Library Awards:

eIFL Spotlight wins UNESCO IFAP a Success Story Grant to BZU Main Library

In March 2008, the UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP) invited UNESCO Member States, NGOs and professional groups to share their stories and good practices in using information for development in all parts of the world. The stories collected provide practical examples to inspire others and raise the visibility of the critically important role that information plays in development. submitted stories from its Spotlight series, which highlights achievements from eIFL members.
bR> We are delighted to announce that the eIFL Spotlight "Open Source Software brings a new lease of life to libraries in Palestine" was today selected by the Bureau of the Information for All Programme (IFAP) to receive project funding support of US$5,000 in order to replicate the story. Five stories, out of a total of 34 submissions, were selected to represent each UNESCO region (Africa, Arab States, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific).