890springerRocket and Spacecraft Propulsion Martin J. L. Turner.Engineering2005Go to website
1891springerResilience in Children, Families, and Communities Ray DeV. Peters, Bonnie Leadbeater, Robert J. McMahon.Behavioral Science2005Go to website
1892springerRegular Expression Recipes for Windows Developers Nathan A. Good.Professional and Applied Computing2005Go to website
1893springerRegenerative and Cell Therapy A. Keating, K. Dicke, N. Gorin, R. Weber, H. Graf.Medicine2005Go to website
1894springerReviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Susan G. Amara.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1895springerReverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code Paolo Tonella, Alessandra Potrich.Computer Science2005Go to website
1896springerReviews of Physiology Vol 154 S. OffermannsBiomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1897springerRise and Fall of Epithelial Phenotype Pierre Savagner.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1898springerRe-Engineering of the Damaged Brain and Spinal Cord Klaus R. H. Wild.Medicine2005Go to website
1899springerReal Photo Postcards Laetitia Wolff.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1900springerRussia's Cosmonauts Rex D. Hall, David J. Shayler, Bert Vis.Physics and Astronomy2005Go to website
1901springerRadiative Decay Engineering Chris D. Geddes, Joseph R. Lakowicz.Chemistry and Materials Science2005Go to website
1902springerResearching Entrepreneurship Per Davidsson.Business and Economics2005Go to website
1903springerReviews in Fluorescence 2005 Chris D. Geddes, Joseph R. Lakowicz.Biomedical and Life Sciences2005Go to website
1904springerResearch and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI Max Bramer, Frans Coenen, Tony Allen.Computer Science2005Go to website
1905springerRights Before Courts Wojciech Sadurski.Humanities, Social Science and Law2005Go to website
1906springerRisk and Asset Allocation Attilio Meucci ; edited by M. Avellaneda, G. Barone-Adesi, M. Broadie, M. H. A. Davis, E. Derman, C. Klüppelberg, W. Schachermayer.Mathematics and Statistics2005Go to website
1907ebraryReception of David Hume in Europe Jones, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1908ebraryRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003 : Selected Papers from 'Going Romance' 2003, Nijmegen, 20-22 November Geerts, TwanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1909ebraryRimbaud : Complete Works, Selected Letters Fowlie, WallaceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1910ebraryRemembering the Past in Contemporary African American Fiction Byerman, KeithLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1911ebraryRise of Agreement. A formal approach to the syntax and grammaticalization of verbal inflection Fu?, EricLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1912ebraryRomance Mamet, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1913ebraryRandom Destinations : Escaping the Holocaust and Starting Life Anew Furst, Lilian R.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1914ebraryRagged Dick : Or, Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks Alger, HoratioLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1915ebraryReference Librarians and Institutional Repositories none specifiedLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1916ebraryReading the Bronte Body : Disease, Desire, and the Constraints of Culture Torgerson, BethLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1917ebraryRudyard Kipling : Hell and Heroism Dillingham, William B.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1918ebraryRhetoric in Antiquity Pernot, LaurentLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1919ebraryRomantic Readers : The Evidence of Marginalia Jackson, H. J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1920ebraryReception of Jonathan Swift in Europe Real, Hermann J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1921ebraryRoget's 21st Century Thesaurus (3rd Edition) Kipfer, Barbara AnnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1922ebraryRed Star over Hollywood : The Film Colony's Long Romance with the Left Radosh, RonaldLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1923ebraryRevisiting The Waste Land Rainey, LawrenceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1924ebraryRamona Jackson, Helen HuntLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1925ebraryReception of H.G.Wells in Europe Parrinder, PatrickLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1926ebraryReconceiving the Renaissance : A Critical Reader Fernie, EwanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1927ebraryReal History of Tom Jones Stevenson, John AllenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1928ebraryReporting from Washington : The History of the Washington Press Corps Ritchie, Donald A.Language, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1929ebraryRepository Print Libraries : Vital Strategies in the Digital World O’Connor, StephenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1930ebraryRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing IV : Selected Papers from RANLP 2005 Nicolov, NicolasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1931ebraryRealist Vision Brooks, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2005Go to website
1932ebraryRadiation Defect Engineering Vitali, KozlovskiEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1933ebraryRecent Advances in Artificial Life, Volume 3 Abbass, H. A.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
1934ebraryRaw 101 : Better Images with Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Canfield, JonEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1935ebraryRF and Baseband Techniques for Software Defined Radio Kenington, PeterEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1936ebraryRisk Assessment of Power Systems : Models, Methods, and Applications Li, WenyuanEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1937ebraryResponse Modeling Methodology (RMM) : Empirical Modeling for Engineering and Science Shore, HaimEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1938ebraryRobust Design : Repertoire of Biological, Ecological, and Engineering Case Studies Jen, EricaEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1939ebraryResearch and Practice (Based on the EUROFM Symposium in Rotterdam 2003) Mudrak, TomasEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1940ebraryRadiation Inactivation of Bioterrorism Agents Gazs?, L.G.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
1941ebraryRepository Print Libraries : Vital Strategies in the Digital World O’Connor, StephenEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1942ebraryReal-World Network Troubleshooting Manual : Tools, Techniques, and Scenarios SuganoEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1943ebraryRadar System Performance Modeling (Second Edition) Curry, RichardEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1944ebraryReport of the Treasurer to the Council of the National Academy of Sciences for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1945ebraryResearch and Development Data Needs: Proceedings of a Workshop Hall, Bronwyn H.Engineering_Technology2005Go to website
1946ebraryRegulation of Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals : A Global Perspective Hasler, ClareEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1947ebraryRobotics Demystified Wise, EdwinEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1948ebraryRe-Engineering Water Storage in the Everglades : Risks and Opportunities Committee on Restoration of the Greater Everglades EcosystemEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1949ebraryRisk and Decisions About Disposition of Transuranic and High-Level Radioactive Waste National Research CouncilEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1950ebraryRegional Cooperation for Water Quality Improvement in Southwestern Pennsylvania Committee on Water Quality Improvement for the Pittsburgh RegionEngineering_Technology2005Go to website
1951ebraryRevolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China Gallay, AlanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1952ebraryReconstructing Post-Nationalist Liberal Pluralism : From Interest to Identity Smits, KatherineHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1953ebraryReallexikon der Germanischen Alterskunde Erg?nzung : Der Dux Mogontiacensis und die Notitia Dignitatum : Eine Studie zur sp?tantiken Grenzverteidigung Scharf, RalfHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1954ebraryRenegade Regimes : Confronting Deviant Behavior in World Politics Nincic, MiroslavHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1955ebraryRoad to the Dayton Accords : A Study of American Statecraft Chollet, DerekHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1956ebraryRwanda's Genocide : The Politics of Global Justice Moghalu, KingsleyHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1957ebraryRethinking Urban Parks : Public Space and Cultural Diversity Low, SethaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1958ebraryRoad to Clarity : Seventh-Day Adventism in Madagascar Keller, EvaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1959ebraryReforming the Church Before Modernity : Patterns, Problems, and Approaches Bellitto, Christopher M.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1960ebraryResiliency in the Face of Disaster and Terrorism : 10 Things to Do to Survive Kehayan, V. AlexHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1961ebraryRural Women in Urban China : Gender, Migration, and Social Change Jacka, TamaraHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1962ebraryRemembering : Performance Oral History Pollock, DellaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1963ebraryRussia in the Nineteenth Century : Autocracy, Reform, and Social Change, 1814-1914 Polunov, AlexanderHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1964ebraryRussian Identities : A Historical Survey Riasanovsky, Nicholas V.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1965ebraryRussian Foreign Policy in Transition : Concepts and Realities Melville, AndreiHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1966ebraryRetreat from Death : A Soldier on the Somme Hill, George HerbertHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1967ebraryRestless Giant : The United States from Watergate to Bush vs. Gore Patterson, James T.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1968ebraryRethinking the New Left : An Interpretative History Gosse, VanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1969ebraryRouting the Opposition : Social Movements, Public Policy, and Democracy Meyer, David S.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1970ebraryRecaudar para crecer. Bases para la reforma tributaria en Centroamérica R. Agosin, ManuelHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1971ebraryRevisiting New Netherland : Perspectives on Early Dutch America Goodfriend, Joyce D.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1972ebraryRace and the Making of American Liberalism Horton, Carol A.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1973ebraryRepresenting East Germany since Unification : From Colonization to Nostalgia Cooke, PaulHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1974ebraryRevolution in Eating : How the Quest for Food Shaped America McWilliams, James E.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1975ebraryRacism and Discourse in Spain and Latin America Dijk, Teun A. vanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1976ebraryReport on the State of the European Union, Volume 1 Fitoussi, Jean-PaulHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1977ebraryRevolutionary Passage : >From Soviet to Post-Soviet Russia, 1985-2000 Garcelon, MarcHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1978ebraryReligion, Social Practice, and Contested Hegemonies : Reconstructing the Public Sphere in Muslim Majority Societies Salvatore, ArmandoHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1979ebraryRivers of Gold : The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan Thomas, HughHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1980ebraryRussia in the European Context, 1789-1914 : A Member of the Family McCaffray, SusanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1981ebraryRoad Ahead : Middle East Policy in the Bush Administration's Second Term Leverett, FlyntHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1982ebraryRecollecting Freud Sadger, IsidorHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1983ebraryRusso-Japanese War in Global Perspective : World War Zero Steinberg, John W.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1984ebraryReligion and Politics : Cultural Perspectives Giesen, BernhardHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1985ebraryRising to the Challenge : China's Grand Strategy and International Security Goldstein, AveryHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1986ebraryRoma and Egyptians in Albania : From Social Exclusion to Social Inclusion De Soto, HermineHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1987ebraryRhetoric of Manhood : Masculinity in the Attic Orators Roisman, JosephHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1988ebraryReconceiving the Renaissance : A Critical Reader Fernie, EwanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1989ebraryRubicon : The Last Years of the Roman Republic Holland, TomHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1990ebraryReign of Alexander II, 1214-49 Oram, Richard D.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1991ebraryRadiation Inactivation of Bioterrorism Agents Gazs?, L.G.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1992ebraryRemesas de Inmigrantes F. Terry, DonaldHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1993ebraryReclaiming a Plundered Past : Archaeology and Nation Building in Modern Iraq Bernhardsson, Magnus T.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1994ebraryRepression and Mobilization Davenport, ChrisHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1995ebraryRitual and Symbol in Peacebuilding Schirch, LisaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1996ebraryReshaping the Future : Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Buckland, PeterHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1997ebraryRussian Arctic Straits Brubaker, DouglasHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1998ebraryReforging the White Republic : Race, Religion, and American Nationalism, 1865–1898 Blum, Edward J.History&Political Sciences2005Go to website
1999ebraryRoad to Martyrs' Square : A Journey into the World of the Suicide Bomber Oliver, Anne MarieHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2000ebraryReforming from the Top : A Leaders' 20 Summit English, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2001ebraryRepresentation and Misrepresentation in Later Stuart Britain : Partisanship and Political Culture Knights, MarkHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2002ebraryRomance and Rights : The Politics of Interracial Intimacy, 1945-1954 Lubin, AlexHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2003ebraryRoma in an Expanding Europe : Breaking the Poverty Cycle Ringold, DenaHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2004ebraryResolving Racial Conflict Levine, BertramHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2005ebraryReal Oliver Twist Waller, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2006ebraryRed Millionaire : A Political Biography of Willi Mèunzenberg, Moscow's Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West McMeekin, SeanHistory&Political Sciences2005Go to website
2007ebraryReal Screenwriting : Strategies and Stories from the Trenches Suppa, RonHumanities2005Go to website
2008ebraryRadio's Intimate Public : Network Broadcasting and Mass-Mediated Democracy Loviglio, JasonHumanities2005Go to website
2009ebraryRomance Mamet, DavidHumanities2005Go to website
2010ebraryRepeating Ourselves: American Minimal Music as Cultural Practice Fink, RobertHumanities2005Go to website
2011ebraryRoman Imperial Statue Bases : From Augustus to Commodus H?jte, Jakob M.Humanities2005Go to website
2012ebraryRaw 101 : Better Images with Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Canfield, JonHumanities2005Go to website
2013ebraryReading Six Feet Under : TV to Die For McCabe, JanetHumanities2005Go to website
2014ebraryRandy Newman's American Dreams Courrier, KevinHumanities2005Go to website
2015ebraryRoland vs. Recorder Power! : The Comprehensive Guide Frick, KarlHumanities2005Go to website
2016ebraryRed Star over Hollywood : The Film Colony's Long Romance with the Left Radosh, RonaldHumanities2005Go to website
2017ebraryReason 3 Power! Development, Course PtrHumanities2005Go to website
2018ebraryReason 3 Overdrive! Martin, Christopher LeeHumanities2005Go to website
2019ebraryReason 3 Ignite! Development, Course PtrHumanities2005Go to website
2020ebraryRoots of Musicality: Music Therapy and Personal Development Perret, DanielHumanities2005Go to website
2021ebraryRadical Initiatives in Interventionist and Community Drama Billingham, PeterHumanities2005Go to website
2022ebraryRaising Boys' Achievements in Secondary Schools Younger, MikeEducation2005Go to website
2023ebraryRevealing the Hidden Social Code : Social Stories for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Howley, MarieEducation2005Go to website
2024ebraryRediscovering the Historical Schools, Part 2 Backhaus, Professor JurgenEducation2005Go to website
2025ebraryReshaping the University : New Relationships Between Research, Scholarship and Teaching Barnett, RonaldEducation2005Go to website
2026ebraryReligion and Education among Latinos in New York City Pantoja, SegundoEducation2005Go to website
2027ebraryRemaking the American University : Market-Smart and Mission-Centered Zemsky, RobertEducation2005Go to website
2028ebraryRediscovering the Historical Schools, Part 1 Backhaus, Professor JurgenEducation2005Go to website
2029ebraryResearch Interviewing : The Range of Techniques Gillham, BillEducation2005Go to website
2030ebraryRevolution and Pedagogy : Interdisciplinary and Transnational Perspectives on Educational Foundations Ewing, E. ThomasEducation2005Go to website
2031ebraryRadical-Local Teaching and Learning : A Cultural-Historical Approach Chaiklin, SethEducation2005Go to website
2032ebraryReshaping the Future : Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Buckland, PeterEducation2005Go to website
2033ebraryResumes for Education Careers : With Sample Cover Letters VGM Career Books (Firm) StaffEducation2005Go to website
2034ebraryResearching Learning Difficulties : A Guide for Practitioners Porter, JillEducation2005Go to website
2035ebraryRace, Law, and the Desegregation of Public Schools Moran, Peter WilliamEducation2005Go to website
2036ebraryRussia and the Information Revolution Peterson, D. J.Computer_IT2005Go to website
2037ebraryRecent Advances in Artificial Life, Volume 3 Abbass, H. A.Computer_IT2005Go to website
2038ebraryRaw 101 : Better Images with Photoshop and Photoshop Elements Canfield, JonComputer_IT2005Go to website
2039ebraryRoland vs. Recorder Power! : The Comprehensive Guide Frick, KarlComputer_IT2005Go to website
2040ebraryReason 3 Power! Development, Course PtrComputer_IT2005Go to website
2041ebraryReversing : Secrets of Reverse Engineering Eilam, EldadComputer_IT2005Go to website
2042ebraryReason 3 Overdrive! Martin, Christopher LeeComputer_IT2005Go to website
2043ebraryReason 3 Ignite! Development, Course PtrComputer_IT2005Go to website
2044ebraryRobust Range Image Registration : Using Genetic Algorithms and the Surface Interpenetration Measure (Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, Wolume 60) Silva, LucianoComputer_IT2005Go to website
2045ebraryRetro Game Programming : Unleashed for the Masses Carey, Earl JohnComputer_IT2005Go to website
2046ebraryRexx Programmer's Reference Fosdick, HowardComputer_IT2005Go to website
2047ebraryReal-Time Cinematography for Games Hawkins, Brian M.Computer_IT2005Go to website
2048ebraryReal-World Network Troubleshooting Manual : Tools, Techniques, and Scenarios SuganoComputer_IT2005Go to website
2049ebraryRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing IV : Selected Papers from RANLP 2005 Nicolov, NicolasComputer_IT2005Go to website
2050FA-DavisResearch Methods in Athletic Training  Brent L. Arnold, Bruce M. Gansneder, David H. PerrinNursing2005Go to website
2051ebraryRace and Sport : The Struggle for Equality On and Off the Field Ross, Charles K.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2052ebraryRethinking Orientalism : Women, Travel and the Ottoman Harem Lewis, ReinaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2053ebraryRetreat of the Elephants : An Environmental History of China Ensminger, Peter A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2054ebraryRed, White, Black, and Blue : A Dual Memoir of Race and Class in Appalachia Drennen, William M., Jr.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2055ebraryRing Out Freedom! : The Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement Sunnemark, FredrikInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2056ebraryRich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight : Race, Class, and Power in the Rural South During the First World War Keith, JeanetteInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2057ebraryRituals of Recruitment in Tang China : Reading an Annual Programme in the Collected Statements by Wang Dingbao (870940) Moore, Oliver J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2058ebraryRevitalizing the Jamaican Economy : Policies for Sustained Growth Inter-American Development BankInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2059ebraryRebellious Feminism : Camus's Ethic of Rebellion and Feminist Thought Bartlett, Elizabeth AnnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2060ebraryRace Mixture in Nineteenth-Century U. S. and Spanish American Fictions : Gender, Culture, and Nation Building Rosenthal, Debra J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2061ebraryRighteous Propagation : African Americans and the Politics of Racial Destiny after Reconstruction Mitchell, MicheleInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2062ebraryRights, Resources and Rural Development : Community Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa Fabricius, ChristoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2063ebraryRadical Lives of Helen Keller Nielsen, Kim E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2064ebraryRoad to Sustained Growth in Jamaica World Bank StaffInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2065ebraryRace for Sanctions : African Americans Against Apartheid, 1946-1994 Nesbitt, Francis NjubiInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2066ebraryRiver Nile in the Age of the British : Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power Tvedt, TerjeInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2067ebraryRiver Has Never Divided Us : A Border History of la Junta de los Rios Morgenthaler, JeffersonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2068ebraryRain Forest Literatures : Amazonian Texts and Latin American Culture Sa, LuciaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2069ebraryRace, Ethnicity and Difference : Imagining the Inclusive Society Ratcliffe, PeterInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2070ebraryRacism and Human Rights Walden, RaphaelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2071ebraryReasonable Radicals and Citizenship in Botswana : The Public Anthropology of Kalanga Elites Werbner, Richard P.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2072ebraryReaching Out to Africa's Orphans : A Framework for Public Action Subbarao, KalanidhiInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2073ebraryRace and Ethnicity : Across Time, Space, and Discipline Coates, Rodney D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2074ebraryRussian Immigrants in the United States : Adapting to American Culture Kishinevsky, VeraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2075ebraryRewriting White : Race, Class, and Cultural Capital in Nineteenth-Century America Vogel, ToddInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2076ebraryRevolution Televised : Prime Time and the Struggle for Black Power Acham, ChristineInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2077ebraryRaja Nal and the Goddess : The North Indian Epic Dhola in Performance Wadley, Susan SnowInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2078ebraryRisks of Knowledge : Investigations into the Death of the Hon. Minister John Robert Ouko in Kenya 1990 Cohen, David WilliamInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2079ebraryRace, Poverty, and Domestic Policy Henry, C. MichaelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2080ebraryRise and Fall of the Cosmic Race : The Cult of Mestizaje in Latin America Miller, Marilyn GraceInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2081ebraryRace, Resistance, and the Boy Scout Movement in British Colonial Africa Parsons, Timothy H.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2082ebraryRooted in Place : Family and Belonging in a Southern Black Community Falk, William W.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2083ebraryRevolution Question : Feminisms in el Salvador, Chile, and Cuba Compared Shayne, Julie D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2004Go to website
2084ebraryReview of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program National Research Council StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2085ebraryRelational Social Work : Toward Networking and Societal Practices Folgheraiter, FabioLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2086ebraryReducing Future Flood Losses: The Role of Human Actions -- Summary of a Workshop, March 2, 2004, Washington, DC National Research CouncilLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2087ebraryRace and Sport : The Struggle for Equality On and Off the Field Ross, Charles K.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2088ebraryRadio Frequency Identification Technologies: A Workshop Summary Committee on Radio Frequency Identification TechnologiesLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2089ebraryRussian Crossroads : Toward the New Millennium Primakov, YevgenyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2090ebraryReengineering the 2010 Census Cork, Daniel L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2091ebraryRe-Placing Informal Employment : Implications for Work and Welfare in the Advanced Economies Williams, Colin C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2092ebraryRethinking Homicide : Exploring the Structure and Process Underlying Deadly Situations Miethe, Terance D.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2093ebraryRegulation of Food Packaging in Europe and the USA Knight, Derek J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2094ebraryRegulation in the States Teske, PaulLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2095ebraryRole of Human Rights in Foreign Policy Baehr, Peter R.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2096ebraryRobert B. Heilman and Eric Voegelin : A Friendship in Letters, 1944-1984 Heilman, Robert BechtoldLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2097ebraryRussell Kirk and the Age of Ideology McDonald, W. WesleyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2098ebraryReforming Infrastructure : Privatization, Regulation, and Competition Kessides, IoannisLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2099ebraryRace for Sanctions : African Americans Against Apartheid, 1946-1994 Nesbitt, Francis NjubiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2100ebraryRepublican Noise Machine : Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy Brock, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2101ebraryRacism and Human Rights Walden, RaphaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2102ebraryRegulation of Agricultural Biotechnology Evenson, Robert E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2103ebraryReaching Out to Africa's Orphans : A Framework for Public Action Subbarao, KalanidhiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2104ebraryReal Price of War : How You Pay for the War on Terror Goldstein, Joshua S.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2105ebraryRethinking Pension Reform Modigliani, FrancoLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2106ebraryRussian Peasants Go to Court : Legal Culture in the Countryside, 1905-1917 Burbank, JaneLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2107ebraryReconceptualizing Social Policy Coffey, AmandaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2108ebraryRethinking European Union Foreign Policy Tonra, BenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2109ebraryRed Sky at Morning : America and the Crisis of the Global Environment Speth, James GustaveLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2004Go to website
2110ebraryReview of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program National Research Council StaffSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2111ebraryRational Herds : Economic Models of Social Learning Chamley, ChristopheSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2112ebraryReengineering the 2010 Census Cork, Daniel L.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2113ebraryRe-Placing Informal Employment : Implications for Work and Welfare in the Advanced Economies Williams, Colin C.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2114ebraryRiding Costume in Egypt : Origin and Appearance Fluck, CaciliaSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2115ebraryRhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique : Game Work : Language, Power, and Computer Game Culture McAllister, Ken S.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2116ebraryRituals of Recruitment in Tang China : Reading an Annual Programme in the Collected Statements by Wang Dingbao (870940) Moore, Oliver J.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2117ebraryRethinking Homicide : Exploring the Structure and Process Underlying Deadly Situations Miethe, Terance D.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2118ebraryRebellious Feminism : Camus's Ethic of Rebellion and Feminist Thought Bartlett, Elizabeth AnnSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2119ebraryRape and Race in the Nineteenth-Century South Sommerville, Diane MillerSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2120ebraryRethinking Cultural Policy McGuigan, JimSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2121ebraryReforming Welfare by Rewarding Work : One State's Successful Experiment Hage, DaveSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2122ebraryReworking Qualitative Data Heaton, JanetSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2123ebraryRiver Has Never Divided Us : A Border History of la Junta de los Rios Morgenthaler, JeffersonSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2124ebraryRace, Ethnicity and Difference : Imagining the Inclusive Society Ratcliffe, PeterSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2125ebraryRethinking Durkheim and His Tradition Schmaus, WarrenSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2126ebraryRace and Ethnicity : Across Time, Space, and Discipline Coates, Rodney D.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2127ebraryReal Price of War : How You Pay for the War on Terror Goldstein, Joshua S.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2128ebraryResisting Ethics Schaffer, ScottSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2129ebraryReligion, Realism and Social Theory : Making Sense of Society Mellor, Philip A.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2130ebraryRaja Nal and the Goddess : The North Indian Epic Dhola in Performance Wadley, Susan SnowSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2131ebraryRace, Poverty, and Domestic Policy Henry, C. MichaelSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2132ebraryRise and Fall of the Cosmic Race : The Cult of Mestizaje in Latin America Miller, Marilyn GraceSociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2133ebraryRace, Resistance, and the Boy Scout Movement in British Colonial Africa Parsons, Timothy H.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2134ebraryRevolution Question : Feminisms in el Salvador, Chile, and Cuba Compared Shayne, Julie D.Sociology & Anthropology2004Go to website
