General References : Main Library - Floor 1 |
CC79.5.A5D74 | A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites : as developed by the Institut fur Palaeoanatomie , Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich
CC100.T75 1989 | A history of archaeological thought
CC100.D27 1975 | A hundred and fifty years of archaeology
CC107.B3 1934 | A manual of excavation in the Near East ; methods of digging and recording of the Tell en - Nasbeh expedition in Palestine
CC101.G7H83 1981 | A social history of archaeology : the British experience
CC79.E85A23 1996 | Abandonment of settlements and regions : ethnoarchaeological and archaeological approaches
CC75.A24 | Advances in archaeological method and theory
CC75.A25 1982 | Advances in archaeological method and theory : selections for students from volumes 1 through 4
CC115.W58H38 1982 | Adventurer in archaeology : the biography of Sir Mortimer Wheeler
CC173.B5 | An archaeological perspective
CC75.C535 1978b | Analytical archaeology
CC79.5.A5B3 | Animal diseases in archaeology
CC72.4.G53 1984 | Anthropological archaeology
CC79.E85O75 1981 | Anthropology for archaeologists : an introduction
CC75.F68 1977b | Approaches to archaeology
CC79.5.A5A66 | Approaches to faunal analysis in the Middle East
CC9.C5G63 | Archaeological chemistry : a sourcebook on the applications of chemistry to archaeology
CC72.G37 | Archaeological constructs : an aspect of theoretical archaeology
CC72.W37 1984 | Archaeological explanation : the scientific method in archaeology
CC70.S5 1988 | Archaeological glossary : English - Arabic
CC82.3.A35 1989 | Archaeological illustration
CC75.G64 1971b | Archaeological site science
CC81.V57 | Archaeological sites in their setting
CC72.A65 1993 | Archaeological theory : who sets the agenda ?
CC65.A67 | Archaeological theory and practice
CC135.S65 2004 | Archaeological theory and the politics of cultural heritage
CC95.A73 1989 | Archaeological thought in America
CC1.A73 | Archaeology
CC173.A73 1982 | Archaeology : myth and reality : readings from Scientific American
CC75.R4 1991 | Archaeology : theories , methods and practice
CC77.H5G67 2004 | Archaeology and colonialism : cultural contact from 5000 BC to the present
CC72.T48 2004 | Archaeology and modernity
CC75.C5 1969 | Archaeology and society ; reconstructing the prehistoria past
CC81.B87 1982 | Archaeology as human ecology : method and theory for a contextual approach
CC75.C57 | Archaeology by experiment
CC75.W46 1966 | Archaeology from the earth
CC165.B7A7 | Archeologists and what they do
CC75.K4 1961 | Beginning in archaeology
CC80.S33 | Behavioral archeology
CC65.H38B4 | Below the surface
CC76.5.A5C67 1974 | Bones for the archaeologist
CC76.5.A5C67 1956 | Bones for the archaeologist
| Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
CC79.5.P6A76 1985 | Ceramic theory and cultural process
CC80.4.C65 1988 | Computer and quantitative methods in archaeology , 1987
CC80.4.C66 | Computer applications in archaeology , 1978
CC77.H5.C66 1994 | Conflict in the archaeology of living traditions
CC135.M86 2005 | Contemporary theory of conservation
CC135.C85 2000 | Cultural resource management in contemporary society : Perspectives on managing and presenting the past
CC79.D46H37 | Demographic archaeology
CC101.P23S57 1982 | Digging for God and country : exploration , archeology , and the secret struggle for the Holy Land , 1799 - 1917
CC76.S37 1995 | Digging through darkness : chronicles of an archaeologist
CC115.L4M8 | Digging up Adam ; the story of L . S . B . Leakey
CC75.C65 1970 | Digs and diggers : a book of world archaeology
CC81.S5 | Environmental archaeology
CC81.E68 2005 | Environmental archaeology : theoretical and practical approaches
CC81.E927 2003 | Environmental archaeology and the social order
CC76.D74 1999 | Field archaeology : an introduction
CC75.H45 1975 | Field methods in archaeology
CC79.5.A5C37 | Fish remains in archaeology and paleo - environmental studies
CC75.015 | Frameworks for dating fossil man
CC100.C4213 1971 | Gods , graves , and scholars : the story of archaeology
CC135.A3 2001 | Guidance on inventory and documentation of the cultural heritage
CC135.G85 2000 | Guidelines for the protection of the archaeological heritage
CC65.M3 1966a | Hands on the past ; pioneer archaeologists tell their own story
CC165.W3 | History unearthed ; a survey of eighteen archaeological sites through out the world
CC77.H5I33 1984 | Ideology , power and prehistory
CC75.7.I43 2005 | Images and artefacts of the ancient world
CC75.F34 1991 | In the beginning : an introduction to archaeology
