

Academic Programs

Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
موسوعات:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Encyclopedias : Main Library - Floor 1
TK5105.15.E53 2005Encyclopedia of multimedia technology and networking
Q121.M29 2009 McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of science & technology
Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
أدلة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
Handbooks : Main Library - Floor 1
TK5102.5.C6Communication system engineering handbook
TK3301.E44Electric cables handbook
TK3271.N44 1982Electrical installation : questions and answers
TK5103.59.H36Handbook of fiber optics : theory and applications
TK435.M415 1993McGraw - Hill's handbook of electrical construction calculations
TK260.N2 1993McGraw - Hills national electrical code handbook
TK6575.S478Radar handbook
TK3221.K83 1981The lineman's and cableman's handbook
Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
قواميس:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
TK9.Sh3M8معجم مصطلحات الهندسة الكهربائية : عربي "مع التعاريف " إنجليزي ، فرنسي ، ألماني
TK7885.A2B38 2006 قاموس أعطال الكمبيوتر و إصلاحها
Dictionaries : Main Library - Floor 1
TK5102.S485 1998Computer dictionary
TK5105.5.W44 2000Computer science and communications dictionary
TK5102.V55 2001Dictionary of acronyms and technical abbreviations : for information and communication technologies and related areas
TK6544.D53 1980Dictionary of radio and television terms , English - German , German - English
TK5102.A7Dictionary of telecommunications
TK9.N37 1995Electrical engineering dictionary : English - French - German - Arabic
TK5102.E64 1976Elsevier's Telecommunication dictionary , in six languages , English , American , French , Spanish - Italian - Dutch and German
TK5102.N49 2001Newton's telecom dictionary : the official dictionary of telecommunications networking and Internet
TK5102.H87 2003Telecommunications dictionary
TK5102.K48 2006 The telecommunications fact book and illustrated dictionary
TK5102.N49 2007 Newton's telecom dictionary
TK3271.S266 2011 Dictionary of electrical installation work : illustrated dictionary : a practical A-Z guide
Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
مراجع عامة:المكتبة الرئيسية - الطابق الأول
General References : Main Library - Floor 1
TK2511.I5 1978Control in power electronics and electrical drives
TK2511.C64 1976Electric motors
TK5105.875.I57M55 1996The internet resource directory for K - 12 teachers and librarians
Q125.O24 1997 The Wilson chronology of science and technology
Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
رسائل ماجستير

Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
Electrical Engineering :: الهندسة الكهربائية
مجلات مطبوعه : موجودة في الطابق الأرضي
الهندسة الكهربائية
1- IEEE Spectrum
2- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
3- Elektor Electronics
4- Everyday With Practical Electronics
5- IEEE Transactions on Communications
6- Microprocessors and Microsystems
7- Journal of Communications and Networks
8- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
9- IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems
10- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
11- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
12- IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology
13- IEEE transactions on wireless communications
14- IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
15- IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology
16- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
17- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
18- IEEE Transactions on automation science and engineering
19- Journal Of Computational Analysis And Applications