2135ebraryRussian Orthodoxy on the Eve of Revolution Shevzov, VeraReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2136ebraryRedescribing Christian Origins Cameron, RonReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2137ebraryReformation of Faith in the Context of Late Medieval Theology and Piety : Essays by Berndt Hamm Hamm, BerndtReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2138ebraryReligion As a Human Capacity : A Festschrift in Honor of E. Thomas Lawson Lawson, E. ThomasReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2139ebraryReputation and Representation in Fifteenth Century Europe Biggs, DouglasReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2140ebraryReligious Revolutionaries : The Rebels Who Reshaped American Religion Fuller, Robert C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2141ebraryRomans : From Village to Empire Boatwright, Mary T.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2142ebraryRome at War : Farms, Families, and Death in the Middle Republic Rosenstein, Nathan StewartReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2143ebraryRhythmanalysis : Space, Time and Everyday Life Lefebvre, HenriReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2144ebraryReforming Mary : Changing Images of the Virgin Mary in Lutheran Sermons of the Sixteenth Century Kreitzer, BethReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2145ebraryRome in America D'Agostino, Peter R.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2146ebraryRome, the Greek World, and the East, Volume 2 : Government, Society, and Culture in the Roman Empire Millar, FergusReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2147ebraryRapture, Revelation, and the End Times : Exploring the Left Behind Series Forbes, Bruce DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2148ebraryRethinking R. G. Collingwood : Philosophy, Politics, and the Unity of Theory and Practice Browning, Gary K.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2149ebraryReligion in Ohio : Profiles of Faith Communities Butalia, Tarunjit SinghReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2150ebraryReading Hegel's Phenomenology Russon, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2151ebraryReadings on the Knowledge of Self and the Knowledge of God BernardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2152ebraryResisting Ethics Schaffer, ScottReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2153ebraryReclaiming the Enlightenment : Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement Bronner, Stephen EricReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2154ebraryReligion, Literature, and Scholarship: The Sumerian Composition Nanše and the Birds Veldhuis, NiekReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2155ebraryResurgent Voice in Latin America: Indigenous Peoples, Political Mobilization, and Religious Change Cleary, Edward L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2156ebraryRescued from the Reich : How One of Hitler's Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rigg, BryanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2157ebraryReturn of the Baroque : Art, Theory and Culture in the Modern Age Lambert, GreggReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2158ebraryRoman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews : New Perspectives for Research Wendehorst, StephanReligion, Philosophy & Classics2004Go to website
2159ebraryReview of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program National Research Council StaffPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2160ebraryRelational Social Work : Toward Networking and Societal Practices Folgheraiter, FabioPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2161ebraryReducing Future Flood Losses: The Role of Human Actions -- Summary of a Workshop, March 2, 2004, Washington, DC National Research CouncilPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2162ebraryRESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS IN SOCIAL WORK 46 : Managing Sex Offender Risk Kemshall, HazelPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2163ebraryRe-Placing Informal Employment : Implications for Work and Welfare in the Advanced Economies Williams, Colin C.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2164ebraryRethinking Homicide : Exploring the Structure and Process Underlying Deadly Situations Miethe, Terance D.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2165ebraryRadical Lives of Helen Keller Nielsen, Kim E.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2166ebraryRape and Race in the Nineteenth-Century South Sommerville, Diane MillerPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2167ebraryRethinking Childhood Pufall, Peter B.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2168ebraryRational Emotive Behavioural Approach to Therapeutic Change Dryden, WindyPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2169ebraryReflections from a Different Journey : What Adults with Disabilities Wish All Parents Knew Klein, StanleyPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2170ebraryReforming Welfare by Rewarding Work : One State's Successful Experiment Hage, DavePsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2171ebraryRational Emotive Behavioural Counselling in Action (3rd Edition) Dryden, W.Psychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2172ebraryReaching Out to Africa's Orphans : A Framework for Public Action Subbarao, KalanidhiPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2173ebraryRace, Poverty, and Domestic Policy Henry, C. MichaelPsychology & Social Work2004Go to website
2174ebraryReview of the U.S. CLIVAR Project Office Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) Project OfficePhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2175ebraryReview of NASA's Solid-Earth Science Strategy Committee to Review NASA's Solid-Earth Science StrategyPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2176ebraryRecent Achievements and Perspectives In Nuclear Physics : Proceedings of the 5th Italy : Japan Symposium La Rana, G.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2177ebraryRecent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Volume 9 : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Carlson, Joseph A.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2178ebraryRecent Advances on Elliptic and Parabolic Issues : Proceedings of the 2004 Swiss-Japanese Seminar Chipot, MichelPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2179ebraryRoom-Temperature Superconductivity Mourachkine, AndreiPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2180ebraryRemarkable Physicists : From Galileo to Yukawa James, IoanPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2181ebraryRelativistic Astrophysics And Cosmology : Proceedings of the 13th Course of the International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Shapiro, Maurice M.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2182ebraryRepresentation Theory of Finite Reductive Groups Cabanes, MarcPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2183ebraryRelativity : An Introduction to Special and General Relativity Stephani, HansPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2184ebraryRepresentations of Real and P-Adic Groups Tan, Eng-ChyePhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2185ebraryRandom Walks and Geometry : Proceedings of a Workshop on Random Walks and Geometry at the Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, June 18-July 13, 2001 Kaimanovich, V. A.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2186ebraryRelativist's Toolkit : The Mathematics of Black-Hole Mechanics Poisson, EricPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2187ebraryRiemannian Submersions and Related Topics Falcitelli, MariaPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2188ebraryResearch Projects and Research Proposals : A Guide for Scientists Seeking Funding Chapin, Paul G.Physical Sciences2004Go to website
2189ebraryRainfall-Runoff Modelling in Gauged and Ungauged Catchments Wagener, ThorstenPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2190ebraryRepresentations of Finite and Lie Groups Thomas, Charles BPhysical Sciences2004Go to website
2191ebraryRespiratory Management in Critical Care Evans, Timothy W.Nursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2192ebraryReport on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic / UNAIDS World Health Organization StaffNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2193ebraryReview of the Army's Technical Guides on Assessing and Managing Chemical Hazards to Deployed Personnel Subcommittee on the Toxicological Risks to Deployed Military PersonnelNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2194ebraryRapport sur l'épidémie mondiale de VIH/SIDA 2004 World Health Organization StaffNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2195ebraryRisk, Communication and Health Psychology Berry, DianneNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2196ebraryRegulating Pharmaceuticals in Europe : Striving for Efficiency, Equity and Quality Mossialos, EliasNursing & Allied Health2004Go to website
2197ebraryResynchronization and Defibrillation for Heart Failure : A Practical Approach Hayes, David L.Medicine2004Go to website
2198ebraryRheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease : Report of a WHO expert consultation, Geneva, 20 October - 1 November 2001 World Health Organization StaffMedicine2004Go to website
2199ebraryResearch on Reproductive Health at WHO : Pushing the Frontiers of Knowledge : Biennial Report, 2002-2003. World Health Organization StaffMedicine2004Go to website
2200ebraryRoad to Successful CRT System Implantation : A Step-by-Step Approach Gras, DanielMedicine2004Go to website
2201ebraryRespiratory Management in Critical Care Evans, Timothy W.Medicine2004Go to website
2202ebraryReview of NASA's Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health Longnecker, David E.Medicine2004Go to website
2203ebraryRole of Nitric Oxide in Heart Failure Jugdutt, Bodh I.Medicine2004Go to website
2204ebraryRegulating Pharmaceuticals in Europe : Striving for Efficiency, Equity and Quality Mossialos, EliasMedicine2004Go to website
2205ebraryRecurrent Miscarriage and Pre-Eclampsia : The Roles Played by the Immune System and Antioxidants Wilson, RhodaMedicine2004Go to website
2206ebraryReview of the U.S. CLIVAR Project Office Committee to Review the U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) Project OfficeLife Sciences2004Go to website
2207ebraryResearch on Reproductive Health at WHO : Pushing the Frontiers of Knowledge : Biennial Report, 2002-2003. World Health Organization StaffLife Sciences2004Go to website
2208ebraryRetreat of the Elephants : An Environmental History of China Ensminger, Peter A.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2209ebraryReproductive Technologies in Farm Animals Gordon, Ian R.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2210ebraryRegulation of Food Packaging in Europe and the USA Knight, Derek J.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2211ebraryRussian Fisheries Management : The Precautinary Approach in Theory and Practice Honneland, GeirLife Sciences2004Go to website
2212ebraryRewilding North America : A Vision for Conservation in the 21st Century Foreman, DaveLife Sciences2004Go to website
2213ebraryResearch Projects and Research Proposals : A Guide for Scientists Seeking Funding Chapin, Paul G.Life Sciences2004Go to website
2214ebraryRemarkable Life of William Beebe : Explorer and Naturalist Gould, Carol GrantLife Sciences2004Go to website
2215ebraryRed Sky at Morning : America and the Crisis of the Global Environment Speth, James GustaveLife Sciences2004Go to website
2216ebraryRainmaker's Toolkit : Power Strategies for Finding, Keeping, and Growing Profitable Clients Mills, HarryBusiness2004Go to website
2217ebraryReport of the Treasurer to the Council For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaBusiness2004Go to website
2218ebraryRedesigning the U.S. Naturalization Tests: Interim Report Committee on the U.S. Naturalization Test RedesignBusiness2004Go to website
2219ebraryRational Herds : Economic Models of Social Learning Chamley, ChristopheBusiness2004Go to website
2220ebraryRisk Modeling, Assessment, and Management Haimes, Yacov Y.Business2004Go to website
2221ebraryReview of Electricity Supply and Demand in Southeast Europe Atur, VaradarajanBusiness2004Go to website
2222ebraryReason 2.5 Power! Prager, MichaelBusiness2004Go to website
2223ebraryRisk from the CEO and Board Perspective : What All Managers Need to Know about Growth in a Turbulent World McCarthy, Mary PatBusiness2004Go to website
2224ebraryRevisiting Reform in the Energy Sector : Lessons from Georgia (Bilingual edition) Lampietti, Julian A.Business2004Go to website
2225ebraryReward Management ArmstrongBusiness2004Go to website
2226ebraryRegional Public Goods : From Theory to Practice Estevadeordal, AntoniBusiness2004Go to website
2227ebraryReference Checking for Everyone : What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Business, and Your Family Barada, PaulBusiness2004Go to website
2228ebraryRumors and Rumor Control : A Manager's Guide to Understanding and Combatting Rumors Kimmel, Allan J.Business2004Go to website
2229ebraryResearch that Matters: Helping Organizations Integrate Spiritual Values and Practices Neal, JudiBusiness2004Go to website
2230ebraryReal Thing : Truth and Power at the Coca-Cola Company Hays, ConstanceBusiness2004Go to website
2231ebraryROI of Software Process Improvement : For Project Portfolio Managers and PMO's Rico, David F.Business2004Go to website
2232ebraryRepair Your Credit and Knock Out Your Debt Michael, JeffBusiness2004Go to website
2233ebraryReforming the Financial Sector in Central European Countries Polouecek, StanislavBusiness2004Go to website
2234ebraryResumes for Performing Arts Careers VGM Career Books StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2235ebraryRestoring Fiscal Sanity : How to Balance the Budget Rivlin, Alice M.Business2004Go to website
2236ebraryRole of the Non-Executive Director in the Small to Medium-Sized Business Smithson, JohnBusiness2004Go to website
2237ebraryRisk Management : The Bottleneck Is at the Top of the Bottle Chorafas, Dimitris N.Business2004Go to website
2238ebraryRescued by Europe? : Social and Labour Market Reforms in Italy from Maastricht to Berlusconi Ferrera, MaurizioBusiness2004Go to website
2239ebraryReorganizing the Rust Belt : An Inside Study of the American Labor Movement Lopez, SHBusiness2004Go to website
2240ebraryReluctant Economist : Perspectives on Economics, Economic History, and Demography Easterlin, Richard A.Business2004Go to website
2241ebraryRadical Leap : A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership Farber, SteveBusiness2004Go to website
2242ebraryRun It Like a Business : Top Financial Planners Weigh in on Practice Management Koreto, Richard J.Business2004Go to website
2243ebraryRebuilding Germany : The Creation of the Social Market Economy, 1945-1957 Van Hook, James C.Business2004Go to website
2244ebraryRadio Active : Advertising and Consumer Activism, 1935-1947 Newman, Kathy M.Business2004Go to website
2245ebraryRoadmap to Entrepreneurial Success : Powerful Strategies for Building a High-Profit Business Price, Robert W.Business2004Go to website
2246ebraryReforming Fiscal and Economic Management in Afghanistan Carnahan, MichaelBusiness2004Go to website
2247ebraryRealigning Interests : Crisis and Credibility in European Monetary Integration Chang, MicheleBusiness2004Go to website
2248ebraryRepresenting Organization : Knowledge, Management, and the Information Age Lightfoot, GeoffreyBusiness2004Go to website
2249ebraryResponsibility in World Business : Managing Harmful Side-Effects of Corporate Activity Bomann-Larsen, LeneBusiness2004Go to website
2250ebraryRegulation of Agricultural Biotechnology Evenson, Robert E.Business2004Go to website
2251ebraryReal Time/Concurrent Knowledge Shariq, Syed Z.Business2004Go to website
2252ebraryRethinking Pension Reform Modigliani, FrancoBusiness2004Go to website
2253ebraryResponsible Growth for the New Millennium : Integrating Society, Ecology and the Economy World Bank StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2254ebraryROI Selling : Increasing Revenue, Profit, and Customer Loyalty Through the 360 Sales Cycle Koenig, KurtBusiness2004Go to website
2255ebraryRussia's Foreign Trade and Economic Expansion in the Seventeenth Century Kotilaine, J. T.Business2004Go to website
2256ebraryRecords management in the voluntary sector Emerald Insight StaffBusiness2004Go to website
2257ebraryRating Management's Effectiveness : Case Studies in Telecommunications Chorafas, Dimitris N.Business2004Go to website
2258ebraryRaising Consumers : Children and the American Mass Market in the Early Twentieth Century Jacobson, LisaBusiness2004Go to website
2259ebraryRhetoric and Renaissance Culture Plett, Heinrich F.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2260ebraryReception of Pater in Europe Bann, StephenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2261ebraryReception of Ossian in Europe Saskill, HowardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2262ebraryRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2002. Selected papers from 'Going Romance', Groningen, 28-30 November 2002. Bok-Bennema, ReinekeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2263ebraryRelatos y Relaciones de Hispanoamerica Colonial Olivera, OttoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2264ebraryReligion, Literature, and Scholarship: The Sumerian Composition Nanše and the Birds Veldhuis, NiekLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2265ebraryRevisiting the Interpreter's Role : A Study of Conference, Court, and Medical Interpreters in Canada, Mexico, and the United States Angelelli, ClaudiaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2266ebraryRaising the Dust : The Literary Housekeeping of Mary Ward, Sarah Grand, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman Sutton-Ramspeck, BethLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2267ebraryRohinton Mistry Morey, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2268ebraryRewriting White : Race, Class, and Cultural Capital in Nineteenth-Century America Vogel, ToddLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2269ebraryRoman Tragedy : Theatre to Theatricality Erasmo, MarioLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2270ebraryRepresentative Men : Seven Lectures Emerson, Ralph WaldoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2271ebraryRain Forest Literatures : Amazonian Texts and Latin American Culture Sa, LuciaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2272ebraryReception of Laurence Sterne in Europe Voogd, Peter Jan deLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2273ebraryRapture Culture : Left Behind in Evangelical America Frykholm, Amy JohnsonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2274ebraryRecontextualizing Context : Grammaticality Meets Appropriateness Fetzer, AnitaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2275ebraryReconstructing the Beats Skerl, JennieLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2276ebraryRestructuring LIS Education Ashworth, SusanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2277ebraryRace Mixture in Nineteenth-Century U. S. and Spanish American Fictions : Gender, Culture, and Nation Building Rosenthal, Debra J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2278ebraryReference Grammar of Russian Timberlake, AlanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2279ebraryReading for the Truth: Rhetorical Constructions in Norwegian Fiction Sj?vik, JanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2280ebraryRed Pocket Book of Spanish Verbs Gordon, Ronni L.Language, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2281ebraryRussia's Dangerous Texts : Politics Between the Lines Parthe, KathleenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2282ebraryReception of Byron in Europe Cardwell, RichardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2283ebraryRevisionist Shakespeare : Transitional Ideologies in Texts and Contexts Cefalu, PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2284ebraryRomeo and Juliet Shakespeare, WilliamLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2004Go to website
2285ebraryRail, Steam, and Speed : The Rocket and the Birth of Steam Locomotion McGowan, ChristopherEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2286ebraryRadioisotope Gauges for Industrial Process Measurements Johansen, Geir AntonEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2287ebraryRadar Signals Levanon, NadavEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2288ebraryResearch Projects and Research Proposals : A Guide for Scientists Seeking Funding Chapin, Paul G.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2289ebraryRobotics: Mobility, Reflexes and Teamwork Patch, KimberlyEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2290ebraryReconstructability Analysis: Theory and Applications Zwick, MartinEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2291ebraryRegular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design Mo, FanEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2292ebraryRegulation of Food Packaging in Europe and the USA Knight, Derek J.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2293ebraryReview of the Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap Committee to Review the Desalination and Water Purification Technology RoadmapEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2294ebraryRiver Basins and Coastal Systems Planning Within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Panel on River Basin and Coastal Systems PlanningEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2295ebraryRadiation Physics of Metals and Its Applications Ivanov, L. IEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2296ebraryReview of NASA's Aerospace Technology Enterprise Committee for the Review of NASA's Revolutionize Aviation ProgramEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2297ebraryResearch Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter: IV. Continuing Research Progress Committee on Research Priorities for Airborne Particulate MatterEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2298ebraryRetooling Manufacturing: Bridging Design, Materials, and Production Committee on Bridging Design and ManufacturingEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2299ebraryReview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi-Illinois Waterway Restructured Feasibility Study: Interim Report National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2300ebraryRapport mondial sur la prévention des traumatismes dus aux accidents de la circulation Peden, MargieEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2301ebraryRenewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems Masters, Gilbert M.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2302ebraryRisk Modeling, Assessment, and Management Haimes, Yacov Y.Engineering_Technology2004Go to website
2303ebraryReview of NASAs Aerospace Technology Enterprise: An Assessment of NASAs Pioneering Revolutionary Technology Program Committee for the Review of NASA's Pioneering Revolutionary Technology(PRT)ProgramEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2304ebraryReview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Restructured Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway Feasibility Study: Second Report Committee to Review the Corps of Engineers Restructured Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway Feasibility StudyEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2305ebraryReports on Leading-Edge Engineering from the 2003 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering National Academy of EngineeringEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2306ebraryReview of the EPA Water Security Research and Technical Support Action Plan: Parts I and II Panel on Water System Security ResearchEngineering_Technology2004Go to website
2307ebraryRhetoric and Renaissance Culture Plett, Heinrich F.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2308ebraryRed Sky at Morning : America and the Crisis of the Global Environment Speth, James GustaveHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2309ebraryReading Palestine : Printing and Literacy, 1900-1948 Ayalon, AmiHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2310ebraryRail, Steam, and Speed : The Rocket and the Birth of Steam Locomotion McGowan, ChristopherHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2311ebraryRooted in Place : Family and Belonging in a Southern Black Community Falk, William W.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2312ebraryRoman Inquisition, the Index and the Jews : New Perspectives for Research Wendehorst, StephanHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2313ebraryRace, Poverty, and Domestic Policy Henry, C. MichaelHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2314ebraryRisks of Knowledge : Investigations into the Death of the Hon. Minister John Robert Ouko in Kenya 1990 Cohen, David WilliamHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2315ebraryRescued from the Reich : How One of Hitler's Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rigg, BryanHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2316ebraryRussia's Foreign Trade and Economic Expansion in the Seventeenth Century Kotilaine, J. T.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2317ebraryReclaiming the Enlightenment : Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement Bronner, Stephen EricHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2318ebraryRethinking European Union Foreign Policy Tonra, BenHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2319ebraryRussian Immigrants in the United States : Adapting to American Culture Kishinevsky, VeraHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2320ebraryRattler One-Seven : A Vietnam Helicopter Pilot's War Story Gross, ChuckHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2321ebraryRevolution of 1905 : A Short History Ascher, AbrahamHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2322ebraryRestructuring Territoriality : Europe and the United States Compared Ansell, Christopher K.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2323ebraryRealigning Interests : Crisis and Credibility in European Monetary Integration Chang, MicheleHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2324ebraryRome, the Greek World, and the East, Volume 2 : Government, Society, and Culture in the Roman Empire Millar, FergusHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2325ebraryRegulating Pharmaceuticals in Europe : Striving for Efficiency, Equity and Quality Mossialos, EliasHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2326ebraryRestructuring Post-Communist Russia Brudny, YitzhakHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2327ebraryReasonable Radicals and Citizenship in Botswana : The Public Anthropology of Kalanga Elites Werbner, Richard P.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2328ebraryRacism and Human Rights Walden, RaphaelHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2329ebraryRepublican Noise Machine : Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy Brock, DavidHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2330ebraryRethinking Civilizational Analysis Tiryakian, Edward A.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2331ebraryRiver Nile in the Age of the British : Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power Tvedt, TerjeHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2332ebraryRussian Nationalism and the Politics of Soviet Literature : The Case of Nash Souremennik, 1981-1991 Cosgrove, SimonHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2333ebraryReviving Phoenicia : The Search for Identity in Lebanon Kaufman, AsherHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2334ebraryRussell Kirk and the Age of Ideology McDonald, W. WesleyHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2335ebraryRobert B. Heilman and Eric Voegelin : A Friendship in Letters, 1944-1984 Heilman, Robert BechtoldHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2336ebraryRethinking Cultural Policy McGuigan, JimHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2337ebraryReader of Gentlemen's Mail : Herbert O. Yardley and American Intelligence Kahn, DavidHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2338ebraryRomans : From Village to Empire Boatwright, Mary T.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2339ebraryRace over Empire : Racism and U.S. Imperialism, 1865-1900 Love, Eric T.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2340ebraryRighteous Propagation : African Americans and the Politics of Racial Destiny after Reconstruction Mitchell, MicheleHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2341ebraryRoma in Romanian History Achim, ViorelHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2342ebraryRichard Nixon and the Quest for a New Majority Mason, RobertHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2343ebraryReputation and Representation in Fifteenth Century Europe Biggs, DouglasHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2344ebraryRituals of Recruitment in Tang China : Reading an Annual Programme in the Collected Statements by Wang Dingbao (870940) Moore, Oliver J.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2345ebraryRich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight : Race, Class, and Power in the Rural South During the First World War Keith, JeanetteHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2346ebraryRational Design of International Institutions Koremenos, BarbaraHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2347ebraryRing Out Freedom! : The Voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Making of the Civil Rights Movement Sunnemark, FredrikHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2348ebraryRegulating Religion and Morality in the King's Armies, 1639-1646 Griffin, MargaretHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2349ebraryRed, White, Black, and Blue : A Dual Memoir of Race and Class in Appalachia Drennen, William M., Jr.History&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2350ebraryReflections of a Civil War Historian : Essays on Leadership, Society, and the Art of War Hattaway, HermanHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2351ebraryRace War! : White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Horne, GeraldHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2352ebraryRussian Crossroads : Toward the New Millennium Primakov, YevgenyHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2353ebraryRenewing the Atlantic Partnership Council on Foreign RelationsHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2354ebraryRethinking Orientalism : Women, Travel and the Ottoman Harem Lewis, ReinaHistory&Political Sciences2004Go to website
2355ebraryReporters on the Battlefield : The Embedded Press System in Historical Context Paul, ChristopherHumanities2004Go to website
2356ebraryRecording Engineer's Handbook Bobby, OwsinskiHumanities2004Go to website
2357ebraryReturn of the Baroque : Art, Theory and Culture in the Modern Age Lambert, GreggHumanities2004Go to website
2358ebraryRevolution Televised : Prime Time and the Struggle for Black Power Acham, ChristineHumanities2004Go to website
2359ebraryRobert Shaw Reader Blocker, RobertHumanities2004Go to website
2360ebraryRembrandt : Portraits in Print Dickey, StephanieHumanities2004Go to website
2361ebraryReading Sex and the City Akass, KimHumanities2004Go to website
2362ebraryResumes for Performing Arts Careers VGM Career Books StaffHumanities2004Go to website
2363ebraryRTE and the Globalisation of Irish Television Corcoran, FarrelHumanities2004Go to website
2364ebraryReason 2.5 Power! Prager, MichaelHumanities2004Go to website
2365ebraryRembrandt : Reputation and the Practice of Connoisseurship Scallen, CatherineHumanities2004Go to website
2366ebraryRoyal Bronze Statuary from Ancient Egypt : With Special Attention to the Kneeling Pose Hill, MarshaHumanities2004Go to website
2367ebraryReadings in Latin American Modern Art Freeman, ArthurHumanities2004Go to website
2368ebraryReading Palestine : Printing and Literacy, 1900-1948 Ayalon, AmiEducation2004Go to website
2369ebraryRevising Your Dissertation : Advice from Leading Editors Luey, BethEducation2004Go to website
2370ebraryRed Pencil : Convictions from Experience in Education Sizer, Theodore R.Education2004Go to website
2371ebraryReclaiming Universities from a Runaway World Walker, MelanieEducation2004Go to website
2372ebraryResearch Careers and Cultures Delamont, SaraEducation2004Go to website
2373ebraryRestructuring LIS Education Ashworth, SusanEducation2004Go to website
2374ebraryRetention and Student Success in Higher Education Yorke, MantzEducation2004Go to website
2375ebraryResearch-Based Methods of Reading Instruction, Grades K–3 Vaughn, SharonEducation2004Go to website
2376ebraryRobotics: Mobility, Reflexes and Teamwork Patch, KimberlyComputer_IT2004Go to website
2377ebraryRepresenting Organization : Knowledge, Management, and the Information Age Lightfoot, GeoffreyComputer_IT2004Go to website
2378ebraryReconstructability Analysis: Theory and Applications Zwick, MartinComputer_IT2004Go to website
2379ebraryRhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique : Game Work : Language, Power, and Computer Game Culture McAllister, Ken S.Computer_IT2004Go to website
2380ebraryReason 2.5 Power! Prager, MichaelComputer_IT2004Go to website
2381ebraryReview of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program National Research Council StaffComputer_IT2004Go to website
2382ebraryRequirements Engineering Handbook Young, RalphComputer_IT2004Go to website
2383ebraryRace and Social Analysis Knowles, CarolineInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2384ebraryRaising awareness of Psychological Harassment at Work Cassitto, Maria GraziaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2385ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures, 2001 : Exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicine Institute of MedicineInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2386ebraryRip it Up : The Black Experience in Rock 'n Roll Crazy Horse, KandiaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2387ebraryResearch in Afroasiatic Grammar II. Selected papers from the Fifth Conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Paris, 2000. Lecarme, JacquelineInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2388ebraryRethinking Resistance : Revolt and Violence in African History Abbing, JonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2389ebraryRace and the Modern Artist Hathaway, HeatherInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2390ebraryRevolutionary Sudan : Hasan Al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000 Burr, MillardInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2391ebraryRed Capitalists in China : The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change Dickson, Bruce J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2392ebraryRole of Memory in Ethnic Conflict Cairus, EdInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2393ebraryRace and Nation in Modern Latin America Appelbaum, Nancy P.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2394ebraryReading U. S. Latina Writers : Remapping American Literature Quintana, Alvina E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2395ebraryReligion and Hopi Life (2nd Edition) Loftin, John D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2396ebraryRace in the Schoolyard: Negotiating the Color Line in Classrooms and Communities Lewis, Amanda E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2397ebraryReal Indians : Identity and the Survival of Native America Garroutte, Eva MarieInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2398ebraryRepublican Beijing : The City and Its Histories Dong, Madeleine YueInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2399ebraryRecreating Africa : Kinship, Culture, and Religion in the African-Portuguese World, 1441-1770 Sweet, James H.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2400ebraryRace and the Invisible Hand : How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue-Collar Jobs Royster, Deirdre A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2401ebraryRace Niro, BrianInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2402ebraryRobben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid Buntman, FranInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2403ebraryRace Music : Black Cultures from Bebop to Hip-Hop Ramsey, Guthrie P., Jr.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2404ebraryRace and Reconciliation : Essays from the New South Africa Herwitz, DanielInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2405ebraryReading Arab Women's Autobiographies : Shahrazad Tells Her Story Al-Hassan Golley, NawarInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2406ebraryRace and Ethnicity in America : A Concise History Bayor, Ronald H.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2407ebraryReal Lincoln : A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War DiLorenzo, Thomas J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2003Go to website
2408ebraryReshaping National Intelligence for an Age of Information Treverton, Gregory F.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2409ebraryRights and Duties of Dual Nationals : Evolution and Prospects Martin, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2410ebraryRisk Versus Precaution: Environmental Law and Public Health Protection Charnley, GailLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2411ebraryRCRA: Solid and Hazardous Wastes Recent Issues and Cases-December 2001 Case, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2412ebraryReinventing France : State and Society in the 21st Century Milner, SusanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2413ebraryRefugees and forced displacement: International security, human vulnerability, and the state Newman, EdwardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2414ebraryRegionalist Parties in Western Europe De Winter, LievenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2415ebraryRole of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain: Proceedings of a Symposium Steering Committee on the Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public DomainLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2416ebraryRethinking Refugee Law Nathwani, NirajLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2417ebraryRethinking Resistance : Revolt and Violence in African History Abbing, JonLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2418ebraryReconstruction of Nations : Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 Snyder, TimothyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2419ebraryRedefining Urban and Suburban America : Evidence from Census 2000, Volume 1 Katz, BruceLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2420ebraryRed Capitalists in China : The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change Dickson, Bruce J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2421ebraryRiver and Its City : An Environmental History of New Orleans Kelman, AriLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2422ebraryReligious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-herzegovina Velikonja, MitjaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2423ebraryRepublican Vision of John Tyler Monroe, DanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2424ebraryRole of Memory in Ethnic Conflict Cairus, EdLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2425ebraryReversible Destiny : Mafia, Antimafia, and the Struggle for Palermo Schneider, JaneLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2426ebraryReforming Public Institutions and Strengthening Governance : A World Bank Strategy World Bank, Public Sector Board StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2427ebraryRussia's Road to Deeper Democracy Bjorkman, TomLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2428ebraryRegulation of Medical Products Griffin, J. P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2429ebraryRefugee Manipulation : War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering Stedman, Stephen JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2430ebraryRip : True Stories of Stock Brokerage Corruption Aita, BretLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2431ebraryRural Progress, Rural Decay : Neoliberal Adjustment Policies and Local Initiatives North, Liisa L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2432ebraryRegulating Healthcare : A Prescription for Improvement? Walshe, KieranLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2433ebraryRevolution in Favor of Government : Origins of the U. S. Constitution and the Making of the American State Edling, Max M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2434ebraryRegulation by Contract : A New Way to Privatize Electricity Distribution? Bakovic, TonciLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2435ebraryReducing Gun Violence : Results from an Intervention in East Los Angeles Tita, GeorgeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2436ebraryReagan's War : The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph over Communism Schweizer, PeterLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2437ebraryRace and the Invisible Hand : How White Networks Exclude Black Men from Blue-Collar Jobs Royster, Deirdre A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2438ebraryReinventing Government for the Twenty-First Century : State Capacity in a Globalizing Society Rondinelli, Dennis A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2439ebraryReds : McCarthyism in Twentieth-Century America Morgan, TedLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2440ebraryReinventing the Alliance : US - Japan Security Partnership in an Era of Change Ikenberry, G. JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2441ebraryRecords of Dispossession : Palestinian Refugee Property and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Fischbach, Michael R.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2003Go to website
2442ebraryResearch Practice for Cultural Studies: Ethnographic Methods and Lived Cultures Gray, AnnSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2443ebraryRace and Social Analysis Knowles, CarolineSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2444ebraryRedefining Urban and Suburban America : Evidence from Census 2000, Volume 1 Katz, BruceSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2445ebraryRiver and Its City : An Environmental History of New Orleans Kelman, AriSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2446ebraryRole of Memory in Ethnic Conflict Cairus, EdSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2447ebraryRace and Nation in Modern Latin America Appelbaum, Nancy P.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2448ebraryReversible Destiny : Mafia, Antimafia, and the Struggle for Palermo Schneider, JaneSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2449ebraryRumors of Indiscretion : The University of Missouri 'Sex Questionnaire' Scandal in the Jazz Age Nelson, Lawrence J.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2450ebraryReligious Pluralism in America : The Contentious History of a Founding Ideal Hutchison, William R.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2451ebraryRefugee Manipulation : War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering Stedman, Stephen JohnSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2452ebraryRural Progress, Rural Decay : Neoliberal Adjustment Policies and Local Initiatives North, Liisa L.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2453ebraryRace, Place and Globalization : Youth Culture in a Changing World Nayak, AnoopSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2454ebraryRomance on a Global Stage : Pen Pals, Virtual Ethnography, and 'Mail-Order' Marriages Constable, NicoleSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2455ebraryRituals of Mediation : International Politics and Social Meaning Debrix, FrancoisSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2456ebraryReducing Gun Violence : Results from an Intervention in East Los Angeles Tita, GeorgeSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2457ebraryReaching the Rural Poor : A Renewed Strategy for Rural Development Csaki, CsabaSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2458ebraryRereading Sex : Battles over Sexual Knowledge and Supression in Nineteenth-Century America Horowitz, Helen LefkowitzSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2459ebraryRadio Goes to War : The Cultural Politics of Propaganda During World War II Horten, GerdSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2460ebraryRobben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid Buntman, FranSociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2461ebraryRace and Ethnicity in America : A Concise History Bayor, Ronald H.Sociology & Anthropology2003Go to website
2462ebraryResponsible Conduct of Research Shamoo, Adil E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2463ebraryReason, Truth and Self : Getting to Know the Truth About Postmodernism Luntley, MichaelReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2464ebraryReligion in America since 1945 : A History Allitt, PatrickReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2465ebraryResurgence of Religion : A Comparative Study of Selected Themes in Christian and Islamic Fundamentalist Discourses Zeidan, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2466ebraryRevolution Which Toppled the Umayyads : Neither Arab Nor 'Abbasid aAghaa, oSaalioh SaaidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2467ebraryReading Luke-Acts in Its Mediterranean Milieu Talbert, Charles H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2468ebraryRabbinic Narrative : A Documentary Perspective, Volume 1 : Forms, Types and Distribution of Narratives in the Mishnah, Tractate Abot, and the Tosefta: Forms, Types and Distribution of Narratives in the Mishnah, Tractate Abot, and the Tosefta Neusner, JacobReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2469ebraryResurrection of God Incarnate Swinburne, RichardReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2470ebraryReasons and Purposes : Human Rationality and the Teleological Explanation of Action Schueler, G.F.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2471ebraryRituals and Ritual Theory in Ancient Israel Gruenwald, IthamarReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2472ebraryRabbinic Narrative : A Documentary Perspective, Volume 2 : Forms, Types and Distribution of Narratives in Sifra, Sifre to Numbers, and Sifre to Deuteronomy Neusner, JacobReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2473ebraryReligious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-herzegovina Velikonja, MitjaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2474ebraryRegions of Sorrow : Anxiety and Messianism in Hannah Arendt and W.H. Auden Gottlieb, Susannah YoungReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2475ebraryReception of Vatican II Liturgical Reforms in the Life of the Church Gy, Pierre-MarieReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2476ebraryRealism and Christian Faith : God, Grammar, and Meaning Moore, AndrewReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2477ebraryReaders and Writers in Ovid's Heroides : Transgressions of Genre and Gender Spentzou, EfrossiniReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2478ebraryReligious Pluralism in America : The Contentious History of a Founding Ideal Hutchison, William R.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2479ebraryRepublican Learning : John Toland and the Crisis of Christian Culture, 1696-1722 Champion, JustinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2480ebraryRace and Racism in Continental Philosophy Bernasconi, RobertReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2481ebraryRule for Children and Other Writings Pascal, JacquelineReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2482ebraryReligion in International Relations : The Return from Exile Petito, FabioReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2483ebraryRosenzweig and Heidegger : Between Judaism and German Philosophy Gordon, Peter EliReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2484ebraryReligious Experience and the End of Metaphysics Bloechl, JeffreyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2485ebraryRussian-Orthodox Tradition and Modernity Buss, Andreas E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2003Go to website
2486ebraryResearch Training in Psychiatry Residency: Strategies for Reform Abrams, Michael T.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2487ebraryReconceptualising Work with 'Carers': New Directions for Policy and Practice Stalker, KirstenPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2488ebraryReady for Anything : 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life Allen, DavidPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2489ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism, Volume 16 : Research on Alcoholism Treatment Galanter, MarcPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2490ebraryRelational Group Psychotherapy : From Basic Assumptions to Passion Billow, Richard M.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2491ebraryRealist Evaluation in Practice Health and Social Work Kazi, Mansoor A. F.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2492ebraryRunning with Walker : A Memoir Hughes, RobertPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2493ebraryRevealing the Inner Worlds of Young Children : The MacArthur Story Stem Battery and Parent-Child Narratives Emde, Robert N.Psychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2494ebraryReducing Gun Violence : Results from an Intervention in East Los Angeles Tita, GeorgePsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2495ebraryRobben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid Buntman, FranPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2496ebraryReformation of Charity : The Secular and the Religious in Early Modern Poor Relief Safley, Thomas MaxPsychology & Social Work2003Go to website
2497ebraryReview of NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center Committee to Review NOAA's National Geophysical Data CenterPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2498ebraryRecent Advances in Algorithms and Combinatorics Reed, Bruce A.Physical Sciences2003Go to website
2499ebraryReducing the Time from Basic Research to Innovation in the Chemical Sciences: A Workshop Report to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable Chemical Sciences RoundtablePhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2500ebraryRole of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain: Proceedings of a Symposium Steering Committee on the Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public DomainPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2501ebraryRecent Development in Theories and Numerics : Proceedings of the International Conference on Inverse Problems Hon, Yiu-ChungPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2502ebraryReworking the Bench: Research Notebooks in the History of Science Holmes, Frederic LawrencePhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2503ebraryRotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules Brown, JohnPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2504ebraryRadial Basis Functions : Theory and Implementations Buhmann, Martin D.Physical Sciences2003Go to website
2505ebraryRivers for Life : Managing Water for People and Nature Postel, SandraPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2506ebraryRealizing Teracomputing : Proceedings of the Tenth ECMWF Workshop on the Use of High Performance Computers in Meteorology Zwieflhofer, WalterPhysical Sciences2003Go to website
2507ebraryRethinking Health Promotion : A Global Approach MacDonald, Theodore H.Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2508ebraryRehabilitation of Sports Injuries - Scientific Basis : Olympic Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine Frontera, Walter R.Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2509ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures Spring 2001: Crossing the Quality Chasm Institute of MedicineNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2510ebraryResumen Mundial de la Epidemia de VIH/SIDA : Diciembre De 2003 SIDA Staff, Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el V. I. H.Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2511ebraryReducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility Bonnie, Richard J.Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2512ebraryRole of Environmental Hazards in Premature Birth : Workshop Summary Mattison, Donald R.Nursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2513ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures 2002: Fostering Rapid Advances in Health Care Institute of MedicineNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2514ebraryRise of Mental Health Nursing : A History of Psychiatric Care in Dutch Asylums, 1890-1920 Boschma, GeertjeNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2515ebraryReconfiguring health care professions Dent, MikeNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2516ebraryRunning with Walker : A Memoir Hughes, RobertNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2517ebraryRestless Nights : Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea Lavie, PeretzNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2518ebraryRegulating Healthcare : A Prescription for Improvement? Walshe, KieranNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2519ebraryRapport sur la santé dans le Monde 2003 : Façonner l'avenir Organisation mondiale de la SantéNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2520ebraryRemodelling Hospitals and Health Professions in Europe : Medicine, Nursing and the State Dent, MikeNursing & Allied Health2003Go to website
2521ebraryResponsible Conduct of Research Shamoo, Adil E.Medicine2003Go to website
2522ebraryReducing Birth Defects: Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World Bale, Judith R.Medicine2003Go to website
2523ebraryResearch Training in Psychiatry Residency: Strategies for Reform Abrams, Michael T.Medicine2003Go to website
2524ebraryRehabilitation of Sports Injuries - Scientific Basis : Olympic Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine Frontera, Walter R.Medicine2003Go to website
2525ebraryRichard and Hinda Rosenthal Lectures, 2001 : Exploring Complementary and Alternative Medicine Institute of MedicineMedicine2003Go to website
2526ebraryResponsible Research : A Systems Approach to Protecting Research Participants Federman, Daniel D.Medicine2003Go to website
2527ebraryReproductive Tract Infections and Other Gynaecological Disorders : A Multidisciplinary Research Approach Jejeebhoy, ShireenMedicine2003Go to website
2528ebraryResistance Phenomenon in Microbes and Infectious Disease Vectors : Implications for Human Health and Strategies for Containment: Workshop Summary Knobler, StaceyMedicine2003Go to website
2529ebraryReemergence of Established Pathogens in the 21st Century Fong, I. W.Medicine2003Go to website
2530ebraryRegulation of Medical Products Griffin, J. P.Medicine2003Go to website
2531ebraryReducing Maternal Mortality : Learning from Bolivia, China, Egypt, Honduras, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Zimbabwe Koblinsky, Marjorie A.Medicine2003Go to website
2532ebraryRenal Fibrosis Razzaque, Mohammed S.Medicine2003Go to website
2533ebraryRecent Advances in the Analysis of Genetic Traits Ott, J.Medicine2003Go to website
2534ebraryReview of NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center Committee to Review NOAA's National Geophysical Data CenterLife Sciences2003Go to website
2535ebraryReview of EPA Homeland Security Efforts: Safe Buildings Program Research Implementation Plan Committee on Safe Buildings ProgramLife Sciences2003Go to website
2536ebraryRegenerative Medicine (Sackler NAS Colloquium) Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesLife Sciences2003Go to website
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2597ebraryRealizing Teracomputing : Proceedings of the Tenth ECMWF Workshop on the Use of High Performance Computers in Meteorology Zwieflhofer, WalterEngineering_Technology2003Go to website
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2632ebraryReal Indians : Identity and the Survival of Native America Garroutte, Eva MarieHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2635ebraryReady, Steady, Go! : The Smashing Rise and Giddy Fall of Swinging London Levy, ShawnHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2643ebraryRural Society in the Age of Reason: An Archaeology of the Emergence of Modern Life in the Southern Scottish Highlands Dalglish, ChrisHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2644ebraryRoad to Baghdad: Behind Enemy Lines: The Adventures of an American Soldier in the Gulf War Stanton, MartinHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2645ebraryRaising the Hunley : The Remarkable History and Recovery of the Lost Confederate Submarine Hicks, BrianHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2650ebraryRiver We Have Wrought : A History of the Upper Mississippi Anfinson, John O.History&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2654ebraryReligion and the Cold War Kirby, DianneHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2656ebraryRevolutionary Sudan : Hasan Al-Turabi and the Islamist State, 1989-2000 Burr, MillardHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2657ebraryRise and Fall of the Brezhnev Doctrine in Soviet Foreign Policy Ouimet, Matthew J.History&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2658ebraryReconstruction of Nations : Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 Snyder, TimothyHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2659ebraryRevolution Which Toppled the Umayyads : Neither Arab Nor 'Abbasid aAghaa, oSaalioh SaaidHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2661ebraryRise of the Cult of Rembrandt : Reinventing an Old Master in Nineteenth-Century France McQueen, AlisonHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2662ebraryRegionalist Parties in Western Europe De Winter, LievenHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2663ebraryRefugees and forced displacement: International security, human vulnerability, and the state Newman, EdwardHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2664ebraryReinventing France : State and Society in the 21st Century Milner, SusanHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2665ebraryRecord-Setting Trips : By Auto from Coast to Coast, 1909-1916 McConnell, CurtHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2667ebraryRegional Peacekeepers: The paradox of Russian peacekeeping Mackinlay, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2668ebraryReview of the Dose Reconstruction Program of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Committee to Review the Dose Reconstruction Program of the Defense Threat Reduction AgencyHistory&Political Sciences2003Go to website
2669ebraryReshaping National Intelligence for an Age of Information Treverton, Gregory F.History&Political Sciences2003Go to website
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2672ebraryRace Music : Black Cultures from Bebop to Hip-Hop Ramsey, Guthrie P., Jr.Humanities2003Go to website
2673ebraryRadio Goes to War : The Cultural Politics of Propaganda During World War II Horten, GerdHumanities2003Go to website
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2675ebraryRicher Heritage : Historic Preservation in the Twenty-First Century Stipe, Robert E.Humanities2003Go to website
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2683ebraryRip it Up : The Black Experience in Rock 'n Roll Crazy Horse, KandiaHumanities2003Go to website
2684ebraryRace, Masculinity and Schooling Archer, LouiseEducation2003Go to website
2685ebraryResearching Higher Education : Issues and Approaches Tight, MalcolmEducation2003Go to website
2686ebraryRevealing the Inner Worlds of Young Children : The MacArthur Story Stem Battery and Parent-Child Narratives Emde, Robert N.Education2003Go to website
2687ebraryRomanische Sprachgeschichte Histoire Linguistique de la Romania, Volume 1 : Ein Internationales Handbuch Zur Geschichte der Romanischen Sprachen Manuel International d'Histoire Linguistique de la Romania Ernst, GerhardEducation2003Go to website
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2689ebraryRace in the Schoolyard: Negotiating the Color Line in Classrooms and Communities Lewis, Amanda E.Education2003Go to website
2690ebraryReading Between the Lines : Perspectives on Foreign Language Literacy Payne, Stanley G.Education2003Go to website
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2692ebraryRealizing Teracomputing : Proceedings of the Tenth ECMWF Workshop on the Use of High Performance Computers in Meteorology Zwieflhofer, WalterComputer_IT2003Go to website
2693ebraryRealistic Ray Tracing (2nd Edition) Shirley, PeterComputer_IT2003Go to website
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2700ebraryReasoning about Program Transformations : Imperative Programming and Flow of Data Collard, Jean-FrancoisComputer_IT2003Go to website
2701ebraryRace and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Culture Mullins, P. R.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2702ebraryRevealing Male Bodies Tuana, NancyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
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2704ebraryRara! : Vodou, Power, and Performance in Haiti and Its Diaspora McAlister, Elizabeth A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2705ebraryReconfiguring Modernity : Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology Thomas, Julia AdeneyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2706ebraryReinventing the Male Homosexual : The Rhetoric and Power of the Gay Gene Brookey, Robert AlanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2707ebraryRace and Resistance : Literature and Politics in Asian America Nguyen, Viet ThanhInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2708ebraryRadicals Against Race : Black Activism and Cultural Politics Alleyne, Brian W.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2709ebraryReader in Latina Feminist Theology : Religion and Justice Aquino, Mar?a PilarInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2710ebraryRight to Read : Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama's Public Libraries, 1900-1965 Graham, Patterson TobyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2711ebraryRace, Citizenship, and Law in American Literature Crane, GreggInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2712ebraryRise of a Jazz Art World Lopes, Paulo CorreaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2713ebraryRepression, Resistance, and Women in Afghanistan Emadi, HafizullahInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2714ebraryRise of an African Middle Class : Colonial Zimbabwe, 1898-1965 West, Michael O.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2715ebraryRe-Imagining Rwanda : Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century Pottier, JohanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2716ebraryReggae, Rastafari, and the Rhetoric of Social Control King, Stephen A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2717ebraryReproducing Empire : Race, Sex, Science and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto Rico Briggs, LauraInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2002Go to website
2718ebraryRedefining Public Sector Unionism : Unison and the Future of Trade Unions Terry, MikeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2719ebraryRhetorical Presidency, Propaganda and the Cold War Parry-Giles, Shawn J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
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2728ebraryRise of the Taliban in Afghanistan : Mass Mobilization, Civil War,and the Future of the Regime Nojumi, NeamatollahLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
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2730ebraryReligion and Violence : Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida de Vries, HentLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2731ebraryRedeeming the Communist Past : The Regeneration of Communist Parties in East Central Europe Grzymala-Busse, AnnaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
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2736ebraryRethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective Ferguson, IainLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2737ebraryRegions of War and Peace Lemke, DouglasLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2738ebraryRise of the States : Evolution of American State Government Teaford, Jon C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2739ebraryRatting : The Use and Abuse of Informants in the American Justice System Bloom, Robert M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2740ebraryRegulation of Weights, Lengths, and Widths of Commercial Motor Vehicles : Special Report 267 National Research Councill, Committee for the Study of the Regulation of Weights, Lengths, and Widths of Commercial Motor Vehicles StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2741ebraryRich Democracies : Political Economy, Public Policy, and Performance Wilensky, Harold L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2742ebraryResearch Methods for Public Administrators Johnson, GailLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2743ebraryReligion and the Obligations of Citizenship Weithman, Paul J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2744ebraryRunning out of Control : Dilemmas of Globalization Hedley, R. AlanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2745ebraryRepression, Resistance, and Women in Afghanistan Emadi, HafizullahLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2746ebraryRecreating the American Republic : Rules of Apportionment, Constitutional Change, and American Political Development: 1700-1870 Kromkowski, Charles A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2747ebraryRe-Imagining Rwanda : Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century Pottier, JohanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2748ebraryRight-to-Die Policies in the American States : Judicial and Legislative Innovation Smith, J. DonaldLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2749ebraryRomance of Democracy : Compliant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico Gutmann, Matthew C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2750ebraryRight Face : Organizing the American Conservative Movement 1945-65 Bjerre-Poulsen, NielsLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2751ebraryRedefining Security in the Middle East Jacoby, Tami AmandaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2752ebraryRegulatory Frameworks for Dam Safety : A Comparative Study Bradlow, Daniel D.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2753ebraryRights of Immigrant Workers in the European Union : An Evaluation of the EU Public Policy Process and the Legal Status of Labour Immigrants from Maghreb Countries in the New Receiving States Apap, JoannaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2754ebraryRecharacterizing Restructuring : Law, Distribution, and Gender in Market Reform Rittich, KerryLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
