

البرامج الاكاديمية

Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
موسوعات:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
NA380.B35 2004موسوعة التراث المعماري
N6260.B315 1999موسوعة العمارة و الآثار و الفنون الإسلامية
Encyclopedias : Main Library - Floor 1
NA200.S74 1977Encyclopaedia of world architecture
NA31.E58Encyclopedia of architectural technology
NA31.E59 1988Encyclopedia of architecture : design , engineering and construction
NA215.A7613 2003The encyclopedia of ancient Egyptian architecture
NA62.B35 1998The encyclopedia of associations and information sources for architects , designers , and engineers
Q121.M29 2009 McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of science & technology
Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
أدلة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
TA151.L512 1990دليل المهندس المدني
Handbooks : Main Library - Floor 1
NA2522.N47 1980Architects' data
NA2795.D88Color in townscape : handbook in six parts for architects , designers and contractors for city - dwellers and other observant people Martina Duttman , Friedrich
TJ163.3.E34 1978Efficient electricity use : a reference book on energy management for engineers , architects , planners , and managers
NA6212.H36Handbook of architectural details for commercial buildings
NA2540.H32Handbook of specialty elements in architecture
SB472.7.H26 1978Handbook of urban landscape
NA680.I48International handbook of contemporary developments in architecture
TH2031.M48 2007Metric handbook : planning and design data
TH851.N4 1979New metric handbook
TA418.76.B36 1978Paints & coatings handbook for contractors , architects , builders , and engineers
NA2750.M5 1977Planning
TA666.A5 1974Timber construction manual : a manual for architects , engineers , contractors , laminators and fabricators concerned with engineered timber building and other structures
TH151.T55 1974Time - saver standards for architectural design data
NA2700.M4 1981Working drawing handbook : a guide for architects and builders
Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
قواميس:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
NA380.N39 2002الكامل في مصطلحات العمارة الإسلامية من بطون المعاجم اللغوية
NA31.B3 1995معجم العمارة و الفن : عربي فرنسي - فرنسي عربي : مع مسرد فرنسي إنكليزي
NA31.M87 2008معجم المهم في مصطلحات هندسة المباني و المدن : انجليزي - عربي
NA380.R59 2000معجم مصطلحات العمارة و الفنون الإسلامية
NA380.Gh3 1988موسوعة العمارة الإسلامية : عربي - فرنسي - إنكليزي
Dictionaries : Main Library - Floor 1
NA31.C87 2006A dictionary of architecture and landscape architecture
NA31.C45 1995A visual dictionary of architecture
NA31.M68 2009Dictionary al-mufeed : for architecture & construction students : English - Arabic : terms in buildings , city - engineering , roads , & buildings materials
NA31.H25 2000Dictionary of architecture & construction
NA31.H32Dictionary of architecture and construction : over 1700 illustrations
NA31.D53Dictionary of design and decoration
NA380.P43 1996Dictionary of Islamic architecture
SB469.25.C47 2005Dictionary of landscape architecture and construction
SB469.9.N5313 2003Dictionary of today's landscape designers
NA31.M85 1997Dtv-atlas baukunst
NA31.H56Historic architecture sourcebook
NA31.B83 1998Illustrated dictionary of architecture
NA31.F54 1998The Penguin dictionary of architecture and landscape architecture
Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
مراجع عامة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
NA1583.R59 2003أطلس العمارة الإسلامية و القبطية بالقاهرة
DS110.G3M82 1995البنايات الأثرية الإسلامية في غزة و قطاعها
NA380.U4القيم الجمالية في العمارة الإسلامية
NA5978.H4A4 1989رقوم المسجد الإبراهيمي الشريف في خليل الرحمن : تحقيق و دراسة
General References : Main Library - Floor 1
N6260.C7A bibliography of the architecture , arts and crafts of Islam : supplements
NA1364.G6 1971bA history of Ottoman architecture
NA680.S5A visual history of twentieth - century architecture
TH2031.R35 1970Architectural graphic standards
NA380.A7 1983Architecture and community : building in the Islamic World today
