

البرامج الاكاديمية

Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
موسوعات:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
TK7804.M7 1982/85الموسوعة الإلكترونية
Encyclopedias : Main Library - Floor 1
TK7804.E47 1990Encyclopedia of electronics
TK7804.D68Illustrated encyclopedia dictionary of electronics
TK7804.M43 1984McGraw - Hill encyclopedia of electronics and computers
Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
أدلة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Handbooks : Main Library - Floor 1
TK7872.F5M67 1981Active filter design handbook : for use with programmable pocket calculators and minicomputers
TK7872.A6A6 1984Antenna engineering handbook
TK7871.6.A5 1993Antenna engineering handbook
TK7878.4.B37Basic electronic instrument handbook
TK7887.B54 2003Bigelow's PC hardware desk reference
TK7870.M399 1996Electronic components : selection and application guidelines
TK7825.F56Electronic engineers' handbook
TK7872.F5W55Electronic filter design handbook
TK7825.L3 1977Electronics designers' handbook
TK7825.E4 1976Electronics engineer's reference book
TK7825.E34 1982Electronics engineers' handbook
TK7825.H37Handbook for electronics engineering technicians
TK7867.J39Handbook of circuit analysis languages and techniques
TK7870.H23Handbook of components for electronics
TK7868.D5L44Handbook of digital electronics
TK7868.D5H37Handbook of digital IC applications
TK7870.W36Handbook of electronic systems design
TK7878.4.L45Handbook of electronic test equipment
TK7825.H36Handbook of electronics calculations for engineers technicians
TK7825.B7Handbook of electronics formulas , symbols and definitions
TK7871.58.O6R87Handbook of integrated - circuit operational amplifiers
TK7878.L42Handbook of practical electronic tests and measurements
TK7872.R35S3Handbook of rectifier circuits
TK7871.H3Handbook of thin film technology
TK7895.M5M463Microprocessor applications handbook
TK7871.95.R13RCA solid - state power circuits ; designer's handbook
Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
قواميس:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
TK7804.I37 2000دليل المصطلحات الإلكترونية
Dictionaries : Main Library - Floor 1
TK7804.A4Dictionary of electronics
TK7804.G56Dictionary of electronics : English - Arabic
TK7804.F3 1992Dictionary of electronics : English - French - Arabic
TK7804.H84Dictionary of electronics and nucleonics
TK7804.M35 1978Electronics dictionary : accurate , easy understand , and up - to - date definitions for 17 , 090 terms used in solid - state electronics , computers , television , radio , medical electronics ...
TK7804.E4 1966Elsevier's dictionary of electronics and wave - guides , in six languages , English , American , French , Spanish , Italian , Dutch and German
TK7804.O63Worterbuch Elektronik : English - Deutsch
Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
مراجع عامة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
General References : Main Library - Floor 1
TK7878.4.I52 1976CAMAC instrumentation and interface standards
TK7862.D5V35Computer aided design of digital systems : a bibliography
TK7885.A4C6Computer review
TK7871.9.B32 1974Second book of transistor equivalents and substitutes
TK7887.B553 1996Troubleshooting , maintaining , and repairing personal computers : a technician's guide
Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
رسائل ماجستير

Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
مواقع مجانية
Electronics :: الإلكترونيات
مجلات مطبوعه : موجودة في الطابق الأرضي
الهندسة الكهربائية
1- IEEE Spectrum
2- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
3- Elektor Electronics
4- Everyday With Practical Electronics
5- IEEE Transactions on Communications
6- Microprocessors and Microsystems
7- Journal of Communications and Networks
8- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
9- IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems
10- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
11- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
12- IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology
13- IEEE transactions on wireless communications
14- IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
15- IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology
16- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
17- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
18- IEEE Transactions on automation science and engineering
19- Journal Of Computational Analysis And Applications
1- Canadian geotechnical journal
2- Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering
3- IEEE Transactions on automation science and engineering
4- Internet Reference Services Quarterly