

Academic Programs

Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
موسوعات:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
JA64.A6M38 2006موسوعة عالم السياسة : تعريف شامل بالسياسة فكرا و ممارسة
JA64.A6M39موسوعة السياسة
JA64.A6B57 2003الموسوعة السياسية و العسكرية
JA65.M38 2007الموسوعة السياسية و الإقتصادية : مصطلحات و شخصيات
Encyclopedias : Main Library - Floor 1
JF2011.D44 1983World encyclopedia of political systems & parties
JA61.W85World encyclopedia of political systems
JX1407.E53Encyclopedia of American foreign policy : studies of the principal movements and ideas
JC571.G7853 2003A guide to human rights : institutions , standards , procedures
Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
أدلة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Handbooks : Main Library - Floor 1
JA71.I57 1982International handbook of political science
JX1995.O74 1980Handbook of information , computer , and communications activities of major international organisations
JC328.3.D43 1983Political dissent :an international guide to dissident , extra - parliamentary , guerrilla , and illegal political movements
JA66.G74Handbook of political science : cumulative index
JC328.6.H36Handbook of political conflict : theory and research
JC599.U5B85 1974Civil rights ; a current guide to the people , organizations , and events
JF37.P6 1966Political handbook and atlas of the world
JF37.P65Political handbook of the world ; governments and intergovernmental organizations
JF515.D32H3Handbook of parliamentary procedure
JA27.I58 2000Handbook of the International Political Science Association
JZ4838.E97The Europa directory of international organizations
Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
قواميس:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
JA61.B3قاموس المصطلحات الدبلوماسية : إنجليزي - عربي مع مسرد عربي - إنجليزي
JA64.A8القاموس السياسي
JA64.A6B612 1978القاموس السياسي : مختارات
JA64.K7المصطلحات السياسية
JA62.D512 1994قاموس الفكر السياسي
JA60.K455 1999معجم المصطلحات السياسية و الدبلوماسية : عربي ، فرنسي ، إنكليزي
JZ1161.D36 2001معجم القدس =Al-Quds glossary : للمفردات و للمصطلحات السياسية و الإقتصادية و القانونية الدولية
JZ1161.E9412 2004قاموس بنغوين للعلاقات الدولية
JA61.B4312 2004معجم بلاكويل للعلوم السياسية
JA64.A6S55 1998معجم مصطلحات الإدارة العامة
JA64.A6S83 2004قاموس المصطلحات السياسية و الدستورية و الدولية : عربي - إنجليزي - فرنسي
JA62.D5712 2005قاموس علم السياسة و المؤسسات السياسية
JZ1161.K39 2008معجم المصطلحات الدبلوماسية و الإتيكيت الدبلوماسي : أول معجم شامل بكل المصطلحات الدبلوماسية المتداولة في العالم و تعريفاتها
DS37.2.S295 2011 معجم السياسيين المثقفين في التاريخ العربي و الإسلامي
Dictionaries : Main Library - Floor 1
JX1226.M3Diplomatic Hebrew : a glossary of current terminology
JA61.C47 1982The public administration dictionary
JA60.P65 2005Political dictionary and international conference terms : English - French - Arabic
JK9.P55 1967The American political dictionary
JK9.S2 1972The new language of politics ; a dictionary of catchwords , slogans , and political usage ,
JX1226.A24 1982A dictionary of international relations and conference terminology , English - Arabic
JX1226.F3 1974A dictionary of diplomacy and international affairs , English - French - Arabic
JA61.R62D5A dictionary of political analysis
JA61.S37A dictionary of political thought
JK9.M2The crescent dictionary of American politics
JX1977.U5G5 1978Glossary of conference terms ; English
JK9.S6 1968Dictionary of American politics
JA61.B37 1980al - Nahda dictionary of diplomatic , political and international terms
JA60.W34 1978A dictionary of modern political idiom English - French - Arabic
JZ1161.H33 2005A dictionary of diplomatic terminology and international relations : English - English - Arabic
JV22.T45 2003Post-colonial studies : the essential glossary
JZ1161.E93 1998The penguin dictionary of international relations
JZ1161.W45 2002International relations : a concise companion
JA60.P65 2004Political dictionary and international conference terms : English - French - Arabic
JV22.A84 2007Post-colonial studies : the key concepts
JA61.M66 2007Dictionary of politics , diplomacy & international relations : English - Arabic
Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
مراجع عامة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
JA81.S15تطور الفكر السياسي
JX1977.2.P3Q2 1977قرارات الأمم المتحدة بشأن فلسطين و الصراع العربي - الإسرائيلي 1947-1974
JC49.I25 1977بدائع السلك في طبائع الملك
JC197.M74روح الشرائع
JX1015.A72M7 1983جامعة الدول العربية : الواقع و الطموح
JX1015.A72M8 1978جامعة الدول العربية "ميثاقها و إنجازاتها"
JX1977.2.P3Q2قرارات الأمم المتحدة بشأن فلسطين و الصراع العربي - الإسرائيلي
JX1977.2.P3Q2 1981قرارات الأمم المتحدة بشأن فلسطين و الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي ، 1980
JQ1830.A71A33 2007الأداء البرلماني
JX5136.A4835A7 2009إتفاقيات جنيف المؤرخة في 12 آب / أغسطس 1949
General References : Main Library - Floor 1
JX1977.W467Who's who in the United Nations and related agencies
JX1635.S3 1979Satow's Guide to diplomatic practice
JX1977.G65 1969Charter of the United Nations ; commentary and documents
JC585.H847Human rights directory , Latin America , Africa , Asia : a directory of organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean , Africa , the Middle East , Asia , and the Pacific , concerned with issues of human rights and social justice
JF515.B78F8The Funk & Wagnalls book of parliamentary procedure ; a guide to democratic practice in meetings
JX1977.2.P34H3 1965United Nations resolutions on Palestine , 1947 - 1965
JX1977.2.U5F56Your man at the UN : people , politics , and bureaucracy in making foreign policy
JX1952.T6 1982To end war : a new approach to international conflict
JX1954.I5 1976International organizations in world politics , yearbook 1975
JX4143.M36 1988Mediterranean continental shelf : delimitations and regimes : international and national legal sources
JC571.A44 Amnesty international report
J83.V3Selected U. S. government series : a guide for public and academic libraries
JC423.I5International yearbook of organizational democracy for the study of participation , co - operation and power
JC571.H76944 1984North American human rights directory
JC571.H8 1983Human rights : a topical bibliography center for the Study of Human Rights Columbia University in the City of New York
JC571.U4Yearbook on human rights
JF2011.J34 1980Political parties : a cross - national survey
JF2051.D38Political parties of the world
JN12.B47The Arab world , 1900 - 1972
JN12.B5The major powers and western Europe , 1900 - 1971
JN329.P7D5 1979Directory of pressure group and representative associations
JQ1825.S32A73Arabian government and public services directory
JQ1879.A15G6The politics of African and Middle Eastern states : an annotated bibliography
JX27.C62American agencies interested in international affairs ...
JX121.I8 1967Major peace treaties of modern history , 1648 - 1967
JX231.D6C6Documents on American foreign relations
JX231.D6 1978American foreign relations
JX237.W55Digest of international law
JX1305.K73Foreign affairs bibliography : a selected and annotated list of books on international relations , 1962 - 1972
JX1405.F6America and the world , v.1 -
JX1930.U61Y4Yearbook of the International Law Commission
JX1904.A42Yearbook of international organizations
JX1974.S86World armaments and disarmaments ; SIPRI yearbook
JX1977.A1U54United Nations juridical yearbook
JX1974.U546The United Nations disarmament yearbook
JX1977.A2Yearbook of industrial statistics
JX1977.A37Y4Yearbook of the United Nations
JX1977.C482 1964A chronology and fact book of the United Nations , 1941 - 1964
JX1977.2.P34H33 1973United Nations resolutions on Palestine , 1947 - 1972
JX1977.2.P34U57 1977United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the Arab - Israeli conflict
JX1977.8.D6D57 1980Directory of United Nations information systems
JX1977.8.D6M37 1979Documentation of the United Nations system : co-ordination in its bibliographic control
JX1979.L3 1962International regional organizations : constitutional foundations
JX4505.F7The law of war : a documentary history
JX4505.U55Treaties governing land warfare
JX5136.A482 1949The Geneva Conventions of August 12 , 1949
JX1977.8.D6D57 1994Directory of the United Nations information sources
JX4084.J4J47 1994The Jerusalem question and its resolution : selected documents
J693.P22213Israel government yearbook
JC571.W884 1992World directory of human rights research and training institutions
JC361.E8 1994L'etat du monde edition 1995
JX1977.2.P34U575United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the Arab - Israeli conflict
JX5136.A45The Geneva conventions of 12 August 1949
JX1977.2.P3J47 1995Jerusalem in the United Nations resolutions : 1947 - 1995
JS3003.M8 1995Municipal year book and public services directory : 1995
JX1417.A33American foreign policy : current documents
JX233.A3Foreign relations of the United States
JC571.W889 1995World directory of human rights research and training institutions
JX1904.5.W67 2000World directory of peace research and training institutions
JX1995.W489Who's who in international affairs
JX1395.G575 1992the global agenda : issues and perspectives
JA51.S7The statesman's yearbook 2007 : the politics , cultures and economies of the world
Z8009.35.E54 2011 English publications of Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, (1929-2001)
G1046.F1A4 2011 Student atlas of world politics
Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
رسائل ماجستير

Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
Political Science :: العلوم السياسية
مجلات مطبوعه : موجودة في الطابق الأرضي
العلوم السياسية
1- كنعان
2- سياسات
3- السياسة الدولية
4- شؤون الأوسط
5- شؤون عربية
6- حوليات القدس
7- مجلة دراسات شرق أوسطية
8- المستقبل العربي
9- المنتدى
10- المجلة العربية للعلوم السياسية
11- مجلة فلسطينيات
12- لوموند ديبلوماتيك الكويت
13- دراسات باحث
14- أوراق فلسطينية
15- مجلة الدراسات الفلسطينية
16- السياسة الفلسطينية
17- مجلة مركز التخطيط الفلسطيني
18- البيادر السياسي
19- نشرة الهجرة القسرية
20- فتح
21- الطريق
22- الكتب وجهات نظر
23- قضايا إسرائيلية
24- البيادر السياسي
25- القدس
26- القدس وقائع و أحداث
27- الهدف
28- فلسطين المسلمة
29- الحرية
30- العودة
31- المجاهد
32- سياسات عربية
33- نشرة مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية
34- Journal of Palestine Studies
35- CSD Bulletin
36- Asian pacific perspectives : Japan
37- International Journal of Middle East Studies
38- Middle East Studies Association Bulletin
39- Middle East Policy
40- Other Israel
41- Palestine Israel Journal of Politics , Economics and culture
42- Arab Studies Journal
43- Jerusalem quarterly
44- Perceptions : Journal Of International Affairs
45- AL-Mashriq
46- Middle East Report
47- International review of the red cross
48- Al_Majdal
49- Forced Migration review
50- Revue d
51- Al_Majdal
52- Time
53- International Affairs (London)
54- British journal of Middle Eastern Studies