N6916.W5 1973Art and architecture in Italy , 1600 to 1750
NX688.B87Art of Islam : language and meaning
N6756.H413Baroque art and architecture in central Europe : Germany , Austria , Switzerland , Hungary , Czechoslovakia , Poland . Painting and sculpture : seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ; architecture : sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Z5944.K35British and Irish architectural history : a bibliography and guide to sources of information
NA365.C6 1973Carolingian and Romanesque architecture , 800 to 1200
NA2599.C66 1993Companion to contemporary architectural thought
NA680.C625 1994Contemporary architects
NX820.J6D3 1998Darat al Funun : art , architecture , archaeology
NA380.C7 1979Early Muslim architecture
TA658.44.D67Earthquake resistant design : a manual for engineers and architects
TD170.S55E2Earthscape : a manual of environmental planning
N34.W34Glossary of art , architecture , and design since 1945 . Terms and labels describing movements , styles , and groups derived from the vocabulary of artists and critics
NA200.G76 1975bGreat architecture of the world
NA9053.S7J23 1995Great streets
NA2542.4.P356 1979Human dimension and interior space : a source book of design reference standards
NA6012.2.P34P52 1992Inventory of monuments at Pagan
NA1587.H54 1976bIslamic architecture in North Africa : a photographic survey
NA1478.J4K767 1994Jerusalem architecture
SB472.L36 2007Landscape architectural graphic standards
DS109.92.B8 1987Mamluk Jerusalem : an architectural study
DS109.92.O88 2000Ottoman Jerusalem : the living city : 1517 - 1917
Z679.T53 1977Planning and design of library buildings
Z5941.5.S43Sources of modern architecture : a critical bibliography
TH435.S7Spons' architects' and builders' pocket price book
N6260.B56 1994The art and architecture of Islam , 1250 - 1800
N7350.P3 1973The art and architecture of Japan
N6981.H34 1975The art and architecture of Russia
N7167.A76The art and architecture of Turkey
NA5989.6.P75 1993The churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem : a corpus
NA2780.E9 1993The complete illustration guide for architects , designers , artists and students
NA2515.P253 1997The four books on architecture
NA9246.K8S5The Kuwait urbanization : documentation , analysis , critique
SB470.5.J44 1975The landscape of man : shaping the environment from prehistory to the present day
NA2542.4.K38 1994The new urbanism : toward an architecture of community
NA680.P43 2004The Phaidon atlas of contemporary world architecture
NA2760.D42 1980Time-saver standards for building types
NA2760.D42 2001Time-saver standards for building types
NA7419.I73B348 1982Traditional houses in Baghdad
N7161.A87Turkish art and architecture
NA380.Q3 1987Variety in unity : a special exhibition on the occasion of the fifth Islamic summit in Kuwait
NA380.H6Western Islamic architecture
NA201.W6World architecture : an illustrated history
Q125.O24 1997 The Wilson chronology of science and technology
Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
رسائل ماجستير

Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
مواقع مجانية
Architectural Engineering :: الهندسة المعمارية
مجلات مطبوعه : موجودة في الطابق الأرضي
الهندسة المعمارية
1- مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث الهند
2- مجلة جامعة دمشق : العلوم الهندسية
3- المدينة العربية
4- العمران الجامعة الإسلامية
5- مجلة جامعة الملك سعود العلوم الهندسية
6- مجلة جامعة الملك سعود العمارة و التخطيط
7- المدينة العربية
8- مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الهندسية
9- مجلة جامعة الملك سعود / العلوم الهندسية
10- المهندس الفلسطيني
11- العمران العربي
12- مجلة اتحاد الاجامعات العربية للبحوث الهندسية
13- العمران : الجامعة الاسلامية
14- Landscape Ecology
15- Landscape journal - Madison
16- Landscape Research
17- Architectural Design
18- Architectural Review
19- Architects Journal
20- Journal of Landscape Architecture
21- Detail Review of Architecture and Construction Details
22- Architecture Today
23- Architecture and Urbanism
24- Volume
25- AJ Specification
26- Harvard Design Magazine
27- Structural Engineer