Call Number |
Title |
Author |
Year |
GV1017.V6K48 |
A time comparison between the cross - over
step and the side - step and relationship of selected anthropometric
measurment to total movement response time in running to the side for use by
a volleyball player |
Khalil Khayambashi |
1980 |
GV1017.V6M8 |
Program evaluation in team sports -
volleyball |
John William ,1927- Murtha |
1977 |
GV1073.S5 |
Biomechanical analysis of successful
performances of a gross motor skillfor accuracy |
Said Khalil El-Shahed |
1981 |
GV174.H5 |
Adult participation in organized leisure
sports activities |
Dan Craig ,1948- Hilliard |
1977 |
GV1796.D57P3 |
The effects of discotheque dancing on
selected physiological and psychological parameters of college students |
Margaret Doyle Pappalardo |
1980 |
GV211.T48 |
The history of sport and physical education
as a field of study in higher education |
Raymond Clyde ,1921 Thurmond |
1976 |
GV224.A1O37 |
The Status of physical education ,
intercollegiate athletics and intramurals in Ohio's Community Colleges |
Norman Gene Grant |
1981 |
GV224.A1T23 |
A comparison of college students attitudes
enrolled in required or selective physical education classes |
Carlos Ray Hammonds |
1981 |
GV225.A1K3 |
An analysis of indoor physical education
space at selected universities in Canada |
Dennis Melvin Kadatz |
1980 |
GV297.N3 |
Redeveloping the physical education
curriculm for the Iranian elementary school K - 5 |
Mohammad Nabavi |
1978 |
GV309.A2 |
Physique type personality , and sex role
stereo types of Egyptian physical education students |
Mahmoud Soliman Abdelkader |
1980 |
GV342.22.G48 |
The evaluation of a program for the teaching
of essential mental skillsin sport |
Charles Foster Glore |
1981 |
GV343.5.G6 |
A survey of the relationship of selected
situational and personal variables to the performance of physical education
chair persons in institutions of higher education |
Mark Steven Goodman |
1980 |
GV343.5.J3 |
The role expectations for the physical
education supervisor |
Acquine ,1946 Jackson |
1980 |
GV346.J6 |
A study of the status of inferscholastic
athletic programs in the middle level schools of Colorado and anaylsis of
the professional coaching preparation of the coaches of selected programs |
Kay Louise Johnson |
1979 |
GV347.S5 |
An academic program for career athletes : a
philosophical enquiry into the place of sports in the modern university |
John Williams Siller |
1978 |
GV361.H3 |
A survey of professional preparation in the
area of physical education for public school elementary teachers and
physical education specialists in geographic areas served by the American
Alliance for health , physical education..... |
Linda Kay Parker Hamilton |
1981 |
GV363.M8 |
Professional displine orientation in
undergraduate curriculums for preparation of teachers of physical education
, 1978 - 1980 |
Robert Donald Murphy |
1980 |
GV436.5.B3 |
The effects of intensity and modified
circuit training programs on selected measures of physical performance |
Earl Henry ,1925- Baker |
1967 |
GV439.M8 |
The effect of two training loads on
specified fitness parameters insedentary adult women : ages 20 - 30 , 31 -
40 and over 41 |
Elsa Pereyra Muntzing |
1980 |
GV443.C6 |
The relationship between balance and
cognitive abilities of children aged eight to thirteen years |
Bryan Edward Marshall ,1936- Cooke |
1968 |
GV443.S55 |
The effects of physical activities on
academic achievement in elementary school children |
Sidney Jay Skolnick |
1981 |
GV447.O4 |
Analyzing fitness needs and prescribing
programs for the elderly population |
Jack Olcott |
1980 |
GV452.R3 |
Creative movement : an analysis of methods
used by experts |
Emma Hocking Ramirez |
1980 |
GV452.W7 |
The instructional behaviors , class content
, and class orgainzation of movement educators : relationship to movement
education theory and comparison to traditional practice |
Barbara Lynne Wright |
1980 |
GV464.5.B7 |
The effects of diet and exercise on selected
coronary risk factors in children |
Melanie K. Brown |
1981 |
GV483.S3 |
A comparative study of physical education
program influences on youth physical fitness levels in public schools in
Iraq & the United States |
Fadel Sultan Shrida |
1981 |
GV697.D5 |
The effects of physical training on the iron
status of female athletes |
Dorothy Mather Diehl |
1981 |
GV706.3.B5 |
A comparison of expressed sportmanship
attitudes of college athletes and nonathletes concerning ethical decision in
competitive situations |
Robert Michael ,1945- Birrenkott |
1976 |
GV706.5.M3 |
The role of sport in nation building a
comparative analysis of four newly developing nations in the Commonwealth
Caribbean |
Colin Arthur Martindale |
1980 |
GV706.5.M4 |
An analysis of the components of a
philosophical definition of sport and their relationship to the modification
of social attitudes |
Richard Allen ,1941 Metcalf |
GV709.2.W4 |
The effects of age modeling , and verbal
self - instruction on children's performance of a sequential motor task |
Maureen Renee Weiss |
1981 |
GV709.F3 |
Woman and sport : an existential analysis |
Brian William ,1947- Fahey |
1973 |
GV710.P6 |
An intramural - recreational sports
curriculum |
James Russell , Jr. Pope |
1980 |
GV837.2.K3 |
Social environment and incentives as
motivators in swimming |
Ahmed Fouad Kamal |
1980 |