Birzeit University Library Staff Computer Use Policy
Computers are a tool much like a pen or a pencil, allowing a worker to do their job more effectively. The University provides these tools for the sole purpose of furthering the academic missions and goals of the University and the Library.
These tools are an expensive, limited commodity, and as such, regulations must be put in place governing their use.
  • Computers are provided for employees to better serve the library users and academic community. As such, computers may not be used for personal use at any time. This includes after hours and lunch breaks.
  • Work computers are not for the sole use of one employee. Many departments only have one computer. Employees must adhere to any schedule detailed by the Library Director or Department Head. Employees should not "customize" their desktops.
  • When using the computer, always logon using your user name and password. When leaving a computer, you must logout and leave the computer ready for the next user.
  • Network files are not private. Do not save any sensitive documents on any network drive except your own personal drive.
  • It is the responsibility of each employee to learn how to use the computer properly. If you need training, request it from your supervisor. All legitimate requests for training will be considered and accommodated if possible.
  • If there is a problem with the computer while you are using it, it is your responsibility to report the problem to the library’s computer support employee. If this employee is not immediately available, write the error message down to show at a later time.
  • Non-library employees are not allowed to use library staff computers.
  • The University has a major problem with computer viruses. A virus scan has been installed on all library computers. Do not disable this program.
  • Staff may not install any new program on library computers. If there is a program you wish to add, you must check with the library’s computer support employee for permission.
  • Employees may not copy any material or program from a library computer for distribution outside the library without the express written permission of the Library Director.
Employees found misusing computers in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

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