General References : Main Library - Floor 1 |
JX1977.W467 | Who's who in the United Nations and related agencies
JX1635.S3 1979 | Satow's Guide to diplomatic practice
JX1977.G65 1969 | Charter of the United Nations ; commentary and documents
JC585.H847 | Human rights directory , Latin America , Africa , Asia : a directory of organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean , Africa , the Middle East , Asia , and the Pacific , concerned with issues of human rights and social justice
JF515.B78F8 | The Funk & Wagnalls book of parliamentary procedure ; a guide to democratic practice in meetings
JX1977.2.P34H3 1965 | United Nations resolutions on Palestine , 1947 - 1965
JX1977.2.U5F56 | Your man at the UN : people , politics , and bureaucracy in making foreign policy
JX1952.T6 1982 | To end war : a new approach to international conflict
JX1954.I5 1976 | International organizations in world politics , yearbook 1975
JX4143.M36 1988 | Mediterranean continental shelf : delimitations and regimes : international and national legal sources
JC571.A44 | Amnesty international report
J83.V3 | Selected U. S. government series : a guide for public and academic libraries
JC423.I5 | International yearbook of organizational democracy for the study of participation , co - operation and power
JC571.H76944 1984 | North American human rights directory
JC571.H8 1983 | Human rights : a topical bibliography center for the Study of Human Rights Columbia University in the City of New York
JC571.U4 | Yearbook on human rights
JF2011.J34 1980 | Political parties : a cross - national survey
JF2051.D38 | Political parties of the world
JN12.B47 | The Arab world , 1900 - 1972
JN12.B5 | The major powers and western Europe , 1900 - 1971
JN329.P7D5 1979 | Directory of pressure group and representative associations
JQ1825.S32A73 | Arabian government and public services directory
JQ1879.A15G6 | The politics of African and Middle Eastern states : an annotated bibliography
JX27.C62 | American agencies interested in international affairs ...
JX121.I8 1967 | Major peace treaties of modern history , 1648 - 1967
JX231.D6C6 | Documents on American foreign relations
JX231.D6 1978 | American foreign relations
JX237.W55 | Digest of international law
JX1305.K73 | Foreign affairs bibliography : a selected and annotated list of books on international relations , 1962 - 1972
JX1405.F6 | America and the world , v.1 -
JX1930.U61Y4 | Yearbook of the International Law Commission
JX1904.A42 | Yearbook of international organizations
JX1974.S86 | World armaments and disarmaments ; SIPRI yearbook
JX1977.A1U54 | United Nations juridical yearbook
JX1974.U546 | The United Nations disarmament yearbook
JX1977.A2 | Yearbook of industrial statistics
JX1977.A37Y4 | Yearbook of the United Nations
JX1977.C482 1964 | A chronology and fact book of the United Nations , 1941 - 1964
JX1977.2.P34H33 1973 | United Nations resolutions on Palestine , 1947 - 1972
JX1977.2.P34U57 1977 | United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the Arab - Israeli conflict
JX1977.8.D6D57 1980 | Directory of United Nations information systems
JX1977.8.D6M37 1979 | Documentation of the United Nations system : co-ordination in its bibliographic control
JX1979.L3 1962 | International regional organizations : constitutional foundations
JX4505.F7 | The law of war : a documentary history
JX4505.U55 | Treaties governing land warfare
JX5136.A482 1949 | The Geneva Conventions of August 12 , 1949
JX1977.8.D6D57 1994 | Directory of the United Nations information sources
JX4084.J4J47 1994 | The Jerusalem question and its resolution : selected documents
J693.P22213 | Israel government yearbook
JC571.W884 1992 | World directory of human rights research and training institutions
JC361.E8 1994 | L'etat du monde edition 1995
JX1977.2.P34U575 | United Nations resolutions on Palestine and the Arab - Israeli conflict
JX5136.A45 | The Geneva conventions of 12 August 1949
JX1977.2.P3J47 1995 | Jerusalem in the United Nations resolutions : 1947 - 1995
JS3003.M8 1995 | Municipal year book and public services directory : 1995
JX1417.A33 | American foreign policy : current documents
JX233.A3 | Foreign relations of the United States
JC571.W889 1995 | World directory of human rights research and training institutions
JX1904.5.W67 2000 | World directory of peace research and training institutions
JX1995.W489 | Who's who in international affairs
JX1395.G575 1992 | the global agenda : issues and perspectives
JA51.S7 | The statesman's yearbook 2007 : the politics , cultures and economies of the world
Z8009.35.E54 2011 | English publications of Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, (1929-2001) |
G1046.F1A4 2011 | Student atlas of world politics |