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2756ebraryRepublicanism : A Shared European Heritage, Volume 1 Van Gelderen, MartinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2757ebraryRussian Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era : Reality, Illusion and Mythmaking Lo, BoboLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2002Go to website
2758ebraryRegna and Gentes : The Relationship Between Late Antique and Early Medieval Peoples and Kingdoms in the Transformation of the Roman World Goetz, HansWernerSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2759ebraryRapport mondial sur la violence et la santé World Health Organization StaffSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2760ebraryReading of Theoretical Texts Ekegren, PeterSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2761ebraryRevealing Male Bodies Tuana, NancySociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2762ebraryRestorative Justice and Responsive Regulation Braithwaite, JohnSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2763ebraryReflexive Ethnography : A Guide to Researching Selves and Others Davies, Charlotte A.Sociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2764ebraryReflections on Multiple Modernities : European, Chinese and Other Interpretations Sachsenmaier, DominicSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2765ebraryRadicals Against Race : Black Activism and Cultural Politics Alleyne, Brian W.Sociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2766ebraryReview of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study National Research Council StaffSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2767ebraryReader in Latina Feminist Theology : Religion and Justice Aquino, Mar?a PilarSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2768ebraryRight to Read : Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama's Public Libraries, 1900-1965 Graham, Patterson TobySociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2769ebraryRole of Social Capital in Development : An Empirical Assessment Grootaert, ChristiaanSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2770ebraryRepression, Resistance, and Women in Afghanistan Emadi, HafizullahSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2771ebraryRise of an African Middle Class : Colonial Zimbabwe, 1898-1965 West, Michael O.Sociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2772ebraryRe-imaging Cultural Studies : The Promise of Cultural Materialism Milner, Anrew J.Sociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2773ebraryRedeeming the Dial : Radio, Religion, and Popular Culture in America Hangen, Tona J.Sociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2774ebraryRemaking the Modern : Space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo Ghannam, FarhaSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2775ebraryReproducing Empire : Race, Sex, Science and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto Rico Briggs, LauraSociology & Anthropology2002Go to website
2776ebraryRegna and Gentes : The Relationship Between Late Antique and Early Medieval Peoples and Kingdoms in the Transformation of the Roman World Goetz, HansWernerReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2777ebraryRegions of Italy : A Reference Guide to History & Culture Domenico, Roy P.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2778ebraryRadical Interpretation in Religion Frankenberry, Nancy K.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2779ebraryReformation World Pettegree, AndrewReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2780ebraryReligion in Late Roman Britain : Forces of Change Watts, DorothyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2781ebraryReenchantment of Nature : The Denial of Religion and the Ecological Crisis McGrath, Alister E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2782ebraryRoman Historians Mellor, RonaldReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2783ebraryRyogen and Mount Hiei : Japanese Tendai in the Tenth Century Groner, PaulReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2784ebraryReflective Authenticity : Rethinking the Project of Modernity Ferrara, AlessendroReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2785ebraryRepublic of Faith : The Search for Agreement amid Diversity in American Religion Raschke, Carl A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2786ebraryRemembering Defeat : Civil War and Civic Memory in Ancient Athens Wolpert, AndrewReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2787ebraryReligion and Violence : Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida de Vries, HentReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2788ebraryRefuting Peter Singer's Ethical Theory : The Importance of Human Dignity Krantz, Susan F.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2789ebraryReading Genesis Politically : An Introduction to Mosaic Political Philosophy Sicker, MartinReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2790ebraryReligion, Theology and the Human Sciences Roberts, Richard H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2791ebraryRansom, Revenge, and Heroic Identity in the Iliad Wilson, DonnaReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2792ebraryReal Ethics Rist, John M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2793ebraryRise of the Medieval World : A Biographical Dictionary Schulman, Jana K.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2794ebraryReader in Latina Feminist Theology : Religion and Justice Aquino, Mar?a PilarReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2795ebraryReligious Conviction in Liberal Politics Eberle, Christopher J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2796ebraryRadical Cartesianism Schmaltz, TadReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2797ebraryRevelation and the God of Israel Samuelson, Norbert MaxReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2798ebraryReligionsge-schichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten : Islam : Historical, Social, and Political Perspectives Waardenburg, JacquesReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2799ebraryRule of Sympathy : Sentiment, Race, and Power 1750-1850 Rai, Amit S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2800ebraryReligion and the Obligations of Citizenship Weithman, Paul J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2801ebraryRed Priests : Renovationism, Russian Orthodoxy, & Revolution, 1905-1946 Roslof, Edward E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2802ebraryReading Hume's Dialogues : A Veneration for True Religion Sessions, William LadReligion, Philosophy & Classics2002Go to website
2803ebraryRestorative Justice and Responsive Regulation Braithwaite, JohnPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2804ebraryRehabilitation Counselling in Physical and Mental Health Etherington, KimPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2805ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism : Services Research in the Era of Managed Care, Volume 15 Galanter, MarcPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2806ebraryRacism, Gender Identities and Young Children : Social Relations in a Multi-Ethnic Inner City Primary School Connolly, PaulPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2807ebraryReparation and Victim-Focused Social Work (Research Highlights in Social Work) Williams, BrianPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2808ebraryReweaving the Autistic Tapestry : Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD Blakemore-Brown, LisaPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2809ebraryRelationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD Gutstein, Steven E.Psychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2810ebraryRethinking Welfare: A Critical Perspective Ferguson, IainPsychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2811ebraryRelationship Development Intervention with Young Children Gutstein, Steven E.Psychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2812ebraryReducing Suicide : A National Imperative Goldsmith, Sara K.Psychology & Social Work2002Go to website
2813ebraryReview of USGCRP Plan for a New Science Initiative on the Global Water Cycle National Academy PressPhysical Sciences2002Go to website
2814ebraryReview of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Applications Program Plan Committee to Review NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Applications PlanPhysical Sciences2002Go to website
2815ebraryRadar Interferometry. Data Interpretation and Error Analysis Hanssen, Ramon F.Physical Sciences2002Go to website
2816ebraryRadical Constructivism in Mathematics Education Von Glasersfeld, ErnestPhysical Sciences2002Go to website
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2818ebraryRecent Advances in Density Functional Methods, Volume 3 Barone, VincenzoPhysical Sciences2002Go to website
2819ebraryRoark's Formulas for Stress and Strain (7th Edition) Young, Warren C.Physical Sciences2002Go to website
2820ebraryRubber Curing Systems Datta, Rabin N.Physical Sciences2002Go to website
2821ebraryRandom Perturbation Methods with Applications in Science and Engineering Skorokhod, A. V.Physical Sciences2002Go to website
2822ebraryRegulating the Health Professions Allsop, JudithNursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2823ebraryRehabilitation Counselling in Physical and Mental Health Etherington, KimNursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2824ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism : Services Research in the Era of Managed Care, Volume 15 Galanter, MarcNursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2825ebraryReweaving the Autistic Tapestry : Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD Blakemore-Brown, LisaNursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2826ebraryRelationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD Gutstein, Steven E.Nursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2827ebraryRelationship Development Intervention with Young Children Gutstein, Steven E.Nursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2828ebraryRacism and Mental Health Bhui, KamaldeepNursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
2829ebraryRisk : A Practical Guide for Deciding What's Really Safe and What's Really Dangerous in the World Around You Ropeik, DavidNursing & Allied Health2002Go to website
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2831ebraryRoles of Academic Health Centers in the 21st Century: A Workshop Summary Committee on the Roles of Academic Health Centers in the 21st CenturyMedicine2002Go to website
2832ebraryRaising the Dead : Organ Transplants, Ethics, and Society Munson, RonaldMedicine2002Go to website
2833ebraryResearch into Spinal Deformities 4 Grivas, Th.B.Medicine2002Go to website
2834ebraryRole of Purchasers and Payers in the Clinical Research Enterprise : Workshop Summary Tunis, SeanMedicine2002Go to website
2835ebraryResearch Ethics in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies : Summary of a Workshop Reed, HollyMedicine2002Go to website
2836ebraryRisk : A Practical Guide for Deciding What's Really Safe and What's Really Dangerous in the World Around You Ropeik, DavidMedicine2002Go to website
2837ebraryRockefeller Philanthropy and Modern Biomedicine Schneider, William H.Medicine2002Go to website
2838ebraryRole of Biodiversity Conservation in the Transition to Rural Sustainability Light, Stephen SLife Sciences2002Go to website
2839ebraryRisk Assessments for Salmonella in Eggs and Broiler Chickens World Health OrganizationLife Sciences2002Go to website
2840ebraryReview of USGCRP Plan for a New Science Initiative on the Global Water Cycle National Academy PressLife Sciences2002Go to website
2841ebraryReview of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Applications Program Plan Committee to Review NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Applications PlanLife Sciences2002Go to website
2842ebraryReport of the Treasurer to the Council For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 National Research Council StaffLife Sciences2002Go to website
2843ebraryReport of a Workshop on Predictability and Limits-to-Prediction in Hydrologic Systems National Research Council, Committee on Hydrologic ScienceLife Sciences2002Go to website
2844ebraryRetinal Müller Cell: Structure and Function Sarthy, VijayLife Sciences2002Go to website
2845ebraryRisk, Reliability, Uncertainty and Robustness of Water Resource Systems Bogardi, JanosLife Sciences2002Go to website
2846ebraryReinventing the Male Homosexual : The Rhetoric and Power of the Gay Gene Brookey, Robert AlanLife Sciences2002Go to website
2847ebraryReview of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study National Research Council StaffLife Sciences2002Go to website
2848ebraryRestoring North America's Birds : Lessons From Landscape Ecology Askins, Robert A.Life Sciences2002Go to website
2849ebraryRefined Tastes : Sugar, Confectionery, and Consumers in Nineteenth-Century America Woloson, Wendy A.Life Sciences2002Go to website
2850ebraryResource Selection by Animals: Statistical Design and Analysis for Field Studies Manly, Bryan F. J.Life Sciences2002Go to website
2851ebraryResponsible Marine Aquaculture Stickney, R. R.Life Sciences2002Go to website
2852ebraryRed Bird in a Brown Bag : The Function and Evolution of Colorful Plumage in the House Finch Hill, Geoffrey E.Life Sciences2002Go to website
2853ebraryResearch Opportunities in Geography at the U.S. Geological Survey National Research Council StaffLife Sciences2002Go to website
2854ebraryRepresenting Animals Rothfels, NigelLife Sciences2002Go to website
2855ebraryRegaining Fiscal Sustainability and Enhancing Effectiveness in Croatia: A Public Expenditure and Institutional Review World Bank StaffBusiness2002Go to website
2856ebraryRegulation Theory : The State of Art Boyer, RobertBusiness2002Go to website
2857ebraryRenewing Development in Africa : Policy, Performance and Prospects Livingstone, IanBusiness2002Go to website
2858ebraryRethinking Performance Measurement : Beyond the Balanced Scorecard Meyer, Marshall W.Business2002Go to website
2859ebraryRevitalizing Socialist Enterprise : A Race Against Time Heath, JohnBusiness2002Go to website
2860ebraryRestructuring the Soviet Economy Dyker, David A.Business2002Go to website
2861ebraryRussia's Virtual Economy Gaddy, Clifford G.Business2002Go to website
2862ebraryRisky Business: Corruption, Fraud,Terrorism and Other Threats to Global Business Poole-Robb, StuartBusiness2002Go to website
2863ebraryResponsible Tax Credits for Health Insurance Pauly, Mark V.Business2002Go to website
2864ebraryResource Management, Volume 22 : Making Supply Chain Management Work : Design, Implementation, Partnerships, Technology, and Profits Ayers, James B.Business2002Go to website
2865ebraryRegulation and Entry into Telecommunications Markets De Bijl, PaulBusiness2002Go to website
2866ebraryRethinking Resource Management : Justice, Sustainability and Indigenous Peoples Howitt, RichardBusiness2002Go to website
2867ebraryRole of Resources in Global Competition Fahy, JohnBusiness2002Go to website
2868ebraryReclaiming Evolution : A Dialogue on How Societies Evolve Dugger, William M.Business2002Go to website
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2870ebraryRole of Banks in Monitoring Firms : The Case of the Credit Mobilier Paulet, ElisabethBusiness2002Go to website
2871ebraryRisk Communication : A Mental Models Approach Morgan, M. GrangerBusiness2002Go to website
2872ebraryRisk Management : Value at Risk and Beyond Dempster, M. A. H.Business2002Go to website
2873ebraryResponsive production and the agile enterprise Forrester, Dr PaulBusiness2002Go to website
2874ebraryRumsfeld Way Krames, JeffreyBusiness2002Go to website
2875ebraryRandori Principles : The Path of Effortless Leadership Baum, DavidBusiness2002Go to website
2876ebraryResumes for Re-entering the Job Market (2nd Edition) VGM Career Books StaffBusiness2002Go to website
2877ebraryRural Dimensions of Welfare Reform : Welfare, Food Assistance, and Poverty in Rural America Weber, Bruce A.Business2002Go to website
2878ebraryRetail franchising Doherty, Anne MarieBusiness2002Go to website
2879ebraryResumes for Computer Careers (2nd Edition) VGM Career Books StaffBusiness2002Go to website
2880ebraryRedesigning Asian Business : In the Aftermath of Crisis Richter, Frank-JurgenBusiness2002Go to website
2881ebraryRewards and Intrinsic Motivation : Resolving the Controversy Cameron, Judy DavidBusiness2002Go to website
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2884ebraryRole of Social Capital in Development : An Empirical Assessment Grootaert, ChristiaanBusiness2002Go to website
2885ebraryReflective Learning in Practice Brockbank, AnneBusiness2002Go to website
2886ebraryRedefining Financial Services : The New Renaissance in Value Propositions DiVanna, Joseph A.Business2002Go to website
2887ebraryRule of Experts : Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity Mitchell, TimothyBusiness2002Go to website
2888ebraryResearch in e-Service de Ruyter, Dr. KoBusiness2002Go to website
2889ebraryResearch from De Montfort University Marketing Department Maclaren, PaulineBusiness2002Go to website
2890ebraryResearching Enterprise Development : Action Research on the Cooperation Between Management and Labour in Norway Levin, MortenBusiness2002Go to website
2891ebraryRelationship marketing in services Kandampully, JayBusiness2002Go to website
2892ebraryRepatriation After Assignment Abroad : Managing the Transition Baruch, YehudaBusiness2002Go to website
2893ebraryReception of Virginia Woolf in Europe Caws, Mary AnnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2894ebraryRomantic National Tale and the Question of Ireland Ferris, InaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2895ebraryRethinking Sequentiality. Linguistics meets conversational interaction. Fetzer, AnitaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2896ebraryReligion, Toleration, and British Writing, 1790-1830 Canuel, MarkLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2897ebraryRelevance and Linguistic Meaning : The Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Markers Blakemore, DianeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2898ebraryReported Discourse. A meeting ground for different linguistic domains. Güldemann, TomLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2899ebraryRomani Matras, YaronLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2900ebraryRevisiting Stephen King : A Critical Companion Russell, SharonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2901ebraryRomantic Poetry. Esterhammer, AngelaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2902ebraryRace, Citizenship, and Law in American Literature Crane, GreggLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2903ebraryRight to Read : Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama's Public Libraries, 1900-1965 Graham, Patterson TobyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2904ebraryRomantic Victorians : English Literature, 1824-1840 Cronin, RichardLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2905ebraryRomantic Medievalism : History and the Romantic Literary Ideal Fay, Elizabeth A.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2906ebraryRace and Resistance : Literature and Politics in Asian America Nguyen, Viet ThanhLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2907ebraryReforming Empire : Protestant Colonialism and Conscience in British Literature Hodgkins, ChristopherLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2908ebraryRescripting Shakespeare : The Text, the Director, and Modern Productions Dessen, Alan C.Language, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2909ebraryRegularity in Semantic Change Traugott, Elizabeth ClossLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2910ebraryReading Godot Gordon, LoisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2911ebraryRelations and Functions Within and Around Language Lockwood, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2002Go to website
2912ebraryReview Procedures for Water Resources Project Planning National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2913ebraryRegional Issues in Aquifer Storage and Recovery for Everglades Restoration : A Review of the ASR Regional Study Project Management Plan of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2914ebraryReal World Semantic Web Applications Kashyap, VipulEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2915ebraryReliability Issues for DOD Systems : Report of a Workshop National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2916ebraryRaising Public Awareness of Engineering National Academy of Engineering StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2917ebraryResearch Opportunities for Managing the Department of Energy's Transuranic and Mixed Wastes National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2918ebraryReview of the NARSTO Draft Report: NARSTO Assessment of the Atmospheric Science on Particulate Matter National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2919ebraryRF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber Links Chang, William S. C.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2920ebraryRF and Microwave Oscillator Design Odyniec, MichalEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2921ebraryReal Sound Synthesis for Interactive Applications Cook, Perry R.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
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2923ebraryReuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Design Third Edition Keating, MichaelEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2924ebraryReal-Time Shading Olano, MarcEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2925ebraryRF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications De Los Santos, HectorEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2926ebraryRegulating Railroad Innovation : Business, Technology, and Politics in America, 1840-1920 Usselman, Steven W.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2927ebraryRubber Product Failure Brown, Roger P.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2928ebraryRubber Curing Systems Datta, Rabin N.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2929ebraryRigid Plastics Packaging : Materials, Processes and Applications Hannay, F.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2930ebraryRubber Basics Simpson, RichardEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
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2932ebraryRoof Watching JuppEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2933ebraryRoark's Formulas for Stress and Strain (7th Edition) Young, Warren C.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2934ebraryRisk Communication : A Mental Models Approach Morgan, M. GrangerEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2935ebraryReview of Submarine Escape Action Levels for Selected Chemicals National Research Council, Subcommittee on Submarine Escape Action LevelsEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2936ebraryResearch Perspectives in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering Prasad, RamaEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2937ebraryRadiowave Propagation and Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications Janaswamy, RamakrishnaEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2938ebraryRobot Teams : From Diversity to Polymorphism Balch, TuckerEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2939ebraryReview of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Applications Program Plan Committee to Review NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Applications PlanEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2940ebraryRobots, Androids and Animatrons, Second Edition Iovine, JohnEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2941ebraryRadio Interface System Planning for GSM/GPRS/UMTS Manninen, MattiEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2942ebraryRadio Resource Management in Cellular Systems TripathiEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2943ebraryRF CMOS Power Amplifiers : Theory, Design, and Implementation Hella, Mona MostafaEngineering_Technology2002Go to website
2944ebraryRapid Prototyping of Digital Systems. A Tutorial Approach. Second Edition Hamblen, James O.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2945ebraryRecent Advances in Experimental Mechanics. In Honor of Isaac M. Daniel Gdoutos, Emmanuel E.Engineering_Technology2002Go to website
2946ebraryRiver of Enterprise : The Commercial Origins of Regional Identity in the Ohio Valley, 1790-1850 Gruenwald, Kim M.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2947ebraryRussian Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era : Reality, Illusion and Mythmaking Lo, BoboHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2948ebraryRepublicanism : A Shared European Heritage, Volume 1 Van Gelderen, MartinHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2949ebraryRepublicanism : A Shared European Heritage, Volume 2 Van Gelderen, MartinHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2950ebraryReinterpreting the French Revolution : A Global-Historical Perspective Stone, BaileyHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2951ebraryRemembering Childhood in the Middle East : Memoirs from a Century of Change Fernea, Elizabeth WarnockHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2952ebraryRevolution by Degrees : James Tyrell and Whig Political Thought in the Late Seventeenth Century Rudolph, JuliaHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2953ebraryRights of Immigrant Workers in the European Union : An Evaluation of the EU Public Policy Process and the Legal Status of Labour Immigrants from Maghreb Countries in the New Receiving States Apap, JoannaHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2954ebraryRoadside Crosses in Contemporary Memorial Culture Everett, Holly J.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2955ebraryRedefining Security in the Middle East Jacoby, Tami AmandaHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2956ebraryRight Face : Organizing the American Conservative Movement 1945-65 Bjerre-Poulsen, NielsHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2957ebraryRomance of Democracy : Compliant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico Gutmann, Matthew C.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2958ebraryRed Spy Queen : A Biography of Elizabeth Bentley Olmsted, Kathryn S.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2959ebraryRe-Imagining Rwanda : Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century Pottier, JohanHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2960ebraryRiding the Tiger : America from the Great Depression to the Cold War Siracusa, Joseph M.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2961ebraryRecreating the American Republic : Rules of Apportionment, Constitutional Change, and American Political Development: 1700-1870 Kromkowski, Charles A.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2962ebraryRoad to Jerusalem : Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews Morris, BennyHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2963ebraryRunning out of Control : Dilemmas of Globalization Hedley, R. AlanHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2964ebraryResearch Methods for Public Administrators Johnson, GailHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2965ebraryRich Democracies : Political Economy, Public Policy, and Performance Wilensky, Harold L.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2966ebraryReligionsge-schichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten : Islam : Historical, Social, and Political Perspectives Waardenburg, JacquesHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2967ebraryRemembering the Alamo : Memory, Modernity, and the Master Symbol Flores, Richard R.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2968ebraryRise of the States : Evolution of American State Government Teaford, Jon C.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2969ebraryRethinking American History in a Global Age Bender, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2970ebraryReviving Democracy : Citizens at the Heart of Governance Knight, BarryHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2971ebraryRegions of War and Peace Lemke, DouglasHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2972ebraryRepublicanism and Liberalism in America and the German States, 1750-1850 Heideking, JurgenHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2973ebraryRight to Read : Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama's Public Libraries, 1900-1965 Graham, Patterson TobyHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2974ebraryRadicals Against Race : Black Activism and Cultural Politics Alleyne, Brian W.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2975ebraryRise of the Medieval World : A Biographical Dictionary Schulman, Jana K.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2976ebraryReflections on Political Theory : A Voice of Reason from the Past Wood, NealHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2977ebraryRedeeming the Communist Past : The Regeneration of Communist Parties in East Central Europe Grzymala-Busse, AnnaHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2978ebraryRoma Rights Cahn, ClaudeHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2979ebraryReconfiguring Modernity : Concepts of Nature in Japanese Political Ideology Thomas, Julia AdeneyHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2980ebraryRemembering Defeat : Civil War and Civic Memory in Ancient Athens Wolpert, AndrewHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2981ebraryRise of the Taliban in Afghanistan : Mass Mobilization, Civil War,and the Future of the Regime Nojumi, NeamatollahHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2982ebraryReconstructing the Dreamland : The Tulsa Riot of 1921: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation Brophy, Alfred L.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2983ebraryRoman Historians Mellor, RonaldHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2984ebraryRecourse to Force : Threats and Armed Attacks Franck, Thomas M.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2985ebraryReconstruction of American Liberalism, 1865-1914 Cohen, NancyHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2986ebraryReclaiming Evolution : A Dialogue on How Societies Evolve Dugger, William M.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2987ebraryRethinking Home Amato, Joseph A.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2988ebraryRebirth of Europe Pond, ElizabethHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2989ebraryReconciliable Differences : U.S.-French Relations in a New Era Brenner, MichaelHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2990ebraryReshaping America’s Military Four Alternatives Presented as Presidential Speeches Council on Foreign RelationsHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2991ebraryRhetorical Presidency, Propaganda and the Cold War Parry-Giles, Shawn J.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2992ebraryRegions of Italy : A Reference Guide to History & Culture Domenico, Roy P.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2993ebraryRegna and Gentes : The Relationship Between Late Antique and Early Medieval Peoples and Kingdoms in the Transformation of the Roman World Goetz, HansWernerHistory&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2994ebraryRace and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Culture Mullins, P. R.History&Political Sciences2002Go to website
2995ebraryReggae, Rastafari, and the Rhetoric of Social Control King, Stephen A.Humanities2002Go to website
2996ebraryRedeeming the Dial : Radio, Religion, and Popular Culture in America Hangen, Tona J.Humanities2002Go to website
2997ebraryRussian Opera and the Symbolist Movement Morrison, Simon AlexanderHumanities2002Go to website
2998ebraryRoger Sessions : How a Difficult Composer Got That Way Prausnitz, FrederikHumanities2002Go to website
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3000ebraryRise of a Jazz Art World Lopes, Paulo CorreaHumanities2002Go to website
3001ebraryRara! : Vodou, Power, and Performance in Haiti and Its Diaspora McAlister, Elizabeth A.Humanities2002Go to website
3002ebraryRescripting Shakespeare : The Text, the Director, and Modern Productions Dessen, Alan C.Humanities2002Go to website