CC75.F34 | In the beginning ; an introduction to archaeology
CC75.D4 | Invitation to archaeology
CC165.B3 1982 | Jericho : cities of the biblical world
CC77.U5B56 1995 | L'histoire engloutie : ou l'archeologie sous-marine
CC79.5.A5E94 1972 | Land snails in archaeology ; with special reference to the British Isles
CC79.E85G68 1980 | Living archaeology
CC165.C63 1975 | Lost cities
CC72.4.M36 1999 | Manifesting power : gender and the interpretation of power in archaeology
CC77.U5M83 | Maritime archaeology
CC165.M3 | Marxist perspectives in archaeology
CC75.D63 | Mathematics and computers in archaeology
CC75.W5 1958 | Method and theory in American archaeology
CC75.T57 1972 | Methods of physical examination in archaeology
CC75.C48 1972 | Models in archaeology
CC165.S9 | Modern discoveries in archaeology
CC135.N49 2008 | New heritage : new media and cultural heritage
CC65.B5 | New perspectives in archeology
CC76.5.A5O4 | Osteology for the archaeologist
CC173.P37 | Pattern of the past : studies in honour of David Clarke
CC72.S24 1982 | Philosophy and archaeology
CC79.P46D67 1994 | Photography in archaeology and conservation
CC400.M8 | Phrygian Fibulae from gordion
CC75.A3 1974 | Physics and archaeology
CC79.5.P6P665 1984 | Pots and potters : current approaches in ceramic archaeology
CC950.P3C3 | Pottery from the tombs at 'Ai (Et - Tell)
CC79.5.P6O78 1993 | Pottery in archaeology
CC79.5.P6R93 1981 | Pottery technology : principles and reconstruction
CC135.P7 | Preservation and reproduction of clay tablets and the conservation of wall paintings
CC77.5.H3 | Principles of archaeological stratigraphy
CC77.U5P76 1981 | Protection of the underwater heritage
CC72.R4 1998 | Reader in archaeological theory : post - processual and cognitive approaches
CC72.H62 1991 | Reading the past : current approaches to interpretation in archaeology
CC20.C3 1972 | Reconstructing complex societies : an archaeological colloquim
CC75.R42 1973 | Research and theory in current archeology
CC75.W54 1975 | Science and archaeology
CC75.B73 1970 | Science in archaeology : a survey of progress and research
CC77.5.C53 1996 | Seeing beneath the soil : prospecting methods in archaeology
CC75.7.S6 | Social archeology : beyond subsistence and dating
CC107.S46 1987 | Social theory and archaeology
CC75.H57S6 | Spatial analysis in archaeology
CC77.S9 | Sueveying in archaeology underwater
CC72.S94 1982 | Symbolic and structural archaeology
CC115.B7B68 | The Abbe Breuil , prehistorian ; a biography
CC165.E913 1966 | The buried past : a survey of great archaeological discoveries
CC100.C28 1996 | The Cambridge illustrated history of archaeology
CC107.L97 | The care and feeding of dirt archaeologists : a manual of sanitation , hygiene , and medicine for archaeological field expeditions in the Near East
CC135.C55 1986 | The challenge to our cultural heritage : why preserve the past ? Proceedings of Conference on Cultural Preservation , Washington , D.C. , 8 - 10 April 1984
CC175.E84 2006 | The ethics of archaeology : philosophical perspectives on archaeological practice
CC165.R36 1990 | The first millennium AD in Europe and the Mediterranean : an archaeological essay
CC165.G69 1976 | The great archaeologists
CC115.C45M38 | The method and theory of V. Gordon Childe : economic , social , and cultural interpretations of prehistory
CC100.D27 1968 | The origins and growth of archaeology
CC79.P4P47 1982 | The Petrology of archaeological artefacts
CC79.5.P6G86 1983 | The provenience , typology and chronology of Eastern Terra Sigillata
CC75.C6 | The seven caves ; archaeological explorations in the Middle East
CC79.5.A5C45 | The study of animal bones from archaeological sites
CC65.W67 1973 | The world of archaeology : the pioneers tell their own story
CC75.W66 | The young archaeologist
CC75.T68 1978b | Time and traditions : essays in archaeological interpretation
CC175.F34 1995 | Time detectives : how archeologists use technology to recapture the past
CC100.C6 1978 | Towards a history of archaeology : being the papers read at the first conference on the History of Archaeology in Aarhus , 29 August - 2 September 1978
CC72.R46 1982 | Towards an archaeology of mind : an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge on 30 November 1982
CC75.7.T7 | Transformations : mathematical approaches to culture change
CC80.4.L63 2003 | Using computers in archaeology : towards virtual pasts
CC135.W697 2002 | World heritage : archaeological sites and urban centres
CC135.W67 2007 | World heritage : challenges for the millennium
CC79.5.A5Z66 2004 | Zooarchaeology and conservation biology