

Academic Programs

Archaeology :: علم الاثار
موسوعات:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
CC70.H35 2003موسوعة الآثار التاريخية : حضارات ، شعوب ، مدن ، عصور ، حرف ، لغات
Encyclopedias : Main Library - Floor 1
CC70.C3The Cambridge encyclopedia of archaeology
Archaeology :: علم الاثار
أدلة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Handbooks : Main Library - Floor 1
CC77.5.B76 1997Alluvial geoarchaeology : flood plain archaeology and environmental change
CC70.D39 1977Archaeology : a reference handbook
CC75.7.D36The archaeology workbook
Archaeology :: علم الاثار
قواميس:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Dictionaries : Main Library - Floor 1
CC70.B73A dictionary of archaeology
CC70.D5 1988Dictionnaire de la prehistoire
CC70.I43 1977Illustrated dictionary of archaeology
CC70.D37 2008The concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology
CC70.P46 2001The Penguin archaeology guide
Archaeology :: علم الاثار
مراجع عامة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
CC135.C7612 2006أساسيات ترميم الآثار
CC77.U5S512 1965الآثار الغارقة
CC125.E4B5الآثار المصرية في وادي النيل
CC173.C3التاريخ و الآثار : الحلقة الدراسية الأولى 4-9 من فبراير سنة 1961
CC100.Q23 2010الحفائر الأثرية
CC76.F34 1993الرائد في فن التنقيب عن الآثار
CC165.I77 1996الرسم الآثاري
CC173.C6 1971المؤتمر السادس للآثار في البلاد العربية
CC165.K33 2004المدخل إلى علم الآثار
CC101.I75S5712 2001بحثا عن اله و وطن صراع الغرب على فلسطين و اثارها ( 1799 - 1917 م )
CC100.D3 1982تاريخ علم الآثار
CC77.U5M8 1965حضارات غارقة : قصة الكشوف الأثرية تحت البحر
CC135.H5 1992حماية الآثار و الأعمال الفنية
CC135.A85 2003حماية و صيانة التراث الأثري
CC165.E5B7رجال الآثار
CC135.C612 1990صيانة التراث الحضاري
CC135.Sh3 1975طرق صيانة و ترميم الآثار و المقتنيات الفنية
CC75.G3 1936علم الآثار
CC135.G5712 2002علم الآثار و صيانة الأدوات و المواقع الأثرية و ترميمها
CC76.S54 2003/04علم الحفائر : دراسة علمية تطبيقية
CC100.Q34 2007علم الحفائر و فن المتاحف
CC51.M8 1948مؤتمر الآثار في البلاد العربية ( المنعقد في دمشق ، صيف 1974 )
CC77.5.A85 2004مبادئ الجيولوجيا للآثاريين
CC125.Y3S3 1980معالم الآثار اليمنية
CC76.S24 1993مقدمة و بيبليوغرافيا [ أي : ببليوغرافيا ] لأعمال المسح و الحفريات الأثرية
CC75.G3412 1998مناهج البحث الأثري و مشكلاته
CC125.E4M9 1954موجز في وصف الآثار الهامة ، المتحف المصري
General References : Main Library - Floor 1
CC79.5.A5D74A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites : as developed by the Institut fur Palaeoanatomie , Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich
CC100.T75 1989A history of archaeological thought
CC100.D27 1975A hundred and fifty years of archaeology
CC107.B3 1934A manual of excavation in the Near East ; methods of digging and recording of the Tell en - Nasbeh expedition in Palestine
CC101.G7H83 1981A social history of archaeology : the British experience
CC79.E85A23 1996Abandonment of settlements and regions : ethnoarchaeological and archaeological approaches
CC75.A24Advances in archaeological method and theory
CC75.A25 1982Advances in archaeological method and theory : selections for students from volumes 1 through 4
CC115.W58H38 1982Adventurer in archaeology : the biography of Sir Mortimer Wheeler
CC173.B5An archaeological perspective
CC75.C535 1978bAnalytical archaeology
CC79.5.A5B3Animal diseases in archaeology
CC72.4.G53 1984Anthropological archaeology
CC79.E85O75 1981Anthropology for archaeologists : an introduction
CC75.F68 1977bApproaches to archaeology
CC79.5.A5A66Approaches to faunal analysis in the Middle East
CC9.C5G63Archaeological chemistry : a sourcebook on the applications of chemistry to archaeology
CC72.G37Archaeological constructs : an aspect of theoretical archaeology
CC72.W37 1984Archaeological explanation : the scientific method in archaeology
CC70.S5 1988Archaeological glossary : English - Arabic
CC82.3.A35 1989Archaeological illustration
CC75.G64 1971bArchaeological site science
CC81.V57Archaeological sites in their setting
CC72.A65 1993Archaeological theory : who sets the agenda ?