3003ebraryRepresenting Black Britain : A History of Black and Asian Images on British Television Malik, SaritaHumanities2002Go to website
3004ebraryRecoveries & Reclamations - Advances in Art & Urban Futures, Volume 2 Rugg, JudithHumanities2002Go to website
3005ebraryReflections of an American Composer Berger, ArthurHumanities2002Go to website
3006ebraryRedesigning the Financial Aid System : Why Colleges and Universities Should Switch Roles with the Federal Government Archibald, Robert B.Education2002Go to website
3007ebraryReporting Test Results for Students with Disabilities and English-Language Learners : Summary of a Workshop Koenig, Judith AndersonEducation2002Go to website
3008ebraryRise of an African Middle Class : Colonial Zimbabwe, 1898-1965 West, Michael O.Education2002Go to website
3009ebraryRelative Risks of School Travel: A National Perspective and Guidance for Local Community Risk Assessment -- Special Report 269 Committee on School Transportation SafetyEducation2002Go to website
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3042ebraryRiddle of Amish Culture (Revised Edition) Kraybill, Donald B.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
3043ebraryRace and the Archaeology of Identity Orser, Charles E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2001Go to website
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3064ebraryRed Lines, Black Spaces : The Politics of Race and Space in a Black Middle-Class Suburb Haynes, Bruce D.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
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3067ebraryRethinking Evil Pia Lara, MariaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3068ebraryRemembering Partition : Violence, Nationalism, and History in India Pandey, GyanendraLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
3069ebraryRachid Ghannouchi : A Democrat Within Islamism Tamimi, AzzamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2001Go to website
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3077ebraryRitual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru : New Discoveries and Interpretations Benson, Elizabeth P.Sociology & Anthropology2001Go to website
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3225ebraryRachid Ghannouchi : A Democrat Within Islamism Tamimi, AzzamHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
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3242ebraryRealm of St. Stephen : A History of Medieval Hungary, 895-1526 Engel, PalHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3243ebraryRussian Parliament : Institutional Evolution in a Transitional Regime, 19891999 Remington, Thomas F.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3244ebraryRethinking the Normative Content of Critical Theory : Marx, Habermas and Beyond Cannon, Bobby A.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3245ebraryRevolt of the Ministers : The Malawi Cabinet Crisis 1964-1965 Baker, ColinHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3246ebraryReaching for the Stars : A New History of Bomber Command in World War II Connelly, MarkHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3247ebraryRise of New Labour : Party Policies and Voter Choices Heath, A.F.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3248ebraryReflections on the Revolution in France Burke, EdmundHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3249ebraryReformers in the Wings : From Geiler Von Kaysersberg to Theodore Beza Steinmetz, David CurtisHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3250ebraryRegionalism and Public Policy in Northern Ghana Saaka, YakubuHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3251ebraryRemaking the Conquering Heroes : The Social and Geopolitical Impact of the Post-War American Occupation of Germany Willoughby, JohnHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3252ebraryReconstructing a National Identity : The Jews of Habsburg Austria During World War I Rozenblit, Marsha L.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3253ebraryReasonable Use : The People, the Environment, and the State : New England 1790-1930 Cumbler, John T.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3254ebraryRadical Equations : Organizing Math Literacy in America's Schools Moses, Robert P.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3255ebraryReading and Writing Public Documents JANSSEN, DanielHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3256ebraryRight Backed by Might : The International Air Force Concept Beaumont, RogerHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3257ebraryReinterpreting Revolution in Twentieth-Century Europe Donald, MoiraHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3258ebraryResolving Conflicts Arising from the Privatization of Environmental Data National Research Council, Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data StaffHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3259ebraryReimagining the Nation State : The Contested Terrains of Nation-Building Mac Laughlin, JimHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3260ebraryReflections on the Revolution in France Burke, EdmundHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3261ebraryRisk Aspects of Investment-Based Social Security Reform Campbell, John Y.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3262ebraryRethinking Democratic Accountability Behn, Robert D.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3263ebraryReport on the Case of Dr. Saad Eddin Mohamed Ibrahim, Imprisoned Sociologist, Cairo, Egypt Committee on Human RightsHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3264ebraryRoosevelt's Secret War : FDR and World War II Espionage Persico, JosephHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3265ebraryRiver Running West, Part 2 : The Life of John Wesley Powell Worster, DonaldHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3266ebraryRenaissance & Reformation, 1500-1620 : A Biographical Dictionary Carney, Jo EldridgeHistory&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3267ebraryRoman Edessa : Politics and Culture on Eastern Fringes of the Roman Empire Ross, Steven K.History&Political Sciences2001Go to website
3268ebraryRebels on the Air : An Alternative History of Radio in America Walker, JesseHumanities2001Go to website
3269ebraryReading Chekhov : A Critical Journey Malcolm, JanetHumanities2001Go to website
3270ebraryReligion and Media Vries, Hent deHumanities2001Go to website
3271ebraryRussell Crowe : A Life in Stories Wylie, Gabor H.Humanities2001Go to website
3272ebraryReel Knockouts : Violent Women in the Movies McCaughey, MarthaHumanities2001Go to website
3273ebraryRidley Scott Robb, Brian J.Humanities2001Go to website
3274ebraryReturning Cycles : Contexts for the Interpretation of Schubert's Impromptus and Last Sonatas Fisk, Charles P.Humanities2001Go to website
3275ebraryRevealing Masks : Exotic Influences and Ritualized Performance in Modernist Music Theater Sheppard, William A.Humanities2001Go to website
3276ebraryRecording Conceptual Art : Early Interviews with Barry, Huebler, Kaltenbach, LeWitt, Morris, Oppenheim, Siegelaub, Smithson and Weiner Alberro, AlexanderHumanities2001Go to website
3277ebraryReading Television Hartley, JohnHumanities2001Go to website
3278ebraryRaising Musical Kids : A Guide for Parents Cutietta, Robert A.Humanities2001Go to website
3279ebraryReport to the Academy (Re: The New Conflict of the Faculties) Lambert, GreggEducation2001Go to website
3280ebraryRadical Equations : Organizing Math Literacy in America's Schools Moses, Robert P.Education2001Go to website
3281ebraryReflecting on Literacy in Education Hannon, PeterEducation2001Go to website
3282ebraryResults Fieldbook : Practical Strategies from Dramatically Improved Schools Schmoker, MikeEducation2001Go to website
3283ebraryReligion on Campus Cherry, ConradEducation2001Go to website
3284ebraryRaising Multilingual Children : Foreign Language Acquisition and Children Tokuhama-Espinosa, TraceyEducation2001Go to website
3285ebraryReflections on Language and Language Learning. In honour of Arthur van Essen. Bax, MarcelEducation2001Go to website
3286ebraryReforming Schools Gamble, MaeEducation2001Go to website
3287ebraryReading Between the Numbers : Statistical Thinking in Everyday Life Tal, JosephEducation2001Go to website
3288ebraryResolving Conflicts Arising from the Privatization of Environmental Data National Research Council, Committee on Geophysical and Environmental Data StaffComputer_IT2001Go to website
3289ebraryReal-Time Database Systems : Architecture and Techniques Lam, Kam-YiuComputer_IT2001Go to website
3290ebraryReading Between the Numbers : Statistical Thinking in Everyday Life Tal, JosephComputer_IT2001Go to website
3291ebraryRace, Class and Gender in Exclusion from School Wright, CecileInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3292ebraryRestless Nation : Starting Over in America Jasper, James M.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3293ebraryRhythms of Resistance : African Musical Heritage in Brazil Fryer, PeterInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3294ebraryRise of Professional Women in France : Gender & Public Administration since 1830 Clark, Linda L.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3295ebraryRace-Ing Research, Researching Race : Methodological Dilemmas in Critical Race Studies Warren, Jonathan W.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3296ebraryRemaking the Chinese City : Modernity and National Identity, 1900-1950 Esherick, Joseph W.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3297ebraryReligion, Ethnicity & Society Campling, JoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3298ebraryRevolutionizing the Family : Politics, Love and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968 Diamant, Neil JeffreyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3299ebraryRe-Examining Psychology : Critical Perspectives and African Insights Holdstock, T. LenInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3300ebraryRepresenting Women : Sex, Gender and Legislative Behavior in Arizona and California Reingold, BethInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3301ebraryRitual of Rights in Japan : Law, Society & Health Policy Feldman, Eric A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3302ebraryRomanticism & the Slave Narratives : Transatlantic Testimonies Thomas, HelenInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3303ebraryRhetoric of the Body from Ovid to Shakespeare Enterline, LynnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3304ebraryRethinking Indonesia : Postcolonial Theory, Authoritaianism & Identity Philpott, SimonInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3305ebraryReforming Business-Related Laws to Promote Private Sector Development : The World Bank Experience in Africa Ofosu-Amaah, W. PaatiiInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3306ebraryRape of Nanking : Separating Fact from Fiction Yamamoto, MasahiroInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3307ebraryReligion against the Self : An Ethnography of Tamil Rituals Nabokov, IsabelleInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3308ebraryRevisionary Identities : Strategies of Empowerment in the Writing of Italian/American Women Mannino, Mary Ann VigilanteInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3309ebraryRace Woman : The Lives of Shirley Graham Du Bois Horne, GeraldInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3310ebraryRecent Indian Wars under the Lead of Sitting Bull Boyd, James P.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3311ebraryReimagining Indians : Native Americans Through Anglo Eyes, 1880-1940 Smith, Sherry LynnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3312ebraryRace and the Writing of History : Riddling the Sphinx Keita, MaghanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3313ebraryRoutledge International Encyclopedia of Women : Global Women's Issues and Knowledge, Volume 1 Kramarae, CherisInterdisciplinary & Area Studies2000Go to website
3314ebraryRace, Class and Gender in Exclusion from School Wright, CecileLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3315ebraryRisks and Reconstruction Cernea, Michael M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3316ebraryRise of Professional Women in France : Gender & Public Administration since 1830 Clark, Linda L.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3317ebraryRational Choice and Security Studies: Stephen Walt and His Critics Brown, Michael E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3318ebraryRefusing to Be a Man : Essays on Social Justice Stoltenberg, JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3319ebraryRussian Women & Their Organizations : Gender Discrimination Kay, RebeccaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3320ebraryRussian Peacekeeping Stragegies in the CIS : The Cases of Moldova, Georgia & Tajikistan Royal Institute of International AffairsLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3321ebraryReligion and International Relations Dark, K. R .Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3322ebraryRousseau's Republican Romance Wingrove, Elizabeth RoseLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3323ebraryReluctant Champions : U.S. Presidential Policy and Strategic Export Controls, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush and Clinton Cupitt, Richard T.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3324ebraryRuling the World : Power Politics and the Rise of Supranational Institutions Gruber, LloydLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3325ebraryRight to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions Allen, ThomasLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3326ebraryRum, Romanism and Rebellion : The Making of a President, 1884 Summers, Mark WahlgrenLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3327ebraryReturn of Radicalism : Reshaping the Left Institutions Kagarlitsky, BorisLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3328ebraryRisk Revisited Caplan, PatLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3329ebraryRitual of Rights in Japan : Law, Society & Health Policy Feldman, Eric A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3330ebraryReform in the Making : The Implementation of Social Policy in Prison Lin, Ann ChihLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3331ebraryRe-Examining Sovereignty : From Classical Theory to the Global Age Shinoda, HideakiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3332ebraryRegulatory Craft : Controlling Risks, Solving Problems and Managing Compliance Sparrow, Malcom K.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3333ebraryRegeneration of War-Torn Societies Pugh, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3334ebraryRethinking Social Policy Lewis, GailLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3335ebraryRealism & International Relations Donnelly, JackLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3336ebraryRethinking Indonesia : Postcolonial Theory, Authoritaianism & Identity Philpott, SimonLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3337ebraryReforming Business-Related Laws to Promote Private Sector Development : The World Bank Experience in Africa Ofosu-Amaah, W. PaatiiLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3338ebraryRussian-American Dialogue on the History of U. S. Political Parties Silbey, Joel H.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3339ebraryRed Scare : FBI and the Origins of Anti-Communism in the United States Schmidt, ReginLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3340ebraryReligion, Law & Freedom : A Global Perspective Kamalipour, Yahya R.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3341ebraryRegulating the Global Information Society Marsden, Christopher T.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3342ebraryRadio and Television Regulation : Broadcast Technology in the United States, 1920-1960 Slotten, Hugh R.Law, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3343ebraryRegulatory Encounters : Multinational Corporations and American Adversarial Legalism Axelrad, LeeLaw, International Relations & Public Policy2000Go to website
3344ebraryRestless Nation : Starting Over in America Jasper, James M.Sociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3345ebraryRisks and Reconstruction Cernea, Michael M.Sociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3346ebraryResearch with Children : Perspectives and Practices James, AllisonSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3347ebraryRace-Ing Research, Researching Race : Methodological Dilemmas in Critical Race Studies Warren, Jonathan W.Sociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3348ebraryRemaking the Chinese City : Modernity and National Identity, 1900-1950 Esherick, Joseph W.Sociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3349ebraryRefusing to Be a Man : Essays on Social Justice Stoltenberg, JohnSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3350ebraryRussian Women & Their Organizations : Gender Discrimination Kay, RebeccaSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3351ebraryRevolutionizing the Family : Politics, Love and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968 Diamant, Neil JeffreySociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3352ebraryReflections on Regionalism Katz, Bruce J.Sociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3353ebraryRisk Revisited Caplan, PatSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3354ebraryReform in the Making : The Implementation of Social Policy in Prison Lin, Ann ChihSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3355ebraryRethinking Social Policy Lewis, GailSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3356ebraryRegions That Work : How Cities and Suburbs Can Grow Together Pastor, ManuelSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3357ebraryReconnecting Culture, Technology and Nature : From Society to Heterogeneity Michael, MikeSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3358ebraryResearching Social and Economic Change : Uses of Household Panel Studies Rose, DavidSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3359ebraryRoutledge International Encyclopedia of Women : Global Women's Issues and Knowledge, Volume 1 Kramarae, CherisSociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3360ebraryReclaiming Identity : Realist Theory and the Predicament of Postmodernism Moya, Paula M. L.Sociology & Anthropology2000Go to website
3361ebraryRome in East : The Transformation of an Empire Ball, WarwickReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3362ebraryReligious Behavior Argyle, MichaelReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3363ebraryReligious Pluralism : A Metaphorical Approach Arthur, ChrisReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3364ebraryReceiving the Day : Christian Practices for Opening the Gift of Time Bass, Dorothy C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3365ebraryReligious Education in the Early Years Ashton, ElizabethReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3366ebraryReligion, Ethnicity & Society Campling, JoReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3367ebraryReligion and International Relations Dark, K. R .Religion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3368ebraryReligious Authority in the Spanish Renaissance Homza, Lu AnnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3369ebraryRites and Rank : Hierarchy in Biblical Representations of Cult Olyan, Saul M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3370ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel on History McCarney, JoeReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3371ebraryReligious Minorities in Iran Sanasarian, ElizReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3372ebraryRealism & Appearance : An Essay in Ontology Yolton, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3373ebraryReason Without Freedom : Problem of Epistemic Normativity Owens, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3374ebraryReligion in Colonial America Butler, JonReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3375ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Leibniz and the Monadology Savile, AnthonyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3376ebraryRhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity Walker, JeffreyReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3377ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to the Later Heidegger Pattison, GeorgeReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3378ebraryRomanization in the Time of Augustus MacMullen, RamsayReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3379ebraryReligion, Law & Freedom : A Global Perspective Kamalipour, Yahya R.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3380ebraryReligion against the Self : An Ethnography of Tamil Rituals Nabokov, IsabelleReligion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3381ebraryRival Jerusalems : The Geography of Victorian Religion Snell, K. D. M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics2000Go to website
3382ebraryRelationship Dysfunction : A Practitioner's Guide to Comparative Treatments Dattilio, Frank M.Psychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3383ebraryResearch with Children : Perspectives and Practices James, AllisonPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3384ebraryResearch in Social Care and Social Welfare Humphries, BethPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3385ebraryRevolutionizing the Family : Politics, Love and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968 Diamant, Neil JeffreyPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3386ebraryRe-Examining Psychology : Critical Perspectives and African Insights Holdstock, T. LenPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3387ebraryReform in the Making : The Implementation of Social Policy in Prison Lin, Ann ChihPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3388ebraryRegeneration of War-Torn Societies Pugh, MichaelPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3389ebraryReal Boys' Voices Pollack, William S.Psychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3390ebraryRace, Culture and Ethnicity in Psychiatric Practice : Working with Difference Kaye, CharlesPsychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3391ebraryRedefining Fatherhood Dowd, Nancy E.Psychology & Social Work2000Go to website
3392ebraryRemote Sensing of Atmosphere and Ocean from Space: Models, Instruments and Techniques Marzano, Frank S.Physical Sciences2000Go to website
3393ebraryReview of the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program National Research Council, Committee on the Review of the USGS Volcano Hazards ProgramPhysical Sciences2000Go to website
3394ebraryReview of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Research Strategy for 2000-2010 Committee to Review NASA's ESE Science PlanPhysical Sciences2000Go to website
3395ebraryReview of the NARSTO Draft Report: An Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Pollution--A North American Perspective National Academy Press StaffPhysical Sciences2000Go to website
3396ebraryRecent Advances and Issues in Physics Newton, David E.Physical Sciences2000Go to website
3397ebraryReconciling Observations of Global Temperature Change National Research Council StaffPhysical Sciences2000Go to website
3398ebraryRadical Constructivism in Action : Building on the Pioneering Work of Ernst Von Glasersfeld Steffe, Leslie P.Physical Sciences2000Go to website
3399ebraryReal Science : What It Is & What It Means Ziman, JohnPhysical Sciences2000Go to website
3400ebraryRhodium Catalyzed Hydroformylation van Leeuwen, Piet W. N. M.Physical Sciences2000Go to website
3401ebraryResearcher's Toolkit : The Complete Guide to Practitioner Research Wilkinson, DavidPhysical Sciences2000Go to website
3402ebraryRiver Flowing from the Sunrise : An Environmental History of the Lower San Juan Aton, James M.Physical Sciences2000Go to website
3403ebraryReview of the US Navy's Human Health Risk Assessment of the Naval Air Facility at Atsugi, Japan Committee on ToxicologyNursing & Allied Health2000Go to website
3404ebraryRunning : Olympic Handbook of Sports Medicine Hawley, JohnNursing & Allied Health2000Go to website
3405ebraryResearching Health Promotion Watson, JonathanNursing & Allied Health2000Go to website
3406ebraryReview of the U.S. Navy Environmental Health Center's Health-Hazard Assessment Process Subcommittee on Toxicological Hazard and Risk Assessment StaffNursing & Allied Health2000Go to website
3407ebraryRe-evaluation of Drinking-Water Guidelines for Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate Subcommittee on the Toxicity of Diisopropyl MethylphosphonateNursing & Allied Health2000Go to website
3408ebraryReview of the Draft Report of the NCI-CDC Working Group to Revise the 1985 Radioepidemiological Tables National Academy of Sciences StaffNursing & Allied Health2000Go to website
3409ebraryReview of NASA's Biomedical Research Program Committee on Space Biology and MedicineMedicine2000Go to website
3410ebraryReview of the Hanford Thyroid Disease Study Draft Final Report National Academy of Sciences StaffMedicine2000Go to website
3411ebraryRole of Nutrition in Maintaining Health in the Nation's Elderly : Evaluating Coverage of Nutrition Services for the Medicare Patient Institute of Medicine StaffMedicine2000Go to website
3412ebraryRace, Culture and Ethnicity in Psychiatric Practice : Working with Difference Kaye, CharlesMedicine2000Go to website
3413ebraryRadioimmunotherapy of Cancer Abrams, Paul G.Medicine2000Go to website
3414ebraryReview of the Draft Report of the NCI-CDC Working Group to Revise the 1985 Radioepidemiological Tables National Academy of Sciences StaffMedicine2000Go to website
3415ebraryReview of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Research Strategy for 2000-2010 Committee to Review NASA's ESE Science PlanLife Sciences2000Go to website
3416ebraryReview of the NARSTO Draft Report: An Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Pollution--A North American Perspective National Academy Press StaffLife Sciences2000Go to website
3417ebraryRice Genetics IV Khush, Gurdev S.Life Sciences2000Go to website
3418ebraryReconciling Observations of Global Temperature Change National Research Council StaffLife Sciences2000Go to website
3419ebraryReal Science : What It Is & What It Means Ziman, JohnLife Sciences2000Go to website
3420ebraryResearcher's Toolkit : The Complete Guide to Practitioner Research Wilkinson, DavidLife Sciences2000Go to website
3421ebraryRoots of Environmental Consciousness : Popular Tradition and Personal Experience Hussey, StephenLife Sciences2000Go to website
3422ebraryRuminant Physiology : Digestion, Metabolism, Growth and Reproduction Cronje, P. B.Life Sciences2000Go to website
3423ebraryRecognition of Deformation, Microstructures and Mechanisms in Rocks Blenkinsop, T.Life Sciences2000Go to website
3424ebraryRecruiting Fishery Scientists: Workshop on Stock Assessment and Social Science Careers Ocean Studies BoardLife Sciences2000Go to website
3425ebraryRiver Flowing from the Sunrise : An Environmental History of the Lower San Juan Aton, James M.Life Sciences2000Go to website
3426ebraryResources, Technology and Strategy Foss, Nicolai J.Business2000Go to website
3427ebraryRisk Management King, RoyBusiness2000Go to website
3428ebraryRussian Province after Communism : Enterprise, Continuity and Change Edwards, VincentBusiness2000Go to website
3429ebraryRethinking Business Ethics : A Pragmatic Approach Rosenthal, Sandra B.Business2000Go to website
3430ebraryRisk Management CROUHY, MICHELBusiness2000Go to website
3431ebraryRhetorics of Welfare: Uncertainty, Choice and Voluntary Associations Brown, Kevin M.Business2000Go to website
3432ebraryRegion and Strategy in Britain and Japan Farnie, D. A.Business2000Go to website
3433ebraryResponding to Globalization Hart, Jeffrey A.Business2000Go to website
3434ebraryRight to Property in Commonwealth Constitutions Allen, ThomasBusiness2000Go to website
3435ebraryResumes for Engineering Careers Editors of VGM Career BooksBusiness2000Go to website
3436ebraryReturn to Europe : The Reintegration of Eastern Europe into the European Economy Smith, AlanBusiness2000Go to website
3437ebraryRegulatory Craft : Controlling Risks, Solving Problems and Managing Compliance Sparrow, Malcom K.Business2000Go to website
3438ebraryResearch and Knowledge at Work : Perspectives, Case-Studies and Innovative Strategies Garrick, JohnBusiness2000Go to website
3439ebraryRise and Fall of Abacus Banking in Japan and China Arayama, YukoBusiness2000Go to website
3440ebraryROI of Human Capital : Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance Fitz-Enz, JacBusiness2000Go to website
3441ebraryRapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications Hilton, Peter D.Business2000Go to website
3442ebraryReward Management : A Critical Text White, GeoffBusiness2000Go to website
3443ebraryRecognizing & Rewarding Employees Bowen, R. BraytonBusiness2000Go to website
3444ebraryReforming Business-Related Laws to Promote Private Sector Development : The World Bank Experience in Africa Ofosu-Amaah, W. PaatiiBusiness2000Go to website
3445ebraryRole of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development Ito, TakatoshiBusiness2000Go to website
3446ebraryRethinking Public Relations : The Spin and the Substance Moloney, KevinBusiness2000Go to website
3447ebraryResumes for Business Management Careers (2nd Edition) Johnson, Jeffrey S.Business2000Go to website
3448ebraryRe-Drawing Boundaries Entwisle, BarbaraBusiness2000Go to website
3449ebraryRegulatory Encounters : Multinational Corporations and American Adversarial Legalism Axelrad, LeeBusiness2000Go to website
3450ebraryRegional Development in China : States, Glabalization and Inequality Wei, Yehua DennisBusiness2000Go to website
3451ebraryRoads Not Taken : Rereading Robert Frost Wilcox, Earl J.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3452ebraryRomanticism & the Human Sciences : Poetry, Population & the Discourse of the Species McLane, Maureen N.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3453ebraryReading Romance : Literacy, Psychology, and Malory's Morte d'Arthur Svogun, Margaret duMaisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3454ebraryReturn of the Native Hardy, ThomasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3455ebraryReimagining Indians : Native Americans Through Anglo Eyes, 1880-1940 Smith, Sherry LynnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3456ebraryRed Badge of Courage Crane, StephenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3457ebraryRape, Incest, Battery! : Women Writing Out the Pain Harris, Miriam K.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3458ebraryReading Series Fiction : From Arthur Ransome to Gene Kemp Watson, VictorLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3459ebraryRay Bradbury : A Critical Companion Reid, Robin AnneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3460ebraryRomanticism & the Gothic : Genre, Reception & Canon Formation Gamer, MichaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3461ebraryRevisionary Identities : Strategies of Empowerment in the Writing of Italian/American Women Mannino, Mary Ann VigilanteLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3462ebraryRoom with a View Forster, E. M.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3463ebraryRenaissance Computer : Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print Rhodes, NeilLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3464ebraryRole of the Writer and the Press in the Unification of Germany, 1989-1990 Oppen, Karoline vonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3465ebraryReconstructing Grammar. Comparative Linguistics and Grammaticalizatio GILDEA, SpikeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3466ebraryRimado de Palacio De Ayala, Pero L.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3467ebraryRenaissance Drama & Contemporary Literary Theory Mousley, AndyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3468ebraryRevenge of the Aesthetic : The Place of Literature in Theory Today Clark, MichaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3469ebraryRhetoric and Poetics in Antiquity Walker, JeffreyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3470ebraryRhetoric of the Body from Ovid to Shakespeare Enterline, LynnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3471ebraryRomanticism & the Slave Narratives : Transatlantic Testimonies Thomas, HelenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3472ebraryRomanticism at the End of History Christensen, JeromeLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3473ebraryReflexives : Forms and Functions FRAJZYNGIER, ZygmuntLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3474ebraryRobber Walser, RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3475ebraryReciprocals FRAJZYNGIER, ZygmuntLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3476ebraryReading Dante's Stars Cornish, AlisonLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3477ebraryRevising Women : Eighteenth-Century 'Women's Fiction' and Social Engagement Backscheider, Paula R.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3478ebraryRight Node Raising and Gapping. Interface conditions on prosodic deletion HARTMANN, KatharinaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3479ebraryResearching Language in Schools and Communities : Functional Linguistic Perspectives Unsworth, LenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3480ebraryRethinking Writing Harris, RoyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3481ebraryRomance Phonology and Variation : Selected papers from the 30th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Gainesville, Florida, February 2000 Wiltshire, Caroline R.Language, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3482ebraryRomantic Performative : Language and Action in British and German Romanticism Esterhammer, AngelaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics2000Go to website
