

Academic Programs

Chemistry :: الكيمياء
موسوعات:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
QD23.5.A45 2007الموسوعة العلمية الكيميائية
QD21.Sh7 1991موسوعة علماء الكيمياء
QD21.K43 2001موسوعة علماء الكيمياء : العرب و الأجانب
Encyclopedias : Main Library - Floor 1
QD251.E4Elsevier's encyclopedia of organic chemistry
QD415.A25E53 2004Encyclopedia of biological chemistry
QD5.N37 2002Encyclopedia of chemistry terms
QD466.E5313 2004Encyclopedia of the elements : technical data , history , processing , applications
QD5.M36 1983McGraw - Hill encyclopedia of chemistry
QD466.H295The encyclopedia of the chemical elements
Q121.M29 2009 McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of science & technology
RS51.M47 2013 The Merck index : an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals
Chemistry :: الكيمياء
أدلة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Handbooks : Main Library - Floor 1
QD61.S58C5Chemical technicians' ready reference handbook
QD51.S88CRC handbook of laboratory safety
QD78.K63Handbook of analytical derivatization reactions
QD271.L95 1982Handbook of chemical property estimation methods : environmental behavior of organic compounds
QD65.H3Handbook of chemistry and physics ; a ready - reference book of chemical and physical data
QD415.7.D48Handbook of natuarally occuring compounds
QD77.H37 1999Handbook of reagents for organic synthesis
QD466.A3413Handbook of the physicochemical properties of the elements
QD65.L36 1978Lange's handbook of chemistry
QD65.G64The chemist's companion : a handbook of practical data , techniques , and references
QD466.E48 1998The elements
Chemistry :: الكيمياء
قواميس:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
QD7.M84 2006المعجم الحديث لمصطلحات الكيمياء : عربي إنجليزي ، إنجليزي عربي
QD7.W38 2007قاموس المصطلحات الكيميائية : عربي ، إنجليزي : [إنجليزي ، عربي]
QD5.C4M8معجم الكيمياء : إنجليزي ، فرنسي ، عربي
QD291.I75 2002معجم المركبات العضوية الشائعة : خواصها و ثوابتها و مشتقاتها
QD5.N37 2002معجم مصطلحات الكيمياء
Dictionaries : Main Library - Floor 1
QD5.D49Dictionary of chemical terminology : in five languages English , German , French , Polish , Russian
QD5.D5 1966Dictionary of chemistry and chemical technology in six languages ; English , German , Spanish , French , Polish , Russian
QD246.D5 1965Dictionary of organic compounds : the constitution and physical , chemical and other properties of the principal carbon compounds and their derivatives , together with relevant literature references
QD411.D53 1984Dictionary of organometallic compounds
QD5.C5 1981The condensed chemical dictionary
QD5.F33 2005The facts on file dictionary of chemistry
QD5.V36The Van Nostrand chemist's
QD5.U64 1992Unified dictionary of chemistry terms : English , French , Arabic
Chemistry :: الكيمياء
مراجع عامة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
General References : Main Library - Floor 1
QD31.M52A comprehensive treatise on inorganic and theoretical chemistry
QD251.2.M37 1992Advanced organic chemistry : reactions , mechanisms , and structure
QD431.A3Advances in protein chemistry
QD462.A1A3Advances in quantum chemistry
QD65.E43An elementary chemical data book
QD96.N8A6Annual reports on NMR spectroscopy
QD474.K7Atlas of metal - ligand equilibria in aqueous solution
QD481.K64 1986Atlas of stereochemistry : absolute configurations of organic molecules
QD291.G53 1986Beilsteins index : trivial names in systematic nomenclature of organic chemistry
QD466.G74 1984Chemistry of the elements
QD113.T5 1980Colorimetric chemical analytical methods
QD400.C65 1984Comprehensive heterocyclic chemistry : the structure , reactions , synthesis and uses of heterocyclic compounds
QD251.2.C64Comprehensive organic chemistry : the synthesis and reactions of organic compounds
QD411.C65Comprehensive organometallic chemistry : the synthesis , reactions and structures of organometallic compounds
QD151.2.C64Coprehensive inorganic chemistry
QD281.S67E43 1984Electron deficient aromatic - and heteroaromatic - base interactions : the chemistry of anionic sigma complexes
QD21.F35Great chemists
QD8.5.A57 1979Guide to basic information sources in chemistry
QD8.5.M34How to find chemical information ; a guide for practicing chemists , teachers , and students
QD9.A43 1994How to use biological abstracts chemical abstracts , and index chemicus
QD156.I56Inorganic syntheses . v. 1 -
QD421.C67Introduction to alkaloids : a biogenetic approach
QD96.P62B68Line coincidence tables for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
QD503.W57Liquid - liquid equilibrium and extraction : a literature sourcebook
QD321.W568Methods in carbohydrate chemistry
QD271.M46Methods of biochemical analysis . v.1 -
QD415.N35Natural products chemistry
QD258.O82Organic reaction mechanisms
QD251.O7Organic reactions
QD262.O722Organic syntheses
QD412.P1O65 v.14.Organophosphorus chemistry
QD1.I5U5 1977Plenary and session lectures presented at the 26th International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry , Tokyo , Japan September 1977
QD911.S23Point group character tables and related data
QD77.R63 1967Reagent chemicals and standards , with methods of testing and assaying them ; also the preparation and standardization of volumetric solutions and extensive tables of equivalents
QD262.F5Reagents for organic synthesis
QD543.S6Solubilities of inorganic and organic compounds
QD466.L37 1978Table of isotopes
QD258.T4Technique of organic chemistry
QD241.T48Terahedron reports on organic chemistry
QD412.N1S6The chemistry of open - chain organic nitrogen compounds
QD461.B4 1983The Jahn - Teller effect : a bibliographic review
QD291.C55 1980The vocabulary of organic chemistry
Q177.B67 2010 Atlas of science : visualizing what we know
Q125.O24 1997 The Wilson chronology of science and technology
Chemistry :: الكيمياء
Chemistry :: الكيمياء
مجلات مطبوعه : موجودة في الطابق الأرضي
1- المجلة الاردنية في الكيمياء
2- Journal of the American Chemical Society JACS
3- Journal of the Chemical Society : Chemical Communications
4- Journal of the Chemical Society : Dalton Transactions
5- Analytical Chemistry
6- Chemical Reviews
7- Inorganic Chemistry
8- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
9- Archives of Toxicology
10- PCCP : Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
11- Chemical and Engineering News C&EN