CC65.A67Archaeological theory and practice
CC135.S65 2004Archaeological theory and the politics of cultural heritage
CC95.A73 1989Archaeological thought in America
CC173.A73 1982Archaeology : myth and reality : readings from Scientific American
CC75.R4 1991Archaeology : theories , methods and practice
CC77.H5G67 2004Archaeology and colonialism : cultural contact from 5000 BC to the present
CC72.T48 2004Archaeology and modernity
CC75.C5 1969Archaeology and society ; reconstructing the prehistoria past
CC81.B87 1982Archaeology as human ecology : method and theory for a contextual approach
CC75.C57Archaeology by experiment
CC75.W46 1966Archaeology from the earth
CC165.B7A7Archeologists and what they do
CC75.K4 1961Beginning in archaeology
CC80.S33Behavioral archeology
CC65.H38B4Below the surface
CC76.5.A5C67 1974Bones for the archaeologist
CC76.5.A5C67 1956Bones for the archaeologist
Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
CC79.5.P6A76 1985Ceramic theory and cultural process
CC80.4.C65 1988Computer and quantitative methods in archaeology , 1987
CC80.4.C66Computer applications in archaeology , 1978
CC77.H5.C66 1994Conflict in the archaeology of living traditions
CC135.M86 2005Contemporary theory of conservation
CC135.C85 2000Cultural resource management in contemporary society : Perspectives on managing and presenting the past
CC79.D46H37Demographic archaeology
CC101.P23S57 1982Digging for God and country : exploration , archeology , and the secret struggle for the Holy Land , 1799 - 1917
CC76.S37 1995Digging through darkness : chronicles of an archaeologist
CC115.L4M8Digging up Adam ; the story of L . S . B . Leakey
CC75.C65 1970Digs and diggers : a book of world archaeology
CC81.S5Environmental archaeology
CC81.E68 2005Environmental archaeology : theoretical and practical approaches
CC81.E927 2003Environmental archaeology and the social order
CC76.D74 1999Field archaeology : an introduction
CC75.H45 1975Field methods in archaeology
CC79.5.A5C37Fish remains in archaeology and paleo - environmental studies
CC75.015Frameworks for dating fossil man
CC100.C4213 1971Gods , graves , and scholars : the story of archaeology
CC135.A3 2001Guidance on inventory and documentation of the cultural heritage
CC135.G85 2000Guidelines for the protection of the archaeological heritage
CC65.M3 1966aHands on the past ; pioneer archaeologists tell their own story
CC165.W3History unearthed ; a survey of eighteen archaeological sites through out the world
CC77.H5I33 1984Ideology , power and prehistory
CC75.7.I43 2005Images and artefacts of the ancient world
CC75.F34 1991In the beginning : an introduction to archaeology
CC75.F34In the beginning ; an introduction to archaeology
CC75.D4Invitation to archaeology
CC165.B3 1982Jericho : cities of the biblical world
CC77.U5B56 1995L'histoire engloutie : ou l'archeologie sous-marine
CC79.5.A5E94 1972Land snails in archaeology ; with special reference to the British Isles
CC79.E85G68 1980Living archaeology
CC165.C63 1975Lost cities
CC72.4.M36 1999Manifesting power : gender and the interpretation of power in archaeology
CC77.U5M83Maritime archaeology
CC165.M3Marxist perspectives in archaeology
CC75.D63Mathematics and computers in archaeology
CC75.W5 1958Method and theory in American archaeology
CC75.T57 1972Methods of physical examination in archaeology
CC75.C48 1972Models in archaeology
CC165.S9Modern discoveries in archaeology
CC135.N49 2008New heritage : new media and cultural heritage
CC65.B5New perspectives in archeology
CC76.5.A5O4Osteology for the archaeologist
CC173.P37Pattern of the past : studies in honour of David Clarke
CC72.S24 1982Philosophy and archaeology
CC79.P46D67 1994Photography in archaeology and conservation
CC400.M8Phrygian Fibulae from gordion