3483ebraryReview of the U. S. Department of Energy's Heavy Vehicle Technologies Program Committee on Review of DOE's Office of Heavy Vehicle TechnologiesEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3484ebraryRotating Machinery Vibration : From Analysis to Troubleshooting Adams, Maurice L.Engineering_Technology2000Go to website
3485ebraryResearcher's Toolkit : The Complete Guide to Practitioner Research Wilkinson, DavidEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3486ebraryRhodium Catalyzed Hydroformylation van Leeuwen, Piet W. N. M.Engineering_Technology2000Go to website
3487ebraryReview of the U.S. Navy's Exposure Standard for Manufactured Vitreous Fibers Committee on ToxicologyEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3488ebraryReview of ONR's Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles Program Naval Studies Board StaffEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3489ebraryReview of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles : Sixth Report National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3490ebraryRapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications Hilton, Peter D.Engineering_Technology2000Go to website
3491ebraryReal Science : What It Is & What It Means Ziman, JohnEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3492ebraryRobust Speech Recognition in Embedded Systems and PC Applications Junqua, Jean-ClaudeEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3493ebraryResumes for Engineering Careers Editors of VGM Career BooksEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3494ebraryRenewable Power Pathways : A Review of the U. S. Department of Energy's Renewable Energy Programs Committee on Programmatic Review of the U. S. Department of Energy's Office of Power TechnologiesEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3495ebraryRole of Small Satellites in NASA and NOAA Earth Observation Programs Committee on Earth StudiesEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3496ebraryRadiation and the International Space Station : Recommendations to Reduce Risk National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3497ebraryResidential Open Buildings Kendall, StephenEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3498ebraryRapid Prototyping of Digital Systems Hamblen, James O.Engineering_Technology2000Go to website
3499ebraryReview of the NARSTO Draft Report: An Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Pollution--A North American Perspective National Academy Press StaffEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3500ebraryResearch Needs in Subsurface Science : U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Management Science Program National Research Council, Board on Radioactive Waste Management StaffEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3501ebraryReview of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise Research Strategy for 2000-2010 Committee to Review NASA's ESE Science PlanEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3502ebraryRisk Analysis and Uncertainty in Flood Damage Reduction Studies Committee on Risk-Based Analysis for Flood Damage ReductionEngineering_Technology2000Go to website
3503ebraryReforming Public Institutions and Strengthening Governance World Bank, Public Sector Board StaffHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3504ebraryRewriting the Jew : Assimilation Narratives in the Russian Empire Safran, GabriellaHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3505ebraryReflections on a Disruptive Decade : Essays from the Sixties Davidson, EugeneHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3506ebraryRoma and the Transition in Central and Eastern Europe : Trends and Challenges Ringold, DenaHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3507ebraryRecent Indian Wars under the Lead of Sitting Bull Boyd, James P.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3508ebraryRepatriation Reader : Who Owns American Indian Remains? Mihesuah, Devon A.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3509ebraryRevolutions : The Revolutionary Tradition in the West, 1560-1991 Parker, DavidHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3510ebraryRace Woman : The Lives of Shirley Graham Du Bois Horne, GeraldHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3511ebraryRomanization in the Time of Augustus MacMullen, RamsayHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3512ebraryRape of Nanking : Separating Fact from Fiction Yamamoto, MasahiroHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3513ebraryRenaissance Computer : Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print Rhodes, NeilHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3514ebraryRetreat to the Reich : The German Defeat in France, 1944 Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3515ebraryRed Scare : FBI and the Origins of Anti-Communism in the United States Schmidt, ReginHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3516ebraryRussian-American Dialogue on the History of U. S. Political Parties Silbey, Joel H.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3517ebraryRolling the Iron Dice : Historical Analogies & Decisions to Use Military Force in Regional Contingencies MacDonald, ScottHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3518ebraryRethinking Indonesia : Postcolonial Theory, Authoritaianism & Identity Philpott, SimonHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3519ebraryRealism & International Relations Donnelly, JackHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3520ebraryRomania : The Unfinished Revolution Roper, Steven D.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3521ebraryRace, Power, and Political Emergence in Memphis Wright, Sharon D.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3522ebraryReceiving Erin's Children : Philadelphia, Liverpool and the Irish Famine Migration, 1845-1855 Gallman, J. MatthewHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3523ebraryRe-Examining Sovereignty : From Classical Theory to the Global Age Shinoda, HideakiHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3524ebraryRussia & Europe : Conflict or Cooperation? Webber, MarkHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3525ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel on History McCarney, JoeHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3526ebraryRevoluci?n : Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History Benjamin, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3527ebraryReturn of Radicalism : Reshaping the Left Institutions Kagarlitsky, BorisHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3528ebraryRum, Romanism and Rebellion : The Making of a President, 1884 Summers, Mark WahlgrenHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3529ebraryRepresenting Women : Sex, Gender and Legislative Behavior in Arizona and California Reingold, BethHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3530ebraryReturn to Armageddon : The United States and the Nuclear Arms Race, 1981-1999 Powaski, Ronald E.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3531ebraryRestoration & Reform, 1153-1165 : Recovery from Civil War in England White, Graeme J.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3532ebraryRoutledge Reader in Politics and Performance Goodman, LizbethHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3533ebraryRuling the World : Power Politics and the Rise of Supranational Institutions Gruber, LloydHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3534ebraryResponding to Globalization Hart, Jeffrey A.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3535ebraryRousseau's Republican Romance Wingrove, Elizabeth RoseHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3536ebraryRussian Peacekeeping Stragegies in the CIS : The Cases of Moldova, Georgia & Tajikistan Royal Institute of International AffairsHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3537ebraryRational Choice and Security Studies: Stephen Walt and His Critics Brown, Michael E.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3538ebraryRise of Professional Women in France : Gender & Public Administration since 1830 Clark, Linda L.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3539ebraryReflections on The Revolution in France: and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event in a Letter Intended to have been sent to a Gentleman in Paris Burke, EdmundHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3540ebraryRussia and the Wider World in Historical Perspective Essays for Paul Dukes Brennan, CathrynHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3541ebraryRome in East : The Transformation of an Empire Ball, WarwickHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3542ebraryRestless Nation : Starting Over in America Jasper, James M.History&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3543ebraryRethinking Liberalism Bellamy, RichardHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3544ebraryRumor about the Jews : Reflections on Antisemitism and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Bronner, Stephen EricHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3545ebraryRoutledge Companion to Historical Studies Munslow, AlunHistory&Political Sciences2000Go to website
3546ebraryRace, Media and the Crisis of Civil Society : From the Watts Riots to Rodney King Jacobs, Ronald N.Humanities2000Go to website
3547ebraryRenaissance Computer : Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print Rhodes, NeilHumanities2000Go to website
3548ebraryRenaissance Drama & Contemporary Literary Theory Mousley, AndyHumanities2000Go to website
3549ebraryRoom Acoustics Highfield, DavidHumanities2000Go to website
3550ebraryRegulating the Press O'Malley, TomHumanities2000Go to website
3551ebraryResort Design : Planning, Architecture & Interiors Huffadine, MargaretHumanities2000Go to website
3552ebraryRhythms of Resistance : African Musical Heritage in Brazil Fryer, PeterHumanities2000Go to website
3553ebraryRossini's The Italian Girl in Algiers (L'Italiana in Algeri) : Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series Fisher, Burton D.Humanities2000Go to website
3554ebraryRichard Strauss' Der Rosenkavalier : Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series Fisher, Burton D.Humanities2000Go to website
3555ebraryRichard Strauss' Elektra : Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series Fisher, Burton D.Humanities2000Go to website
3556ebraryReclaiming Knowledge : Social Theory, Curriculum and Education Policy Muller, JohanEducation2000Go to website
3557ebraryReconstructing Teaching : Standards, Performance and Accountability Mahony, PatEducation2000Go to website
3558ebraryReframing the Early Childhood Curriculum : Educational Imperatives for the Future Page, Jane M.Education2000Go to website
3559ebraryRevolutionary Pedagogies : Cultural Politics, Instituting Education and the Discourse of Theory Trifonas, Peter PericlesEducation2000Go to website
3560ebraryRealism and Educational Research : New Perspectives and Possibilities Scott, DavidEducation2000Go to website
3561ebraryResearch Project : How to Write It Berry, RalphEducation2000Go to website
3562ebraryReporting District-Level NAEP Data : Summary of a Workshop National Research Council StaffEducation2000Go to website
3563ebraryReflective Teacher Development in Primary Science Ovens, PeterEducation2000Go to website
3564ebraryRace, Class and Gender in Exclusion from School Wright, CecileEducation2000Go to website
3565ebraryRapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications Hilton, Peter D.Computer_IT2000Go to website
3566ebraryRobust Speech Recognition in Embedded Systems and PC Applications Junqua, Jean-ClaudeComputer_IT2000Go to website
3567ebraryRapid Prototyping of Digital Systems Hamblen, James O.Computer_IT2000Go to website
3568ebraryRed Hat Linux Administration Tools Fisher, CharlesComputer_IT2000Go to website
3569ebraryRecorded Music in American Life : The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945 Kenney, William HowlandInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3570ebraryRomantic Fiction of Mills and Boon, 1909-1995 Dixon, JayInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3571ebraryRefusing the Favor : The Spanish-Mexican Women of Santa Fe, 1820-1880 Gonzalez, Deena J.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3572ebraryRatification of the ERA, as of 1977 -- North America, United States Map Maps.comInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3573ebraryRemoval of American Indians 1830-1838 -- North America, United States, Map Maps.comInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3574ebraryRational Woman : A Feminist Critique of Dualism Prokhovnik, RaiaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3575ebraryRevolutions of the Heart : Gender, Power and the Delusions of Love Langford, WendyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3576ebraryReader's Guide to the Novels of Louise Erdrich Beidler, Peter G.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3577ebraryRoman Homosexuality : Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity Williams, Craig A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3578ebraryRape and the Culture of the Courtroom Taslitz, Andrew E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3579ebraryReinventing Identities : The Gendered Self in Discourse Bucholtz, MaryInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3580ebraryRudolfo A. Anaya : A Critical Companion Olmos, Margarite FernandezInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3581ebraryReligion, Law & the Land : Native Americans & the Judicial Interpretation of Sacred Land Brown, Brian E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1999Go to website
3582ebraryRepublican Theory in Political Thought : Virtuous Or Virtual? Brugger, BillLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3583ebraryReducing Disaster Losses Through Better Information National Research Council, Board on Natural Disasters StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3584ebraryRegional Dimension in European Public Policy: Convergence or Divergence? Martin, ReinerLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3585ebraryReducing the Burden of Injury : Advancing Prevention and Treatment Bonnie, Richard J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3586ebraryReferendums and Democratic Governement Setala, MaijaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3587ebraryRoman Law in European History Stein, PeterLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3588ebraryReinventing Government in the Information Age Heeks, RichardLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3589ebraryRape and the Culture of the Courtroom Taslitz, Andrew E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3590ebraryReading the French Enlightenment : System & Subversion Hayes, Julie C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3591ebraryRise & Decline of the State Van Creveld, MartinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3592ebraryRisk Lupton, DeborahLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3593ebraryReal Worlds of Welfare Capitalism Headey, BruceLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3594ebraryRedefining European Security Hodge, Carl C.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3595ebraryRoman Law in Context Johnston, DavidLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3596ebraryRural Women & Triple Exploitation in Korean Development Gills, Dong-Sook ShinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3597ebraryRefugee Rights and Realities : Evolving International Concepts and Regimes Nicholson, FrancesLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3598ebraryRisk and 'The Other' Joffe, HeleneLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3599ebraryReligion, Law & the Land : Native Americans & the Judicial Interpretation of Sacred Land Brown, Brian E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3600ebraryResurrection of Ireland : The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923 Laffan, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3601ebraryRevolutionary America, 1763-1815 : Political History Cogliano, Francis D.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3602ebraryRegulation Clarke, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1999Go to website
3603ebraryReader on Culture, Society and Sexuality Parker, RichardSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3604ebraryR.D. Laing: Selected Works : The Politics of the Family and Other Essays, Volume 5 Laing, R. D.Sociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3605ebraryRegional Dimension in European Public Policy: Convergence or Divergence? Martin, ReinerSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3606ebraryRural Development in Central America Bastiaensen, JohanSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3607ebraryReducing the Burden of Injury : Advancing Prevention and Treatment Bonnie, Richard J.Sociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3608ebraryRegional Policy and Planning in Europe Balchin, Paul N.Sociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3609ebraryRole of Diffusion Processes in Fertility Change in Developing Countries National Research Council StaffSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3610ebraryRethinking India's Oral and Classical Epics : Draupadi among Rajputs, Muslims, and Dalits Hiltebeitel, AlfSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3611ebraryRelative Distribution Methods in the Social Sciences Handcock, Mark S.Sociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3612ebraryRaiding, Trading and Feasting : The Political Economy Junker, Laura LeeSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3613ebraryRisk Lupton, DeborahSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3614ebraryRise of Cities in North-West Europe Verhulst, AdriaanSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3615ebraryRural Women & Triple Exploitation in Korean Development Gills, Dong-Sook ShinSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3616ebraryRisk and 'The Other' Joffe, HeleneSociology & Anthropology1999Go to website
3617ebraryRadical Orthodoxy : A New Theology Milbank, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3618ebraryReligious Imagination of American Women Bednarowski, Mary FarrellReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3619ebraryREFASHIONING OF CATHOLICISM, 1450–1700 BIRELEY, ROBERTReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3620ebraryRome and the Enemy : Imperial Strategy in the Principate Mattern, Susan P.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3621ebraryRome That Did Not Fall : The Survival of the East in the Fifth Century Williams, StephenReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3622ebraryRationality of Science Newton-Smith, W. H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3623ebraryR.D. Laing: Selected Works : A Decade of Sartre's Philosophy 1950-1960, Volume 3 Laing, R. D.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3624ebraryReading Plato Szlezak, Thomas A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3625ebraryRitual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Hart, KeithReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3626ebraryRational Woman : A Feminist Critique of Dualism Prokhovnik, RaiaReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3627ebraryRoman Homosexuality : Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity Williams, Craig A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3628ebraryRealist Christian Theology in a Postmodern Age Patterson, SueReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3629ebraryReading Renunciation : Asceticism & Scripture in Early Christianity Clark, Elizabeth AnnReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3630ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hume on Knowledge Noonan, Harold W.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3631ebraryRussell on Religion : Selections from the Writings of Bertrand Russell Greenspan, LouisReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3632ebraryReligious Conversion : Contemporary Practices and Controversy Lamb, ChristopherReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3633ebraryReligious Experience, Justification & History Bagger, Matthew C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3634ebraryReligion after Religion Wasserstrom, Steven M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3635ebraryReinterpreting Islamic Historiography : Harun Al-Rashid & the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate El-Hibri, TayebReligion, Philosophy & Classics1999Go to website
3636ebraryR.D. Laing: Selected Works : The Politics of the Family and Other Essays, Volume 5 Laing, R. D.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3637ebraryRole of Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness in Violence : Workshop Summary Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral HealthPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3638ebraryR.D. Laing: Selected Works : Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness, Volume 1 Laing, R. D.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3639ebraryR.D. Laing: Selected Works : Sanity, Madness and the Family: Families of Schizophrenics, Volume 4 Laing, R. D.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3640ebraryRELIGION AND THE CURE OF SOULS IN JUNG'S PSYCHOLOGY Schaer HansPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3641ebraryReducing Disaster Losses Through Better Information National Research Council, Board on Natural Disasters StaffPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3642ebraryR.D. Laing: Selected Works : Self and Others, Volume 2 Laing, R. D.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3643ebraryReducing the Burden of Injury : Advancing Prevention and Treatment Bonnie, Richard J.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3644ebraryRelating in Psychotherapy : The Application of a New Theory Birtchnell, JohnPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3645ebraryRevolutions of the Heart : Gender, Power and the Delusions of Love Langford, WendyPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3646ebraryRethinking Intelligence : Confronting Psychological Assumptions about Teaching and Learning Kincheloe, Joe L.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3647ebraryRecognition & Management of Early Psychosis : A Preventive Approach Perris, CarloPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3648ebraryResilience and Development : Positive Life Adaptations Glantz, Meyer D.Psychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3649ebraryRisks and Opportunities : Synthesis of Studies on Adolescence National Research Council StaffPsychology & Social Work1999Go to website
3650ebraryResearch Teams and Partnerships : Trends in the Chemical Sciences: Report of a Workshop National Research Council StaffPhysical Sciences1999Go to website
3651ebraryRole of Rydberg States in Spectroscopy and Photochemistry : Low and High Rydberg States Sandorfy, CamillePhysical Sciences1999Go to website
3652ebraryReview of the Draft Plan for the Modernization and Associated Restructuring Demonstration National Research Council StaffPhysical Sciences1999Go to website
3653ebraryRevisiting Home Visiting: Summary of a Workshop Margie, Nancy GeyelinNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3654ebraryRole of Co-Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Illness in Violence : Workshop Summary Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral HealthNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3655ebraryReview of the Disability Evaluation Study Design Wunderlich, Gooloo S.Nursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3656ebraryRelating in Psychotherapy : The Application of a New Theory Birtchnell, JohnNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3657ebraryRisk Assessment of Radon in Drinking Water National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3658ebraryRecognition & Management of Early Psychosis : A Preventive Approach Perris, CarloNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3659ebraryReview of the U.S. Army's Health Risk Assessments for Oral Exposure to Six Chemical-Warfare Agents Subcommittee on Chronic Reference Doses for Selected Chemical Warfare AgentsNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3660ebraryRole of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance Institute of Medicine StaffNursing & Allied Health1999Go to website
3661ebraryRomanticism and Colonial Disease Bewell, AlanMedicine1999Go to website
3662ebraryRheumatic Diseases : Immunological Mechanisms and Prospects for New Therapies Gaston, J. S. H.Medicine1999Go to website
3663ebraryRace, Science and Medicine, 1700-1960 Harris, BernardMedicine1999Go to website
3664ebraryRecognizing peste des petits ruminant. A field manual Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations StaffLife Sciences1999Go to website
3665ebraryRibosomes Spirin, Alexander S.Life Sciences1999Go to website
3666ebraryReactive Oxygen Species in Biological Systems : An Interdisciplinary Approach Gilbert, D. L.Life Sciences1999Go to website
3667ebraryRequiem for Nature Terborgh, JohnLife Sciences1999Go to website
3668ebraryResearch on Power-Frequency Fields Completed Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1999Go to website
3669ebraryRegulation of Acid-Base Status in Animals and Plants Egginton, S.Life Sciences1999Go to website
3670ebraryRecovering Landscape : Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture Corner, JamesLife Sciences1999Go to website
3671ebraryRole of Protein and Amino Acids in Sustaining and Enhancing Performance Institute of Medicine StaffLife Sciences1999Go to website
3672ebraryRepairing Damaged Wildlands : A Process-Oriented, Landscape-Scale Approach Whisenant, S.Life Sciences1999Go to website
3673ebraryReview of the U. S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy's Research Plan for Fine Particulates National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1999Go to website
3674ebraryRegionalism among Developing Countries Page, SheilaBusiness1999Go to website
3675ebraryRole of Capital in a Changing World Lewin, Peter A.Business1999Go to website
3676ebraryRetail Trade Associations: A New Form of Monopolist Organization in Britain: A Report to the Fabian Society Levy, HermannBusiness1999Go to website
3677ebraryReducing Disaster Losses Through Better Information National Research Council, Board on Natural Disasters StaffBusiness1999Go to website
3678ebraryRethinking the Sales Force : Redefining Selling to Create & Capture Customer Value Rackham, NeilBusiness1999Go to website
3679ebraryReconstructing Political Economy : The Great Divide in Economic Thought Tabb, William K.Business1999Go to website
3680ebraryRecovery from Armed Conflict in Developing Countries Harris, Geoff T.Business1999Go to website
3681ebraryRegulation and Organisations : International Perspectives Morgan, GlennBusiness1999Go to website
3682ebraryRussia's Market Economy : A Bad Case of Predatory Capitalism Hedlund, StefanBusiness1999Go to website
3683ebraryRethinking Fifth Discipline : Learning Within the Unknowable Flood, Robert L.Business1999Go to website
3684ebraryRemade in America : Transplanting and Transforming Japanese Management Systems Liker, JeffreyBusiness1999Go to website
3685ebraryRestructuring the Professional Organisation : Accounting Healthcare and Law Powell, MichaelBusiness1999Go to website
3686ebraryReal Worlds of Welfare Capitalism Headey, BruceBusiness1999Go to website
3687ebraryRole of Reflection in Managerial Learning : Theory, Research & Practice Seibert, Kent W.Business1999Go to website
3688ebraryRisk and 'The Other' Joffe, HeleneBusiness1999Go to website
3689ebraryRepairing Damaged Wildlands : A Process-Oriented, Landscape-Scale Approach Whisenant, S.Business1999Go to website
3690ebraryReflections on Violence Sorel, GeorgesBusiness1999Go to website
3691ebraryRomantic Poets & the Culture of Posterity Bennett, AndrewLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3692ebraryRilke, Modernism and Poetic Tradition Ryan, JudithLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3693ebraryRomanticism, Aesthetics, and Nationalism Kaiser, David A.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3694ebraryRudolfo A. Anaya : A Critical Companion Olmos, Margarite FernandezLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3695ebraryReading Rilke: Reflections on the Problems of Translation Gass, William H.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3696ebraryReinventing Identities : The Gendered Self in Discourse Bucholtz, MaryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3697ebraryReader's Guide to the Novels of Louise Erdrich Beidler, Peter G.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3698ebraryRhythm & Will in Victorian Poetry Campbell, MatthewLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3699ebraryRepresentations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry Field-Pickering, JanetLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3700ebraryRousseau, Robespierre & English Romanticism Dart, GregoryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3701ebraryReading 1922 : A Return to the Scene of the Modern North, MichaelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3702ebraryRomantic Atheism : Poetry & Freethought, 1780-1830 Priestman, MartinLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3703ebraryRomantic Fiction of Mills and Boon, 1909-1995 Dixon, JayLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3704ebraryR.D. Laing : Selected Works : Knots, Volume 7 Laing, R. D.Language, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3705ebraryRavenous Identity : Eating and Eating Distress in the Life and Work of Virginia Woolf Glenny, AllieLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1999Go to website
3706ebraryReview of the Research Strategy for Biomass-Derived Transportation Fuels National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3707ebraryReview of NASA's 'Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft' Project National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3708ebraryReview of the Sandia Science and Technology Park Initiative National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3709ebraryRigidity Theory and Applications Thorpe, M. F.Engineering_Technology1999Go to website
3710ebraryRealizing the Potential of C4I: Fundamental Challenges National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3711ebraryReview of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles: Fifth Report National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3712ebraryReview of the Need for a Large-Scale Test Facility for Research on the Effects of Extreme Winds on Structures National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3713ebraryReducing the Logistics Burden for the Army After Next: Doing More with Less Committee to Perform a Technology Assessment Focused on Logistics Support Requirements for Future Army Combat SystemsEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3714ebraryResearch Agenda for Test Methods and Models to Simulate the Accelerated Aging of Infrastructure Materials: Report of a Workshop Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed EnvironmentEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3715ebraryRisk-Based Waste Classification in California Committee on Risk-Based Criteria for Non-RCRA Hazardous WasteEngineering_Technology1999Go to website
