  • BZU library has 8867 periodical titles, approximately 54 titles are current (English-Arabic).
  • The Library subscribes to several online databases to provide full text journals, eBooks and eThesis.
  • BZU library subscribes to three major Arabic newspapers (al-ayyam, al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Quds) and maintains back issues for a period of ten years, most of which are Cds & DVDs.
  • Current Arabic and English periodicals are arranged alphabetically by title.
  • Bound periodicals are shelved alphabetically by title, Arabic and English combined.
  • Indexes to periodicals are located in the reading hall of the main floor.
  • Complete volumes of Arabic and English journals are bound and can be used freely by users in the hall of Periodicals Division. Journals do not circulate.
  • Uncompleted volumes and unbound back issues are kept in closed storage and may be used with the permission of the periodicals staff.
  • Daily newspapers and heavily used Arabic magazines are arranged on a shelf in the reading hall of Periodical Division.
  • Microfilms and microfiche service assistance may be requested. Please ask staff for additional information.
  • Any user can use the photocopy machine in the periodicals department.
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