CC75.A3 1974Physics and archaeology
CC79.5.P6P665 1984Pots and potters : current approaches in ceramic archaeology
CC950.P3C3Pottery from the tombs at 'Ai (Et - Tell)
CC79.5.P6O78 1993Pottery in archaeology
CC79.5.P6R93 1981Pottery technology : principles and reconstruction
CC135.P7Preservation and reproduction of clay tablets and the conservation of wall paintings
CC77.5.H3Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
CC77.U5P76 1981Protection of the underwater heritage
CC72.R4 1998Reader in archaeological theory : post - processual and cognitive approaches
CC72.H62 1991Reading the past : current approaches to interpretation in archaeology
CC20.C3 1972Reconstructing complex societies : an archaeological colloquim
CC75.R42 1973Research and theory in current archeology
CC75.W54 1975Science and archaeology
CC75.B73 1970Science in archaeology : a survey of progress and research
CC77.5.C53 1996Seeing beneath the soil : prospecting methods in archaeology
CC75.7.S6Social archeology : beyond subsistence and dating
CC107.S46 1987Social theory and archaeology
CC75.H57S6Spatial analysis in archaeology
CC77.S9Sueveying in archaeology underwater
CC72.S94 1982Symbolic and structural archaeology
CC115.B7B68The Abbe Breuil , prehistorian ; a biography
CC165.E913 1966The buried past : a survey of great archaeological discoveries
CC100.C28 1996The Cambridge illustrated history of archaeology
CC107.L97The care and feeding of dirt archaeologists : a manual of sanitation , hygiene , and medicine for archaeological field expeditions in the Near East
CC135.C55 1986The challenge to our cultural heritage : why preserve the past ? Proceedings of Conference on Cultural Preservation , Washington , D.C. , 8 - 10 April 1984
CC175.E84 2006The ethics of archaeology : philosophical perspectives on archaeological practice
CC165.R36 1990The first millennium AD in Europe and the Mediterranean : an archaeological essay
CC165.G69 1976The great archaeologists
CC115.C45M38The method and theory of V. Gordon Childe : economic , social , and cultural interpretations of prehistory
CC100.D27 1968The origins and growth of archaeology
CC79.P4P47 1982The Petrology of archaeological artefacts
CC79.5.P6G86 1983The provenience , typology and chronology of Eastern Terra Sigillata
CC75.C6The seven caves ; archaeological explorations in the Middle East
CC79.5.A5C45The study of animal bones from archaeological sites
CC65.W67 1973The world of archaeology : the pioneers tell their own story
CC75.W66The young archaeologist
CC75.T68 1978bTime and traditions : essays in archaeological interpretation
CC175.F34 1995Time detectives : how archeologists use technology to recapture the past
CC100.C6 1978Towards a history of archaeology : being the papers read at the first conference on the History of Archaeology in Aarhus , 29 August - 2 September 1978
CC72.R46 1982Towards an archaeology of mind : an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge on 30 November 1982
CC75.7.T7Transformations : mathematical approaches to culture change
CC80.4.L63 2003Using computers in archaeology : towards virtual pasts
CC135.W697 2002World heritage : archaeological sites and urban centres
CC135.W67 2007World heritage : challenges for the millennium
CC79.5.A5Z66 2004Zooarchaeology and conservation biology
Archaeology :: علم الاثار
رسائل ماجستير

Archaeology :: علم الاثار
مواقع مجانية
1- Merriam Webster Online
2- A Web of On-Line Dictionaries
1- Encarta Encyclopedia
2- Concise Columbia Encyclopedia
1- ArchNet
Archaeology :: علم الاثار
مجلات مطبوعه : موجودة في الطابق الأرضي
علم الآثار
1- المجلة الأردنية للتاريخ و الآثار
2- أنباء كلية الآثار و الإنثروبولوجيا
3- Palestine Exploration Quarterly
4- Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society