3716ebraryRevolutionary America, 1763-1815 : Political History Cogliano, Francis D.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3717ebraryResurrection of Ireland : The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923 Laffan, MichaelHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3718ebraryReinterpreting Islamic Historiography : Harun Al-Rashid & the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate El-Hibri, TayebHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3719ebraryRe-Envisioning Peacekeeping : The United Nations and the Mobilization of Ideology Debrix, FrancoisHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3720ebraryRefugee Rights and Realities : Evolving International Concepts and Regimes Nicholson, FrancesHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3721ebraryRuins of Identity : Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands Hudson, Mark J.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3722ebraryRedefining European Security Hodge, Carl C.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3723ebraryRoyalist War Effort, 1642-1646 Hutton, RonaldHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3724ebraryReal Worlds of Welfare Capitalism Headey, BruceHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3725ebraryReshaping Palestine : From Muhammad Ali to the British Mandate, 1831-1922 Sicker, MartinHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3726ebraryRequiem for a German Past : A Boyhood Among the Nazis Herbst, JurgenHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3727ebraryRise & Decline of the State Van Creveld, MartinHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3728ebraryReading the French Enlightenment : System & Subversion Hayes, Julie C.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3729ebraryRoman Homosexuality : Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity Williams, Craig A.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3730ebraryRousing Drum : Ritual Practice in a Japanese Community Schnell, ScottHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3731ebraryReinventing Government in the Information Age Heeks, RichardHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3732ebraryRenaissance Hunt, JocelynHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3733ebraryReferendums and Democratic Governement Setala, MaijaHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3734ebraryRatification of the Constitution 1787-1790 -- North America, United States, Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3735ebraryRevolutionary War in the North and West, 1776-1780 -- North America, United States, Canada, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3736ebraryRenaissance Italy, 1350-1600 Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3737ebraryRemoval of American Indians 1830-1838 -- North America, United States, Map Maps.comHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3738ebraryRefusing the Favor : The Spanish-Mexican Women of Santa Fe, 1820-1880 Gonzalez, Deena J.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3739ebraryRise of the Young Turks : Politics, the Military, and Ottoman Collapse Turfan, NaimHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3740ebraryRussia & Germany Reborn : Unification, the Soviet Collapse, & the New Europe Stent, Angela E.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3741ebraryRough Riders Roosevelt, TheodoreHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3742ebraryRome That Did Not Fall : The Survival of the East in the Fifth Century Williams, StephenHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3743ebraryRome and the Enemy : Imperial Strategy in the Principate Mattern, Susan P.History&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3744ebraryRepublican Theory in Political Thought : Virtuous Or Virtual? Brugger, BillHistory&Political Sciences1999Go to website
3745ebraryRoyal Court Theatre & the Modern Stage Roberts, PhilipHumanities1999Go to website
3746ebraryRadio Drama Crook, TimHumanities1999Go to website
3747ebraryReframing Consciousness Ascott, RoyHumanities1999Go to website
3748ebraryRecovering Landscape : Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture Corner, JamesHumanities1999Go to website
3749ebraryRecorded Music in American Life : The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945 Kenney, William HowlandHumanities1999Go to website
3750ebraryReflective Spin : Case Studies of Teachers in Higher Education Transforming Action Chen, AI-YenEducation1999Go to website
3751ebraryResearching School Experience : Explorations of Teaching and Learning Hammersley, MartynEducation1999Go to website
3752ebraryResults : The Key to Continuous School Improvement (2nd Edition) Schmoker, MikeEducation1999Go to website
3753ebraryRethinking Intelligence : Confronting Psychological Assumptions about Teaching and Learning Kincheloe, Joe L.Education1999Go to website
3754ebraryResearching Teaching : Methodologies and Practices for Understanding Pedagogy Loughran, John L.Education1999Go to website
3755ebraryRethinking the Mathematics Curriculum Hoyles, CeliaEducation1999Go to website
3756ebraryRole of Self in Teacher Development Lipka, Richard P.Education1999Go to website
3757ebraryReinventing Ourselves As Teachers Mitchell, C.Education1999Go to website
3758ebraryResearch in Science Education - Past, Present, and Future Behrendt, HelgardEducation1999Go to website
3759ebraryResearching Education : Perspectives and Techniques Verma, Gajendra V.Education1999Go to website
3760ebraryReinventing Government in the Information Age Heeks, RichardComputer_IT1999Go to website
3761ebraryRealizing the Potential of C4I: Fundamental Challenges National Research Council StaffComputer_IT1999Go to website
3762ebraryRoutledge Anthology of Nineteenth Century Short Stories by Women Jump, Harriet D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3763ebraryRestavec : From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American Cadet, Jean-RobertInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3764ebraryRepublic of Men : The American Founders, Gendered Language, & Patriarchal Politics Kann, Mark E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3765ebraryRethinking Feminist Ethics : Care, Trust and Empathy Koehn, DarylInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3766ebraryReconstructing Chinatown : Ethnic Enclaves and Global Change Lin, JanInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3767ebraryRights Revolution : Rights and Community in Modern America Walker, SamuelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3768ebraryRevolutionary Women in the War for American Independence : A One-Volume Revised Edition of Elizabeth Ellet's 1848 Landmark Series Diamant, LincolnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3769ebraryRacism Matters Wright, W. D.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3770ebraryRoutledge Reader in Gender and Performance Goodman, LizbethInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3771ebraryReady-Made Life : Early Masters of Modern Korean Fiction Kim, Chong-unInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1998Go to website
3772ebraryRethinking the New Deal Court : The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution Cushman, BarryLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
3773ebraryRepublic of Men : The American Founders, Gendered Language, & Patriarchal Politics Kann, Mark E.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
3774ebraryRights Revolution : Rights and Community in Modern America Walker, SamuelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
3775ebraryRacism Matters Wright, W. D.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
3776ebraryReinventing Russia : Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State, 1953-1991 Brudny, Yitzhak M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
3777ebraryRegulating Chemical Accumulation in the Environment : The Integration of Toxicology and Economics in Environmental Policy-Making Swanson, Timothy M.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1998Go to website
3778ebraryReassessing Foucault : Power Medicine and the Body Porter, RoySociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
3779ebraryRogues, Thieves and the Rule of Law : The Problems of Law Enforcement in North-East England, 1718-1820 Morgan, GwendaSociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
3780ebraryRethinking Households : An Atomistic Perspective on European Living Arrangements Verdon, MichelSociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
3781ebraryRecasting Ritual: Performance, Media, Identity Crain, Mary M.Sociology & Anthropology1998Go to website
3782ebraryRendering Unto Caesar : The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America Gill, AnthonyReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3783ebraryRhetoric & Galatians Kern, Philip H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3784ebraryRoutledge History of Philosophy : Medieval Philosophy, Volume 3 Marenbon, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3785ebraryReligion, Business, and Wealth in Modern Britain Jeremy, David J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3786ebraryRoles of the Northern Goddess Davidson, Hilda Roderick EllisReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3787ebraryRichelieu and Mazarin Treasure, G. R.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3788ebraryReal Time II Mellor, D. H.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3789ebraryRethinking Feminist Ethics : Care, Trust and Empathy Koehn, DarylReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3790ebraryRussell's Hidden Substitutional Theory Landini, GregoryReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3791ebraryRed Thread : Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality Faure, BernardReligion, Philosophy & Classics1998Go to website
3792ebraryRogues, Thieves and the Rule of Law : The Problems of Law Enforcement in North-East England, 1718-1820 Morgan, GwendaPsychology & Social Work1998Go to website
3793ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism, Volume 14: The Consequences of Alcoholism – Medical, Neuropsychiatric, Economic, Cross-Cultural Galanter, MarcPsychology & Social Work1998Go to website
3794ebraryRewriting the Soul : Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory Hacking, IanPsychology & Social Work1998Go to website
3795ebraryReadiness for the Upcoming Solar Maximum Committee on Solar and Space PhysicsPhysical Sciences1998Go to website
3796ebraryReview of the Mass Spectrometry and Bioremediation Programs of the Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center Standing Committee on Program and Technical Review of the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense CommandPhysical Sciences1998Go to website
3797ebraryRe-Thinking the Region : Spaces of Neo-Liberalism Allen, John LoganPhysical Sciences1998Go to website
3798ebraryRegression Analysis of Count Data Cameron, A. ColinPhysical Sciences1998Go to website
3799ebraryRemaking the Body : Rehabilitation and Change Seymour, WendyNursing & Allied Health1998Go to website
3800ebraryReview of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illness, Volume 4 : Stress Sherbourne, Cathy D.Medicine1998Go to website
3801ebraryRemaking the Body : Rehabilitation and Change Seymour, WendyMedicine1998Go to website
3802ebraryRapid Detection of Infectious Agents Spector, StevenMedicine1998Go to website
3803ebraryReducing Stress Fracture in Physically Active Military Women Institute of Medicine StaffMedicine1998Go to website
3804ebraryReview of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses, Volume 6 : Oil Well Fires Spektor, Dalia M.Medicine1998Go to website
3805ebraryReview of the Mass Spectrometry and Bioremediation Programs of the Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center Standing Committee on Program and Technical Review of the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense CommandLife Sciences1998Go to website
3806ebraryRice : The Primary Commodity Latham, AjhLife Sciences1998Go to website
3807ebraryRemaking Reality : Nature at the Millenium Braun, BruceLife Sciences1998Go to website
3808ebraryRapid Detection of Infectious Agents Spector, StevenLife Sciences1998Go to website
3809ebraryReview of Northeast Fishery Stock Assessments National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1998Go to website
3810ebraryRegulating Chemical Accumulation in the Environment : The Integration of Toxicology and Economics in Environmental Policy-Making Swanson, Timothy M.Life Sciences1998Go to website
3811ebraryRecapitalizing the Navy: A Strategy for Managing the Infrastructure National Research Council StaffBusiness1998Go to website
3812ebraryReaching Your Development Goals McCauley, Cynthia D.Business1998Go to website
3813ebraryRisk Assessment and Risk Management Hester, Ronald EBusiness1998Go to website
3814ebraryRegionalism and Global Economic Integration : Europe, Asia and the Americas Coleman, William D.Business1998Go to website
3815ebraryRice : The Primary Commodity Latham, AjhBusiness1998Go to website
3816ebraryRethinking Industrial Relations : Mobilisation, Collectivism, and Long Waves Kelly, John E.Business1998Go to website
3817ebraryResource Allocation in the Public Sector : Values, Priorities, and Markets in the Management of Public Services Fisher, C. M.Business1998Go to website
3818ebraryR&D and Productivity : The Econometric Evidence Griliches, ZviBusiness1998Go to website
3819ebraryRegression Analysis of Count Data Cameron, A. ColinBusiness1998Go to website
3820ebraryReady-Made Life : Early Masters of Modern Korean Fiction Kim, Chong-unLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
3821ebraryReadings in Renaissance Women's Drama : Criticism, History, and Performance, 1594-1998 Cerasano, Susan P.Language, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
3822ebraryRoutledge Anthology of Nineteenth Century Short Stories by Women Jump, Harriet D.Language, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
3823ebraryRecasting Historical Women : Female Identity in German Biographical Fiction Bird, StephanieLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
3824ebraryRise and Fall of English : Reconstructing English as a Discipline Scholes, RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
3825ebraryRegulated Hatred : And Other Essays on Jane Austen Harding, D. W.Language, Literature & Linguistics1998Go to website
3826ebraryReview of the Research Program of the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles: Fourth Report National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3827ebraryResearch Reactor Aluminum Spent Fuel : Treatment Options for Disposal National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3828ebraryResearch Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter : Immediate Priorities and a Long-Range Research Portfolio National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3829ebraryReview of Decontamination and Decommissioning Technology Development Programs at the Department of Energy National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3830ebraryReview and Evaluation of the Air Force Hypersonic Technology Program National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3831ebraryReview of the Prince William Sound, Alaska, Risk Assessment Study National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3832ebraryRisk Assessment and Risk Management Hester, Ronald EEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3833ebraryResearch Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter Vol. II : Evaluating Research Progress and Updating the Portfolio National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3834ebraryReview of the Mass Spectrometry and Bioremediation Programs of the Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center Standing Committee on Program and Technical Review of the U.S. Army Chemical and Biological Defense CommandEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3835ebraryReview of NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3836ebraryReview of a Screening Level Risk Assessment for the Navy Air Facility at Atsugi, Japan Committee on ToxicologyEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3837ebraryResearch Priorities for Airborne Particulate Matter: III. Early Research Progress National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1998Go to website
3838ebraryReinventing Russia : Russian Nationalism and the Soviet State, 1953-1991 Brudny, Yitzhak M.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3839ebraryRace Relations in Britain Since 1945 Goulbourne, HarryHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3840ebraryRescue by Rail: Troop Transfer & the Civil War in the West, 1863 Pickenpaugh, RogerHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3841ebraryRacism Matters Wright, W. D.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3842ebraryRevolutionary Women in the War for American Independence : A One-Volume Revised Edition of Elizabeth Ellet's 1848 Landmark Series Diamant, LincolnHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3843ebraryRights Revolution : Rights and Community in Modern America Walker, SamuelHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3844ebraryRethinking Geopolitics Dalby, SimonHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3845ebraryResource Allocation in the Public Sector : Values, Priorities, and Markets in the Management of Public Services Fisher, C. M.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3846ebraryRepublic of Men : The American Founders, Gendered Language, & Patriarchal Politics Kann, Mark E.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3847ebraryRussia After Lenin : Politics, Culture and Society, 1921-1929 Brovkin, Vladimir N.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3848ebraryRichelieu and Mazarin Treasure, G. R.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3849ebraryRed Arctic : Polar Exploration and the Myth of the North in the Soviet Union, 1932-1939 McCannon, JohnHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3850ebraryRegionalism and Global Economic Integration : Europe, Asia and the Americas Coleman, William D.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3851ebraryRestavec : From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American Cadet, Jean-RobertHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3852ebraryRemaking Micronesia : Discourses over Development in a Pacific Territory, 1944-1982 Hanlon, David L.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3853ebraryRe-Thinking the Region : Spaces of Neo-Liberalism Allen, John LoganHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3854ebraryReminiscences of Fort Sumter & Moultrie Doubleday, AbnerHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3855ebraryRendering Unto Caesar : The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America Gill, AnthonyHistory&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3856ebraryReminiscences of Winfield Scott Hancock Hancock, A. R.History&Political Sciences1998Go to website
3857ebraryReadings in Renaissance Women's Drama : Criticism, History, and Performance, 1594-1998 Cerasano, Susan P.Humanities1998Go to website
3858ebraryRoutledge Reader in Gender and Performance Goodman, LizbethHumanities1998Go to website
3859ebraryRoutledge Dance Studies Reader Carter, AlexandraHumanities1998Go to website
3860ebraryReflecting on School Management Gold, AnneEducation1998Go to website
3861ebraryRacial Categorization of Multiracial Children in Schools Chiong, Jane A.Education1998Go to website
3862ebraryRestructuring Schools for Collaboration : Promises and Pitfalls Pounder, Diana G.Education1998Go to website
3863ebraryRise and Fall of English : Reconstructing English as a Discipline Scholes, RobertEducation1998Go to website
3864ebraryRight to Life in Japan Williams, NoelInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
3865ebraryRise of East Asia : Critical Visions of the Pacific Century Berger, Mark T.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
3866ebraryRace : The History of an Idea in America Gossett, Thomas F.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1997Go to website
3867ebraryRace, Law, and Culture : Reflections on Brown vs. Board of Education Sarat, AustinLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
3868ebraryRight to Life in Japan Williams, NoelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
3869ebraryRetreating the Political Nancy, Jean-LucLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
3870ebraryRepair Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures Perkins, P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
3871ebraryRisk and Safety in Play : Law and Practice for Adventure Playgrounds Potter, DaveLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
3872ebraryRace : The History of an Idea in America Gossett, Thomas F.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1997Go to website
3873ebraryRedeeming Culture : American Religion in an Age of Science Gilbert, JamesSociology & Anthropology1997Go to website
3874ebraryRedeeming Culture : American Religion in an Age of Science Gilbert, JamesReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3875ebraryRewriting the Self : Histories from the Renaissance to the Present Porter, RoyReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3876ebraryRoutledge History of World Philosophies : History of Jewish Philosophy, Volume 2 Leaman, OliverReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3877ebraryRevelation Garrow, A. J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3878ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Philosophical Investigations McGinn, MarieReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3879ebraryReflection on Homicide and Commentary on Summa theologiae IIa-IIae Q. 64 :Thomas Aquinas Doyle, John P.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3880ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Mill on Utilitarianism Crisp, RogerReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3881ebraryRoman World 44BC 180AD Goodman, MartinReligion, Philosophy & Classics1997Go to website
3882ebraryRaising and Educating a Deaf Child Marschark, MarcPsychology & Social Work1997Go to website
3883ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism, Volume 13: Alcohol and Violence - Epidemiology, Neurobiology, Psychology, Family Issues Galanter, MarcPsychology & Social Work1997Go to website
3884ebraryReview of the Department of Energy's Inertial Confinement Fusion Program : The National Ignition Facility National Research Council StaffPhysical Sciences1997Go to website
3885ebraryRiemannian Manifolds : An Introduction to Curvature Lee, John M.Physical Sciences1997Go to website
3886ebraryReview of Acute Human-Toxicity Estimates for Selected Chemical-Warfare Agents National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1997Go to website
3887ebraryReproductive Health in Developing Countries: Expanding Dimensions, Building Solutions Panel on Reproductive Health, National Research CoNursing & Allied Health1997Go to website
3888ebraryRadiation Injury (Vol. 32, Frato) Meyer, J.L.Medicine1997Go to website
3889ebraryRadiation Hazards to Crews of Interplanetary Missions: Biological Issues and Research Strategies National Research Council StaffMedicine1997Go to website
3890ebraryReview of the Department of Defense's Program for Breast Cancer Research Institute of Medicine StaffMedicine1997Go to website
3891ebraryReproductive Health in Developing Countries: Expanding Dimensions, Building Solutions Panel on Reproductive Health, National Research CoMedicine1997Go to website
3892ebraryRickettsial Infection and Immunity Anderson, BurtMedicine1997Go to website
3893ebraryReport of the Observer Panel for the U.S.-Japan Earthquake Policy Symposium National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1997Go to website
3894ebraryRediscovering Geography: New Relevance for Science and Society National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1997Go to website
3895ebraryRisk Communication and Vaccination: Workshop Summary Institute of Medicine StaffLife Sciences1997Go to website
3896ebraryRole of Chromium in Animal Nutrition National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1997Go to website
3897ebraryRickettsial Infection and Immunity Anderson, BurtLife Sciences1997Go to website
3898ebraryReinventing Electric Utilities : Competition, Citizen Action and Clean Power Smeloff, EdBusiness1997Go to website
3899ebraryRelationship Marketing in Professional Services : A Study of Agency-Client Dynamics in the Advertising Sector Halinen, AinoBusiness1997Go to website
3900ebraryRecent Economic Developments, Prospects, and Progress in Institution Building in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Zavadjil, MilanBusiness1997Go to website
3901ebraryRepresentative Agent in Macroeconomics HartleyBusiness1997Go to website
3902ebraryRhetoric and Politics : Baltasar Graci?n and the New World Order Spadaccini, NicholasLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
3903ebraryRendering French Realism Schehr, Lawrence R.Language, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
3904ebraryRunning to Paradise : Yeats's Poetic Art Rosenthal, M. L.Language, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
3905ebraryRoman Shakespeare : Warriors, Wounds and Women Kahn, CoppeliaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1997Go to website
3906ebraryRisk and Safety in Play : Law and Practice for Adventure Playgrounds Potter, DaveEngineering_Technology1997Go to website
3907ebraryRepair Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures Perkins, P.Engineering_Technology1997Go to website
3908ebraryRevisioning Italy : National Identity and Global Culture Allen, BeverlyHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3909ebraryReal History: Reflections on Historical Practice Bunzl, MartinHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3910ebraryRide of the Second Horseman : The Birth and Death of War O'Connell, Robert L.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3911ebraryRestorying Our Lives : Personal Growth Through Autobiographical Reflection Randall, William L.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3912ebraryRereading German History : From Unification to Reunification 1800-1996 Evans, RichardHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3913ebraryRace : The History of an Idea in America Gossett, Thomas F.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3914ebraryResearch Required to Support Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Monitoring National Research Council StaffHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3915ebraryRoman World 44BC 180AD Goodman, MartinHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3916ebraryRise of East Asia : Critical Visions of the Pacific Century Berger, Mark T.History&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3917ebraryRetreating the Political Nancy, Jean-LucHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3918ebraryResistance and Conformity in the Third Reich Housden, MartynHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3919ebraryRedeeming Culture : American Religion in an Age of Science Gilbert, JamesHistory&Political Sciences1997Go to website
3920ebraryRoad Movie Book Cohan, StevenHumanities1997Go to website
3921ebraryRocking the Classics : English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture Macan, Edward L.Humanities1997Go to website
3922ebraryRoman Villas : A Study in Social Structure Smith, J. T.Humanities1997Go to website
3923ebraryRead My Mind : Young Children, Poetry and Learning Sedgwick, FredEducation1997Go to website
3924ebraryRestructuring and Quality : Issues for Tomorrow's Schools Townsend, TonyEducation1997Go to website
3925ebraryRace, Law, and Culture : Reflections on Brown vs. Board of Education Sarat, AustinEducation1997Go to website
3926ebraryRaising and Educating a Deaf Child Marschark, MarcEducation1997Go to website
3927ebraryReforms in Higher Education Watson, KeithEducation1997Go to website
3928ebraryReal-Time Systems : Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications Kopetz, HermannComputer_IT1997Go to website
3929ebraryRethinking Abortion : Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics Graber, Mark A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
3930ebraryResearch in Afroasiatic Grammar. Papers from the Third conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis, 199 LECARME, JacquelineInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
3931ebraryRape Warfare : The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia Allen, BeverlyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
3932ebraryResearching Cultural Difference Kelleher, DavidInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
3933ebraryResisting State Violence : Radicalism, Gender, and Race in the U. S. Culture James, JoyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1996Go to website
3934ebraryRethinking Abortion : Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics Graber, Mark A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
3935ebraryReligion and the Rise of Democracy Maddox, GrahamLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
3936ebraryRape Warfare : The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia Allen, BeverlyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
3937ebraryReinventing Germany : German Political Development since 1945 Glees, AnthonyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
3938ebraryResolution of Prison Riots : Strategies and Policies Useem, BertLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
3939ebraryRecording and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases : An ILO Code of Practice International Labour Office GenevaLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1996Go to website
3940ebraryRadical Thought in Italy : A Potential Politics Virno, PaoloSociology & Anthropology1996Go to website
3941ebraryRethinking Abortion : Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics Graber, Mark A.Sociology & Anthropology1996Go to website
3942ebraryRise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire : Ottoman Westernization and Social Change Gocek, Fatma M.Sociology & Anthropology1996Go to website
3943ebraryResolution of Prison Riots : Strategies and Policies Useem, BertSociology & Anthropology1996Go to website
3944ebraryReligion and Psychology in Transition : Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Theology Jones, James W.Sociology & Anthropology1996Go to website
3945ebraryRooted in the Land : Essays on Community and Place Vitek, WilliamSociology & Anthropology1996Go to website
3946ebraryReligion and the Rise of Democracy Maddox, GrahamReligion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3947ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Heidegger and Being and Time Mulhall, StephenReligion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3948ebraryReligion and Society in Early Modern England : A Sourcebook Cressy, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3949ebraryRoutledge Philosophy Guidebook to Spinoza and the Ethics Lloyd, GenevieveReligion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3950ebraryReligion and Psychology in Transition : Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Theology Jones, James W.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3951ebraryRethinking 'Gnosticism' : An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category Williams, Michael A.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3952ebraryRecluse of Loyang : Shao Yung and the Moral Evolution of Early Sung Thought Wyatt, Don J.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3953ebraryReasons to Believe Today Martinetti, JohnReligion, Philosophy & Classics1996Go to website
3954ebraryResolution of Prison Riots : Strategies and Policies Useem, BertPsychology & Social Work1996Go to website
3955ebraryReligious Function of the Psyche Corbett, LionelPsychology & Social Work1996Go to website
3956ebraryReligion and Psychology in Transition : Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Theology Jones, James W.Psychology & Social Work1996Go to website
3957ebraryResisting State Violence : Radicalism, Gender, and Race in the U. S. Culture James, JoyPsychology & Social Work1996Go to website
3958ebraryResearching Cultural Difference Kelleher, DavidNursing & Allied Health1996Go to website
3959ebraryResource Sharing in Biomedical Research Division of Health Science Policy, Institute of Medicine StaffMedicine1996Go to website
3960ebraryRadiation in Medicine : A Need for Regulatory Reform Institute of Medicine StaffMedicine1996Go to website
3961ebraryRole of Scientists in the Professional Development of Science Teachers National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1996Go to website
3962ebraryRodents National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1996Go to website
3963ebraryRethinking Our Centralized Monetary System : The Case for a System of Local Currencies Solomon, Lewis D.Business1996Go to website
3964ebraryR&D Decisions : Strategy, Policy, and Disclosure Belcher, AliceBusiness1996Go to website
3965ebraryRhetoric at Rome : A Historical Survey Clarke, M. L.Language, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
3966ebraryRace, Rape, and Lynching : The Red Record of American Literature, 1890-1912 Gunning, SandraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
3967ebraryReading Shakespeare Historically Jardine, LisaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
3968ebraryResearch in Afroasiatic Grammar. Papers from the Third conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Sophia Antipolis, 199 LECARME, JacquelineLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
3969ebraryRomanticism Day, AidenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1996Go to website
3970ebraryReview of Systemization of the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1996Go to website
3971ebraryRiver Resource Management in the Grand Canyon National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1996Go to website
3972ebraryReinventing Germany : German Political Development since 1945 Glees, AnthonyHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
3973ebraryRegency England : The Age of Lord Liverpool Plowright, JohnHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
3974ebraryRise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire : Ottoman Westernization and Social Change Gocek, Fatma M.History&Political Sciences1996Go to website
3975ebraryRadical Thought in Italy : A Potential Politics Virno, PaoloHistory&Political Sciences1996Go to website
3976ebraryReconstructing Architecture : Critical Discourses and Social Practices Dutton, Thomas A.Humanities1996Go to website
3977ebraryRole of Scientists in the Professional Development of Science Teachers National Research Council StaffEducation1996Go to website
3978ebraryRethinking Liberal Education Farnham, Nicholas H.Education1996Go to website
3979ebraryRemoving College Price Barriers : What Government Has Done and Why It Hasn't Worked Mumper, MichaelEducation1996Go to website
3980ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism, Volume 12: Alcoholism and Women Galanter, MarcInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1995Go to website
3981ebraryReading North by South : On Latin American Literature, Culture and Politics Larsen, NeilInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1995Go to website
3982ebraryRenaissance Woman : Sourcebook Aughterson, KateInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1995Go to website
3983ebraryResponding to Imperfection : The Theory and Practice of Constitutional Amendment Levinon, SanfordLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1995Go to website
3984ebraryReview of the Department of Energy Classification : Policy and Practice National Research Council StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1995Go to website
3985ebraryReforming Sex : The German Movement for Birth Control and Abortion Reform, 1920-1950 Grosmann, AtinaSociology & Anthropology1995Go to website
3986ebraryReligions of Oceania Swain, TonyReligion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
3987ebraryRude Awakenings : Zen, the Kyoto School, and the Question of Nationalism Heisig, James W.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
3988ebraryRomans : An Introduction Kamm, AntonyReligion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
3989ebraryReading Papyri, Writing Ancient History Bagnall, Roger S.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1995Go to website
3990ebraryRecent Developments in Alcoholism, Volume 12: Alcoholism and Women Galanter, MarcPsychology & Social Work1995Go to website
3991ebraryRegional Dialogues on the Changing Environment for the Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Report of Two Conferences National Research CouncilPhysical Sciences1995Go to website
3992ebraryRadiation-Dose Reconstruction for Epidemiologic Uses National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1995Go to website
3993ebraryResource Allocation for Family Planning in Developing Countries: Report of a Meeting Committee on PopulationMedicine1995Go to website
3994ebraryReview of the Fialuridine (FIAU) Clinical Trials Institute of Medicine StaffMedicine1995Go to website
3995ebraryReview of EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : Overall Evaluation National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1995Go to website
3996ebraryRise of the Rustbelt Cooke, PhilipBusiness1995Go to website
3997ebraryReform, Recovery, and Growth : Latin America and the Middle East Dornbusch, RudigerBusiness1995Go to website
3998ebraryReducing Toxics : A New Approach to Policy and Industrial Decisionmaking Gottlieb, RobertBusiness1995Go to website
3999ebraryRapid Team Deployment Pokras, SandyBusiness1995Go to website
4000ebraryRisk and Innovation: The Role and Importance of Small, High-Tech Companies in the U.S. Economy National Academy of Engineering StaffBusiness1995Go to website
4001ebraryRicardo, the New View Hollander, SamuelBusiness1995Go to website
4002ebraryRetailing Triumphs and Blunders : Victims of Competition in the New Age of Marketing Management Michman, Ronald D.Business1995Go to website
4003ebraryRussian Corporate Capitalism from Peter the Great to Perestroika Owen, Thomas C.Business1995Go to website
4004ebraryRole of Inflection in Scandinavian Syntax Holmberg, AndersLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1995Go to website
4005ebraryReusable Launch Vehicle : Technology Development and Test Program Committee on Reusable Launch Vehicle TechnologyEngineering_Technology1995Go to website
4006ebraryRise of Brandenburg-Prussia, 1618-1740 Shennan, MargaretHistory&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4007ebraryReading Papyri, Writing Ancient History Bagnall, Roger S.History&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4008ebraryRomans : An Introduction Kamm, AntonyHistory&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4009ebraryReview of the Department of Energy Classification : Policy and Practice National Research Council StaffHistory&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4010ebraryReading North by South : On Latin American Literature, Culture and Politics Larsen, NeilHistory&Political Sciences1995Go to website
4011ebraryRevolution in the U.S. Information Infrastructure National Academy of Engineering StaffHumanities1995Go to website
4012ebraryReducing School Violence Through Conflict Resolution Johnson, David W.Education1995Go to website
4013ebraryReform in School Mathematics and Authentic Assessment Romberg, Thomas A.Education1995Go to website
4014ebraryReligious Imagination and the Body : A Feminist Analysis Cooey, Paula M.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1994Go to website
4015ebraryRacial Conditions : Politics, Theory, Comparisons Winant, HowardInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1994Go to website
4016ebraryRacism, Culture, Markets Gabriel, JohnInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1994Go to website
4017ebraryRegulated Economy : A Historical Approach to Political Economy Goldin, Claudia D.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1994Go to website
4018ebraryRightful Termination : Avoiding Litigation Visconti, RonLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1994Go to website
4019ebraryRacism, Culture, Markets Gabriel, JohnLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1994Go to website
4020ebraryRacism, Culture, Markets Gabriel, JohnSociology & Anthropology1994Go to website
4021ebraryReader on Classical Islam Peters, F. E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4022ebraryReligious Imagination and the Body : A Feminist Analysis Cooey, Paula M.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4023ebraryRemapping Memory : The Politics of TimeSpace Boyarin, JonathanReligion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4024ebraryRessentiment Scheler, Max FerdinandReligion, Philosophy & Classics1994Go to website
4025ebraryRadiological Assessments for the Resettlement of Rongelap in the Republic of the Marshall Islands National Research Council StaffNursing & Allied Health1994Go to website
4026ebraryRangeland Health: New Methods to Classify, Inventory, and Monitor Rangelands Board on Agriculture StaffLife Sciences1994Go to website
4027ebraryRestoring and Protecting Marine Habitat : The Role of Engineering and Technology National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1994Go to website
4028ebraryReassessment of the Marine Salvage Posture of the United States National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1994Go to website
4029ebraryRealities of Management Promotion Ruderman, Marian N.Business1994Go to website
4030ebraryRegulated Economy : A Historical Approach to Political Economy Goldin, Claudia D.Business1994Go to website
4031ebraryReading the Vampire Gelder, KenLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4032ebraryRoutledge Anthology of Poets on Poets Hopkins, DavidLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4033ebraryReading Dido : Gender, Textuality, and the Medieval Aeneid Desmond, MarilynnLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4034ebraryResisting Representation Scarry, ElaineLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4035ebraryRemote Country of Women : A Novel by Bai Hua Bai, HuaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4036ebraryReading Proust : In Search of the Wolf-Fish Paganini, MariaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1994Go to website
4037ebraryRealizing the Information Future : The Internet and Beyond National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1994Go to website
4038ebraryRecommendations for the Disposal of Chemical Agents and Munitions National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1994Go to website
4039ebraryRights and Responsibilities of Participants in Networked Communities Denning, Dorothy E.Engineering_Technology1994Go to website
4040ebraryRanking Hazardous-Waste Sites for Remedial Action National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1994Go to website
4041ebraryRadical Expression : Political Language, Ritual, and Symbol in England, 1790-1850 Epstein, James A.History&Political Sciences1994Go to website
4042ebraryRegulated Economy : A Historical Approach to Political Economy Goldin, Claudia D.History&Political Sciences1994Go to website
4043ebraryRadio Handbook Wilby, PeteHumanities1994Go to website
4044ebraryReading Paulo Freire : His Life & Work Gadotti, MoacirEducation1994Go to website
4045ebraryReally Raising Standards : Cognitive Intervention and Academic Achievement Adey, PhilipEducation1994Go to website
4046ebraryRethinking School Choice : Limits of the Market Metaphor Henig, JeffreyEducation1994Go to website
4047ebraryResearch Recommendations to Facilitate Distributed Work National Research Council StaffComputer_IT1994Go to website
4048ebraryRealizing the Information Future : The Internet and Beyond National Research Council StaffComputer_IT1994Go to website
4049ebraryRights and Responsibilities of Participants in Networked Communities Denning, Dorothy E.Computer_IT1994Go to website
4050ebraryReading the Body Politic : Feminist Criticism and Latin American Women Writers Kaminsky, Amy KatzInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1993Go to website
4051ebraryRice As Self : Japanese Identities Through Time Ohnuki-Tierney, EmikoInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1993Go to website
4052ebraryReflecting Black : African-American Cultural Criticism Dyson, Michael E.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1993Go to website
4053ebraryReading Asian American Literature : From Necessity to Extravagance Wong, Sau-ling CynthiaInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1993Go to website
4054ebraryRise of Russia & the Fall of the Soviet Empire Dunlop, John B.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1993Go to website
4055ebraryResponsible Science Vol. II : Background Papers and Resource Documents National Academy of Sciences StaffSociology & Anthropology1993Go to website
4056ebraryResurrection of Jesus Christ O'Collins, GeraldReligion, Philosophy & Classics1993Go to website
4057ebraryReformation and the Visual Arts : The Protestant Image Question in Western and Eastern Europe Michalski, SergiuszReligion, Philosophy & Classics1993Go to website
4058ebraryRoutledge History of Philosophy,Volume VI : The Age of German Idealism Solomon, Robert C.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1993Go to website
4059ebraryRecursion Theory for Metamathematics Smullyan, Raymond M.Physical Sciences1993Go to website
4060ebraryRelativity in Our Time Sachs, MendelPhysical Sciences1993Go to website
4061ebraryResearch to Protect, Restore, and Manage the Environment National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1993Go to website
4062ebraryRandom Walks in Biology Berg, Howard C.Life Sciences1993Go to website
4063ebraryRussian Currency & Finance: A Currency Board Approach to Finance Janke, Steve H.Business1993Go to website
4064ebraryRegionalism and Rivalry : Japan and the U.S. in Pacific Asia Frankel, Jeffrey A.Business1993Go to website
4065ebraryRationality, Institutions, & Economic Methodology Knudsen, ChristianBusiness1993Go to website
4066ebraryReading Asian American Literature : From Necessity to Extravagance Wong, Sau-ling CynthiaLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1993Go to website
4067ebraryRise of Eurocentrism : Anatomy of Interpretation Lambropoulos, VassilisLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1993Go to website
4068ebraryReal War Will Never Get in the Books : Selections from Writers During the Civil War Masur, Louis P.Language, Literature & Linguistics1993Go to website
4069ebraryReading the Body Politic : Feminist Criticism and Latin American Women Writers Kaminsky, Amy KatzLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1993Go to website
4070ebraryRethinking Technologies Conley, Verena A.Engineering_Technology1993Go to website
4071ebraryRice As Self : Japanese Identities Through Time Ohnuki-Tierney, EmikoHistory&Political Sciences1993Go to website
4072ebraryRoot Beer Lady : The Story of Dorothy Molter Cary, BobHistory&Political Sciences1993Go to website
4073ebraryRise of Russia & the Fall of the Soviet Empire Dunlop, John B.History&Political Sciences1993Go to website
4074ebraryRock and Popular Music : Politics, Policies, Institutions Bennett, TonyHumanities1993Go to website
4075ebraryReformation and the Visual Arts : The Protestant Image Question in Western and Eastern Europe Michalski, SergiuszHumanities1993Go to website
4076ebraryResearch and Relevant Knowledge : American Research Universities since World War II Geiger, Roger L.Education1993Go to website
4077ebraryRethinking Technologies Conley, Verena A.Computer_IT1993Go to website
4078ebraryRed Lake Nation : Portraits of Ojibwe Life Brill, CharlesInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1992Go to website
4079ebraryRepublic, The PlatoLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4080ebraryRadioactive Waste Repository Licensing: Synopsis of a Symposium National Research Council StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4081ebraryResponsive Regulation : Transcending the Deregulation Debate Ayres, IanLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4082ebraryRise of the Labour Party, 1893-1931 Phillips, GordonLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4083ebraryRevolutionary Sparks : Freedom of Expression in Modern America Blanchard, Margaret A.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1992Go to website
4084ebraryRed Lake Nation : Portraits of Ojibwe Life Brill, CharlesSociology & Anthropology1992Go to website
4085ebraryRepublic, The PlatoReligion, Philosophy & Classics1992Go to website
4086ebraryRhesos EuripidesReligion, Philosophy & Classics1992Go to website
4087ebraryRhetoric, Comedy, and the Violence of Language in Aristophanes' Clouds O'Regan, DaphneReligion, Philosophy & Classics1992Go to website
4088ebraryResponsible Science Vol. I : The Ensuring Integrity of the Research Process National Academy of Sciences StaffPhysical Sciences1992Go to website
4089ebraryResponsible Science Vol. I : The Ensuring Integrity of the Research Process National Academy of Sciences StaffLife Sciences1992Go to website
4090ebraryRecognition and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1992Go to website
4091ebraryRadioactive Waste Repository Licensing: Synopsis of a Symposium National Research Council StaffLife Sciences1992Go to website
4092ebraryRestoration of Aquatic Ecosystems: Science, Technology, and Public Policy Committee Staff on Restoration of Aquatic EcosysteLife Sciences1992Go to website
4093ebraryRole of Public Agencies in Fostering New Technology and Innovation in Building National Research Council StaffBusiness1992Go to website
4094ebraryReform and Transformation in Eastern Europe : Soviet-Type Economies on the Threshold of Change Kovacs, Janos M.Business1992Go to website
4095ebraryRegulating Labor : The State and Industrial Relations Reform in Postwar France Howell, ChrisBusiness1992Go to website
4096ebraryReal Life Economics : Understanding Wealth Creation Ekins, PaulBusiness1992Go to website
4097ebraryReadings in Innovation Gryskiewicz, Stanley S.Business1992Go to website
4098ebraryReading Epic : An Introduction to the Ancient Narratives Toohey, PeterLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4099ebraryRing Lardner and the Other Robinson, Douglas H.Language, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4100ebraryRussian Village Prose : The Radiant Past Parthe, Kathleen F.Language, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4101ebraryRhesos EuripidesLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1992Go to website
4102ebraryResponsible Science Vol. I : The Ensuring Integrity of the Research Process National Academy of Sciences StaffEngineering_Technology1992Go to website
4103ebraryRace, Discourse and Labourism Knowles, CarolineHistory&Political Sciences1992Go to website
4104ebraryRevolutionary Sparks : Freedom of Expression in Modern America Blanchard, Margaret A.History&Political Sciences1992Go to website
4105ebraryRise of the Labour Party, 1893-1931 Phillips, GordonHistory&Political Sciences1992Go to website
4106ebraryRepublic, The PlatoHistory&Political Sciences1992Go to website
4107ebraryReading the Postmodern Polity : Political Theory As Textual Practice Shapiro, Michael J.History&Political Sciences1992Go to website
4108ebraryRed Screen : Politics, Society, Art in Soviet Cinema Lawton, AnnaHumanities1992Go to website
4109ebraryRedesigning Teaching : Professionalism or Bureaucracy? Firestone, William A.Education1992Go to website
4110ebraryResearch and Education Reform: Roles for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement National Research Council StaffEducation1992Go to website
4111ebraryRace and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950 : An Economic History Margo, Robert A.Interdisciplinary & Area Studies1991Go to website
4112ebraryRemovals : Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Politics of Indian Affairs Maddox, LucyInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1991Go to website
4113ebraryRacial Crisis in American Higher Education, The Altbach, Philip G.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1991Go to website
4114ebraryRites of Execution : Capital Punishment and the Transformation of American Culture, 1776-1865 Masur, Louis P.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1991Go to website
4115ebraryRight to Privacy : Gays, Lesbians and the Constitution Samar, Vincent J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1991Go to website
4116ebraryRise of the Therapeutic State Polsky, Andrew J.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1991Go to website
4117ebraryRoman Household : A Sourcebook Wiedemann, ThomasSociology & Anthropology1991Go to website
4118ebraryRites of Execution : Capital Punishment and the Transformation of American Culture, 1776-1865 Masur, Louis P.Sociology & Anthropology1991Go to website
4119ebraryRise of the Therapeutic State Polsky, Andrew J.Sociology & Anthropology1991Go to website
4120ebraryRemembering the Personal Past : Descriptions of Autobiographical Memory Ross, Bruce M.Psychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4121ebraryRites of Execution : Capital Punishment and the Transformation of American Culture, 1776-1865 Masur, Louis P.Psychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4122ebraryRise of the Therapeutic State Polsky, Andrew J.Psychology & Social Work1991Go to website
4123ebraryResearch and Service Programs in the PHS: Challenges in Organization Institute of Medicine StaffNursing & Allied Health1991Go to website
4124ebraryRU 486 Klein, RenateLife Sciences1991Go to website
4125ebraryRice Genetics II Banta, Stephen J.Life Sciences1991Go to website
4126ebraryRate Your Skills As a Manager : A Crisp Assessment Profile Chapman, Elwood N.Business1991Go to website
4127ebraryRational Expectations and Efficiency in Futures Markets Goss, Barry A.Business1991Go to website
4128ebraryRemovals : Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Politics of Indian Affairs Maddox, LucyLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4129ebraryRich and Strange : Gender, History, Modernism DeKoven, MarianneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4130ebraryReadings : The Poetics of Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka, Kleist, Lispector, and Tsvetayeva Cixous, HeleneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4131ebraryRomantic Medicine and John Keats De Almeida, HermioneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1991Go to website
4132ebraryResearch Directions in Computational Mechanics National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1991Go to website
4133ebraryReader's Companion to American History Foner, EricHistory&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4134ebraryRoman London Perring, DominicHistory&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4135ebraryReunion and Reaction : The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction Woodward, C. VannHistory&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4136ebraryRace and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950 : An Economic History Margo, Robert A.History&Political Sciences1991Go to website
4137ebraryRevisiting Mathematics Education : China Lectures Freudenthal, HansEducation1991Go to website
4138ebraryRace and Schooling in the South, 1880-1950 : An Economic History Margo, Robert A.Education1991Go to website
4139ebraryRacial Crisis in American Higher Education, The Altbach, Philip G.Education1991Go to website
4140ebraryReading with Clarice Lispector Cixous, HeleneInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1990Go to website
4141ebraryReligious Fundamentalism and American Education : The Battle for the Public Schools Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr.Law, International Relations & Public Policy1990Go to website
4142ebraryReason, Grace and Sentiment - A Study of the Language of Religion and Ethics in England, 1660-1780, Volume 2 : Shaftesbury to Hume Rivers, IsabelReligion, Philosophy & Classics1990Go to website
4143ebraryRabbi Esriel Hildesheimer : And the Creation of a Modern Jewish Orthodoxy Ellenson, DavidReligion, Philosophy & Classics1990Go to website
4144ebraryRenewing U.S. Mathematics: A Plan for the 1990s National Research Council StaffPhysical Sciences1990Go to website
4145ebraryReports of the Committee on Vision: 1947-1990 Committee on Vision, National Research CouncilMedicine1990Go to website
4146ebraryReports of the Committee on Vision: 1947-1990 Committee on Vision, National Research CouncilLife Sciences1990Go to website
4147ebraryRetailing Environments in Developing Countries Findlay, Allan M.Business1990Go to website
4148ebraryReading with Clarice Lispector Cixous, HeleneLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1990Go to website
4149ebraryRepublic of Rivers : Three Centuries of Nature Writing from Alaska and the Yukon Murray, John A.Language, Literature & Linguistics1990Go to website
4150ebraryReview of the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Pilot Program Committee to Review the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Pilot ProgramEngineering_Technology1990Go to website
4151ebraryReinforced Concrete Deep Beams Kong, F. K.Engineering_Technology1990Go to website
4152ebraryReligious Fundamentalism and American Education : The Battle for the Public Schools Provenzo, Eugene F., Jr.Education1990Go to website
4153ebraryRenewing U.S. Mathematics: A Plan for the 1990s National Research Council StaffEducation1990Go to website
4154ebraryRereading Russell : Essays on Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics and Epistemology Savage, C. WadeReligion, Philosophy & Classics1989Go to website
4155ebraryRecommended Dietary Allowances (10th Edition) Institute of Medicine StaffLife Sciences1989Go to website
4156ebraryRomance of Failure : First-Person Fictions of Poe, Hawthorne, and James Auerbach, JonathanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1989Go to website
4157ebraryReading de Man Reading Waters, LindsayLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1989Go to website
4158ebraryRape of the Lock (3rd Edition) Pope, AlexanderLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1989Go to website
4159ebraryResearch Opportunities for Materials with Ultrafine Microstructures National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1989Go to website
4160ebraryRevolutionary Dreams : Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution Stites, RichardHistory&Political Sciences1989Go to website
4161ebraryReykjavik and Beyond : Deep Reductions in Strategic Nuclear Arsenals and the Future Direction of Arms Control National Academy of Sciences StaffLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1988Go to website
4162ebraryResearch Briefings 1987 Institute of Medicine StaffPhysical Sciences1988Go to website
4163ebraryResearch Briefings 1987 Institute of Medicine StaffLife Sciences1988Go to website
4164ebraryResearch Briefings 1987 Institute of Medicine StaffEngineering_Technology1988Go to website
4165ebraryReykjavik and Beyond : Deep Reductions in Strategic Nuclear Arsenals and the Future Direction of Arms Control National Academy of Sciences StaffHistory&Political Sciences1988Go to website
4166ebraryRoman Laughter : The Comedy of Plautus Segal, ErichReligion, Philosophy & Classics1987Go to website
4167ebraryReadings in Interpretation : Holderlin, Hegel, Heidegger Warminski, AndrzejLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1987Go to website
4168ebraryResponding to Changes in Sea Level: Engineering Implications National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1987Go to website
4169ebraryReligious Outsiders and the Making of Americans Moore, R. LaurenceReligion, Philosophy & Classics1986Go to website
4170ebraryResponse Times : Their Role in Inferring Elementary Mental Organization Luce, R. DuncanPsychology & Social Work1986Go to website
4171ebraryResearch Briefings, 1986 Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy StaffPhysical Sciences1986Go to website
4172ebraryResearch Briefings, 1986 Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy StaffLife Sciences1986Go to website
4173ebraryReproductions of Banality : Fascism, Literature and French Intellectual Life Kaplan, Alice Y.Language, Literature & Linguistics1986Go to website
4174ebraryResistance to Theory De Man, PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1986Go to website
4175ebraryRevolution and the Word : The Rise of the Novel in America Davidson, Cathy N.Language, Literature & Linguistics1986Go to website
4176ebraryResearch Briefings, 1986 Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy StaffEngineering_Technology1986Go to website
4177ebraryRagged Dick and Struggling Upward Alger, Horatio, Jr.Language, Literature & Linguistics1985Go to website
4178ebraryReducing Hazardous Waste Generation: An Evaluation and a Call for Action National Research Council StaffEngineering_Technology1985Go to website
4179ebraryRapid Population Change in China, 1952-1982 National Research Council StaffInterdisciplinary & Area Studies1984Go to website
4180ebraryRoad to Redemption : Southern Politics, 1869-1879 Perman, MichaelLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1984Go to website
4181ebraryRights of Man Paine, ThomasLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1984Go to website
4182ebraryR&D, Patents, and Productivity Griliches, ZviEngineering_Technology1984Go to website
4183ebraryRevolution and War in Spain 1931-1939 Preston, PaulHistory&Political Sciences1984Go to website
4184ebraryRights of Man Paine, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences1984Go to website
4185ebraryRoad to Redemption : Southern Politics, 1869-1879 Perman, MichaelHistory&Political Sciences1984Go to website
4186ebraryRethinking Urban Policy: Urban Development in an Advanced Economy Committee on National Urban PolicyLaw, International Relations & Public Policy1983Go to website
4187ebraryRethinking Urban Policy: Urban Development in an Advanced Economy Committee on National Urban PolicySociology & Anthropology1983Go to website
4188ebraryReligious Life of Samuel Johns Pierce, Charles E.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1983Go to website
4189ebraryRisk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process National Research Council StaffMedicine1983Go to website
4190ebraryRational Expectations Approach to Macroeconometrics : Testing Policy Ineffectiveness and Efficient-Markets Models Mishkin, Frederic S.Business1983Go to website
4191ebraryReligious Life of Samuel Johns Pierce, Charles E.Language, Literature & Linguistics1983Go to website
4192ebraryResearch Instruments in Social Gerontology, Volume 1 : Clinical and Social Psychology Mangen, David J.Psychology & Social Work1982Go to website
4193ebraryResearch Instruments in Social Gerontology, Volume2 : Social Roles and Social Participation Mangen, David J.Psychology & Social Work1982Go to website
4194ebraryRape of Clarissa : Writing, Sexuality and Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson Eagleton, TerryLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1982Go to website
4195ebraryRadical Left in Britain, 1931-1941 Jupp, JamesHistory&Political Sciences1982Go to website
4196ebraryRome Against Caratacus : The Roman Campaigns in Britain AD 48-58 Webster, GrahamHistory&Political Sciences1982Go to website
4197ebraryReturn to Values : A Conservative Looks at His Party Beauprez, BobHistory&Political Sciences1982Go to website
4198ebraryRational Expectations and Econometric Practice, Volume 1 Lucas, Robert E.Business1981Go to website
4199ebraryRational Expectations and Econometric Practice, Volume 2 Lucas, Robert E.Business1981Go to website
4200ebraryRoman Invasion of Britain Webster, GrahamHistory&Political Sciences1980Go to website
4201ebraryRevolutionary Exiles : The Russians in the First International and the Paris Commune McClellan, WoodfordHistory&Political Sciences1979Go to website
4202ebraryRussian Orthodoxy Under the Old Regime Nichols, Robert L.Religion, Philosophy & Classics1978Go to website
4203ebraryRussian Orthodoxy Under the Old Regime Nichols, Robert L.History&Political Sciences1978Go to website
4204ebraryRussian Peasant, 1920 and 1984 Smith, Robert E.Sociology & Anthropology1977Go to website
4205ebraryReading of Jane Austen Hardy, BarbaraLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1975Go to website
4206ebraryRobert Southey Madden, LionelLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1972Go to website
4207ebraryRobert Lowell - American Writers 92 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 92 Martin, JayLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1970Go to website
4208ebraryRichard Wright - American Writers 74 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 74 Bone, RobertLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1969Go to website
4209ebraryReadings in Russian Civilization, Volume 3 : Soviet Russia, 1917-Present Riha, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences1969Go to website
4210ebraryReadings in Russian Civilization, Volume 1 : Russia Before Peter the Great, 900-1700 Riha, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences1969Go to website
4211ebraryReadings in Russian Civilization, Volume 2 : Imperial Russia, 1700-1917 Riha, ThomasHistory&Political Sciences1969Go to website
4212ebraryRichard Eberhart - American Writers 55 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 55 Mills, Ralph J., Jr.Language, Literature & Linguistics1966Go to website
4213ebraryRandolph Bourne - American Writers 60 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 60 Paul, ShermanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1966Go to website
4214ebraryRing Lardner - American Writers 49 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 49 Friedrich, OttoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1965Go to website
4215ebraryRobert Penn Warren - American Writers 44 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 44 West, PaulLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1964Go to website
4216ebraryRalph Waldo Emerson - American Writers 41 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 41 Miles, JosephineLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1964Go to website
4217ebraryRice Genetics and Cytogenetics Chang, Te-TzuLife Sciences1963Go to website
4218ebraryReinhold Niebuhr - American Writers 31 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 31 Scott, Nathan A., Jr.Language, Literature & Linguistics1963Go to website
4219ebraryRecent American Novelists - American Writers 22 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 22 Ludwig, JackLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1962Go to website
4220ebraryRecent American Poetry - American Writers 16 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 16 Cambon, GlaucoLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1962Go to website
4221ebraryRecent American Drama - American Writers 7 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 7 Downer, AlanLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1961Go to website
4222ebraryRobert Frost - American Writers 2 : University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers No. 2 Thompson, LawranceLanguage, Literature & Linguistics1959Go to website
4223ebraryRobert Falcon Scott Journals : Captain Scott's Last Expedition Scott, Robert FalconHistory&Political Sciences1910Go to website